Attachment Consummation


LETTER submitted by SkyPort International, Inc. (SkyPort)



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060303-00360 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                    555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20004—1304
                                                                    Tel: (202) 637—2200 Fax: (202) 637—2201

                                                                    FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
LATHAMsWATKINS@                                                     Brussels        New York
                                                                    Chicago         Northern Virginia
                                                                    Frankfurt       Orange County
                                                                    Hamburg         Paris
                                                                    Hong Kong       San Diego
   March 31, 2006                                                   London          San Francisco
                                                                    Los Angeles     Shanghal
                                                                    Milan           Silicon Valley
   DELIVERY                                                         Moscow          Singapore
                                                                    Munich          Tokyo
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                            New Jersey      Washington, D.C.
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554
   Attn:    JoAnne Lucanik, International Bureau
            Jeanette Spriggs, International Bureau

            Re:    SkyPort International, Inc., Notification of Consummation of Assignment of
                   File Nos. SES—ASG—20060303—00359 (Call Sign £050044); SES—ASG—
                   20060303—00360 (Call Signs £O00361; £010295)

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                This letter is written on behalf of SkyPort International, Inc. ("SkyPort") to notify
   the Commission that the above—referenced assignments of FCC licenses from SkyPort
   International, Inc. Debtor in Possession to SkyPort were consummated on March 30, 2006, upon
   approval of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas.‘ The order of
   the bankruptcy court is aftached hereto as Exhibit A.

                  In the event there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact the
   undersigned at (202) 637—2120.


                                                Jeffrey A. Marks


   \   The Commission granted its consent to the above—captioned applications by Public Notice on
       March 20, 2006, subject to approval of the bankruptcy court. Public Notice, Rep. No. SES—
       00805 at 2 (rel. Mar. 22, 2006).


                                          Exhibit A

                             Stipulation and Order of Dismissal

              United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas

                              In re: SkyPort International, Inc.


                           FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS
                                    HOUSTON DIVISION

In re:                                               §
SKYPORT INTERNATIONAL, INC,.,                        §          Case No. 05—95172—H2—11
                                                     §          (Chapter 11)
                           Debtor.                   §

                            STIPULATION AND ORDER OFDISMISSAL                      #¢ F/
         Upon consideration of the Motion for Order Dismissing Case (the "Motion‘") filed by the

Debtor; and due and adequate notice having been given under the circumstances; and it

appearing that the relief requested is in the best interests of the Debtor‘s estate, the creditors, and

other parties in interest; and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the "Committee")

having agreed to support the Motion in consideration of, among other things, the agreement of

the Debtor to provide for payment to unsecured creditors in the amounts set forth on the attached

Exhibit "A" and in accordance with the Stipulations set forth below; and good cause having been

shown for the relief requested;

         The Debtor and the Committee stipulate as follows:

         1.         Exhibit "A" is a list prepared by the Debtor of its creditors holding prepetition

unsecured claims, which the Debtor represents to be accurate according to its books and records;

         2.     For all creditors identified on Exhibit "A" as having claims of $10,000 or less, the

Debtor has agreed to pay such creditors 100% of the amount so identified;

         3.     For all creditors identified on Exhibit "A" as having claims of greater than

$10,000 but less than $100,000, the Debtor has agreed to make an initial payment to each such

creditor consisting of 1/3 of the amount so identified; provided, however, that all such creditors

shall retain all rights and remedies, under any applicable law, with respect to the remaining 2/3


 of such creditor‘s claim.         To the extent creditors have or may agree to extend the Debtor

repayment terms, the one—third (1/3) payment shall be deemed to have been made in month one,

there shall be no payment in month two and payments shall resume in month three;

         4.        For all creditors identified on Exhibit "A" as having claims equal to or greater

than $100,000, the Debtor has advised the Committee, and the Committee so believes, that the

Debtor has reached agreement with each such creditor with respect to the satisfaction of such

creditor‘s claims and payment shall be made by the Debtor in accordance with such agreements;

         5.        The payments described in Paragraphs 2—4 above shall be made by the Debtor by

check mailed to such creditors (i) on the 11°" day after entry of this Order and the final order

approving the Debtor‘s motion to approve post—petition financing provided no appeal to either

order is perfected within such time or (ii) as otherwise agreed between the Debtor and such


        6.         The checks for all payments described in Paragraphs 2—4 above shall have been

delivered to Debtor‘s counsel prior to entry of this Order with instructions for such payments to

be delivered in accordance with Paragraph 5 above;

        7.         Debtor acknowledges that it is liable for the allowable fees and expenses of

McClain, Leppert & Maney, P.C. as professionals retained by the Committee.

        Accordingly, it is hereby

        ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED;

        ORDERED that Case No. 05—95172—H2—11 is dismissed without prejudice;

        ORDERED that to the fullest extent permitted, the Court shall retain jurisdiction to

enforce the terms of this Order with respect to payment of the creditors identified on Exhibit "A"

to this Order; and it is further


         ORDERED that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine any disputes concerning

the payment of professionals retained in this Case for payment of fees and expenses incurred

prior to entry of this Order;

         ORDERED that the Debtor within twenty (20) days of the date of entry of this Order

shall file with the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy court a statement of any disbursements

made during each calendar quarter and of any fees payable under 28 U.S.C. § 1930(a)(6) for that

quarter during the period from February 1, 2006, through the date of entry of this Order, and

shall serve a true and correct copy of said statements on the United States Trustee. It is further

         ORDERED that the Debtor with twenty (20) days of the date of entry of this Order shall

pay the appropriate sum of quarterly fees due and payable pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1930(a)(6) by

remitting payment to the United States Trustee, P.O. Box 198246, Atlanta, Georgia, 30384, and

shall furnish evidence of such payment to the United Sates Trustee, 515 Rusk, suite 3516,

Houston, Texas. The payment shall reflect the Debtor‘s account number and shall be transmitted

with a "Chapter 11 Quarterly Disbursement and Fee Report" available from the United States

Trustee. This Court shall retain jurisdiction to enforce payment of fees assessed pursuant to 28

U.S.C. §1930(a)(6).             .

        DATED:        ZZ%@JZ_ 4d 200C

                                              The Honorable Wesley W. Steen
                                              United Sates Bankruptcy Judge


         David P.
         State Bar No. 13386020
         Tony L. Draper
         State Bar No. 00798156
         South Tower, Pennzoil Place
         711 Louisiana Street, Suite 3100
         Houston, Texas 77002


         William A. (Trey) Wood, III
         State Bar No. 21916050
         Stephanie S. Rosenberg
         State Bar No. 24033019
         711 Louisiana, Suite 2300
         Houston, Texas 77002



Document Created: 2019-04-14 15:47:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 15:47:02

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