Attachment Extension

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060209-00257 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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       Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                     .
       Secretary                                                             RECEIVED
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12" Street, S.W.                                                   MaY 12 2006
       Washington, DC 20554
                                                                         redant Communaton Comnisson
               Re:— ABC Radio Networks, LC                                      Swedl esw
                      IBFS File No. SES—A$G—20060209—00257
                      Request for Exten   of Time to Consummate

       Dear Sir or Madam:

               ABC Radio Networks, LLC (*ABC Networks") hereby requests a sixty—day extension of
       time to consummate theproforma assignment ("Assignment")set forth in IBFS File No. SES—
       ASG—20060209—00257 ("Application"). As stated in the Application, the Assignment is part ofa
       Targer reorganization of certain subsidiaries ofThe Walt Disney Company ("TWDC"). TWDC
       also is seeking Federal Communi¢ations Commission consent to transfersof control related to a
       proposed merger of certain radio subsidiaries ("Merger Transaction‘). ABC Networks
       tentatively plans to consummate the Assignment simultancously with the Merger Transaction.
       However, certain applications related to the Merger Transaction remain pending. Therefore, an
       extension oftime to consummate the Assignment is necessary. Accordingly, ABC Networks
       respectfully requests a 60—day extension oftime to consummate the Assignment.
               Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.
                                                             Respectfully yours,

                                                            Tom W. Davidson, Esq.
       ce      Cassandra Thomas (viae—mail)
               JoAnn Lucanik, (via email)

  Robac 5. Svases Suidng t333 NeHanpanieAreedh NIW / astngo, .. 2oomt5e zse ar on o 202 B7 28 / ww ainguns com

Document Created: 2006-06-07 15:45:23
Document Modified: 2006-06-07 15:45:23

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