Attachment 1.65 letter

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20051129-01652 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              DEC 1 3 2005
                                              Satelite Dhision
December 8, 2005
                                             InternationalBureau   navid a. ocomonr
                                                                   on as—inso
                                                                   Internt Addres

Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.
Secretary                                                              RECEIVED
Pederal Communications Commission
236 Massachusetts Ave., NE                                              DEC — 8 2005
Suite 110                                                                             §
Washington, DC 20002                                               T ono
ATTN: Satellite Division, International Bureau

             Re:    FCC File No. SES—ASG—20051120—01652
                   Assignment of Earth Station E940509 from
                   J.A. Taylor & Associates to Central Satellite Service, L.L.C.
                   Amendment to Pending Assignment Application
Dear Ms. Dortch:

      On behalf of Central Satellite Service, L.L.C.,! the proposed Assignee in the
above—captioned application (‘Assignee"), and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, the application is hereby amended as follows:
      In response to Question A21 of the application, the following is submitted as
Exhibit :
      "Assignee submits that a grant of this application will serve the public
interest because it will allow Assignee to provide important breaking news, weather
and other information for ultimate transmission to the viewing public. A denial of
this applieation would disserve the public interest because it would result in a
decrease in the number of live satellite transmission links available to cover
important news and weather information, since the Assignor no longer wishes to
use the earth station for such purposes."
      An extra copy of this letter is enclosed. Please date—stamp the extra copy and
return it to the courier.

   * FRN 0014274146

Federal Communications Commission
December 8, 2005
Page 2

      Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the
                                         Respectfully submitted,
                                         HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP
                                     /,\2“’//1 $iz<
                                          avid A. O‘Connor
                                         Counsel for
                                         Central Satellite Service, LL.C.

ce (via e—mail): Jeanette Spriggs, FCC


Document Created: 2005-12-14 09:53:15
Document Modified: 2005-12-14 09:53:15

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