Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20051121-01611 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                          CoLE, Raywip & BRaAvERMAN, L.L.P.
                                              ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                 1919 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W., SUTE 200
  MaRia T. Browne                                                                             Los Ancetes orrice
                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006—3458                        2381 Reseerans Avenue, Sue IIO
   Warren‘s E—Mai                                                                       EL Seouno0, Cauronnia ©0245—4200
                                         TeLepHone (202) 659—9750                                                                           Tecerhone (3I0) 643—7900
                                             Fax (202) 452—0067                                 Fax (aio» 642—7097

                                                 March 15, 2006                           MAR 3 0 2006
                                                                                          Satellite Division
                                                                                        International Bureau

   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission                              MAR 15 2006
   445 12th Street, SW                                              1
   Washington, DC 20554

   Attn:   Eleanor Lott
           International Bureau— Earth Stations

           Re:      E890944   (Various)                    E010258 (Richmond, CA)
                    E000584   (Richmond,   CA)             E950212 (Richmond, CA)
                    E000585   (Richmond,   CA)             E950370 (Richmond, CA)
                    E000596   (Richmond,   CA)             E970116 (Richmond, CA)
                    E010232   (Richmond,   CA)             E980153 (Richmond, CA)
                    E010233   (Richmond,   CA)
                    File No. SES—ASG—20051121—01611
                    Notice of Consummation of Assignment of Earth Station

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

          On behalf of ABS—CBN International, Inc., this is to advise the Commission that all acts
   necessary to consummate the assignments of the above—referenced earth station assignments from Loral
   SpaceCom Corp., to ABS—CBN International, Inc. were completed.

          Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact
   undersigned counsel.


                                                           Maria T. Browne
   g€:     Zenon Carlos
           Steve Moreen
           Stan Edinger


Document Created: 2006-03-21 07:15:57
Document Modified: 2006-03-21 07:15:57

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