Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20050923-01316 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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    Covington & Buruing

    1201 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW   WASHINGTON, DC                             WILLIAM H. FITZ
    wasHINGToN, DC 20004—2401     new vork                                   TeL 202.562.5120
    TEL 202.662.6000              LONDON                                     Fax 202.778.6120
    FAX 202.662.6201              pnussels                                   weitze
    www.cov.coOM                  SaN FRANCISCO

                                             January 30, 2006

Mariene H. Dortch                                                    HECEIVED
Secretary                                                                           Sang
Federal Communications Commission                                      JAN 3 0 2095
445 Twelfth St., S.W.                                                       uunications Commission   Cl
Washington, DC 20554                                             *.9 CAfticeofSecretery
Attn:   Satellite Division
        International Bureau

                   Assignment of TVRO Earth Station Registrations
           to Barrington Broadcasting Texas Corporation (FRN 0013312012)
                         E050068, Amarilio, Potter County, TX
                         E980150, Amarillo, Potter County, TX
                                E4938, Amarillo, Potter County, TX
 Notice of Consummation of Assignment of Registrations of TVRO Earth Stations

Dear Ms. Dortch:

             On behalf of Barrington Broadcasting Texas Corporation, we hereby notify
the FCC that assignment of the registrations of the above—referenced Domestic Satellite
Receive—Only (TVRO) Earth stations from NVG—Amarillo, LLC to Barrington
Broadcasting Texas Corporation was consummated effective August 2, 2005. On
Wednesday, October 5, 2005, the FCC gave Public Notice of the grant of SES—ASG—
20050923—01316, a Form 312 Notification of the Assignment of the Registrations. This
letteris being filed to request that the IBFS records be updated to reflect the fact that
the registrations have been assigned to Barrington Broadcasting Texas Corporation
(FRN 0012212012).

                 Any questions regarding this matter may be directed to the undersigned.

                                                      T #s
                                                   Respectfully yours,

                                                   William H. Fitz
                                                   Attorney for Barrington Broadcasting Texas

Document Created: 2006-01-31 14:53:27
Document Modified: 2006-01-31 14:53:27

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