Attachment Joint Response

Joint Response

RESPONSE TO REPLY COMMENTS submitted by SkyTerra Communications, Inc. ("SkyTerra") and Hughes Network Systems, Inc.("HNS

SkyTerra and Hughes hereby respond to the comments of ViaSat, Inc.


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20041223-01892 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        Before the
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                 Washington, DC 20554
Applications of                              )
Hucnes Nerwork Sysrems, Inc.,                ) 1B File No. SES—ASG—20041223—01802
           Assignor,                         )
     and                                     ) 11 File No. SES—A8G—20041223—01893
HNS License Sus LLC,                         ) 1B File No. SES—ASG—20041223—01882
HNS License Sum Lto                          )
            Assignees,                       )
                                             )                              — FCC
For Consent to Assign Earth Station          )              RepeivEd
Licenses and Associated STAs                 )                 mar 2 2 2005
To: International Bureau                                  Fade Communicaton Connmiescn
                                                                 duses on

       SkyTerra Communications, Inc. (‘SkyTerra") and Hughes Network Systems, Inc.
("HNS") hereby respond to the comments of ViaSat, Inc. (‘Comments") regarding the
above—referenced applications ("Applications").. ViaSat, one of HNS‘s competitors, is
the only party that filed comments with respect to this transaction. ViaSat‘s Comments
are untimely and itsallegations are fundamentally flawed in theory and unsupported by
facts. The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") therefore
should summarily dismiss ViaSat‘s Comments and promptly grant the Applications in
order to allow a prompt closing of the proposed transaction. To do otherwise would have
the unintended effect of rewarding ViaSat‘s efforts, through its delayed filing, to abuse
the ECC process to gain compeitive advantage

        ViaSat‘s Comments should be dismissed without further consideration because
they are untimely and not properly supported.‘ ViaSat filed its Comments—the only
comments fled in the proceeding—almost three weeks late ® ViaSat‘s claim that it "only
recently realized the full impact of the transaction‘"is not an adequate justification for
late filing because all of the relevant information has been a matter of public record for
months or even years * Moreover, contrary to ViaSat‘s assertion,© timeliness is critical in
this case. Other than FCC approval, the parties have received all of the outstanding
domestic regulatory approvals that are required to consummate the proposed transaction,
including early termination ofthe Hart—Scott—Rodino waiting period, and believe thatthey
will be able to close the transaction within days of receiving Commission approval of the

‘ See License ofNational Science and Technology Network, Inc., Memorandim Opinion
and Order, 17 ECC Red 365, a § 6 (2001); Additional U.S.—International Routes
Exempted From the International Settlements Policy, Public Notice, 19 FCC Red 22032,
at4n. 10 (tB 2004)
* Public Notice occurred on January 26, 2005. Report No. SES—00680 (rel. Jan. 26,
2005). Comments were due 30 days thereatter, on February 25, 205. See 47 CFR.
§§ 25.151(0),25.154(@). ViaSat filed its Comments on March 16, 2005—19 days late
* See ViaSat Motion for Leave to File Late—Filed Comments, at 1, 3—4
* Specifically, Liberty‘s indirect ownership interest in HNS was approved by the
Commission in December 2003 and its non—controlling interest in WildBlue
Communications, Inc. (‘WildBlue") was a matter of public record long before that date
Intelsat‘s non—controlling interest in WildBlue has been a matter of public record since
Jure2003, Apollo‘s proposed non—controlling interestin Intelsat was announced in a
public notice dated September 3, 2004. Finally, Apollo‘s proposed interest in HNS has
been a matter of public record since December 23, 2004
* See ViaSat Motion for Leave to File Late—Filed Comments, at 3

        Further, ViaSat‘s Comments rely primarily on speculation rather than facts, and
the few facts that are asserted are not supported by the required affidavit or any other type
of evidentiary support.® The Commission has previously recognized that "[t}he interests
of orderly procedure require that procedural requirements of our rules be observed.""
This is especially applicable where, as here, an entity sleeps on its rights and the resulting
delay could threaten the timely closing of a transaction.        Summary dismissal of the

Comments is therefore warranted."

       ViaSat requests that the Commission make certain unspecified inquiries® based on
unsupported charges that the proposed transaction could cause harm with respect to both
(i) very small aperture terminal ("VSAT") business services; and (i) residential Ka—band
broadband satellite equipment.. The theory underlying both arguments is fundamentally
and fatally flawed

A.     ViaSat‘s Vertical Foreclosure Concerns Regarding Intelsat are Groundless

       ViaSat alleges that Apollo‘s indirect ownership interest in the Fixed—Satellite

Service ("FSS®) business of Intelsat, Ltd. ("Intelsat") and Apollo‘s proposed indirect

© See 47 C.FR. 25.154(a)(4) (requiring comments to be supported by an affidavit)
  See Amendment of Section 73.202, Table of Assignments, FM Broadcast Stations
(Geneva, Ala, etal., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 11 ECC 24 204, at 1 1 n.1
* See Application ofKGET(TV), Inc. for Renewal of License of Station KGET(TV),
Bakerstield, California, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 11 FCC Red 4168, at 1 3
(1996) (dismissing a petition to deny because the petitioner did not include a required
supporting affidavit); Claircom Communications Group, L.P., Memorandum Opinion and
Order, 8 FCC Red 7258, at 9 2 (MSD 1993) (dismissing a petition as "defective on ts
face" for failure to include a required affidavit)
° See ViaSat Comments,at 2, 5

interest in the HNS VSAT business provide Apollo with an incentive to cause Intelsat to

taise ESS space segment prices and to restrict overall output.           This allegation is
groundless for two main reasons: (i) Apollo does not control Intelsat; and (i) the market
in which Intelsat operates is fully competitive
        Apollo does not control Intelsat and therefore is unable to cause Intelsat to take

actions merely to benefit Apollo‘s interest in HNS.. Apollo indirectly holds less than 25%
of the outstanding voting and equity interest in Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. (formerly named
Zeus Holdings Limited),"" the entity that controls Intelsat,and is entitled to appoint only
two often Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. directors."" As ViaSat rightly points out, voting control
of Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. is equally split among four private equity fund groups. The
three other private equity fund groups indirectly own less than 75% of Intelsat Holdings,
Ltd. and will appoint a majority of the company‘s board of directors."" These entities
have no incentive to cause Intelsat to take actions merely to benefit HNS—a company in
which they have no financial nterest

       More fundamentally, from a competition perspective, Intelsat does not have the
market power necessary to effectuate vertical foreclosure.. A vertical foreclosure strategy
only can be undertaken if the upstream company (ie, Intelsat) possesses sufficient
market power to raise prices and restrict output without losing market share." The

‘° Zeus Holdings Limited recently changed its name to Intelsat Holdings, Ltd
‘" The parties recently agreed to expand the Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. board of directors to
ten directors. Each ofthe private equity funds has the right to appoint two directors and
the remaining two directors will be Intelsat executives
"" Intelsat management holds the shares not owned by the private equity fund groups
‘* The market share of the downstream company (ie., HNS) is irelevant to the ability of
the upstream supplier (Le., Intelsat) to practice vertical foreclosure. Consequently, we
need not address the relevant market in which HNS participates or HNS‘s share ofthat
market. See ViaSat Comments,at 3 & n 4.

Commission recently held that Intelsat does not possess such market power,"" and ViaSat

does not claim that the competitive landscape has changed. Furthermore,if Intelsat were
to raise prices or restrict output, HNS‘s competitors merely would changetheir upstream
sources and purchase their FSS space seament from an Intelsat competitor, such as SES
Americom, PanAmSat, SatMex, or Telesat, among others."*

B.       ViaSat‘s Allegations About WildBlue Are Groundless

         ViaSat‘s arguments regarding WildBlue are equally untenable. The gravamen of
ViaSat‘s complaint is not about harm to competition, but rather involves ViaSat‘s private
relationship with WildBlue.. ViaSat alleges that WildBlue ar some point in the future
may purchase Ka—band consumer broadband ground seament equipment from HNS rather
than ViaSat once HNS begins selling such equipment"* Besides being absurdly
speculative, this complaint involves a private contractual matter. The Commission has a
longstanding policy of refiaining from intervening in such matters, especially in the
context oflicense assignment proceedings.""
         In any event, ViaSat‘s theory that the proposed. transaction provides News
Corporation, Intelsat and/or Liberty Media Corporation ("Liberty®) with an "incentive" to

"" See, eg., Loral Satellite, Inc. (Debtor—in—Possession) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation
(Debtor—in—Possession), Assignors and Intelsat North America, LLC, Assignee, Order
andAuthorization, 19 FCC Red 2404, at § 30—31 (IB 2004) (holding that Intelsatis
incapable ofusing a vertical foreclosure strategy because it does not have market power
with respect to domestic FSS space seament)
* See ViaSat Comments, t 3
"* See ViSat Comments, at 4—5
‘" When evaluating the effect ofa proposed merger transaction, the Commission focuses
on the harm to consumers or compatition generally in the relevant market, not the impact
on particular service providers. See, e,g. ATT Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular
Wireless Corporation, Memorandum Opinian and Order, 19 FCC Red 21522,at 1 172

cause WildBlue to change equipment vendors is pure fancy."*. News Corporation does
not hold a direct or indirect interest in WildBlue and Intelsat does not hold a direct or
indirect interest in HNS. Further, the only entites that will hold indirect interests in both
HNS and WildBlue are Apollo and Liberty."" Neither entity has control over WildBlue
and Liberty does not have control of HNS. Moreover, Apollo does not control Intelsat
and Apollo‘s interest in HNS does not provide Intelsat with an incentive to select HNS as
an equipment vendor. Nothing related to this transaction provides Intelsat with a reason
to join with Liberty to change WildBlue‘s equipment vendor."" In short, ViaSat‘s
speculation about a fiture alliance among Intelsat, News Corporation, and Liberty Media
regarding WildBlue has no basis in fact and no relationship to the proposed transaction
111.    CoNCLUSION
        SkyTerra and HNS are prepared to consummate the proposed transaction within
the next three weeks and expectall other conditions precedent to closing will be satisfied
in that time frame. The parties are presently involved in financing. the proposed
transaction in the capital markets and timelyFCC approval is important to the completion
of such financing. ViaSat‘s late—filed and meritless Comments should not be permitted to

‘* See ViaSat Comments, at 4
‘* Apollo holds a non—controlling indirect minority interest n Intelsat through its minority
interest in Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. (asset forth above) and a controlling interest in HNS
though its controlling interestin SkyTerra. Liberty holds a non—controlling indirect
minority interest in HNS through its minorityinterest in News Corporation and a non—
controlling direct minority interest in WildBlue
* ViaSat‘ claim that Intelsat "abandoned" an agreement with WildBlue is not supported
by the sources to which ViaSat cites. See ViaSat Comments, at 5. Contrary to ViaSat‘s
assertion, there is no supgestion in these sources of any activity beyond normal
contractual relationships, nor is there any suggestion of any "influence" being exercised
by Apollo

delay Commission action on the Applications, The Commission should dismiss the
Comments or, in the alternative, deny the requested relief. Accordingly, the parties
respectfully request the Commission to expeditiously grant the Applications to allow a
prompt and timely closing ofthe proposed transaction
                                             Respectfully Submitted,

/s! John P. Janka                              75. Thak ..
John P. Janka, Es                             Tom W. Davidson, Esq
Latham& Watkins LLP                           Phil Marchesiello, Esq
555 Eleventh Street, NW                       Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
\S;;;e“:tlo'in oo satinn                      1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
      ington,          &                      Washington, DC 20036
(202) 6x7—2280                                (con)s 57_401 1

                                              Counsel to SkyTerra Communications, Inc.
Counselto Hughes Networks    Systems, nc
                i           ®
Dated March 22, 2005

                            DrciaRaion or Roserr Lews

        1. Robert Lewis,Senior Vice President and General Counsel of SkyTerra
Communications,Ic.("SkyTerra),hereby declare under penalty of perjury that T have read the
forepoing Joint Response to Comments of ViSat, Inc. prepared by SkyTerraand Hughes
Network Systems, Inc. and that the representations,information and facts set forth therein are
true and correct tothe best of my knowledge and belief

                                               Robert Lewis
                                               Senior Vie President and General Counsel
                                               SkyTerra Communications, Inc.

March 22, 2008

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

               I hereby certify that on this 22"" day of March, 2005, a copy of the
foregoing was served upon the following by hand delivery
Marlene Dortch                              Jeanette Spriggs
Secretary                                   Satellite Division
Federal Communications Commission           International Bureau
445 12" Street, S.W., Room TW—B204          Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                        The Portals
                                            445 12" Street,SW.
                                            Washington, DC 20554
Thomas S. Tycz, Chief                       Pantelis Michalopoulos
Satelite Division                           Mark F. Homing
International Bureau                        John D. Clopper
Federal Communications Commission           Steptoe & Johnson LLP
The Portals                                 1330 Connecticut Avenve, NW
445 12" Street, S.W.                        Washington, D.C. 20036
Washington, DC 20554                        Counsel for ViaSat, nc

                                          Aimee Albright

Document Created: 2005-03-24 14:41:57
Document Modified: 2005-03-24 14:41:57

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