Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20041223-01884 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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                                RicHmarp S. BEcKER& AssociatEs                             ;     ram 2 1 ?DOF‘
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                                                  (301) 986—8456
  RicHaro S. Becker                         E—Maic —                                  ConsuLtine Engineer
                                                                                                            Siamak Haranoi
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Cnxristormer A. Fepeu

                                           January 27,           2005

         Ms.    Jeanette Spriggs
         International         Bureau
         Federal Communications           Commission
         Washington, DC 20554

                                            Re:      RCN Cable TV of Chicago, Inc                   *   4

                                                     Receive—Only Earth Station
                                                     Lead Call Sign: E990040
                                                     File No.:           SES—ASG—20041223—01884

         Dear Ms.       Spriggs:

                 Pursuant      to the Commission‘s Rules,                 the   Commission is hereby
         notified       that    the     above—referenced           assignment        of   license                    of
         licensee,      RCN Cable TV of Chicago,           Inc.,     Debtor—In—Possession ("RCN
         Chicago, DIP"), from RCN Cable TV of                        Chicago, Inc ., Debtor—In—
         Possession, to RCN Cable TV of Chicago, Inc., as reorganized under
         Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§1101,
         et. Seq., was consummated on December 21, 2004.   Please update the
         Commission‘s       records     to reflect      this     fact.

              Should any questions arise with respect to this matter, please
         communicate directly with this office.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                                   e3 /Peeke
                                                    Richard S. Becker
                                                    Attorney for RCN Chicago,                  DIP

Document Created: 2005-02-16 16:14:03
Document Modified: 2005-02-16 16:14:03

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