Attachment Exhibit E revised

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20031218-01833 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Schedule A
                                                                                            Question A20
                                                                                               Exhibit E

                                               EXHIBIT E

                                    OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE OF ASSIGNEE

            The assignee, South Dakota Television License Sub, L.L.C. (“License Sub”), is
affiliated with The Wicks Group of Companies, L.L.C. (“The Wicks Group”), a Delaware
limited liability company. The Wicks Group is a New York-based private equity firm that
invests in selected segments of the communications, information and media industries. The
Wicks Group currently owns or has owned various companies in the following industries: radio
broadcasting; television broadcasting; educational publishing; magazine publishing; outdoor
advertising; newsletter publishing; and cable television distribution.

            License Sub and South Dakota Television, L.L.C. (“SDTV”) are both Delaware
limited liability companies. SDTV, the sole member of License Sub, is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of North Dakota Holdings, L.L.C. (“ND Holdings”), a Delaware limited liability
company. ND Holdings is the sole member of SDTV. The following individuals serve as
officers of License Sub and SDTV: Matthew E. Gormly III, Daniel M. Kortick, Robert Gluck,
and Daniel L. Black.

            ND Holdings. The members of ND Holdings consist of Wicks Television, L.L.C.
(“Wicks TV”), J.P. Morgan Partners (BHCA), L.P. (“JP Morgan”), Robert Gluck, and Halyard
Capital Fund, L.P. (“Halyard”).1 The ownership and voting interests of ND Holdings are as
follows: Wicks TV holds a 79.12% voting interest and 69.68% of the equity; JP Morgan holds a
19.30% voting interest and 17.00% of the equity; Robert Gluck holds a 1.58% voting interest and
1.34% of the equity; and Halyard is a non-attributable non-voting member with 11.98% of the
equity. Halyard’s equity interest is convertible to a voting interest if, and only if, the conversion
complies with the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, as well as the FCC’s rules and
policies (and is subject to any necessary prior FCC approval). The members of ND Holdings’
governing board are Craig B. Klosk, Matthew E. Gormly III, Daniel M. Kortick, Peter G. Smith,2
Carter F. Bales, Ryan Anderson, and Robert Gluck.

           Wicks TV. Wicks TV is a Delaware limited liability company with two members:
Wicks Communications & Media Partners, L.P. (“Wicks Communications”) and Wicks Parallel
(Limited) Partnership I, L.P. (“Wicks Parallel”).

          Both Wicks Communications and Wicks Parallel are Delaware limited partnerships
whose sole general partner, with a 5% equity interest in each company, is Wicks Capital
Management, L.P. (“Wicks Capital”). All of the limited partners in Wicks Communications and

   Halyard, through a series of intermediaries, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank of Montreal,
which is a Canadian-owned entity.
    Peter G. Smith is a Canadian citizen.

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                                                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                                                            Schedule A
                                                                                           Question A20
                                                                                              Exhibit E

Wicks Parallel are insulated from any involvement in or control of the media activities of the
respective limited partnership pursuant to the FCC-prescribed criteria.3

            Wicks Communications has 61 insulated limited partners, which include limited
liability companies, general partnerships, limited partnerships, trusts, corporations, pension
plans, and 14 individuals.

            Wicks Parallel has 13 insulated limited partners, eight of whom are individuals, one
of which is a limited partnership, one of which is a general partnership, one of which is a limited
liability company, and two of which are trusts.

            Wicks Capital is a Delaware limited partnership whose sole general partner is Wicks
Apex, which holds a 1% equity interest. Wicks Capital also has eight limited partners, who
collectively hold 99% of its equity and who are insulated in accordance with the Commission’s
prescribed criteria from any involvement in or control of Wicks Capital’s media investments in
their capacity as limited partners. However, one of the limited partners, Edgar R. Berner, holds
attributable interests either directly or indirectly in Wicks TV. Specifically, Mr. Berner holds a
10.7695% ownership interest in Wicks Capital and also is an officer, director, and shareholder of
Wicks Apex.

            The following individuals (who are also officers, directors, and shareholders of Wicks
Apex) hold ownership interests in insulated limited liability companies (“LLCs”) which are
limited partners of Wicks Capital. Their interests are as follows: Carter F. Bales is the
managing member and holds an 85% LLC interest in a 19.387% limited partner; Craig B. Klosk
holds a 59.3361% LLC interest in another 19.387% limited partner; Peter G. Smith holds an
16.8694% LLC interest in a 19.387% limited partner; and Matthew E. Gormly III holds a
16.67% LLC interest in another 19.387% limited partner.4

           JP Morgan. JP Morgan is a Delaware limited partnership. Its sole general partner is
JPMP Master Fund Manager, L.P. (“Master Fund”), which also is a Delaware limited
partnership. Master Fund holds 100% of the voting rights of JP Morgan and 20% of its equity.
JP Morgan also has a limited partner, Chatham Ventures, Inc. (“Chatham”), a New York
corporation which holds 80% of its equity.

    The insulated limited partners in Wicks Communications and Wicks Parallel collectively hold an
11.10% alien ownership interest in License Sub. In addition, Wicks Communications and Wicks Parallel
are parties to a management agreement with The Wicks Group, which is owned by the shareholders of
Wicks Apex, Inc. (“Wicks Apex”) in the same percentage as their ownership in Wicks Apex.
    Family members of Messrs. Klosk and Smith also hold LLC interests and are beneficiaries of trusts
that hold LLC interests. Other than Peter Smith, the only Smith family member who is not a U.S. citizen
is his spouse, Janis L. Smith, who also is a Canadian citizen. Ms. Smith holds a 16.8694% LLC interest
in a 19.387% limited partner of Wicks Capital. Family members of Mr. Bales are beneficiaries of trusts
that hold LLC interests.


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                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                          Schedule A
                                                                                         Question A20
                                                                                            Exhibit E

            The sole general partner of Master Fund is JPMP Capital Corp. (“JPMP Capital”), a
New York corporation. JPMP Capital controls 100% of the vote of Master Fund and holds 25%
of its equity. The remaining 75% equity interest in Master Fund is held by a limited partner,
with four individuals (Jeffrey C. Walker, Michael J. Blutt, Arnold L. Chavkin, and John M.B.
O’Conner) holding at least 5%. The limited partner is insulated from any involvement in or
control of Master Fund’s media investments pursuant to the Commission-prescribed insulation

            Both Chatham and JPMP Capital are wholly-owned subsidiaries of J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co.5 J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is a publicly-traded Delaware corporation. No person
or entity holds 10% or more of its outstanding stock.

   No more than 10% of the outstanding voting stock of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is foreign-owned. For
purposes of calculating the assignee’s foreign ownership, JP Morgan has requested that the assignee
represent its foreign ownership as 9.9%.


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                                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                               Schedule A
                                                                                                              Question A20
                                                                                                                 Exhibit E

                Parties to the Application.

                     (1) Name and address of each party to                                   (2) Citizenship.
                         the application holding an                                          (3) Positional Interest:
                         attributable interest (if other than                                    Officer, director, general
                         individual also show name, address                                      partner, limited partner,
                         and citizenship of natural person                                       LLC member,
                         authorized to vote the stock or                                         investor/creditor
                         holding the attributable interest).                                     attributable under the
                         List the assignor first, officers next,                                 Commission's equity/debt
                         then directors and, thereafter,                                         plus standard., etc.
                         remaining stockholders and other                                    (4) Percentage of votes.
                         entities with attributable interests,                               (5) Percentage of total assets
                         and partners.                                                           (debt plus equity)

               (1)                                (2)                      (3)                      (4)             (5)
South Dakota Television                           U.S.                   Assignee
License Sub, L.L.C.6
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

South Dakota Television, L.L.C.                   U.S.                    Member                   100%           100%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Matthew E. Gormly III                             U.S.                Vice President/               0%              0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                                                Treasurer
New York, NY 10022-4405

Daniel M. Kortick                                 U.S.                Vice President/               0%              0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                                                Secretary
New York, NY 10022-4405

Robert Gluck                                      U.S.                President/CEO                 0%              0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405
Daniel L. Black                                   U.S.             Vice President, Assist.          0%              0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                                            Treasurer, & Assist.
New York, NY 10022-4405                                                  Secretary

  The voting and ownership percentages reflected herein represent the composition of the assignee upon
consummation of the proposed assignment.


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                                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                              Schedule A
                                                                             Question A20
                                                                                Exhibit E

               (1)                  (2)              (3)             (4)          (5)
South Dakota Television, L.L.C.     U.S.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

North Dakota Holdings, L.L.C.       U.S.          Member             100%        100%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Matthew E. Gormly III               U.S.       Vice President/       0%           0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                         Treasurer
New York, NY 10022-4405

Daniel M. Kortick                   U.S.       Vice President/       0%           0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                         Secretary
New York, NY 10022-4405

Robert Gluck                        U.S.       President/CEO         0%           0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Daniel L. Black                     U.S.   Vice President, Assist.   0%           0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                    Treasurer, & Assist.
New York, NY 10022-4405                          Secretary


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                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                   Schedule A
                                                                                  Question A20
                                                                                     Exhibit E

               (1)                   (2)                 (3)             (4)           (5)
North Dakota Holdings, L.L.C.        U.S.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Television, L.L.C.             U.S.              Member           79.12%       69.68%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

J.P. Morgan Partners (BHCA),         U.S.              Member           19.30%       17.00%
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

Craig B. Klosk                       U.S.          Board Member          0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Matthew E. Gormly III                U.S.          Chairman of the       0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                         Board/Vice President
New York, NY 10022-4405

Daniel M. Kortick                    U.S.          Vice President/       0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                           Secretary/Board
New York, NY 10022-4405                               Member

Peter G. Smith                      Canada         Board Member          0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Carter F. Bales                      U.S.          Board Member          0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Ryan Anderson                        U.S.          Board Member          0%            0%
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

Robert Gluck                         U.S.        President/CEO/Board    1.58%        1.39%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                               Member
New York, NY 10022-4405


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                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                             Schedule A
                                                                            Question A20
                                                                               Exhibit E

               (1)                  (2)               (3)          (4)           (5)
Wicks Television, L.L.C.            U.S.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Communications & Media        U.S.       Member/Manager     97.46%       97.46%
Partners, L.P.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Parallel (Limited)            U.S.           Member         2.54%        2.54%
Partnership I, L.P.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Matthew E. Gormly III               U.S.          President        0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Daniel M. Kortick                   U.S.        Vice President/    0%            0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                          Secretary
New York, NY 10022-4405
E. Sue Cho                          U.S.        Vice President/    0%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                          Treasurer
New York, NY 10022-4405


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                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                          Schedule A
                                                                         Question A20
                                                                            Exhibit E

               (1)                  (2)              (3)         (4)          (5)
Wicks Communications & Media        U.S.
Partners, L.P.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Capital Management L.P.       U.S.       General Partner   100%         5%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

                (1)                 (2)              (3)         (4)          (5)
Wicks Parallel (Limited)            U.S.
Partnership I, L.P.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Capital Management, L.P.      U.S.       General Partner   100%         5%
405 Park Avenue, Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

               (1)                  (2)              (3)         (4)          (5)
Wicks Capital Management, L.P.      U.S.
405 Park Avenue, Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Wicks Apex, Inc.                    U.S.       General Partner   100%         1%
405 Park Avenue, Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405


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                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                               Schedule A
                                                                              Question A20
                                                                                 Exhibit E

               (1)                   (2)                 (3)           (4)         (5)
Wicks Apex, Inc.                     U.S.
405 Park Ave., Suite 702
New York, NY 10022-4405

Carter F. Bales                      U.S.    Managing Director and     20%        20%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                        Co-President
New York, NY 10022-4405

Edgar R. Berner                      U.S.    Managing Director, Co-    20%        20%
405 Park Ave., Suit 702                      President and Secretary
New York, NY 10022-4405

Matthew E. Gormly III                U.S.    Managing Director, Co-    20%        20%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                     President and Assistant
New York, NY 10022-4405                             Treasurer

Craig B. Klosk                       U.S.        Managing Director,    20%        20%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                         Vice-President and
New York, NY 10022-4405                          Assistant Secretary

Peter G. Smith                      Canada       Managing Director,    20%        20%
405 Park Ave., Suite 702                          Vice President,
New York, NY 10022-4405                             Treasurer


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                                                                                         FCC Form 312
                                                                                           Schedule A
                                                                                          Question A20
                                                                                             Exhibit E

               (1)                       (2)                   (3)                (4)          (5)
J.P. Morgan Partners (BHCA),             U.S.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

JPMP Master Fund Manager, L.P.           U.S.           General Partner           100%        20%
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

Chatham Ventures, Inc.*                  U.S.           Limited Partner           0%          80%
380 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

              (1)                        (2)                   (3)                (4)          (5)
JPMP Master Fund Manager, L.P.           U.S.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

JPMP Capital Corp.*                      U.S.           General Partner           100%        25%
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

    JP Morgan has provided the ownership information contained in these tables.


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                                                                                         FCC Form 312
                                                                                           Schedule A
                                                                                          Question A20
                                                                                             Exhibit E

             (1)                       (2)                   (3)                 (4)           (5)
Chatham Ventures, Inc.                 U.S.
380 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.*8              U.S.             Stockholder             100%          100%
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

              (1)                      (2)                   (3)                 (4)           (5)
JPMP Capital Corp.*                    U.S.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
39th Floor
New York, NY 10022-1080

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.*               U.S.             Stockholder             100%          100%
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

*       J.P. Morgan and JPMP Master Fund Manager, L.P. have no officers and directors.
Chatham Ventures, Inc. and JPMP Capital Corp. share officers and directors with J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. is a publicly-traded Delaware corporation. No person or
entity owns 5% or more of its outstanding stock. The list of officers and directors of J.P. Morgan
Chase & Co. is extensive. All of the directors are U.S. citizens.

  As stated above, not more than 10% of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.’s outstanding voting stock is foreign-


1705640 v2; 10K2W02!.DOC FORM 312

Document Created: 2004-01-20 16:01:59
Document Modified: 2004-01-20 16:01:59

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