Attachment consummation


LETTER submitted by Louis A. Bransford

consummation letter


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20030813-01128 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     August 23", 2003
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau — Satellite Division, Systems Analysis Branch

              Re: Consummation Letter for License Assignments

To whom it may concern:

       This letter is to confirm that the assignment of the eight (8) earth station licenses
listed below from ESATEL Communications, Inc. to Bransford Rebman LLC, as
approved by the Commission in Public Notice 38093 dated Wednesday, August 20",
2003, has been consummated with an Assignment Agreement signed Friday, August 22"",

1.     E960325 (SES—LIC—19960531—01064)
       Midway Atoll; non—common carrier
       Exp. 10/25/2006
       Assignment Consent: SES—ASG—20030813—01131

2.     E960411 (SES—MOD—20000814—01444)
       Silver Spring, Maryland; non—common carrier
       Exp. 10/04/2006
       Assignment Consent: SES—ASG—20030813—01130

3.    E970189 (SES—LIC—19970224—00300)
      Silver Spring, Maryland; common carrier
      Exp. 05/16/2007
      Assignment Consent: SES—ASG—20030813—01129

4.    E980069 (SES—LIC—19971103—01584)
      Silver Spring, Maryland; common carrier
      Exp. 01/23/2008
      Assignment Consent: SES—ASG—20030813—01128

5.    E990056 (SES—LIC—19990205—00151)
      Silver Spring, Maryland; common carrier
      Exp. 06/18/2009
      Assignment Consent: SES—ASG—20030813—01127

Document Created: 2003-09-04 09:26:02
Document Modified: 2003-09-04 09:26:02

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