Attachment ASG E880519

This document pretains to SES-ASG-19980422-00468 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


    03/13/01     10:45 FAX 202 783 5851.               WILKINSON BARKER KNAUER                                @002

                                          D                                         @    gtamr anp Retunk

              WILEINSON, BARKER, KNAUER& QUINN, LLP                                                   Washingion, DC
                                                                                                   FraNIS@rL Germany

              2300 N Street, NW                            ;                            telephone: 202.783.4141
              Washington, DC 20037—1128                                                  facsimile: 202.783.5851

                                                         August 4, 1998

             VIA HAND DELIVERY

             Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
             Federal Communications Commussion
             1919 M Street, NW., Room 222
             Washington, DC 20554

         —                    Re:     Notification of Consummation of the Assignment of Station E880519 from
                                      Megastar Inc. to Vector Communication Network Corp.
    CC                                File No.:     860—D§SE—AL—98

~                ~            ATTN:           Mr. Steve Shél.rkey
                                              Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch
                                              International Bureau

             Dear Ms. Roman Salas:

              >    Transrmtted herewith, on behalfofVector Communication Network Corp., is the Notification
             of Consummation of the Assignment of Station E880519 from Megastar Inc. to Vector
             Communication Network Corp.

                     Should you have any questions, pleajse contact the undersigned.


                                                                            R, KNAUER & QUINN, LLP

    03/13/01    10:45 FAX 202 783 5851_             WILKINSON_BARKER ENAUER                            Fdd

               |||||I h’        Vector Communi¢ation Network Corp.
                                                13392 S.W. 128 Street
           J               1.                     Miami, FL 33186
                                                Phone: (305) 232—6881
                                                 Fax: (305) 232—9497

                                                    July 14, 1998

           Ms. Magalic Roman Salas
           Federal Communications Commission
           1919 M Street N.W., Room 222
&          Washington, DC 20554

                            Re:    Notification of Consummation of the Assignment of Station E880519
                                   from MegastarInc. to Vector Communication Network Corp.
                                   File No.:      860—DSE—AL—98

                            ATTN: Mr. Steve Sharkey, Chief
                                  Satellite Engineering Branch
                                  International Burean

           Dear Ms. Roman Safas:

           Vector Communication Network Corp. hereby notifies the Commission that the transfer of
           Station E880519 from Megustar Inc. to Vector Communication Network Corp. (File No. 860—
           DSE—AL—98), was consummated on June 23, 1998.


                                  VECTOR COMMUNICATION NETWORK CORP.

                                                  Enrique Orihuela

Document Created: 2001-03-19 14:18:29
Document Modified: 2001-03-19 14:18:29

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