Attachment Attachment A

This document pretains to SES-AMD-INTR2019-00437 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
   Frequency Coordination Report
                      28 GHz

Prepared on Behalf of
    January 9, 2019

                                              HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
                                                 Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
                                                     Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                             28 GHz

Table of Contents

1.    Summary of Results                                                       -1-

2.    28 GHz Common Carrier and LTTS Coordination                              -1-

3.    28 GHz UMFUS Coordination                                                -2-

4.    Earth Station Coordination Data                                          -3-

5.    Contact Information                                                      -7-

Comsearch Proprietary                   -0-                           January 9, 2019

                                                                 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
                                                                    Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
                                                                        Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                                28 GHz

    1. Summary of Results
On behalf of HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED, Comsearch performed a coordination
notice for all existing and proposed terrestrial licenses within the coordination contours of their
proposed Ka-Band earth station in Tucson, AZ, which will transmit at 28 GHz 1. Prior-notification
letters were sent to the licensees and a copy of the notification data is provided in section four of
this report. The earth station coordination was finalized on January 4, 2019.

No objections were received from any of the incumbent 28 GHz licensees. Our notification to
the UMFUS incumbents was performed under the assumption that the earth station would be
operating on a secondary basis to UMFUS L1 & L2 Block operations and a contact at Hughes
Network Systems Limited has been provided in case any concerns may arise in the future.

    2. 28 GHz Common Carrier and LTTS Coordination
In accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, the Ka-Band earth station in Tucson, AZ was
prior-coordinated by Comsearch. A notification letter and datasheets for this earth station were
sent to the following 28 GHz common carrier fixed microwave licensees. These licensees are
authorized to operate temporary fixed operations from 27.5 – 29.5 GHz on a nationwide basis or
local basis.

         Licensee                                                 Authorized Geographic Area

         Frontier Southwest Incorporated                          Nationwide

A notification letter and datasheets for the Ka-Band earth station in Tucson, AZ were also sent to
the following 28 GHz local television transmission licensee. This licensee is authorized to operate
temporary fixed operations from 27.5 – 29.5 GHz on a nationwide basis.

         Licensee                                                  Authorized Geographic Area

         Information Super Station, LLC                            Continental US

No objections were received from the common carrier or local television transmission service

1   The proposed earth station will operate in the 27.5 – 28.6 GHz portion of the Ka-Band.

Comsearch Proprietary                                -1-                                     January 9, 2019

                                                         HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
                                                            Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
                                                                Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                        28 GHz

 3. 28 GHz UMFUS Coordination
A Notification letter was sent to the following 28 GHz UMFUS licensees. The proposed earth
station will operate on frequencies that overlap Channel L1 & L2 of the UMFUS service. The total
frequency allocation for Channels L1 & L2 of the UMFUS spectrum appears below.

Channel:        L1      27.500 - 27.925 GHz
                L2      27.925 - 28.350 GHz

    Licensee                                  Channel      Area of Operation

    DISH Network                                L1, L2              County Based

    Verizon                                     L1, L2              County Based

No objections were received from the UMFUS incumbents.

Comsearch Proprietary                          -2-                                 January 9, 2019

                                                       HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
                                                          Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
                                                              Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                      28 GHz

 4. Earth Station Coordination Data
This section presents the data pertinent to the proposed Ka-Band earth station in Tucson, AZ.
This data was circulated to all incumbent licensees in the shared 28 GHz frequency ranges.

Comsearch Proprietary                       -3-                                 January 9, 2019


  Administrative Information
  Call Sign                                E170162
  Licensee Code                            HUNESY
  Licensee Name                            HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED

  Site Information                         TUCSON, AZ
  Latitude (NAD 83)                        32° 10 20.4" N
  Longitude (NAD 83)              w
  Climate Zone                             A
  Rain Zone                                5
  Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  761.46 m / 2498.2 it
  Link Information
  Satellite Type                           Geostationary
  Mode                                     TO — Transmit—Only
  Modulation                               Digital
  Satellite Arc                            95.2° W to 95.2° Wast Longitude
  Azimuth Range                            152.1° to 152.1°
  Corresponding Elevation Angles 48.8"/48.8°
  Antenna Centerline (AGL)                 5.49 m / 18.0 ft

  Antenna Information                             Transmit
  Manufacturer                                    sen
  Model                                            10.0M
  Gain / Diameter                                 67.1 dBi/ 10.0 m
  3—48 / 15—d48 Beamwidth                         0.08° / 0.16°

  Max Available RF Power        (dBWit kHz)       350
                                (dBwniH)          410
  Maximum EIRP                  (dBWM khz)        321
                                (dwnvHz)          564
  Interference Opjectives:    Long Term           —151.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                              Short Term          —128.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%

  Frequency Information                           Transmit 28.0 GHz
  Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)                450MGTW — 470MGTW / 275000 — 28600.0

  Max Great Circle Coordination Distance          100.0 km / 62.1 mi
  Precipitation Scafter Contour Radius            100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Commeeacan e repeniny                                                                    vomay oy eere


Coordination Values               TUCSON, AZ
Licensee Name                     HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
Latitude (NAD 83)                 32° 10 20.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                110° 57 17.5" W
Graund Elevation (AMSL)           761 46 m /24982 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          5.49 m / 18.0 ft
Antenna Mode                            Transmit 28.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term      —151.0 dBW/ kHz20%
                         Short Term     —128.0 dBW/d kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power             ~35.0 (dBW/4 kHz)
                                                       Transmit 28.0 GHz
              Horizon         Antenna              Horizon      Coordination
Azimuth (°)   Elevation (°)   Discrimination (°)   Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
  0            0.00           125.56               —10.00        100.00
  5            0.00           123.54               —10.00        100.00
 10            0.00           121.28               —10.00        100.00
 15            0.00           118.82               —10.00        100.00
20             0.00           116.18               —10.00        100.00
25             0.00           113.38               —10.00        100.00
30             0.00           110.46               ~10.00        100.00
35             0.00           10744                —10.00        100.00
40             0.00           104.33               —10.00        100.00
45             0.00           101.15               —10.00        100.00
50             0.00            97.92               —10.00        100.00
55             0.00            94.66               —10.00        100.00
60             0.00            91.37               —10.00        100.00
65             0.00            88.08               —10.00        100.00
70             0.00            84.80               —10.00        100.00
75             0.22            81.50               —10.00        100.00
80             0.25            78.26               —10.00        100.00
85             0.28            75.07               —10.00        100.00
90             0.30            71.94               —10.00        100.00
95             0.32            68.90               —10.00        100.00
100            0 34            65.97               —10.00        100.00
105            0.36            63.17               —10.00        100.00
110            0.38            60.52               —10.00        100.00
115            0.37            56.07               —10.00        100.00
120            041             55.80               —10.00        100.00
125            0.37            53.02               —10.00        100.00
130            0.37            5210                —10.00        100.00
135            034             50.70               —10.00        100.00
140            0.33           4963                 —10.00        100.00
145            0.33           48 89                —10.00        100.00
150            0.30           4857                 —10.00        100.00
155            0.29           4862                 —10.00        100.00
160            0.25           49.07                —10.00        100.00
165            023            4987                 —10.00        100.00
170            0.21           51.04                —10.00        100.00
175            0.00           5268                 —10.00        100.00
180            0.00           5444                 —10.00        100.00
185            0.00           5646                 —10.00        100.00

          es                                                                    vomay oy eere


Coordination Values               TUCSON, AZ
Licensee N ame                    HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
Latitude (NAD 83)                 32° 10 20.4" N
Longitude ( NAD 83)               110° 5717.5" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)          761.46 m / 2498.2 it
Antenna Centerline (AGL)         5.49 m / 18.0 ft
Antenna Mode                            Transmit 28.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term      ~151.0. dBW/t kHz 20%
                         Short Term        —128.0 dBW/t kHz0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                     —35.0 (dBWi/A kHz)
                                                                Transmit 280 GHz
                 Horizon              Antenna              Horizon      Coordination
Azimuth (*)      Elevation (°)        Discrimination (*)   Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
190               0.00                58.72                 —10.00      100.00
195               0.00                61.18                 —10.00      100.00
200               0.20                63.71                 —10.00      100.00
205               0.00                66.62                 ~10.00      100.00
210               0.00                69.54                 —10.00      100.00
215               0.00                72.56                 —10.00      100.00
220               0.00                75.67                 —10.00      100.00
225               0.00                78.85                 —10.00      100.00
230               0.00                82.08                 —10.00      100.00
235               0.00                85.34                 —10.00      100.00
240               0.00                88.63                 —10.00      100.00
245               0.00                91.92                 ~10.00      100.00
250               0.00                95.20                 —10.00      100.00
255               0.00                98.46                 —10.00      100.00
260               0.32                101.75                —10.00      100.00
265               0.67                105.05                —10.00      100.00
270               0.60                108.17                —10.00      100.00
275               0.47                111.16                —10.00      100.00
280               0.63                114.20                ~10.00      100.00
285               0.27                116.78                —10.00      100.00
290               0.00                119.24                ~10.00      100.00
295               0.00                121.67                —10.00      100.00
300               0.00                123.89                ~10.00      100.00
305               0.00                125.87                ~10.00      100.00
310               0.32                127.86                —10.00      100.00
315               142                 130.29                —10.00      100.00
320               117                 13118                 —10.00      100.00
325               0.00                130.78                —10.00      100.00
330               0.00                131.13                —~10.00     100.00
335               0.00                131.09                ~10.00      100.00
340               0.00                130.68                —10.00      100.00
345               0.00                129.90                ~10.00      100.00
350               0.00                128.77                —10.00      100.00
355               0.00                127 32                —10.00      100.00

          es                                                                            vomay oy eere

                                                        HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED
                                                           Ka-Band Earth Station – Tucson, AZ
                                                               Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                       28 GHz

 5. Contact Information
For questions or information regarding the 28 GHz Frequency Coordination Report,
please contact:

Contact person:         Dennis Jimeno
Title:                  Engineer III, Telecommunications
Company:                Comsearch
Address:                19700 Janelia Farm Blvd., Ashburn, VA 20147
Telephone:              703-726-5858
Fax:                    703-726-5599
Web site:     

Comsearch Proprietary                         -7-                               January 9, 2019

Document Created: 2019-01-09 16:04:48
Document Modified: 2019-01-09 16:04:48

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