Attachment SatAuthorization

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20181211-03424 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


William Thompson, 345 Inverness Dr S, Englewood, CO 80112,

                                                United States of America
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                           RADIO STATION CONSTRUCTION PERMIT
                                                     AND LICENSE

                 EXPERIMENTAL                                                               WJ2XNU
                (Nature of Service)                                                         (Call Sign)

              XT     MO                                                                   0087-EX-CN-2018
               (Class of Station)                                                           (File Number)

  NAME                                                   General Atomics

  Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, subsequent acts, and treaties, and all
  regulations heretofore or hereafter made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions
  and requirements set forth in this license, the licensee hereof is hereby authorized to use and operate
  the radio transmitting facilities hereinafter described for radio communications in accordance with the
  program of experimentation described by the licensee in its application for license.
  Operation:      In accordance with Sec. 5.3(d & j) of the Commission's Rules

Station Locations
(1) MOBILE: Space station at 720km orbit and 24deg inclination
(2) MOBILE: Space station at 720km orbit and 24deg inclination
Frequency Information

 MOBILE: Space station at 720km orbit and 24deg inclination

                                               Station        Emission      Authorized       Frequency
               Frequency                       Class         Designator     Power            Tolerance (+/-)
                 2272.5 MHz                      MO                          6 W (ERP)          0.002 %

 MOBILE: Space station at 720km orbit and 24deg inclination

                                               Station        Emission      Authorized       Frequency
               Frequency                       Class         Designator     Power            Tolerance (+/-)
                 2272.5 MHz                      MO                         70 mW (ERP)         0.002 %

  Special Conditions:
  (1)  The station identification requirements of Section 5.115 of the Commission's Rules
       are waived.

 This authorization effective         November 01, 2018          and
 will expire 3:00 A.M. EST            November 01, 2021

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Licensee Name: General Atomics   File Number: 0087-EX-CN-2018 Call Sign: WJ2XNU
  Special Conditions:
  (2)  Upon receipt of a conjunction warning from the JSpOC or other source, the licensee
       must review the warning and take all possible steps to assess and, if necessary, to
       mitigate collision risk, including, but not limited to: contacting the operator of any
       active spacecraft involved in such warning; sharing ephemeris data and other
       appropriate operational information with any such operator; modifying spacecraft
       attitude and/or operations.
  (3)  Following launch of the satellite, the licensee must notify the FCC through electronic
       submission to the license file, of the status of the satellite (transmissions
       commenced, etc.), not later than 7 days after commencement or expected
       commencement of transmissions, and of termination of transmissions, not later than
       three months after such termination.
  (4)  The licensee shall provide the Commission with all information required for the
       Advance Publication, Coordination and Notification of frequency assignments
       pursuant to the International Radio Regulations. This includes the preparation of
       draft materials, to be provided to the Commission prior to submission to the
       International Telecommunication Union. The authorized operations require
       notification of frequency assignments pursuant to Article 11 of the ITU Radio
       Regulations. Licensee shall provide the FCC, not later than 30 days after a
       frequency assignment is brought into use, the documents required for notification
       (including SpaceCap Notification MDB file) of such frequency assignments. The
       licensee shall also prepare materials for informing the ITU that a frequency
       assignments has been brought into use, or that its use has been suspended or
       permanently discontinued.

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Document Created: 2018-12-11 13:25:02
Document Modified: 2018-12-11 13:25:02

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