Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20180806-02065 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         Exhibit B
                    Response to Question 28 for Kalopei, Hawaii Antenna

        This attachment analyzes the power-flux density near the proposed transmit antenna to
be located in Kalopei, Hawaii. The antenna will be a square flat plate antenna 0.89m x 0.89m
with transmit gain 22.2 dBi. The site will transmit a peak EIRP of 16.5 dBW. The power-flux
density calculations in this exhibit are based on this peak EIRP value. These calculations
follow the methodology outlined in OET Bulletin No. 65, “Evaluating Compliance with FCC-
Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation.” The power-flux
density calculations are made for a transmitting frequency of 1660.5 MHz. At this frequency,
the maximum permissible exposure to RF fields in a controlled environment is 5 mW/cm2.

        The calculations are based on data provided by the antenna manufacturer. See Figure
1. The maximum allowable exposure value of 5 mW/cm2 is equal to 7 dBmW/cm2. From
Figure 1, it can be seen that this value is never reached for the antenna at an input power level
of 1 W. For the case that this application applies to, a 16.5 dBW signal out of a 22.2 dBi gain
antenna, the input power is -5.7 dBW or 0.269 W or 3.7 times smaller than the values of Figure
1. Therefore, the conclusion is the same, the maximum value of 5 mW/cm2 is not reached for
the case that this application applies to.


         This site is in a controlled environment. The general public does not have access to
the site where the transmit antenna is located. The maximum permissible exposure to RF
fields in a controlled environment is 5 mW/cm2 at L-band. The calculations show that the site
will not exceed the permissible levels for exposure to RF radiation.

                                                                            Distarce (m)
Frequency (Giz)   |FFdstance |Gan             [Efcicy                          70
                  (m)           (co)
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 1 escslone             sorl           222         ons

                                 Power density
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Document Created: 2018-08-02 13:09:09
Document Modified: 2018-08-02 13:09:09

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