Attachment Attachment B

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20170414-00395 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                              Row 44 Inc.
                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                Exhibit B
                                                               April 2017

                               Exhibit B

Remote Terminal #2 (SAA) Link Budgets

TECOM Antenna (SAA) 15 Degree (low) Skew Inbound Link Budget
TECOM Antenna (SAA) 15 Degree (low) Skew Outbound Link Budget
TECOM Antenna (SAA) 65 Degree (high) Skew Inbound Link Budget
TECOM Antenna (SAA) 65 Degree (high) Skew Outbound Link Budget

Remote Terminal #3 (GSAA) Link Budgets

QEST Antenna (GSAA) 0 Degree (low) Skew Inbound Link Budget
QEST Antenna (GSAA) 0 Degree (low) Skew Outbound Link Budget
QEST Antenna (GSAA) 65 Degree (high) Skew Inbound Link Budget
QEST Antenna (GSAA) 65 Degree (high) Skew Outbound Link Budget

SES-10 Coverage Contour

                                                                              Page 1
Inroute Signal:                             QPSK 1/2
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250                                                           SAA Link Budget
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000
Baseband BW (MHz):                           1.024
Spread BW (MHz):                             1.024        Link Budget for satellite           SES-10        at       -67.0    degrees
Required C/N (dB):                            2.1
                                                                                           Skew operational limit:    15      degrees
Outroute Signal:                            QPSK 5/6
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000      Inroute signal:     QPSK 1/2            rate      1.024      Msps    in bandwidth   1.024      MHz
Bandwidth (MHz):                              30       Outroute signal:     QPSK 5/6            rate       30        Msps    in bandwidth    30        MHz
Required C/N (dB):                            5.4

                                                                                                 Lat       Long
Satellite:                                   SES-10          Remote:         San Juan          18.435     -66.004
Longitude (deg East):                          -67            NOC:         Steele Valley       33.758    -117.315
Maximum Saturated Downlink EIRP (dBW):         53                                                                             Mispoint/              Intermod/
G/T towards Remote (dB/K):                    3.00                                                                              Rain/                 Satellite/
G/T towards NOC (dB/K):                       3.60                                                                           Atmospheric              Cross-pol
G/T Degradation (dB):                           0          Inroute Path:                                Ideal Link             Losses               Interference
Saturation Flux Density (dBW/m^2):             -97
Attenuation Setting (dB):                      12          EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                   41.30                 40.30                   40.30
Saturated EIRP towards NOC (dBW):             51.9         Uplink Path Loss (dB)                         206.71                206.71                  206.71
Saturated EIRP towards Remote (dBW):          52.2         Spreading Loss (dB)                           -162.16               -162.16                -162.16
Max Authorized Downlink EIRP (dBw/Hz):         -22         Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)           -120.86               -121.86                -121.86
Downlink EIRP backoff (dB):                  0.2288        Uplink C/T (dB)                               -162.41               -163.41                -163.41
Adjusted Outroute EIRP to Remote (dBW):      51.971        C/No (dB)                                      66.19                 65.19                   65.19
Downlink EIRP Density to Remote (dBW/Hz):    -22.80        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               60.10                 60.10                   60.10
Downlink EIRP Inroute (dBW):                 18.04         Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -14.51
                                                           Uplink C/N (dB)                                 6.09                  5.09                   4.62

Remote:                                     San Juan       Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)                  19.04                 18.04                   18.04
Latitude (deg North):                        18.435        Downlink Path Loss (dB)                       205.91                205.91                  205.91
Longitude (deg East):                       -66.004        Downlink C/T (dB)                             -149.64               -152.64                -152.64
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                       28.80         C/No (dB)                                      78.96                 75.96                   75.96
TX Power (dBm):                                42.5        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               60.10                 60.10                   60.10
TX Backoff (dB):                                0          Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -18.19
Power into flange (dBW/4 kHz):               -11.58        Downlink C/N (dB)                              18.86                 15.86                   13.86
RX G/T (dB/K):                                11.70
Antenna Mispoint (dB):                         0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                          0          Cumulative C/N (dB)                             5.86                  4.74                  4.13
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                  0.5         Necessary C/N (dB)                              2.10                  2.10                  2.10
                                                           Cumulative Inroute Link Margin (dB)             3.76                  2.64                  2.03

Inroute Uplink Interference                                              Page 2
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -19.1                                                      SAA Link Budget
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -19.1
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -20.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -14.51       Link Budget for satellite        SES-10      at        -67.0    degrees

Outroute Downlink Interference                                                    Skew operational limit:      15      degrees
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):           -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):         -10.0
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                  -20.0                                                                        Mispoint/     Intermod/
Intermod Downlink (dB):                   -20.0                                                                          Rain/        Satellite/
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -9.17                                                                       Atmospheric     Cross-pol
                                                        Outroute Path:                           Ideal Link             Losses      Interference
NOC:                                   Steele Valley
Latitude (deg North):                     33.758        EIRP towards satellite (dBW)               74.02                 73.52          73.52
Longitude (deg East):                    -117.315       Uplink Path Loss (dB)                     207.40                207.40        207.40
Antennna diameter (m):                      9m          Spreading Loss (dB)                       -162.85               -162.85       -162.85
RX Antenna Gain (dBi):                      58.5        Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)        -88.83                -89.33        -89.33
Antenna Noise Temp (K):                      64         Uplink C/T (dB)                           -129.78               -130.28       -130.28
Antenna LNA Temp (K):                        70         C/No (dB)                                  98.82                 98.32         98.32
Total Noise Temp (K):                       134         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                           74.77                 74.77         74.77
Antenna G/T (dB/K):                        37.23        Interference (dB)                           N/A                   N/A          -18.86
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                      60.1        Uplink C/N (dB)                            24.05                 23.55         17.59
Conducted TX Power to Antenna (dBW):       13.92
TX backoff (dB):                          0.2288        Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)              51.97                 51.47          51.47
Power into flange (dBW/ 4 kHz):           -24.83        Downlink Path Loss (dB)                   205.22                205.22         205.22
Antenna mis-point (dB):                     0.5         Downlink C/T (dB)                         -141.55               -143.05       -143.05
Rain Attenuation (dB):                        1         C/No (dB)                                  12.28                 10.78          10.78
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                0.5        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                           74.77                 74.77          74.77
                                                        Interference (dB)                           N/A                   N/A           -9.17
Inroute Downlink Interference                           Downlink C/N (dB)                          12.28                 10.78          6.89
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):            -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):          -25.0
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                   -20.0        Cumulative C/N (dB)                        12.00                 10.56         6.54
Intermod Downlink (dB):                    -30.0        Necessary C/N (dB)                          5.4                   5.4           5.4
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -18.19        Cumulative Outroute Link Margin (dB)        6.60                  5.16         1.14

Outroute Uplink Interference
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -30.0
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -20.0
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -18.86

                                                                                 Page 1
Inroute Signal:                             QPSK 1/2
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250                                                              SAA Link Budget
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000
Baseband BW (MHz):                           0.256
Spread BW (MHz):                             1.024           Link Budget for satellite           SES-10        at       -67.0    degrees
Required C/N (dB):                            2.1
                                                                                              Skew operational limit:    65      degrees
Outroute Signal:                            QPSK 5/6
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000         Inroute signal:     QPSK 1/2            rate      0.256      Msps    in bandwidth   1.024      MHz
Bandwidth (MHz):                              30          Outroute signal:     QPSK 5/6            rate       30        Msps    in bandwidth    30        MHz
Required C/N (dB):                            5.4

                                                                                                    Lat       Long
Satellite:                                   SES-10             Remote:        Mexico City        19.434     -99.074
Longitude (deg East):                          -67               NOC:         Steele Valley       33.758    -117.315
Maximum Saturated Downlink EIRP (dBW):         53                                                                                Mispoint/              Intermod/
G/T towards Remote (dB/K):                    6.30                                                                                 Rain/                 Satellite/
G/T towards NOC (dB/K):                       3.60                                                                              Atmospheric              Cross-pol
G/T Degradation (dB):                           0             Inroute Path:                                Ideal Link             Losses               Interference
Saturation Flux Density (dBW/m^2):             -97
Attenuation Setting (dB):                      12             EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                   33.30                 32.30                   32.30
Saturated EIRP towards NOC (dBW):             51.9            Uplink Path Loss (dB)                         206.97                206.97                  206.97
Saturated EIRP towards Remote (dBW):          52.8            Spreading Loss (dB)                           -162.42               -162.42                -162.42
Max Authorized Downlink EIRP (dBw/Hz):         -22            Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)           -129.12               -130.12                -130.12
Downlink EIRP backoff (dB):                  0.2288           Uplink C/T (dB)                               -167.37               -168.37                -168.37
Adjusted Outroute EIRP to Remote (dBW):      52.571           C/No (dB)                                      61.23                 60.23                   60.23
Downlink EIRP Density to Remote (dBW/Hz):    -22.20           Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               54.08                 54.08                   54.08
Downlink EIRP Inroute (dBW):                 13.08            Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -10.59
                                                              Uplink C/N (dB)                                 7.15                  6.15                   4.81

Remote:                                     Mexico City       Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)                  14.08                 13.08                   13.08
Latitude (deg North):                         19.434          Downlink Path Loss (dB)                       205.91                205.91                  205.91
Longitude (deg East):                        -99.074          Downlink C/T (dB)                             -154.60               -157.60                -157.60
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                        28.80           C/No (dB)                                      74.01                 71.01                   71.01
TX Power (dBm):                                 34.5          Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               54.08                 54.08                   54.08
TX Backoff (dB):                                 0            Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -18.19
Power into flange (dBW/4 kHz):                -19.58          Downlink C/N (dB)                              19.92                 16.92                   14.50
RX G/T (dB/K):                                 11.70
Antenna Mispoint (dB):                          0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                           0            Cumulative C/N (dB)                             6.93                  5.80                  4.37
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                   0.5           Necessary C/N (dB)                              2.10                  2.10                  2.10
                                                              Cumulative Inroute Link Margin (dB)             4.83                  3.70                  2.27

Inroute Uplink Interference                                              Page 2
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -14.2                                                      SAA Link Budget
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -14.2
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -20.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -10.59       Link Budget for satellite        SES-10      at        -67.0    degrees

Outroute Downlink Interference                                                    Skew operational limit:      65      degrees
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):           -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):         -10.0
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                  -20.0                                                                        Mispoint/     Intermod/
Intermod Downlink (dB):                   -20.0                                                                          Rain/        Satellite/
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -9.17                                                                       Atmospheric     Cross-pol
                                                        Outroute Path:                           Ideal Link             Losses      Interference
NOC:                                   Steele Valley
Latitude (deg North):                     33.758        EIRP towards satellite (dBW)               74.02                 73.52          73.52
Longitude (deg East):                    -117.315       Uplink Path Loss (dB)                     207.40                207.40        207.40
Antennna diameter (m):                      9m          Spreading Loss (dB)                       -162.85               -162.85       -162.85
RX Antenna Gain (dBi):                      58.5        Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)        -88.83                -89.33        -89.33
Antenna Noise Temp (K):                      64         Uplink C/T (dB)                           -129.78               -130.28       -130.28
Antenna LNA Temp (K):                        70         C/No (dB)                                  98.82                 98.32         98.32
Total Noise Temp (K):                       134         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                           74.77                 74.77         74.77
Antenna G/T (dB/K):                        37.23        Interference (dB)                           N/A                   N/A          -18.86
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                      60.1        Uplink C/N (dB)                            24.05                 23.55         17.59
Conducted TX Power to Antenna (dBW):       13.92
TX backoff (dB):                          0.2288        Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)              52.57                 52.07          52.07
Power into flange (dBW/ 4 kHz):           -24.83        Downlink Path Loss (dB)                   205.48                205.48         205.48
Antenna mis-point (dB):                     0.5         Downlink C/T (dB)                         -141.21               -142.71       -142.71
Rain Attenuation (dB):                        1         C/No (dB)                                  12.62                 11.12          11.12
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                0.5        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                           74.77                 74.77          74.77
                                                        Interference (dB)                           N/A                   N/A           -9.17
Inroute Downlink Interference                           Downlink C/N (dB)                          12.62                 11.12          7.03
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):            -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):          -25.0
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                   -20.0        Cumulative C/N (dB)                        12.32                 10.88         6.66
Intermod Downlink (dB):                    -30.0        Necessary C/N (dB)                          5.4                   5.4           5.4
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -18.19        Cumulative Outroute Link Margin (dB)        6.92                  5.48         1.26

Outroute Uplink Interference
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -30.0
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -20.0
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -18.86

Inroute Signal:                             QPSK 1/2                                         Page 1
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000                                                           GSAA Link Budget
Baseband BW (MHz):                           1.024
Spread BW (MHz):                             1.024
Required C/N (dB):                            2.1         Link Budget for satellite          SES-10        at        -67.0    degrees

Outroute Signal:                            QPSK 5/6                                        Effective Skew Value:      0      degrees
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250                                      Effective Elevation Value:    70      degrees
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000
Bandwidth (MHz):                              30        Inroute signal:     QPSK 1/2          rate        1.024      Msps    in bandwidth   1.024      MHz
Required C/N (dB):                            5.4      Outroute signal:     QPSK 5/6          rate         30        Msps    in bandwidth    30        MHz

Satellite:                                   SES-10
Longitude (deg East):                          -67                                             Lat        Long
Maximum Saturated Downlink EIRP (dBW):         53            Remote:         Airborne         18.97        -67
G/T towards Remote (dB/K):                    2.50            NOC:         Steele Valley     33.758     -117.315
G/T towards NOC (dB/K):                       3.60                                                                            Mispoint/              Intermod/
G/T Degradation (dB):                           0                                                                               Rain/                 Satellite/
Saturation Flux Density (dBW/m^2):             -97                                                                           Atmospheric              Cross-pol
Saturated EIRP towards NOC (dBW):             51.9         Inroute Path:                                Ideal Link             Losses               Interference
Saturated EIRP towards remote (dBW):          51.2
Attenuation Setting (dB):                      12          EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                   41.58                 40.58                  40.58
Max Authorized Downlink EIRP (dBw/Hz):         -22         Uplink Path Loss (dB)                         206.72                206.72                 206.72
Downlink EIRP backoff (dB):                  0.229         Spreading Loss (dB)                           -162.16               -162.16                -162.16
Adjusted Outroute EIRP to Remote (dBW):      50.97         Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)           -120.58               -121.58                -121.58
Downlink EIRP Density to Remote (dBW/Hz):    -23.80        Uplink C/T (dB)                               -162.63               -163.63                -163.63
Downlink EIRP Inroute (dBW):                 17.82         C/No (dB)                                      65.97                 64.97                   64.97
                                                           Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               60.10                 60.10                   60.10
Remote:                                     Airborne       Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -14.36
Latitude (deg North):                         18.97        Uplink C/N (dB)                                 5.86                  4.86                   4.40
Longitude (deg East):                          -67
Aperture TX Gain (dBI):                        33.6        Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)                  18.82                 17.82                   17.82
Cable, Skew Module, Radome Loss (dB):           5.7        Downlink Path Loss (dB)                       205.91                205.91                 205.91
Effective TX Antenna Gain (dBi):              27.90        Downlink C/T (dB)                             -149.86               -152.86                -152.86
TX Power (dBm):                              43.68         C/No (dB)                                      78.74                 75.74                   75.74
TX Backoff (dB):                                 0         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               60.10                 60.10                   60.10
Power into flange (dBW/4 kHz):               -15.60        Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -18.19
RX G/T (dB/K):                                12.60        Downlink C/N (dB)                              18.64                 15.64                  13.72
Antenna Mispoint (dB):                         0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                           0
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                  0.5         Cumulative C/N (dB)                            5.64                   4.52                  3.92
                                                           Necessary C/N (dB)                             2.10                   2.10                  2.10
                                                           Cumulative Inroute Link Margin (dB)            3.54                   2.42                  1.82

Inroute Uplink Interference                                                             Page 2
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -18.9
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -18.9
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -20.0                                                       GSAA Link Budget
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -14.36

Outroute Downlink Interference                         Link Budget for satellite        SES-10       at        -67.0    degrees
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):           -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):         -10.0                                       Effective Skew Value:      0      degrees
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                  -20.0                                   Effective Elevation Value:    70      degrees
Intermod Downlink (dB):                   -20.0
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -9.17                                                                         Mispoint/     Intermod/
                                                                                                                          Rain/        Satellite/
NOC:                                   Steele Valley                                                                   Atmospheric     Cross-pol
Latitude (deg North):                     33.758        Outroute Path:                            Ideal Link             Losses      Interference
Longitude (deg East):                    -117.315
Antennna diameter (m):                      9m          EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                74.02                 73.52          73.52
RX Antenna Gain (dBi):                     58.5         Uplink Path Loss (dB)                      207.40                207.40         207.40
Antenna Noise Temp (K):                     64          Spreading Loss (dB)                        -162.85               -162.85       -162.85
Antenna LNA Temp (K):                       70          Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)         -88.83                -89.33        -89.33
Total Noise Temp (K):                       134         Uplink C/T (dB)                            -129.78               -130.28       -130.28
Antenna G/T (dB/K):                        37.23        C/No (dB)                                   98.82                 98.32          98.32
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                     60.1         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                            74.77                 74.77          74.77
Conducted TX power to Antenna (dBW):       13.92        Interference (dB)                            N/A                   N/A          -18.86
Power into flange (dBW/ 4 kHz):           -24.83        Uplink C/N (dB)                             24.05                 23.55          17.59
Antenna mis-point (dB):                     0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                       1          Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)               50.97                 50.47          50.47
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):               0.5         Downlink Path Loss (dB)                    205.22                205.22         205.22
                                                        Downlink C/T (dB)                          -141.65               -143.15       -143.15
Inroute Downlink Interference                           C/No (dB)                                   12.18                 10.68          10.68
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):            -30.0        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                            74.77                 74.77          74.77
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):          -25.0        Interference (dB)                            N/A                   N/A           -9.17
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                   -20.0        Downlink C/N (dB)                           12.18                 10.68          6.85
Intermod Downlink (dB):                    -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -18.19
                                                        Cumulative C/N (dB)                         11.90                 10.46         6.50
Outroute Uplink Interference                            Necessary C/N (dB)                           5.4                   5.4           5.4
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0        Cumulative Outroute Link Margin (dB)         6.50                  5.06         1.10
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -30.0
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -20.0
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -18.86

Inroute Signal:                             QPSK 1/2                                         Page 1
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000                                                           GSAA Link Budget
Baseband BW (MHz):                           0.256
Spread BW (MHz):                             1.024
Required C/N (dB):                            2.1         Link Budget for satellite          SES-10        at        -67.0    degrees

Outroute Signal:                            QPSK 5/6                                        Effective Skew Value:     65      degrees
Uplink Frequency (MHz):                      14250                                      Effective Elevation Value:    50      degrees
Downlink Frequency (MHz):                    12000
Bandwidth (MHz):                              30        Inroute signal:     QPSK 1/2          rate        0.256      Msps    in bandwidth   1.024      MHz
Required C/N (dB):                            5.4      Outroute signal:     QPSK 5/6          rate         30        Msps    in bandwidth    30        MHz

Satellite:                                   SES-10
Longitude (deg East):                          -67                                             Lat        Long
Maximum Saturated Downlink EIRP (dBW):         53            Remote:         Airborne        15.347      -99.576
G/T towards Remote (dB/K):                    2.00            NOC:         Steele Valley     33.758     -117.315
G/T towards NOC (dB/K):                       3.60                                                                            Mispoint/              Intermod/
G/T Degradation (dB):                           0                                                                               Rain/                 Satellite/
Saturation Flux Density (dBW/m^2):             -97                                                                           Atmospheric              Cross-pol
Saturated EIRP towards NOC (dBW):             51.9         Inroute Path:                                Ideal Link             Losses               Interference
Saturated EIRP towards remote (dBW):           50
Attenuation Setting (dB):                      12          EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                   37.08                 36.08                  36.08
Max Authorized Downlink EIRP (dBw/Hz):         -22         Uplink Path Loss (dB)                         206.95                206.95                 206.95
Downlink EIRP backoff (dB):                  0.229         Spreading Loss (dB)                           -162.40               -162.40                -162.40
Adjusted Outroute EIRP to Remote (dBW):      49.77         Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)           -125.31               -126.31                -126.31
Downlink EIRP Density to Remote (dBW/Hz):    -25.00        Uplink C/T (dB)                               -167.86               -168.86                -168.86
Downlink EIRP Inroute (dBW):                 12.59         C/No (dB)                                      60.74                 59.74                   59.74
                                                           Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               54.08                 54.08                   54.08
Remote:                                     Airborne       Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -10.15
Latitude (deg North):                        15.347        Uplink C/N (dB)                                 6.65                  5.65                   4.33
Longitude (deg East):                       -99.576
Aperture TX Gain (dBI):                        33.6        Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)                  13.59                 12.59                   12.59
Cable, Skew Module, Radome Loss (dB):           5.7        Downlink Path Loss (dB)                       205.91                205.91                 205.91
Effective TX Antenna Gain (dBi):              27.90        Downlink C/T (dB)                             -155.09               -158.09                -158.09
TX Power (dBm):                              39.18         C/No (dB)                                      73.51                 70.51                   70.51
TX Backoff (dB):                                 0         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                               54.08                 54.08                   54.08
Power into flange (dBW/4 kHz):               -20.10        Interference (dB)                               N/A                   N/A                   -18.19
RX G/T (dB/K):                                12.60        Downlink C/N (dB)                              19.43                 16.43                  14.21
Antenna Mispoint (dB):                         0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                           0
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):                  0.5         Cumulative C/N (dB)                            6.43                   5.31                  3.91
                                                           Necessary C/N (dB)                             2.10                   2.10                  2.10
                                                           Cumulative Inroute Link Margin (dB)            4.33                   3.21                  1.81

Inroute Uplink Interference                                                             Page 2
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -13.7
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -13.7
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -20.0                                                       GSAA Link Budget
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -10.15

Outroute Downlink Interference                         Link Budget for satellite        SES-10       at        -67.0    degrees
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):           -30.0
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):         -10.0                                       Effective Skew Value:     65      degrees
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                  -20.0                                   Effective Elevation Value:    50      degrees
Intermod Downlink (dB):                   -20.0
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -9.17                                                                         Mispoint/     Intermod/
                                                                                                                          Rain/        Satellite/
NOC:                                   Steele Valley                                                                   Atmospheric     Cross-pol
Latitude (deg North):                     33.758        Outroute Path:                            Ideal Link             Losses      Interference
Longitude (deg East):                    -117.315
Antennna diameter (m):                      9m          EIRP towards satellite (dBW)                74.02                 73.52          73.52
RX Antenna Gain (dBi):                     58.5         Uplink Path Loss (dB)                      207.40                207.40         207.40
Antenna Noise Temp (K):                     64          Spreading Loss (dB)                        -162.85               -162.85       -162.85
Antenna LNA Temp (K):                       70          Flux Density at Satellite (dBW/m^2)         -88.83                -89.33        -89.33
Total Noise Temp (K):                       134         Uplink C/T (dB)                            -129.78               -130.28       -130.28
Antenna G/T (dB/K):                        37.23        C/No (dB)                                   98.82                 98.32          98.32
TX Antenna Gain (dBi):                     60.1         Noise BW (dB-Hz)                            74.77                 74.77          74.77
Conducted TX power to Antenna (dBW):       13.92        Interference (dB)                            N/A                   N/A          -18.86
Power into flange (dBW/ 4 kHz):           -24.83        Uplink C/N (dB)                             24.05                 23.55          17.59
Antenna mis-point (dB):                     0.5
Rain Attenuation (dB):                       1          Satellite downlink EIRP (dBW)               49.77                 49.27          49.27
Atmospheric Attenuation (dB):               0.5         Downlink Path Loss (dB)                    205.45                205.45         205.45
                                                        Downlink C/T (dB)                          -143.08               -144.58       -144.58
Inroute Downlink Interference                           C/No (dB)                                   10.75                  9.25           9.25
Adjacent Channel Downlink (dB):            -30.0        Noise BW (dB-Hz)                            74.77                 74.77          74.77
Adjacent Satellite Downlink (dB):          -25.0        Interference (dB)                            N/A                   N/A           -9.17
Cross-Pol Downlink (dB):                   -20.0        Downlink C/N (dB)                           10.75                  9.25           6.20
Intermod Downlink (dB):                    -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Downlink (dB):         -18.19
                                                        Cumulative C/N (dB)                         10.55                 9.09          5.89
Outroute Uplink Interference                            Necessary C/N (dB)                           5.4                   5.4           5.4
Adjacent Channel Uplink (dB):              -30.0        Cumulative Outroute Link Margin (dB)         5.15                 3.69          0.49
Adjacent Satellite Uplink (dB):            -30.0
Cross-Pol Uplink (dB):                     -20.0
Intermod Uplink (dB):                      -30.0
Cumulative Interf. Uplink (dB):           -18.86

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Document Created: 2017-04-12 12:33:37
Document Modified: 2017-04-12 12:33:37

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