Attachment Exhibit D Antenna Pa

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20130916-00811 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Exhibit A— Radiation Hazard Analysis

                                                                                           Cobham SATCOM
                                                                                           Marine Systems, Sea Tel Products
                                                                                           4030 Nelson Ave., Concord
                                                                                           California, 94520 USA

                                                                                           T: +1 (925) 798—7979
                                                                                           F: +1 (925) 288—1420

                                             Maximum Safe RF Exposure Power Levels

 Antenna             Antenna           Typical             Peak Power   Nominal Power    Max Safe     Peak Power        Nominal Power
 Diameter             Area            BUC Power              Density        Density     BUC Power       Density             Density
  Meters              cm*2              Watts               mW/icm*2       mW/cm‘*2       Watts        mW/cm*2             mWicm*2
    0.6                2,827                                   1.8                         25             8.8                  .6
      1                  7,854                                1.0                          75              9.5                0.6
     1.2               11,310                                 22                           100             8                    .6
     1.5               17,671                                 1.4                          150             8.5                ©0.5
     1.8               25,447                                 1.0                                          9.8                  .6
     2                 31,416                                 1.6                           §              9.5                0.6
    24                45,239                                  1.7                                          9.9                :06
     6               101.788                                  1.0                         1006             9.8                0.6
 8797 (2.             30,500                                  1.6                                          9.8                0.6
 9797 (2.4)           42.450                                  24                          400.             9.4                0.6

The ‘Peak Power Density‘ values shown above assume a 100 percent duty cycle modulation of the RF power amplifier
(BUC) at its maximum possible output power. No satellite network is ever operated at this extreme level. The ‘Nominal
Power Density‘ values shown above, represent operation with a 10 percent duty cycle modulation and a 2 dB power
backoff (0.1 x 0.63). These are realistic values for operation within a network that accommodates multiple users.

The FCC has defined, in document ‘OET Bulletin 65%, the maximum safe exposure level for controlled environments to be
5 mW/cm*2 and the maximum safe exposure level for uncontrolled environments to be 1 mW/cm*2. Clearly, the ‘Typical
BUC Power‘ installations meet this requirement with a safety margin of 10. Furthermore, any system equipped with a
BUC or RF power amplifier equal to or less than the "Max Safe BUC Power‘ stated above, is guaranteed to be safe
outside the confines of the radome walls.

By contrast, an analog cellular telephone, with a peak power output of 2 Watts produces a power density, averaged over
the area of your head of 20 mW/cm*2. Localized power densities, i.e. next to your ear, can approach 200 mW/cm*2.
Digital cellular telephones typically operate with a duty cycle between 1 and 5 percent making the averaged power density
equal to or slightly below the FCC defined safe level. Compared to the table values above, a cellular telephone produces
between 10 and 100 times the RF exposure level of a typical Sea Tel satellite terminal.

Peter G. Blaney
Chief Engineer, Sea Tel Products
Cobham SATCOM, Marine Systems

                                                                                                                     Doc: 130856_B

          Sea Tel, Inc., doing business as Cobham SATCOM                                                

Exhibit B — Declaration of Peter Blaney, Chief
Engeneer of Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Inc.

                                                                    Coblirm SATCOM
                                                                    Matine Systems
                                                                    Sea Tel Products
                                                                    4030 Nelson Ave., Concard
                                                                    California, 94520, USA
                                                                    T: +1 (925) 798—7979
                                                                    F: +1 (025) 798—7986

                                                                  sa Tel, Inc.
        . Cobham SATCOM — Marine Systems, Sea Tel Products designs, develops, manufactures
          and services marine stabilized antenna systems for satellite communication at sea. These
          products are in turn used by our customers as part of their Ku—band Earth Station on
          Vessels (ESV) networks.
          FCC regulation 47 C.F.R, § 25.222 defines the provisions for blanket licensing ofESV
          antermas operating in the Ku Band. This declaration covers the requirements for meéeting
          § 25.222 (a)(1) by the demonstrations outlined in paragraphs (b)(1)(f) and (b)(1)(If). The
          requirements for meeting § 25.222 (a)(3)—(a)(7) are left to the applicant, The paragraph
          numbers in this declarationreferto the 2009 verston of FCC 47 C.F.R. § 25.222.
          Sea Tel hereby declates that the antermas listed below will meet the off—axis EIRP
          spectral derisity requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(i) with an N value of 1, whenthe
          following Input Power spectral density limitations are met:
          0.6 Meter Ku Band, Models 2406 and USAT—24 are limited to              —21.6 dBWAMkHz
          0.75 Meter Ku Band, Model USAT—30 is Iimited to                        —21.6 dBW/MAkHz
          1.0 Meter Ku Band, Models 4003/4006/4009/4010 are limited to —16.3 dBW/4kHz
          1.2 Meter Ku Band, Models 4996/5009/5010 are limited to                —14.0 dBW/AkHz
          1.5 Meter Ku Band, Models 600676009 are fimited to                     —14.0 dBW/MkHz
         24 Meter Ku Band, Model 9797 is limited to                              ~14.0 dBW/AkHz
         Sea Tel hereby declares that the antennas referenced in paragraph 3 above, will maintain
         a stabilization pointing accuracy ofbetter than 0.2 degrees under specified ship motion
         conditions, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(ii).
         Sea Tel heroby declares that the antennas referenced in paragraph 3 above, will
         automatically cease transmission within 100 milliseconds ifthe pointing errorshould
         exceed 0.5 degreesand will not resume transmission until the error drops below 0.2
         degtees, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(#i).
   6.    Sea Tel maintains all relevant test data, which is available upon request, to verify these

Executed on:__77/ 2%/ iC                               By: %@
                                                               Peter G, Blaney
                                                               Chief Engineer, Sea Tel Products
                                                               Cobham SATCOM, Marine Systems

                                                               Document Number 130445 rev E

Exhibit C— EIRP Density Tables

                             Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                            1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                                Co Pol Azimuth, —~10 to +10 Degrees @ 0.1 deg (A)
    14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz                                       14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW /4 kHz
 Angle         EIRPsd          Mask                                  Angle         EIRPsd         Mask
Degrees      dBW/AkHz       dBV\£4kHz                               Degrees       dBW/AkHz     dBWAkHz
 —10.0          —20.2           —7.0                                  0.0           244
  —9.9          —18.8           —6.9                                  0.1           24.3
  —9.8          —17.5           —6.8                                  0.2           24.1
  —9.7          —16.8           —6.7                                  0.3           23.8
  —9.6          —16.2           —6.6                                  0.4           234
  —9.5          —16.0           —6.4                                  0.5           22.9
  —9.4          —16.1           —6.3                                  0.6           22.3
  9.3           —16.2           —6.2                                  0.7           21.3
  —9.2         —16.3          —6.1                                0.8           20.5
  —9.1         —16.4          —6.0                                0.9           19.4
  —9.0         —16.7          —6.0                                 1.0          18.0
  —8.9         —17.0          —6.0                                 1.1          16.8
  —8.8         ~17.9          —6.0                                 1.2          14.8
  —8.7         —18.7          —6.0                                 1.3          12.7
  —8.6         —19.4          —6.0                                1.4            10.4
  —8.5         —19.8          —6.0                                1.5            7.0           10.6
  —8.4         —19.9          —6.0                                1.6            3.2           9.9
  8.3          —19.9          —6.0                                1.7            —2.9          9.2
  —8.2         —19.9          —6.0                                1.8           —18.1          8.6
  —8.1         —19.6          —6.0                                1.9           —7.7           8.0
  —8.0         —18.6          —6.0                                2.0           —1.3           75
  —1.9         —17.6          —6.0                                2.1            1.1           6.9
  —1.8         —16.9          —6.0                                2.2           2.5            6.4
  —7.7         ~16.3          —6.0                                2.3           3.4            6.0
  —1.6         —15.9          —6.0                                24            3.6            5.5
  —1.5         —14.8          —6.0                                2.5            3.3           5.1
  —1.A         —13.4          —6.0                                2.6            2.6           4.6
  —1.3         —12.2          —6.0                                2.7            1.9           4.2
  —7.2         11.2           —6.0                                2.8           0.8            3.8
  —7.1         —10.5          —6.0                                2.9           —0.2           3.4
  —7.0         —10.1          —6.0                                3.0           —1.2           3.1
  —6.9          9.9           —6.0                                3.1           —2.4           2.7
  —6.8         —10.1          5.8                                 3.2           —3.4           24
  —6.7         —10.6          —5.7                                3.3           4.5            2.0
  —6.6         —11.4          —5.5                                34            —5.6           1.7
  —6.5         —13.0          5.3                                 3.5           —6.6           14
  —6.4         —15.7          —5.2                                3.6            —1.2          1.1
  —6.3         —18.6          —5.0                                3.7            —7.5          0.8
  6.2          —22.1          —4.8                                3.8            —1.3          0.5
  —6.1         —22.6          4.6                                 3.9            —6.6          0.2
  —6.0         —21.4          4.5                                 4.0            5.9           —0.1
  —5.9         —20.4          4.3                                 4.1            —5.0          —0.3
  —5.8         ~19.9          —4.1                                4.2            4.3           —0.6
  5.7          19.3           3.9                                 4.3            —4.0          —0.8
  —5.6         —17.6          —3.7                                4.4            —4.0          —1.1
  —5.5         115.3          —8.5                                4.5            —4.2          —1.3
  —5.4         —12.8          —3.3                                4.6            ~4.5          —1.6
  —5.3         ~10.7          —3.1                                4.7            —4.8          —1.8
  —5.2          —8.9          —2.9                                4.8            —5.2          —2.0
  —5.1          —7.3          —2.7                                4.9            —5.8          2.3
  —5.0          6.3            2.5                                5.0            —6.7          —2.5
  —4.9          5.6            2.3                                5.1            —7.7          —2.7
  —4.8          —5.1           —2.0                               5.2            —9.2          —2.9
  —4.7,         49             11.8                               5.3           —10.5          —3.1
  —4.6          4.8           —1.6                                5.4           —11.9          —3.3
  ~4.5          ~4.7          —1.3                                5.5           —13.7          —3.5
  ~44           4.9           —1.1                                5.6           —15.2          —8.7
  4.3           5.2           —0.8                                5.7           —17.6          —3.9

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2

Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
            1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
Co Pol Azimuth, —10 to +10 Degrees @ 0.1 deg (A)
—0.6                                  5.8          —21.5   —4.1
                                      5.9          —26.3   4.3
                                     6.0           —27.0   4.5
                                     6.1           —21.2   4.6
                                     6.2           —17.7   —4.8
                                     6.3           —15.5   —5.0
                                     6.4           —14.4   —5.2
                                     6.5           —13.7   5.3
                                     6.6           113.3   —5.5
                                     6.7           ~12.8   —5.7
                                     6.8           —12.0   —5.8
                                     6.9           A11.4   —6.0
                                     7.0           A11.1   —6.1
                                     7.1           —11.2   —6.0
                                     7.2           —11.4   —6.0
                                     7.3           —11.9   —6.0
                                     7.4           —12.4   —6.0
                                     7.5           —12.9   —6.0
                                     7.6           ~14.3   —6.0
                                     7.7           —16.2   —6.0
                                     7.8           —19.3   —6.0
                                     1.9           —23.8   —6.0
                                     8.0           —27.6   —6.0
                                     8.1           —26.7   —6.0
                                     8.2           —23.6   —6.0
                                     8.3           —21.9   —6.0
                                     8.4           —20.6   —6.0
                                     8.5           —20.1   6.0
                                     8.6           —19.7   —6.0
                                     8.7           —19.6   —6.0
                                     8.8           —19.8   —6.0
                                     8.9           —20.0   —6.0
                                     9.0           —20.0   —6.0
                                     9.1           ~19.4   —6.0
                                     9.2           —18.6   —6.0
                                     9.3           —17.5   —6.2
                                     9.4           —16.7   —6.3
                                     9.5           ~16.3   —6.4
                                     9.6           ~16.3   —6.6
                                     9.7           —17.0   —6.7
                                     9.8           —18.3   —6.8
                                     9.9           —20.0   —6.9
                                     10.0          —22.8   —1.0

                                                                  Page 2 of 2

                          Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                        1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                          Cross Pol Azimuth, —10 to +10 Degrees @ 0.1 deg (C)
   14.25 GHz @ 16.3 dBW /4 kHz                                    14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW /4 kHz
 Angle        EIRPsd        Mask                               Angle         EIRPsd        Mask
Degrees     dBW/AkHz     dBWIAkHz                             Degrees       dBW/iAkHz    dBW/AKHz
 —10.0        —36.3       —16.0                                 0.0           —30.8
 —9.9         —33.3       —16.0                                 0.1           —28.8
 —9.8         —32.9       —16.0                                  0.2            —21.9
 —9.7         —33.8       ~16.0                                  0.3            —20.0
 —9.6         —34.3       —16.0                                  0.4            —19.4
 —9.5         —36.5       —16.0                                  0.5            —~18.8
 —9.4         —35.4       —16.0                                  0.6            —18.4
 —9.3         ~33.9       —16.0                                  0.7            —17.4
 —9.2 .       —35.8       —16.0                                  0.8            —18.4
 —9.1         —33.5       —16.0                                  0.9            —18.4
 —9.0         —30.8       —16.0                                  1.0            —19.1
 —8.9         33.3        —16.0                                  1.1            —19.4
 —8.8         —37.2       —16.0                                  1.2            —20.1
 —8.7         —28.1       —16.0                                  1.3            —20.8
 —8.6         —30.6       —16.0                                  14             —22.0
 —8.5         —36.5       —16.0                                  1.5            —21.1
 84           —35.8       —16.0                                  1.6            —21.4
 8.3          —36.1       —16.0                                  1.7            —21.7
 —8.2         —31.4       —16.0                                  1.8            —21.2       ~1.4
 —8.1         —31.8       —16.0                                  1.9            —21.2       —2.0
 —8.0         —31.8       —16.0                                  2.0            —19.5       —2.5
 —7.9         —33.5       —16.0                                  2.1            —20.6       —3.1
 —7.8         —30.1       —16.0                                  2.2            —20.0       —3.6
 —7.7         —29.4       —16.0                                  2.3            —18.4       —4.0
 —1.6         —31.7       —16.0                                  24             —19.5       ~4.5
 ~L.5         —30.6       —16.0                                  2.5            —18.9       —4.9
 —7.4         ~34.7       —16.0                                  2.6            —20.4       5.4
 —7.3         —30.5       —16.0                                  2.7            —20.3       —5.8
 —7.2         —33.1       —16.0                                  2.8            —20.8       —6.2
 —7.1         —34.8       —16.0                                  2.9            =21.2       —6.6
 —1.0         —36.4       —16.0                                  3.0            —22.1       —6.9
 —6.9         —30.2       —16.0                                  3.1            —23.6       —7.3
 —6.8         33.3        ~15.8                                  3.2            —25.4       —1.6
 —6.7         —30.1       —15.7                                  3.3            272         —8.0
 66           —31.0       1155                                   3.4            —28.2       6.3
 —6.5         —29.1       115.3                                  3.5            —31.1       —8.6
 —6.4         —31.4       —15.2                                  3.6            —34.1       8.9
 —6.3         ~31.0       —15.0                                  3.7            —34.7       —9.2
 —6.2         —29.4       —14.8                                  3.8            37.3        —9.6
 —6.1         —29.6       —14.6                                  3.9            —40.5       —9.8
 —6.0         —31.7       —14.5                                  4.0            —49.4      —10.1
 —5.9         —37.4       —14.3                                  4.1            —37.0      —10.3
 —5.8         —32.4       —14.1                                  4.2            —39.9      —10.6
 5.7          ~37.7       —13.9                                  4.3            —37.6      —10.8
 5.6          32.3        ~13.7                                  4.4            —37.4      A11.1
 5.5          —36.5       113.5                                  4.5            ~42.5      —11.3
 —5.4         —33.0       113.3                                  4.6            —49.7,     —11.6
 —5.3         29.7        —13.1                                  4.7            50.3       ~11.8
 —5.2         —33.1       ~12.9                                  4.8            43.5       —12.0
 —5.1         —35.0       112.7                                  4.9            —44.1      —12.3
 —5.0         —33.6       1125                                   5.0            ~46.3      ~12.5
 —4.9         —35.1       ~12.3                                  5.1            —36.5      —12.7
 —4.8         —35.1       —12.0                                  5.2            37.3       —12.9
  4.7         47.7        —11.8                                  5.3            41.1       —13.1
  4.6         —39.6       —11.6                                  5.4            ~40.9      113.3
  ~4.5        49.3        11.3                                   5.5            40.3       —13.5
  44          —34.4       A11.1                                  5.6            —40.1      ~13.7
  4.3         —55.7       —10.8                                  5.7            40.3       —13.9

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                 Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                               1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                 Cross Pol Azimuth, —10 to +10 Degrees @ 0.1 deg (C)
4.2      —38.6   —10.6                                 5.8             422      —14.1
—4.1     —43.4   —10.3                                 5.9             —39.2    114.3
—4.0     41.3    —10.1                                 6.0             —34.5    —14.5
—3.9     48.3     —9.8                                 6.1             —35.6    —14.6
—3.8     —45.8    —9.5                                 6.2             —34.0    ~14.8
—3.7     —43.4    —9.2                                 6.3             —39.5    ~15.0
—3.6     ~33.4    —8.9                                 6.4             —35.4    +15.2
—3.5     —35.6    —8.6                                 6.5             —36.7    —15.3
34       —29.9    —8.3                                 6.6             ~35.7    —15.5
3.3      —29.6    —8.0                                 6.7             —32.1    —15.7
—3.2     —26.9    —1.6                                 6.8             —365.9   —15.8
—3.1 .   —23.6    —1.3                                 6.9             —34.8    —16.0
—3.0     —24.0    —6.9                                 7.0             —49.2    —16.0
—~2.9    21.1     —6.6                                 7.              ~42.8    —16.0
—2.8     —21.2    —6.2                                 7.2             —40.1    —16.0
—2.7     —18.9    —5.8                                 7.3             —34.4    —16.0
—2.6     —19.4    —54                                  7.4             ~43.2    —16.0
—2.5     —19.2    —4.9                                 7.5             ~40.2    —16.0
—24      —19.0    4.5                                  7.6             ~42.7    —16.0
—2.3     —20.0    —4.0                                 7.7             ~40.7    —16.0
—2.2     —19.7    —3.6                                 7.8             ~43.5    —16.0
—2.1     —20.8    —3.1                                 7.9             —39.9    —16.0
—2.0     ~22.7    —2.5                                 8.0             —35.5    —16.0
—1.9     24.0     —2.0                                 8.1             —37.4    ~16.0
—1.8     —22.0    14                                   8.2             ~44.9    —16.0
—1.7     —21.5                                         8.3             35.3     —16.0
—1.6     —18.2                                         8.4             —39.6    —16.0
—1.5     —17.2                                         8.5             ~36.4    —16.0
—1.4     —15.2                                         8.6             ~36.4    —16.0
—1.3     —14.3                                         8.7             46.3     —16.0
—1.2     —13.2                                         8.8             —37.2    —16.0
—1.1     —13.1                                         8.9             —36.0    —16.0
—1.0     —13.4                                         9.0             —36.7    —16.0
—0.9     —13.2                                         9.1             —33.2    —16.0
—0.8     —13.0                                         9.2             —36.0    ~16.0
—0.7     —14.1                                         9.3             —37.4    —16.0
—0.6     —14.7                                         9.4             —31.9    16.0
—0.5     —15.9                                         9.5             —36.0    —16.0
—0.4     ~17.7                                         9.6             —35.6    —16.0
—0.3     —21.1                                         9.7             —36.5    —16.0
—0.2     —25.9                                         9.8             47.3     —16.0
—0.1     —32.9                                         9.9             —40.2    —16.0
 0.0     —30.8                                         10.0            ~35.7    —16.0

                                                                                    Page 2 of 2

                          Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                         1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                           Co Pol Azimuth, —180 to +180 Degrees @ 1.0 deg (A)
   14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW /4 kHz                                    14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz
 Angle        EIRPsd         Mask                               Angle            EIRPsd      Mask
Degrees      dBW/AKHz     dBW/AkHz                             Degrees          dBW/AkHz   dBW/AkHz
—180.0        —41.9        —24.0                                 0.0              24.4
—179.0        —45.1        —24.0                                 1.0              20.0
—178.0        —44.0        —24.0                                 2.0               2.9        7.5
—177.0        —51.5        —24.0                                 3.0              0.3         3.1
—176.0        —44.9        —24.0                                 4.0              —4.2        —0.1
—175.0        ~49.7        ~24.0                                 5.0              5.5         —2.5
—174.0        ~41.5        —24.0                                 6.0              —16.6       —4.5
—173.0        ~45.4        —24.0                                 7.0              —11.1       —6.1
—172.0.       ~49.6        —24.0                                 8.0              —21.5       —6.0
—171.0        —49.0        —24.0                                 9.0              —18.0       —6.0
—170.0        —44.6        —24.0                                 19.0             —19.2       —1.0
~169.0        —47.3        —24.0                                 11.0             —30.5       —8.0
—168.0        ~44.9        24.0                                  12.0             —17.4       —9.0
—167.0        —44.3        ~24.0                                 13.0             —21.4       —9.8
~166.0        —50.7        —24.0                                 14.0             ~19.8      —10.7
~165.0        46.9         —24.0                                 15.0             ~22.0      —11.4
—164.0        436          —24.0                                 16.0             —35.1      ~121
—163.0        —50.0        —24.0                                 17.0             26.3       —12.8
—162.0        ~44.9        —24.0                                 18.0             —28.2      —13.4
—161.0        —46.7        —24.0                                 19.0             —30.4      —14.0
—160.0        ~42.9        —24.0                                 20.0             —40.4      —14.5
—159.0        ~44.5        —24.0                                 21.0             —32.2      —15.1
—158.0        ~44.0        ~24.0                                 22.0             —27.0      —15.6
—157.0        ~45.6        24.0                                  23.0             —35.3      —16.0
—156.0        —43.4        —24.0                                 24.0             —31.5      —16.5
—155.0        —44.9        —24.0                                 25.0             —21.8      —16.9
—154.0        —42.5        ~24.0                                 26.0             —19.4      ~17.4
—153.0        —43.7        —24.0                                 27.0             —21.8      —~17.8
—152.0        —44.2        —24.0                                 28.0             26.2       —18.2
—151.0        —44.5        —24.0                                 29.0             —26.6      —18.6
—150.0        43.3         —24.0                                 30.0             26.3       —16.9
—149.0        —45.8        —24.0                                 31.0             —28.6      ~19.3
—148.0        —42.9        —24.0                                 32.0             —23.2      —19.6
—147.0        ~43.5        24.0                                  33.0             ~22.2      —20.0
—146.0        44.3         —24.0                                 34.0             ~28.4      20.3
—145.0        ~43.7        —24.0                                 35.0             30.3       —20.6
—144.0        —42.7        24.0                                  36.0             ~25.7      —20.9
~143.0        —46.0        24.0                                  37.0             24 4       —21.2
—142.0        —42.9        —24.0                                 38.0             24.6       —21.5
—141.0        ~42.4        —24.0                                 39.0             —24.2      —21.8
—140.0        ~43.5        —24.0                                 40.0             —25.6      —22.1
—139.0        —44.8        —24.0                                 41.0             —23.9      22.3
—138.0        —42.5        —24.0                                 42.0             —23.4      —22.6
—137.0        —46.2        —24.0                                 43.0             —24.0      22.8
—136.0        —43.7        —24.0                                 44.0             —29.9      —23.1
—135.0        —44.3        —24.0                                 45.0             —32.5      23.3
—134.0        —47.1        —24.0                                 46.0             —28.4      —23.6
—133.0        —41.9        —24.0                                 47.0             —28.9      —23.8
—132.0        —44.0        —24.0                                 48.0             +321       —24.0
—131.0        45.3         —24.0                                 49.0             ~43.9      —24.0
—130.0        —42.9        —24.0                                 50.0             —37.0      —24.0
—129.0        44.7         24.0                                  51.0             34.3       —24.0
~128.0        46.2         —24.0                                 52.0             —37.0      —24.0
—127.0        42.7         24.0                                  53.0             —36.2      —24.0
—126.0        ~42.6        —24.0                                 54.0             32.4       —24.0
—125.0        ~48.0        —24.0                                 55.0             28.5       —24.0
—124.0        —41.3        ~24.0                                 56.0             27.9       —24.0
—123.0        ~44.0        ~24.0                                 57.0             28.5       —24.0
—122.0        —45.6        ~24.0                                 58.0             ~29.4      —24.0

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 3

                 Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                               1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                 Co Pol Azimuth, ~180 to +180 Degrees @ 1.0 deg (A)
—121.0   43.2    —24.0                                 59.0           —31.0   —24.0
—120.0   —45.1   —24.0                                 60.0           —32.2   —24.0
—119.0   —51.5   —24.0                                 61.0           —31.6   —24.0
—118.0   —43.7   —24.0                                 62.0           32.3    —24.0
—117.0   ~41.7   ~24.0                                 63.0           —32.7   ~24.0
—116.0   ~47.7   ~24.0                                 64.0           —33.7   24.0
—115.0   ~41.8   —24.0                                 65.0           —39.3   —24.0
—114.0   —43.5   —24.0                                 66.0           ~41.7   —24.0
—113.0   474     —24.0                                 67.0           ~42.1   —24.0
—112.0   —43.2   —24.0                                68.0            48.3    —24.0
—111.0   ~42.5   ~24.0                                69.0            —42.7   —24.0
—110.0   —51.6   ~24.0                                 70.0           —34.7   —24.0
—109.0   —41.1   ~24.0                                 71.0           —32.3   —24.0
—108.0   —41.2   —24.0                                 72.0           33.3    —24.0
—107.0   —51.7   —24.0                                73.0            ~36.4   —24.0
—106.0   ~39.7   —24.0                                74.0            ~40.8   —24.0
—105.0   ~39.2   —24.0                                75.0            —33.9   —24.0
—104.0   —44.2   —24.0                                76.0            —31.4   —24.0
—103.0   —40.8   —24.0                                77.0            —31.7   —24.0
—102.0   ~38.1   —24.0                                78.0            —35.6   —24.0
—101.0   —40.3   —24.0                                79.0            —47.1   —24.0
—100.0   —50.8   —24.0                                80.0            ~35.9   —24.0
 —99.0   —40.0   —24.0                                81.0            ~32.7   —24.0
 —98.0   —38.1   —24.0                                82.0            —32.9   —24.0
 —97.0   ~40.4   —24.0                                83.0            —35.7   —24.0
 —96.0   45.1    —24.0                                84.0            46.6    —24.0
 —95.0   —36.8   —24.0                                85.0            —35.9   —24.0
 —94.0   —35.9   —24.0                                86.0            —34.1   24.0
 —93.0   —40.7   ~24.0                                87.0            35.3    ~24.0
 —92.0   ~40.5   —24.0                                88.0            —41.6   ~24.0
 —91.0   ~34.6   ©24.0                                89.0            ~39.9   —24.0
 —90.0   34.3    —24.0                                90.0            —35.6   24.0
 —89.0   ~38.4   —24.0                                91.0            —35.3   —24.0
 —88.0   —39.6   —24.0                                92.0            —42.0   —24.0
 —87.0   ~33.2   —24.0                                93.0            —41.5   —24.0
 —86.0   —32.4   —24.0                                94.0            ~37.7   —24.0
 —85.0   —35.1   ~24.0                                95.0            ~39.0   —24.0
 —84.0   ~40.8   ~24.0                                96.0            —47.9   —24.0
 —83.0   —35.0   —24.0                                97.0            41.6    ~24.0
 —82.0   —31.2   —24.0                                98.0            —39.8   —24.0
 —81.0   —31.2   —24.0                                99.0            ~42.0   —24.0
 —80.0   —34.5   —24.0                                100.0           —53.4   24.0
 —79.0   —42.6   —24.0                                101.0           —41.4   24.0
 —78.0   —34.4   —24.0                                102.0           —39.9   —24.0
 —77.0   —30.9   24.0                                 103.0           —45.5   —24.0
 —76.0   —30.1   ~24.0                                104.0           —45.8   —24.0
 —75.0   —32.0   —24.0                                105.0           —42.1   —24.0
 —74.0   39.3    —24.0                                106.0           —42.8   —24.0
 —73.0   38.3    —24.0                                107.0           —55.2   —24.0
 —72.0   ~33.0   —24.0                                108.0           —44.4   —24.0
 —71.0   32.6    —24.0                                109.0           —43.7   —24.0
 —70.0   —34.1   —24.0                                110.0           —51.9   —24.0
 —69.0   —44.2   —24.0                                111.0           —44.9   —24.0
 —68.0   —45.0   —24.0                                112.0           ~42.2   —24.0
 —67.0   ~42.5   —24.0                                113.0           —53.5   —24.0
 —66.0   41.3    —24.0                                114.0           —42.4   —24.0
 —65.0   —43.1   ~24.0                                115.0           —43.2   —24.0
 —64.0   36.3    —24.0                                116.0           —48.0   —24.0
 —63.0   —34.9   —24.0                                117.0           —42.7   —24.0
 —62.0   —34.9   —24.0                                118.0           —45.1   —24.0
 —61.0   —34.4   —24.0                                119.0           —48.0   —24.0
 —60.0   34.4    —24.0                                120.0           —46.1   —24.0

                                                                                      Page 2 of 3

                  Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                  Co Pol Azimuth, —180 to +180 Degrees @ 1.0 deg (A)
—59.0     —32.1   —24.0                                121.0           —46.1   ~24.0
—58.0     —29.6   —24.0                                122.0           47.3    —24.0
—57.0     —28.8   —24.0                                123.0           —44.8   —24.0
—56.0     —21.6   —24.0                                124.0           —42.8   —24.0
—55.0     —28.6   —24.0                                125.0           —51.9   24.0
—54.0     —31.6   —24.0                                126.0           ~43.9   24.0
—53.0     —36.4   —24.0                                127.0           43.9    —24.0
—52.0     37.3    —24.0                                128.0           —49.0   —24.0
—51.0     —33.4   —24.0                                129.0           —45.0   —24.0
—50.0     —34.5   —24.0                                130.0           —47.5   —24.0
—49.0     —38.6   —24.0                                131.0           —44.4   ~24.0
—48.0 .   —32.7   —24.0                                132.0           ~46.1   ~24.0
—47.0     294     —23.8                                133.0           43.9    —24.0
~46.0     —28.9   —23.6                                134.0           —52.2   —24.0
—45.0     —32.8   23.3                                 135.0           —43.0   —24.0
—44.0     —30.7   2311                                 136.0           ~44.4   ~24.0
—43.0     —24.4   —22.8                                137.0           —47.5   24.0
—42.0     —24.2   —22.6                                138.0           —44.9   24.0
—41.0     —25.2   22.3                                 139.0           —47.8   —24.0
~40.0     —26.2   —22.1                                140.0           —44.7   —24.0
—39.0     —24.5   —21.8                                141.0           —46.6   24.0
—38.0     —24.1   —21.5                                142.0           —45.0   —24.0
~37.0     244     —21.2                                143.0           —47.7   —24.0
~36.0     26.0    —20.9                                144.0           —43.5   —24.0
—35.0     —30.6   —20.6                                145.0           —43.4   —24.0
—34.0     —27.7   —20.3                                146.0           ~46.0   —24.0
—33.0     —22.9   —20.0                                147.0           —42.7   —24.0
—32.0     —24.5   —19.6                                148.0           —46.0   24.0
~31.0     —31.5   —19.3                                149.0           —44.2   —24.0
~30.0     —26.7   —18.9                                150.0           —46.0   —24.0
—29.0     —27.2   —18.6                                151.0           46.9    —24.0
—28.0     —25.4   —18.2                                152.0           43.9    —24.0
—27.0     —21.4   —17.8                                153.0           ~45.5   —24.0
—26.0     —19.7   —17.4                                154.0           —45.4   —24.0
—25.0     —23.0   —16.9                                155.0           ~44.6   —24.0
—24.0     —30.2   —16.5                                156.0           —44.8   —24.0
—23.0     —34.3   —16.0                                157.0           —44.5   —24.0
—22.0     —30.9   —15.6                                158.0           —43.7   —24.0
—21.0     334     —15.1                                159.0           —44.4   ~24.0
—20.0     —35.6   —14.5                                160.0           —43.0   —24.0
—19.0     —29.6   —14.0                                161.0           —43.1   —24.0
—18.0     —27.1   —13.4                                162.0           —46.4   ~24.0
~17.0     —26.1   —12.8                                163.0           —47.2   24.0
—16.0     —33.5   —12.1                                164.0           ~45.8   24.0
—15.0     —22.0   —11.4                                165.0           —45.5   —24.0
—14.0     —20.1   —10.7                                166.0           —49.8   —24.0
—13.0     —20.2    —9.8                                167.0           —43.4   —24.0
—12.0     —17.5    —9.0                                168.0           ~46.5   —24.0
—11.0     —30.4    —8.0                                169.0           —49.5   —24.0
—10.0     —17.2    —7.0                                170.0           42.5    —24.0
 —9.0     —16.3    —6.0                                171.0           ~45.9   —24.0
 —8.0     —16.6    —6.0                                172.0           ~47.7   —24.0
 —7.0     —10.0    —6.0                                173.0           —43.9   —24.0
 —6.0     —19.6    ~4.5                                174.0           —46.9   —24.0
 —5.0      —5.0    —2.5                                175.0           —44.0   —24.0
 —4.0      6.2     —0.1                                176.0           —48.0   —24.0
 —3.0       1.3     3.1                                177.0           —48.2   —24.0
 —2.0       1.0     7.5                                178.0           —49.3   —24.0
 —1.0     21.5                                         179.0           ~46.2   —24.0
 0.0      244                                          180.0           —48.2   —24.0

                                                                                       Page 3 of 3

                          Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                         1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
                          Co Pol Elevation, 0 to +30 Degrees @ 0.1 / 0.5 deg (B)

  14.25 GHz  —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz                                      14.25 GHz      —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz
    le      EIRPsd          Mask                                     le
  rees                        AKHz                                  rees                      dBW/
 .           24.
0.1          24.5                                                 10.5                            —1.5
             24.4                                                 11.0               .            —8.0
             24.2                                                 11.5                            —8.
             23.9                                                 12.0                            —9.0
             23.5                                                 12.5                            —9.4
             23.1                                                 13.0               .            —9.8
             22.5                                                 13.5               .           —10.3
             21.8                                                 14.0               .           —10.7
             21.1                                                 14.5                           —11.
             20.2                                                 15.0                           —11.4
             19.0                                                 15.5               .           11.
             18.0                                                 16.0               .           —12.
             16.5                                                 16.5               .           —12.4
             15.1                                                 17.0                           —12.
             134                                                  17.5                           —13.
             11.5                                                 18.0               .           —13.
              9.3                                                 18.5               .           13.
              6.1                                                 19.0               .           14.
              2.8                                                 19.5                           14.
              —2.1                                                20.0                           —14.
             —12.7                                                                               —14.
             —11.9                                                                               —15.
              —5.1                                                                               —15.

                                                                                                       Page 1 of 2

             Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                            1.0m EIRPsd Data Table
             Co Pol Elevation, 0 to +30 Degrees @ 0.1 / 0.5 deg (B)

5.7   17.6    —0.9

                                                                      Page 2 of 2

Exhibit D — Antenna Patterns

                                                               Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                                          1.0 m EIRPsd, HH Co—Pol, Azimuth, E—Plane (A)

                                                            14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz, 0.2 dB Radome Loss                                                                                    *

                                                                                                   x=         >
                                                                                            A                     A                                                                          —                                  :
                                                                                          f.                            .                                                                                    .                  |
    w                                                                                 Z                                 X>                                                                                                      :
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    §                                                    _z                      J——                                        U                                           ~                                                       Pol
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                                                                                                                                                                                 \ L                 k—                      C3        |
                                            x                                                                                                                                     x3                             /              §      «
                                                                                                                                                                                   I                     T                      i

                                            s     s       a        s             a             a          o       1                2              s          a          s           s        7           s               a      10
                                                                                          Degrees(Azimuth Narrow Sweep)

                                                              14.25 GHz @ —16.3 dBW / 4 kHz, 0.2 dB Radome Loss

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                                                                                           Degrees (Azimuth Wide Sweap)

L                                                                                                                                                                                                                            l2____
                                                                                                                               Plot Parameters                                     Peak Excursions dB
File                                                                                                              Input sd             Gain           Cal Factor                   1.5° to 7° 7° to 180°                      % Over
D:\SEATELIACOUIREDDATAAZ1425_40_H.MDB                                                                                 +16.3            40.88               55.82                        12       —0.7                          0%

                                                Cobham SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                        1.0 meter EIRPsd, HH Co—Pol, Elevation, H—Plane (B)

                                           14.25 GHz @ ~16.3 dBW / 4 kHz, 0.2 dB Radome Loss

 EIRPsd dBW/ 4kz

                   0   2   a     s            10       12       14           16              18           20            22   2           2s        20      so
                                                               Elevation (degrees)

                                                                                             Plot Parameters                 Peak Excursions dB
File                                                                              Input sd        Gain     Cal Factor            —     3* to 30°        % Over
D:SEATELACQUIREDDATAAZ1425_40_E_V.MDB                                                ~16.3        40.88        56.36             —      —6.59            0%

                                                    Cobnam SATCOM, Sea Tel Products
                                              1.0 meter EIRPsd, VH X—Pol, Azimuth, E—Plane (C)

                                                  14.25 GHz @—16.3 dBW / 4 kHz, 0.2 dB Radome Loss

                                                                                                                   5—28l0g8 dBWiAkHz

                                                                                                                                                    ~16 dBWidkHz

                  «10   a   a   a   «   «s    a        a     2      a        0       1            2       s       a       s       s        7        8      o          t0
                                                                   Degrees (Azimuth Sweep)

                                                                                                  Plot Parameters                Peak Excursions dB
File:                                                                                    Pin sd         Gain Cal Factor          1.8° to 7*7" to 180°              % Over
EALOOPCANYONACQUIREDDATAM42SXAZ_HH_ND_2.MDB                                               ~16.3         43.05     42.12           —13.09     ~13.31                 0.00

                                                    Sea Tel, Inc.
                      1 Meter EIRP Spectral Density @ —17.9 dBW / 4kHz input and 0.6 dB radome loss

                                              14.25 GHz EIRPsd E—Plane
                                                   old   _.39

                                                          sfi\§                                        i

                                                          d o a o 4 mo
EIRPsd dBW/4kHz



                                 fi .

                                                Degrees (Elevation Sweep)

                                                                                                 Sea Tel, Inc.
                                                       1 Meter EIRP Spectral Density @ —17.9 dBW / 4KHz input and 0.6dB radome loss__ .. _

                                                                                                 14.25 GHz EIRPsd H—Plane

      EIRPSd dBW/4kHz

                                                                                      m—__! sc



                                                                                                 n1 [







                                                                                  Degrees (Azimith Narrow Sweep)

                                                                                                  14.25 GHz EIRPsd H—Plane

                                                                                                           P m ho to
                                                                                                        th o t © 0
                                                                                                                       15 —25 Log (a) dBW / 4KHz                  ""—:

                        180 —140——120——
                             —160                              —      —                          29—

                                                                                                                                     18 —25 Log (a) dBwW / 4KHz

                         i——1—24 dBW / 4KHz

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                         L__._ l od ad dadinih s Ade
                                                  {flflmfifl                                                                      =N_ SANOLEAAR®znrnnn,striak _
                                                                                      Degrees (Azimuth Wide Sweep)

                                                    Sea Tel, Inc.
                       1 Meter EIRP Spectral Density @ —17.9 dBW / 4KHz input and 0.6dB radome loss

                                              14.25 GHz EIRPsd Cross Pol
EIRPsd Cross Pol


                                                   Degrees (Azimuth Sweep)

                                                                                 Sea Tel, Inc.
                                              1 Meter EIRP Spectral Density @ ~17.9 dBW / 4KHz input and 0.6dB radome loss

                                                                           14.25 GHz EIRPsd Cross Pol

                              e                                                            10—

                   4o   -lq   »;3   a7   :e            —5   -;   3           z       1         ;_, m         ml         d     -;.              5      é   7        a           9 477}0
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                                                                                 Degrees (Elevation Sweep)

                                                        4006 Stability Accuracy Test
                                                   Az=45°, El=45°, R 22.5°@$8s, P 10°@6s

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                 o                                                                               80                 100                     120
                                                                        Tlme (s)

                                                        4006 Stability Accuracy Test
      0.s0                                         Az=45°, El=45°, R 22.5°@$8s, P 10°@6s
:                                         !                                1                                   I


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      0.00 +                 1                                             :                                    l
           0                10           20       30          40          50           60             70       80            90             100
                                                             Pointing Error Distribution %

    Ave Err (°)             o.os8   _                  RMS Err (°)       0.092                                       Max Err (°)           0.182

Exhibit E — ESVs operating Regions

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Ku—Band North America (NA) EIRP                                            ©
                                                        §1,8 Beam poak
                                      The boid contor
                                      sdge of coverage. Fo
                                      contour, co—channel    ference
                                      be assessed on a case by cas #/4
                                      Elevation Angles are shown at 0, $ and
                                                                 sESs AWORLD SKIES

                      SIRP oBw
                     50.7 Bea   peat
    The adjacent plot shows the measured
    performance of a typical satellite iransponder.
                           erences should be
    erige of cover
    contour, ce—0
    be assesse

                                                                                        Coniours Shown
                                                                                            EIRP [JBSW]
                                                                                        51.7 Beam peak

                                                                           Small performance differences should be
                                                                         | expecied between individual transponders.

                                                                         i The boid contour line represenis the nominal
                                                                           edge af coverage. For operation beyond this
                                                                           contour, co—channel interference levels should
                                                                           be assessed on a case by case basic.

                                                                            Elevation Angles are shown at 0, S and 10

SES—4 TUG (1.1), June 2011   @2011 SES WORLD SKIES Ail Rights Reserved                        SESsAWORLD SKIES

                            y   s
                                                                            The adjacent plot shows the measured
                                                                                          f a typical satellite transponder.
                                                                                                          at C, $ and 1
39     SES—4 TUG (1.1), June 2011   ©2011 SES WORLD SKIES All Rights Reserved                       SES AWORLD SKIES

T11N — Mexico Gulf Area
             70.00~ = ~~~      hn      neonguton

   North Latifude (Degrees)
             20.00 |
             10.00— >
                0.00              ‘                  —            *z           =.                o       .
                 120.00       110.00        400.00   —80.00            £0.00             70.00       €0.00   —50.00   ~40.00
                                                              East Longitude (Degrees)

Document Created: 2013-07-02 19:17:56
Document Modified: 2013-07-02 19:17:56

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