Attachment Radiation_Ana.pdf

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120910-00804 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.








Radiation Hazard Analysis for Prodelin 2.4m VSAT Antenna
This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for the Prodelin 2.4m VSAT antenna fed
with a 45 Watt block up-converter. This report is developed in accordance with the prediction
methods contained in OET Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01. Bulletin No. 65
specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on the situation in
which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the individuals who are subject to the
exposure -- the General Population/ Uncontrolled Environment and the Controlled Environment,
where the general population does not have access. The maximum level of non-ionizing
radiation to which individuals may be exposed is limited to a power density level of 5 milliwatts
per square centimeter (5 mW/cm2) averaged over any 6 minute period in a controlled
environment, and the maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which the general public is
exposed is limited to a power density level of 1 milliwatt per square centimeter (1 mW/cm2)
averaged over any 30 minute period in a uncontrolled environment. In the normal range of
transmit powers for satellite antennas, the power densities at or around the antenna surface are
not expected to exceed safe levels. This area will not be accessible to the general public.
Operators and technicians will receive training regarding the exposure area.

Near Field Exposure
The Prodelin 2.4m VSAT antenna fed by a 45 Watt Ku-band block up-converter does not exceed
exposure limits in the near field within the parabolic area directly in front of the reflector (.99
mW/cm2). For this calculation, it was assumed that all 45 watts from the SSPA module is
uniformly distributed across the surface area of the reflector. This is a reasonable assumption for
a uniform waveguide fed parabolic reflector antenna. The extent of the near field region is
defined by the following1:

Rnf = 0.62*( D3 /λ ).5 nf = .62*(2.4m3 /.021m).5 = 15.9m

(D is the width of the parabolic reflector, 2.4 meters and λ = 2.1cm)

The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined by the following equation:

Snf = Power/(Aperture Area) = (45,000mW)/(π*1202 cm2) = .9947mW/cm2

Where A is the circular surface area of the panel and P is the power available from the SSPA. In
normal operation, this antenna is mounted with the main beam pointed toward the sky with a
lock at a minimum elevation angle of 10 degrees above the horizon.


Far Field Exposure (in sidelobe)
The far field may be calculated as2:

Rff = 2*D2 /λ = 2*(2.4m)2 / .021m = 548.6m

Since the antenna main beam will be elevated a minimum of 10°, the energy is reduced by the
side lobe equation for gain at angles between 100* λ/D and 20° (which is 0.875° and 20°)3:

29 – 25*Log(theta)dBi

Since theta = 10°, Log(theta) = 1. Therefore, the 10° side lobe gain is 4dBi which is an apparent
gain of 2.512. The exposure level of the side lobe signal in the far field (548.6m) is4:
                                                         𝑆   =                                                                     	
                                                                                                    !!! !

Transition Region Exposure
Within a distance of 15.9 m from the antenna, maximum exposure in the main beam is just under
1mW/cm2. In the far field antenna 10° sidelobe, the power density is about 3*10-6 mW/cm2.
The transition region between these two calculated exposure points is generally assumed to
decrease linearly with distance5.

According to the FCC guidelines for Occupational/Controlled Exposure and General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure for operations at 1,500 to 100,000 MHz, a person may stand
where power density totals 1.0mW/cm2 for no more than 30 minutes6. According to the
calculations, a person standing in the near field (up to 15.9m) is exposed to a power density just
under this limit. A person in the far field (greater than 548.6m), at the minimum sidelobe angle
of 10°, is significantly under the limit. A person between these two points is also under the
dictated limit of exposure.	


Document Created: 1630-04-14 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1630-04-14 00:00:00

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