FINAL Inmarsat I5-F2

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.

Milestone Showing and Bond Reduction Request


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120823-00781 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                       1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                                                           Suite 1200
                                                                              Washington, D.C. 20036

April 15, 2013

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:    Supplement to Application of Inmarsat Hawaii Inc., SES-LIC-20120426-00397, SES-
       AMD-20120823-00781; Request for Determination of Compliance with Satellite
       Implementation Milestones and Bond Reduction

Dear Ms. Dortch:

                Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. (“Inmarsat Hawaii” and, together with its affiliates,
“Inmarsat”) supplements its pending application with documentation demonstrating that
Inmarsat has met the first three milestones required for geostationary satellites in Sections
25.137(d) and 25.164 of the Commission’s rules. Specifically, Inmarsat SA has: (i) entered into
a binding non-contingent construction contract for the construction of the Inmarsat-5 F2 (“I5F2”)
spacecraft, satisfying the first milestone requirement; (ii) completed critical design review
(“CDR”), satisfying the second milestone requirement; and (iii) commenced physical
construction of the I5F2 spacecraft, satisfying the third milestone requirement. 1 Inmarsat Hawaii
accordingly requests that the amount of the performance bond required to be posted as a
condition to the Commission’s grant of market access for the I5F2 satellite be reduced by 75
percent to $750,000.

             In support of the foregoing, Inmarsat Hawaii submits the following

             (i)    a compact disc containing a copy of the Contract, including all Annexes
and Change Notices between Inmarsat SA and Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc.

       See 47 C.F.R. § 25.164(a); see also Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station
       Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed
       Rulemaking, 18 FCC Rcd 10760 at ¶¶ 174-5 (2003) (“Licensing Reform Order”);.

(“Boeing”) for the Purchase of the Inmarsat 5 Spacecraft entered into on August 5, 2010,
including all amendments to date (the “Contract”); 2

                (ii)   a signed statement from Stephen Schmidt, Inmarsat 5 Program Manager,
and Patrice Gray Mitchell, Inmarsat 5 Contracts Manager, each of Boeing (“Boeing Statement”),
attesting to completion of CDR and commencement of physical construction, and that as of
February 14, 2013, Inmarsat has made 40 percent of the payments that are due to Boeing for the
I5F2 satellite;

               (iii)   photographs of the I5F2 satellite under construction; and

              (iv)    a signed statement from Franco Carnevale, Vice President, Satellite &
Launch, of Inmarsat Employment Company Limited (Jersey), an affiliate of Inmarsat SA, has
paid 40 percent of payment that are due to Boeing for the I5F2 satellite and verifying the above-
referenced photographs.

               Inmarsat is submitting the Contract in a public filing with the confidential
information redacted. Inmarsat is simultaneously filing the above-referenced documents in
unredacted form under separate cover along with a request for confidential treatment in
accordance with Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s rules. 3

               As demonstrated by the documents listed above, Inmarsat SA entered into the
Contract for the design and construction of the satellite on August 5, 2010. 4 The Contract meets
the Commission’s criteria for the contract milestone. 5 In addition, Inmarsat completed CDR as
of September 30, 2011. 6 Further, significant portions of the satellite have already been
completed, and in connection with these construction activities, Inmarsat has made 40 percent of

       All Change Notices amending the Contract are being provided. Note that a Change
       Notice numbered “10” does not exist.
       47 C.F.R. §§ 0.457, 0.459.
       Upon the launch of the satellite, Inmarsat SA will pass ownership of the satellite to its
       commonly controlled affiliate, Inmarsat Global Ltd (UK).
       See Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 FCC
       Rcd 11650 at ¶ 14 (2003) (demonstration of compliance with the first milestone requires
       entry into a non-contingent satellite construction contract that identifies the specific
       satellite and its design characteristics, and specifies the dates for the start and completion
       of construction, payment terms and a schedule for payments).
       The Commission has found CDR to be met based on a statement by the satellite
       manufacturer that CDR has been completed and that payments have been made pursuant
       to the construction contract through CDR. See, e.g., Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-
       LOA-20110610-00105, Call Sign S2827 (stamp grant Oct. 9, 2012).


the payments due to Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc. (“Boeing”) under the Contract. 7
The photographs also being submitted are of the I5F2 satellite bus and payload under
construction. The I5F2 spacecraft is on schedule to be ready for delivery to the launch base in
the first quarter of 2014.

                On the basis of the documentation submitted, Inmarsat respectfully requests that
the Commission determine that Inmarsat has satisfied three of the four milestones set forth in
Section 25.164 of the Commission’s rules. In addition, Inmarsat requests that the Commission’s
grant of market access to the I5F2 satellite be conditioned upon a reduced performance bond
amount reflecting the satisfaction of the first three milestones. Specifically, Inmarsat requests
that the grant include a bond requirement of $750,000.

                                             Respectfully submitted,


                                             Diane Cornell
                                             Vice President, Government Affairs

       The third milestone requires a satellite authorization holder to provide “sufficient
       information to demonstrate to a reasonable person that [it has] commenced physical
       construction of [the] licensed spacecraft.” Licensing Reform Order, 18 FCC Rcd 10760
       at ¶ 193; see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.164(a)(3). The Commission has declined to adopt
       specific tests or other requirements for demonstrating satisfaction of the third milestone.


                                 Certification of Franco Carnevale

       The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission under
penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct.

   1. I am Vice President, Satellite & Launch, at Inmarsat Employment Company Limited
      (Jersey), and am responsible for oversight of the construction of the Inmarsat—5 F2

   2. The photographs submitted herewith depict the Inmarsat—5 F2 satellite under construction
       as of January 29, 2013.

   3. To date, Inmarsat has made 40 percent of the payments that are due to Boeing for the
      Inmarsat—5 F2 satellite.

April 12, 2013

                                                 Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc.
                                                 P.O. Box 92919
                                                 Los Angeles, CA 90009—2919

                   In Reply Refer To: INM 13—0910

                   14 February 2013

                   Inmarsat Global Limited
                   Attn: Inmarsat SA

                   99 City Road
                   EC1Y 1AX

                   Attention:       Mr. Tommy Smith
                                    Sr. Contracts Manager

                  _ Subject:        Inmarsat 5 Spacecraft Contract — Completion of CDR and Construction of
                                    F2 (AOR)
                   Reference:       Inmarsat 5 Spacecraft Contract INM—CO/10—4909/7TS

                   Dear Mr. Smith:

                   This Letter is provided to Inmarsat Global Limited to summarize the current progress of
                   the Inmarsat Spacecraft Contract.

                       1. The Spacecraft Critical Design Review was completed on 30 September 2011.
                       2. The F2 (AOR) Spacecraft is currently under construction and is approximately
                          45% complete.
                       3. Pursuant to the Payment Milestone Schedule that is included in the satellite
                          manufacturing contract, Inmarsat has made 40% of the payments that are due to
                          Boeing for this satellite and is current with its required payments

                   The AOR Spacecraft is scheduled to ship to the launch site in the first quarter of 2014.

                   The undersigned hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct.

                    Best Regards,

                       ds LL_L
                    Sfephen Schmidt
                    Inmarsat 5 Program Manager

                     /Z?Z“W Wfi)%‘/c/é%
                    Patrice Gray Mitchell#/
                    Inmarsat 5 Contracts Manager

                                                            Boeing Proprietary

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                                                INMARSAT F2

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        Image # SEF 13—00742—014             BUS AND PAYLOAD
        Date: 01/29/2013                             OVERALL

                             INMARSAT F2


Image # SEF13—00742—003   BUS AND PAYLOAD
Date: 01/29/2013                  OVERALL

Document Created: 2013-04-15 11:11:22
Document Modified: 2013-04-15 11:11:22

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