Reply.Lino Lakes.F.p

REPLY submitted by Iridium Satellite LLC



This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120823-00781 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                )
Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.                            )       File Nos. SES-LIC-20120426-00397
                                                )                 SES-AMD-20120823-00781
                                                )       Call Sign E120072
Application for a License                       )
for a Gateway Earth Station                     )
to be Located in Lino Lakes, MN                 )

                            REPLY OF IRIDIUM SATELLITE LLC

        On September 28, 2012, Iridium Satellite LLC (“Iridium”) filed a Petition to Deny

in part the above-captioned gateway earth station application filed by Inmarsat Hawaii

Inc. (collectively with its affiliates, “Inmarsat”). Various parties have filed comments in

support of Inmarsat, 1 and on October 9, 2012, Inmarsat filed an Opposition to Iridium’s

Petition to Deny. Iridium hereby replies to the comments that have been filed and to

Inmarsat’s Opposition.

1 See Comments of ARINC Incorporated (filed Sept. 28, 2012); Comments of The Boeing Company (filed

Sept. 28, 2012); Comments of Encompass Digital Media (filed Sept. 26, 2012); Comments of VT iDirect,
Inc. (filed Sept. 27, 2012); Comments of Gogo LLC (filed Sept. 28, 2012); Comments of Honeywell (filed
Sept. 27, 2012); Comments of American Airlines (filed Oct. 1, 2012); Comments of Skyware Global (filed
Sept. 28, 2012); Comments of Globe Wireless LLC (filed Sept. 28, 2012); Comments of TracStar Systems
Inc. (filed Sept. 28, 2012).



      In its September 28 filing, Iridium asked that the Commission deny the portion of

Inmarsat’s application seeking authority to use the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz

bands for its GSO FSS system, known as Global XPress. Iridium opposed Inmarsat’s

proposal because it is inconsistent with the Commission Ka-band frequency plan, which

designates the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz bands for NGSO feeder links and

LMDS systems, not GSO FSS systems. Iridium also noted that: (1) if Inmarsat were

successful, other GSO FSS systems would seek access to the same 1,650 MHz of

spectrum as Inmarsat, which would put additional pressure on the Commission to

revisit its band plan without the benefit of a rulemaking; and (2) permitting GSO FSS

systems to operate gateway earth stations and user terminals that transmit in the 29.1-

29.25 GHz band would replicate in that band the interference issues that already have

arisen in the adjacent 29.25-29.3 GHz band.

      Inmarsat concedes in its Opposition that its proposal to use the 29.1-29.25 GHz

and 19.4-19.6 GHz band for GSO FSS purposes conflicts with the Commission’s

frequency plan. Inmarsat seeks to be relieved of the frequency plan’s requirements,

however, based on: (1) the benefits associated with the services to be provided via the

Global Xpress system, as reflected in the comments filed in this proceeding; (2) the

limited impact its proposed Lino Lakes gateway earth station would have on the


Commission’s frequency plan; and (3) cases in which the Commission previously has

permitted deviations from the frequency plan on a non-conforming use basis. 2

        In this filing, Iridium replies to Inmarsat’s arguments. Iridium shows that the

benefits of Inmarsat’s proposed services are irrelevant to the issues Iridium has raised,

i.e., whether using the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz bands to provide the services

would undermine the Commission’s frequency plan and pose an interference threat to

Iridium’s operations. Iridium also demonstrates that Inmarsat has not responded

meaningfully to Iridium’s concerns, because Inmarsat does not take into account the

cumulative impact of its proposal to use the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz and

similar proposals that inevitably would be filed by other GSO FSS operators. Finally,

Iridium shows that the precedents relied upon by Inmarsat were based on facts that are

distinguishable from Inmarsat’s facts. For all of these reasons, the arguments made by

Inmarsat should be rejected and Inmarsat’s proposal to use the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-

19.6 GHz bands should be denied.

2Inmarsat also questions whether Iridium’s Petition to Deny satisfies the requirements of Section
25.154(a)(4) of the Commission’s rules given that the Petition to Deny was not supported by an affidavit.
See Inmarsat Opposition at n. 3. No affidavit is required, however, because the Petition to Deny is based
on facts as to which official notice can be taken (i.e., the Ka-band frequency plan and the content of
Inmarsat’s application), and Section 25.154(a)(4) states that such facts need not be supported by an



          Inmarsat’s proposed gateway earth station, which is to be located in Lino Lakes,

MN, will communicate with Inmarsat’s Global Xpress system. Various third parties

have filed comments in support of Inmarsat’s Lino Lakes application. The third parties

either intend to be Global Xpress customers or will supply components of the Global

Xpress system. 3

          The comments focus on whether, as a general matter, the services Inmarsat

intends to provide would be beneficial. The comments, however, do not address the

issues associated with Inmarsat’s proposed use of the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz

bands to provide the services. They are silent as to the fact that Inmarsat’s proposal

conflicts with the Commission’s Ka-band frequency plan. They make no mention of the

likelihood that, if Inmarsat’s application were granted, other GSO FSS operators also

would seek access to the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz bands, putting additional

pressure on the frequency plan. And they do not take into account the potential for

replicating interference issues in the 29.1-29.25 GHz band that are before the

Commission with respect to the adjacent 29.25-29.3 GHz band. The comments filed in

this proceeding, therefore, have no bearing on the matters Iridium has raised.

3   See Inmarsat Opposition at 1.


                  RAISED BY IRIDIUM

          As discussed in Iridium’s Petition to Deny, the Commission’s Ka-band frequency

plan is a comprehensive approach that takes into account a host of competing concerns

involving a multiplicity of uses and users. The Commission took into account, among

other things, which uses should be permitted on a primary basis in particular portions

of the Ka-band and which uses should be permitted on a secondary basis. Inmarsat

Global Xpress system and other GSO FSS systems already have access to 3,350 of the

5,000 MHz in the Ka-band frequency plan. Inmarsat is seeking access to the remaining

1,650 MHz, including the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band segments used by

Iridium that are designated for MSS feeder links.

          Inmarsat does not dispute that its proposal conflicts with the Commission’s Ka-

band frequency plan. Inmarsat maintains, however, that the Commission should not be

concerned with this conflict, because according to Inmarsat, operating a single gateway

earth station at variance from the Commission’s frequency plan will not undermine the

frequency plan. 4 Based on this assertion, Inmarsat asks that the Commission disregard

Iridium’s frequency plan concerns.

          Inmarsat has not meaningfully addressed the frequency plan issue. If Inmarsat’s

request to use the off-plan frequencies proposed in its application were granted, other

GSO FSS operators inevitably would seek access to those frequencies, too. These GSO

FSS operators could claim, as Inmarsat has, that the impact of each individual

4   See Inmarsat Opposition at 5-8.


application on the Ka-band frequency plan would be limited. In the aggregate,

however, grant of these applications would eviscerate the frequency plan. A death

from 1,000 cuts is still a death. For this reason, Inmarsat’s request to use frequencies

that the Commission has designated for services other than GSO FSS services has broad

applicability, and should be considered, if at all, only in a rulemaking proceeding of

general applicability.

           A rulemaking also should be conducted if consideration is to be given to

Inmarsat’s plans for providing service in the 29.1- 29.3 GHz and 19.4- 19.6 GHz bands

via earth stations on maritime and aeronautical mobile platforms. Inmarsat’s

application does not seek such authority at this time, but Inmarsat states in the

application that it intends to use the Global Xpress system to provide maritime and

aeronautical services. 5 The Ka-band frequency plan has no designation in the 29.1- 29.3

GHz and 19.4- 19.6 GHz bands for maritime and aeronautical satellite services, and

these services pose special interference concerns for Iridium because they are

ubiquitous and mobile. The Commission, therefore, should not entertain proposals to

provide maritime and aeronautical services in the 29.1- 29.3 GHz and 19.4- 19.6 GHz

bands without initiating a rulemaking proceeding.

5   See Application, Exhibit A, p. 3.



         Inmarsat cites to a number of Commission decisions that it claims support its

position. In each case, however, there is a critical distinction between the facts on which

the Commission’s decision was based and the facts that are presented by Inmarsat’s

Lino Lakes application.

         Inmarsat relies on the fact that “the original band plan for the Ka band

contemplated multiple satellite operators using the 29.1-29.5 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz

band segments for gateway facilities on a shared basis.” 6 But the “sharing”

contemplated in the order was sharing of feeder link spectrum by multiple NGSO

systems. 7 NGSO-to-NGSO sharing and NGSO-to-GSO sharing raises entirely different

considerations, so the fact that NGSO-to-NGSO sharing was contemplated in the order

cannot be used to support claim by Inmarsat, a GSO operator, that it should be

permitted to share NGSO spectrum.

         To the contrary, the frequency plan the Commission adopted in the order

expressly prohibits GSO FSS use of Iridium’s 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz

spectrum on a shared basis. To the extent the order can be considered a precedent in

this matter, therefore, it is a precedent that supports denying, not granting, Inmarsat’s

request for access to 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz.

6 Inmarsat Opposition at 8 & n. 21, citing Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission's
Rules to Redesignate the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to
Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, First Report
and Order and Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 92-297, 11 FCC Rcd 19005 (1996)
at ¶ 66.
7 Id.


        Inmarsat also relies on several cases in which the Commission, faced with no

objections, permitted uses of the Ka-band that are not provided for in the Commission’s

frequency plan. 8 There is a world of difference, however, between proposals that are

uncontested and proposals that are opposed by parties who have a primary allocation

in the Ka-band frequency plan.

        If a proposal to make an off-plan use of the Ka-band is uncontested, it is not

unreasonable for the Commission to assume that the considerations which prompted it

to exclude the proposed use from the frequency plan originally no longer pertain. If a

proposal to make an off-plan use of the Ka-band is objected to by a party that has a

primary allocation, on the other hand, it is fair to assume that the original

considerations still pertain. If the original considerations still pertain, the appropriate

course of action is to continue to enforce the frequency plan. The fact that off-plan uses

of the Ka-band have been permitted on an uncontested basis, therefore, does not

support Inmarsat’s proposal, in the face of an objection from Iridium, to use 29.1-29.25

GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz.

8See Inmarsat Opposition at n. 18, citing O3b Limited, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Call Sign
E100088 (granted Sept. 25, 2012) (allowing NGSO FSS earth station operations on a non-interference basis
in the 17.8-18.3 GHz band, which is allocated only to terrestrial fixed services, and in the 18.3-18.6 GHz
band, which is designated on a primary basis to GSO FSS) (“O3b Authorization”); Hughes Network
Systems, LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20111223-00248 (granted Aug. 3, 2012) (allowing GSO FSS operations in
the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for the NGSO FSS)(“Hughes Authorization”); ViaSat,
Inc., File No. SAT-LOI-20080107-00006, as amended (granted Aug. 18, 2009) (allowing GSO FSS
operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for the NGSO FSS) (“ViaSat
Authorization”); O3b Authorization (allowing NGSO FSS operations in bands designated for GSO FSS
and LMDS); Hughes Authorization (allowing GSO FSS operations in bands designated for NGSO FSS
and LMDS); ViaSat Authorization (allowing GSO FSS operations in bands designated for NGSO FSS and


       Finally, Inmarsat relies on the Commission’s actions, in two contested matters,

permitting contactMEO and Northrop Grumman to make off-plan uses of the Ka-band. 9

The Commission’s decisions in those cases, however, were based on the peculiar

characteristics of satellites in highly elliptical orbit (“HEO”); these characteristics had

not been taken into account when the Ka-band frequency plan was adopted. 10 The

characteristics of the GSO FSS system Inmarsat will operate, by way of contrast, are

precisely the type of characteristics the Commission had in mind when it adopted the

Ka-band frequency plan. The contactMEO and Northrop Grumman precedents,

therefore, are distinguishable.

9 See Inmarsat Opposition at n. 18, citing Northrop Grumman Space & Missions Systems Corp., 24 FCC Rcd
2330 ¶¶ 74-75, 90 (2009) (allowing NGSO FSS operations in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band in which GSO FSS is
designated primary, and allowing GSO FSS operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only
for NGSO FSS); contactMEO Communications, LLC, 21 FCC Rcd 4035 ¶¶ 25-26, 34 (2006) (allowing NGSO
FSS operations in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band in which GSO FSS is designated primary, and allowing GSO
FSS operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for NGSO FSS).
10 See contactMEO Communications, LLC, 21 FCC Rcd 4035 at ¶ 34 (the Commission had declined to

designate GSO FSS services in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band when it adopted the Ka-band frequency plan,
because that designation would work only if NGSO receivers avoid pointing at the geostationary arc, and
the rules permit NGSO receivers to point at the geostationary arc; HEO receivers, because they never
point at the geostationary arc, are different); id. at n. 69 (the Commission had eliminated a secondary
NGSO FSS frequency plan designation in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band in order to “lessen the potential for
harmful interference to primary services”; contactMEO’s HEO operations, however, “do not raise the
concerns at issue when the Commission eliminated the secondary designations.”).



      For the reasons stated herein and in Iridium’s Petition to Deny, Inmarsat’s

request to use the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz bands should be denied.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                IRIDIUM SATELLITE LLC

                                                By: /s/Donna Bethea Murphy
                                                Donna Bethea Murphy
                                                Vice President, Regulatory
                                                Iridium Satellite LLC
                                                1750 Tysons Boulevard
                                                Suite 1400
                                                McLean, VA 22102
                                                (703) 287-7400
October 16, 2012

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing REPLY OF
IRIDIUM SATELLITE LLC was sent by electronic delivery, this 16th day of October,
2012, to each of the following:

               Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.
               Diane J Cornell

               Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.
               Chris Murphy

               Latham & Watkins
               John P. Janka

               Latham & Watkins
               Elizabeth R. Park

               Globe Wireless LLC
               David B. Kagan
               President & CEO

               Chris Gray
               Vice President of Marketing and
               Business Development

               Gogo LLC
               William J. Gordon
               Vice President, Regulatory Affairs


American Airlines
Robert A. Wirick
Managing Director, Regulatory and International Affairs
Will Ris

Chris Benich
Vice President, Aerospace Regulatory Affairs

Encompass Digital Media, Inc.
Chris Weissinger

VT iDirect, Inc.
Kevin Steen
VP Corporate Development
Cynthia Harty
Vice President of Contracts

Skyware Global
Gopi Sundaram
Vice President, Product Strategy

The Boeing Company
Audrey L. Allison
Director, Frequency Management Services

And Its Attorneys,

Bruce A. Olcott
Squire Sanders (US) LLP


TracStar Systems Inc., dba Cobham SATCOM
Mike Gregg

ARINC Incorporated
John C. Smith
Vice President-Law, Secretary and
General Counsel

And Its Attorneys,

Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

                      /s/ Joseph A. Godles
                         Joseph A. Godles

Document Created: 2012-10-16 18:04:50
Document Modified: 2012-10-16 18:04:50

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