Inmarsat Opposition

OPPOSITION submitted by Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.

Inmarsat Opposition to Iridium Petition


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120823-00781 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.                           )    File Nos. SES-LIC-20120426-00397;
                                               )              SES-AMD-20120823-00781
Application to Operate an FSS Gateway          )    Call Sign E120072
Earth Station Facility in Lino Lakes,          )
Minnesota with the Inmarsat-5 F2 Satellite     )
to be Located at 55º W.L.                      )


               Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. (“Inmarsat”) opposes the petition to deny (“Petition”) of

Iridium Satellite LLC in the above-captioned application (“Application”) for authority to operate

a gateway earth station at Lino Lakes, Minnesota (the “Lino Lakes Gateway”), communicating

with the GSO FSS Inmarsat-5 F2 spacecraft (“I5F2”), which will operate at the nominal 55º

W.L. orbital location in the Ka band.


               The record in this proceeding reflects wide-ranging support for granting the

requested authority to operate the Lino Lakes Gateway, which is the first step in bringing to the

United States the broadband satellite service that will be enabled by Inmarsat’s Global Xpress

system. A wide variety of companies who will use Global Xpress to serve U.S. consumers, or

who will supply components of the Global Xpress system, have affirmed the important public

interest benefits that will flow from this system, 1 including stimulating the U.S. economy and

creating high-tech jobs. 2

       See, e.g., Comments of ARINC Incorporated (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“ARINC
       Comments”); Comments of The Boeing Company (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“Boeing

               Only one party, Iridium Satellite LLC (“Iridium”), has raised any concerns about

the Application. Significantly, Iridium does not specifically assert that use of the Lino Lakes

Gateway would cause harmful interference into Iridium’s MSS feeder link operations in the

29.1-29.3 GHz or 19.4-19.6 GHz bands. In fact, Iridium does not even address the detailed

technical analysis contained in Inmarsat’s Application that explains how the Lino Lakes

Gateway operations will successfully coexist with Iridium’s use of these same frequencies at

geographically-remote locations. Rather, Iridium’s primary concerns relate to the 29.1-29.25

GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band segments, and focus on the potential operation of third-party

satellite systems and of user terminals in these band segments, neither of which is the subject of

the Application. Inmarsat’s Application is fully consistent with the Commission’s longstanding

Ka band policies and a long line of precedent granting GSO FSS systems authority to operate

across large portions of the Ka band on a non-interference basis, where such spectrum sharing

promotes the efficient use of scarce spectrum resources. For these reasons, the Commission

should deny the Petition and promptly grant the Application. 3

       Comments”); Comments of Encompass Digital Media (filed Sept. 26, 2012)
       (“Encompass Comments”); Comments of VT iDirect, Inc. (filed Sept. 27, 2012) (“iDirect
       Comments”); Comments of Gogo LLC (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“Gogo Comments”);
       Comments of Honeywell (filed Sept. 27, 2012) (“Honeywell Comments”); Comments of
       American Airlines (filed Oct. 1, 2012) (“American Airlines Comments”); Comments of
       Skyware Global (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“Skyware Global Comments”); Comments of
       Globe Wireless LLC (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“Globe Wireless Comments”); Comments of
       TracStar Systems Inc. (filed Sept. 28, 2012) (“TracStar Comments”).
       See, e.g., Boeing Comments at 3; Encompass Comments at 2; iDirect Comments at 2.
       As a procedural matter, Iridium has failed to satisfy the requirements in the
       Commission’s rules for a petition to deny. A petition to deny not relying on public
       information must contain specific allegations of fact to support the specific relief
       requested “which shall be supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal
       knowledge thereof.” 47 C.F.R. § 25.154(a)(4). Iridium provides no such affidavit, and
       as discussed in more detail below, does not rebut Inmarsat’s technical demonstration that
       its proposed gateway operations are compatible with Iridium’s operations.


               The record in this proceeding confirms the significant public interest benefits

identified in the Application that the Global Xpress system will provide and the positive impact

this system will have on the U.S. economy. Commenters acknowledge the critical market need

for the high-bandwidth, cost-effective communications capabilities that Global Xpress will

provide, 4 and how this system will provide a competitive option for service providers and

distributors that are seeking to provide this high-speed mobile broadband connectivity to end

users. 5 Commenters recognize the reliability and ubiquitous nature of the Global Xpress service,

which will be suited for government users, emergency responders, utilities, maritime and

aeronautical users, and a wide range of other industries. 6

       Inmarsat supports Iridium’s request for “permit but disclose” status in light of the
       significant public interest benefits that will come from allowing the parties to discuss the
       issues presented in the Application with Commission staff. Such a free exchange of
       views will allow for a more complete record.
       American Airlines Comments at 1; ARINC Comments at 2 (Global Xpress would give
       providers such as ARINC additional options to satisfy evolving customer demand for
       increased capabilities); iDirect Comments at 2 (citing “exponentially increasing demand”
       for satellite-delivered broadband high-speed data services).
       Gogo Comments at 2 (the launch of Global Xpress will increase the competitive options
       available to Gogo and other broadband service providers); American Airlines Comments
       at 1 (introduction of Global Xpress will enable aeronautical broadband providers to
       satisfy demand by end users by offering better service offerings at affordable prices);
       Globe Wireless Comments at 2 (Inmarsat’s Ka band solution will provide additional
       competitive choices for growing maritime customer base); ARINC Comments at 2
       (launch of Global Xpress would enhance competition in aviation and commercial air
       transport sectors).
       Boeing Comments at 2-3 (next-generation satellite service is essential to providing
       broadband connectivity in remote and hard-to-reach areas and in flight or at sea);
       Honeywell Comments at 1 (Global Xpress will provide increased flexibility and
       reliability in communications for government, media, enterprise and other end users, and
       will facilitate applications related to critical infrastructure, disaster communications,
       telemedicine, e-learning and media coverage, among others); TracStar Comments at 1
       (citing applications supporting disaster and critical communications, infrastructure

               Furthermore, supporting commenters detail the significant benefits to the U.S.

economy that will result from the deployment of the Global Xpress system. The amount of

investment and the jobs created by this program, which are detailed in comments by some of

Inmarsat’s project partners, demonstrate concretely the way in which the Global Xpress

stimulates growth and strengthens the U.S. economy. 7 Inmarsat’s nationwide investment not

only increases employment, but also supports continued development of a larger high tech

workforce and manufacturing base. 8 Thus the benefits of the proposed service reach far beyond

the investment amounts estimated by the commenters. Several commenters also recognize that

the Global Xpress system will allow U.S. companies to compete more effectively in the global

marketplace against foreign competitors and to obtain contracts in international markets. 9

               Notably, the abundance of these significant benefits is in contrast to the lack of

specific harms identified in the record, as discussed in detail below. Thus, the overwhelming net

benefits of the proposed system support the grant of the Application.

       restoration and other remote communications, as well as suitability for military and
       government agencies, utility companies, telehealth providers, aid organizations and
       media outlets).
       Boeing Comments at 3 (“Inmarsat is investing over $1.2 billion dollars in the launch of
       the Global Xpress service, including satellite manufacturing, launch services, and ground
       network infrastructure from California to Virginia”); Encompass Comments at 2
       (Inmarsat’s contract with the primary teleport provider for the Global Xpress program
       will bring over $7 million to the local economy and will create critical technical jobs);
       Honeywell Comments at 1 (estimating Honeywell’s investment to be in the order of $2.8
       billion over ten years); iDirect Comments at 2 (development of ground segment
       infrastructure and technology has created over 75 new engineering positions in the U.S.
       over the last 18 months); TracStar Comments at 1 (investment of approximately $1.5
       million is being made in connection with ground stations for the system).
       Boeing Comments at 3.
       See, e.g., Gogo Comments at 2-3 (indicating that Inmarsat’s proposed service will
       provide Gogo the opportunity to compete more effectively for airline service contracts
       against foreign competitors and to obtain contracts in international markets); see also
       Boeing Comments at 3; Honeywell Comments at 1; iDirect Comments at 2; Skyware
       Global Comments at 2.


               In the Application, Inmarsat seeks authority to deploy a single gateway earth

station located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota, which would share access to the 29.1-29.3 GHz and

19.4-19.6 GHz band segments that Iridium uses for its MSS feeder link operations. In

connection with this request, Inmarsat provided a detailed technical demonstration that its

proposed operations are fully compatible with Iridium’s MSS feeder link operations. Iridium

does not raise any issue with Inmarsat’s technique for ensuring successful non-interfering

operations in these band segments.

               Inmarsat’s spectrum sharing technique in the 29.1-29.3 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz

band segments is based on the same approach endorsed in the Commission’s rules for achieving

successful spectrum sharing between NGSO MSS feeder link operations and GSO FSS

operations in the 29.25-29.5 GHz band segment. 10 Specifically, Inmarsat demonstrates in the

Application that the carefully selected geographic location of Lino Lakes far away from

Iridium’s gateway locations provides adequate spatial isolation of gateway and satellite beams to

allow co-frequency reuse without any risk of harmful interference to Iridium. In addition,

Inmarsat has been coordinating with Iridium regarding these proposed operations, consistent

with Commission’s rules. 11

       See 47 C.F.R. § 25.258.
       See id. §§ 25.203(k), 25.258. It is well established in the Commission’s rules and
       precedent that mechanisms exist to allow GSO FSS operations (including widely-
       deployed VSAT terminals) to coordinate with NGSO FSS feeder links. Redesignation of
       the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations in the
       17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional
       Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast
       Satellite-Service Use, Second Order on Reconsideration, 17 FCC Rcd 24248 ¶ 24 (2002)
       (citing 25.258(a)-(d)).

               In this respect, it is significant that Iridium has no objection to Inmarsat’s

proposed use of the 29.25-29.3 GHz band segment, subject to coordination. 12 The same sharing

techniques applicable in the 29.25-29.3 GHz band segment should also protect NGSO MSS

feeder link operations in the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band segments. With respect to

Iridium’s concern with the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band segments, it bears emphasis

that those concerns focus on operations that expressly are not the subject of Inmarsat’s


               Iridium’s concerns with respect to the 29.1-29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band

segments primarily involve third party-operated GSO FSS systems that have either (i) large

numbers of ubiquitously deployed VSATs, or (ii) satellites with global or wide-area downlink

beams, or (iii) beams that are steerable but not steered in a manner that provides adequate

isolation from Iridium’s use of the 19.4-19.6 GHz downlink band segment. 13 Such third-party

systems need not, and in fact should not, be evaluated in this proceeding, as they have no bearing

on the single gateway earth station proposed in the Application. In addition, the technical

analyses to which Iridium cites in the Petition regarding Hughes’ plans to deploy ubiquitously

millions of VSATs and over a dozen gateways in the 29.25-29.3 GHz band simply are

inapplicable to this Application. 14

               Nor is the analysis above affected by Iridium’s observation that Inmarsat may in

the future seek authority for user terminals in these band segments. 15 To the extent Inmarsat

seeks authority for user terminals in this band in the future, Iridium will be free at that time to

       See Petition at 1.
       Id. at 5-7.
       See id. at 6, n.1.
       See id. at 5.

address any concerns it may have and is also encouraged to do so in the context of coordination,

where the practical circumstances of Inmarsat’s user terminal deployments can be considered in

detail. But Iridium’s speculative concerns about user terminals should not have any bearing on

this Application for a single gateway facility. 16

               Contrary to what Iridium suggests, Inmarsat does not seek to “revisit” the band

plan for the Ka band. 17 Rather, Inmarsat merely seeks to follow a long line of Commission

decisions that have enabled uses of segments of the Ka band on a non-interference basis that

were not expressly allocated or designated for that use based on the state of technology

seventeen years ago. 18 In fact, Inmarsat’s request to operate a gateway terminal in the 29.1-

       See, e.g., Teledesic LLC, Opinion, 14 FCC Rcd 2261 ¶ 19 (1999) (in granting space
       station authority on a non-interference basis, the Commission indicated that concerns
       regarding how separately licensed earth stations could successfully operate on a non-
       interference basis should be resolved as a part of future earth station applications).
       See Petition at 5, 7.
       See, e.g., O3b Limited, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Call Sign E100088 (granted
       Sept. 25, 2012) (allowing NGSO FSS earth station operations on a non-interference basis
       in the 17.8-18.3 GHz band, which is allocated only to terrestrial fixed services, and in the
       18.3-18.6 GHz band, which is designated on a primary basis to GSO FSS) (“O3b
       Authorization”); Hughes Network Systems, LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20111223-00248
       (granted Aug. 3, 2012) (allowing GSO FSS operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which
       is allocated only for the NGSO FSS)(“Hughes Authorization”); ViaSat, Inc., File No.
       SAT-LOI-20080107-00006, as amended (granted Aug. 18, 2009) (allowing GSO FSS
       operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for the NGSO FSS)
       (“ViaSat Authorization”); Northrop Grumman Space & Missions Systems Corp., 24 FCC
       Rcd 2330 ¶¶ 74-75, 90 (2009) (allowing NGSO FSS operations in the 19.7-20.2 GHz
       band in which GSO FSS is designated primary, and allowing GSO FSS operations in the
       18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for NGSO FSS); contactMEO
       Communications, LLC, 21 FCC Rcd 4035 ¶¶ 25-26, 34 (2006) (allowing NGSO FSS
       operations in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band in which GSO FSS is designated primary, and
       allowing GSO FSS operations in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band, which is allocated only for
       NGSO FSS). The Commission has granted authority for secondary operations in
       frequencies designated on a primary basis for other uses on a case-by-case showing of
       non-interference. See, e.g.,O3b Authorization (allowing NGSO FSS operations in bands
       where GSO FSS and LMDS are primary); Hughes Authorization (allowing GSO FSS

29.25 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band segments on a non-interference basis is consistent with the

Commission policies that have developed in the intervening years to facilitate more efficient

shared use of spectrum where technically possible.

               As a general matter, the Commission has expressed the imperative for more

efficient use of spectrum given the shortage of spectrum available for highly demanded

broadband services. 19 Inmarsat’s Application promotes the Commission’s policy of expanding

the shared use of spectrum in ways that will not harm incumbent spectrum users and that will

make productive use of underutilized spectrum. 20 Notably, the original band plan for the Ka

band contemplated multiple satellite operators using the 29.1-29.5 GHz and 19.4-19.6 GHz band

segments for gateway facilities on a shared basis. 21 The Commission never intended for Iridium

to have exclusive access to these band segments. To the contrary, Inmarsat’s proposed gateway

operations are entirely consistent with the Commission’s long-stated expectation that access to

these band segments would remain shared.

       operations in bands where NGSO FSS and LMDS are primary); ViaSat Authorization
       (allowing GSO FSS operations in bands were NGSO FSS and LMDS are primary).
       See, e.g., Federal Communications Commission, Connecting America: National
       Broadband Plan at 79 (2010) (“Creating ways to access spectrum under a variety of new
       models, including unlicensed uses, shared uses and opportunistic uses, increases
       opportunity for entrepreneurs and other new market entrants to develop wireless
       innovations that may not have otherwise been possible under licensed spectrum
       models.”); Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands, 23 FCC Rcd 16807 ¶ 32
       (2008) (authorizing the operation of unlicensed radio transmitters to operate in broadcast
       spectrum “white spaces” to more fully utilize the spectrum); The Boeing Company, 16
       FCC Rcd 22645 ¶ 10 (2001) (authorizing deployment of aeronautical mobile terminals in
       the Ku band over three years before commencing a proceeding to create an allocation for
       aeronautical mobile satellite service earth stations in the band).
       See Boeing Comments at 2 (“intensive, efficient, and cooperative use of the Ka-band will
       facilitate the expansion of the satellite industry, which in turn will serve the public
       28 GHz First Report and Order at ¶ 66 (contemplating use of these band segments for
       gateways by three satellite systems).


               Inmarsat’s Application provides a robust technical demonstration of how Inmarsat

can operate the Lino Lakes Gateway and the I5F2 satellite in a manner compatible with Iridium’s

operations. Iridium does not dispute that technical showing, and the spectrum uses proposed in

the Application are consistent with a long line of Commission precedent allowing operations

across the Ka band on a non-interference basis in order to promote the efficient shared use of

underutilized spectrum resources. Finally, many important public interest benefits will flow

from Inmarsat’s proposed operations—including improved access to broadband services, job

creation, and stimulation of the economy. For these reasons, Inmarsat respectfully requests that

the Commission dismiss Iridium’s Petition and promptly grant the Application.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

Diane J. Cornell                                 John P. Janka
Chris Murphy                                     Elizabeth R. Park
INMARSAT HAWAII INC.                             LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW                      555 Eleventh Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036                             Washington, DC 20004
                                                 (202) 637-2200

                                                 Counsel to Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.

October 9, 2012


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Elizabeth R. Park, hereby certify that on this 9th day of October 2012, I served a true
copy of the foregoing Opposition to Petition to Deny of Iridium Satellite LLC by hand delivery
upon the following, except for parties marked with an asterisk (*) that have consented to service
via electronic mail:

       Donna Bethea Murphy
       Vice President, Regulatory                            *Encompass Digital Media, Inc.
       Engineering                                           Chris Weissinger
       Iridium Satellite LLC                       
       1750 Tysons Boulevard
       Suite 1400                                            *VT iDirect, Inc.
       McLean, VA 22102                                      Kevin Steen
                                                             VP Corporate Development
       *Globe Wireless LLC                         
       David B. Kagan                                        Cynthia Harty
       President & CEO                                       Vice President of Contracts               
       Chris Gray
       Vice President of Marketing and                       *Skyware Global
       Business Development                                  Gopi Sundaram                          Vice President, Product Strategy
       *Gogo LLC
       William J. Gordon                                     *The Boeing Company
       Vice President, Regulatory Affairs                    Audrey L. Allison                                   Director, Frequency Management
       *American Airlines
       Robert A. Wirick                                      And Its Attorneys,
       Managing Director, Regulatory and
       International Affairs                                 Bruce A. Olcott                                  Squire Sanders (US) LLP
       Will Ris                                    

                                                             *TracStar Systems Inc., dba
       *Honeywell                                            Cobham SATCOM
       Chris Benich                                          Mike Gregg
       Vice President, Aerospace                   
       Regulatory Affairs

        *ARINC Incorporated
        John C. Smith
        Vice President-Law, Secretary and
        General Counsel

        And Its Attorneys,

        Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.
        Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

                                            Elizabeth R. Park


Document Created: 2012-10-09 15:07:06
Document Modified: 2012-10-09 15:07:06

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