Attachment Desc of Amendment

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120823-00781 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Description of Amendment

                Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. (“Inmarsat Hawaii,” and together with its affiliates,
“Inmarsat”) submits this amendment to its application for authority to operate a gateway earth
station that will communicate with the Inmarsat-5 F2 (“I5F2”) spacecraft. 1 The Application
includes the market access information required pursuant to Section 25.137 of the Commission’s
rules, including an orbital debris mitigation showing. 2 This amendment corrects the description
of Inmarsat’s strategies to mitigate orbital debris contained in the Technical Annex included as
Attachment A to the Application. 3 The following paragraphs replace the Accidental Explosion
Assessment in Section A.17.2 of the Technical Annex:

       The Boeing 702HP (Inmarsat I5F2) satellite is designed to minimize the potential for
       accidental explosions through propellant leakage and fuel and oxidizer mixing or other
       means. Propellant tanks and thrusters are isolated using redundant valves, and electrical
       power systems are shielded in accordance with standard industry practices. During the
       mission, batteries and various critical areas of the propulsion subsystem will be
       monitored to avoid conditions that could result in explosion. After the Boeing
       702HP spacecraft reaches its final disposal orbit, all on-board sources of stored energy
       will be removed by depleting all propellant tanks, venting all (exception to helium as
       described below) pressurized systems, discharging batteries, and turning off all active

       The Boeing 702HP spacecraft uses a bus that has a liquid propulsion system design
       consisting of two helium tanks plus two pairs of fuel and oxidizer tanks and uses a xenon
       ion propulsion system design consisting of two xenon tanks. Venting of the excess
       propellant in the fuel, oxidizer and xenon tanks is performed as part of the end-of-life
       shutdown operations. The helium tanks provide proper propellant tank pressurization for
       apogee engine firings during transfer orbit. Consistent with Boeing’s practice with
       respect to a number of its spacecraft buses, both helium tanks are isolated at the end of
       transfer orbit by firing pyro-valves. The spacecraft’s helium system will be sealed when
       tanks are isolated, resulting in a final pressure of ~230 psi, which is extremely low
       relative to the design burst pressure of 5250 psig (actual test performance at 6660 psig).
       Due to the low pressure at end-of-life in the helium tanks and their enclosure in the
       spacecraft body, an explosive event is extremely unlikely (even in the event of a tank
       rupture, e.g., a meteorite strike), minimizing the potential of any release of orbital debris.
       The xenon tanks are vented by opening latch valves downstream of the tanks to
       allow cold flow through the xenon ion thrusters.

                While applications seeking U.S. market access via non-U.S.-licensed space
stations are required to submit information concerning orbital debris mitigation, the Commission
has concluded that the orbital debris disclosure requirement can be satisfied by showing that the

       See IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20120426-00397, Call Sign E120072 (the “Application”).
       See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.114(d)(14), 25.137(b).
       Application, Attachment A at A.17.

satellite system’s debris mitigation plans are subject to direct and effective regulatory oversight
by the satellite system’s national licensing authority. 4 The Commission has determined that this
showing may be satisfied by submitting an English language version of the debris mitigation
rules or regulations of the national licensing authority and to indicate the current status of the
national licensing authority’s review of its debris mitigation plans. 5

                The I5F2 satellite will be operated under the authority of the United Kingdom,
and will be subject to the United Kingdom Outer Space Act 1986 (“Outer Space Act”). The
Outer Space Act ensures compliance with the U.K’s obligations under international treaties and
principles covering the use of outer space and specifies that the U.K. licensing authority has the
power to require licensees to conduct operations in such a manner as to “prevent the
contamination of outer space,” to “avoid any breach of the United Kingdom’s international
obligations,” and to impose conditions “governing the disposal of the payload in outer space on
the termination of operations under the license.” In addition, the U.K. Space Agency, the U.K.
agency charged with licensing activities in outer space, including the launch and operation of
space objects, has issued published guidance on the Outer Space Act requirements, which
requires applications for a space activities license to provide information regarding the plans for
disposal of the space object at the end of life, including whether the propellant and pressurant
tanks are vented. The UK Space Agency evaluates such applications pursuant to published
standards, including the IADC Space Debris Mitigations Guidelines.

                Inmarsat is in the process of preparing the application for launch and operating
authority for filing with the UK Space Agency and expects to submit the application shortly.
The application will describe the end-of-life plan for I5F2 as described above. Inmarsat submits
that the foregoing demonstration of the U.K.’s authority over I5F2 provides direct and effective
regulatory oversight regulation of the space activities of I5F2, and satisfies the disclosure
requirements of Section 25.114(d)(14).

               While, as the description above indicates, the I5F2 spacecraft does not comply
with one aspect of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission’s rules, 6 given the direct and effective
oversight of the U.K. over the space operations of I5F2, Inmarsat submits that the orbital debris
requirements of the Commission’s rules are satisfied. In any event, given the de minimis low

       Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Second Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 11567 ¶¶ 94, 95
       (2004) (“Orbital Debris Second Report and Order”).
5 ¶ 95; see also Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, GCL Licensee LLC,
       Order, DA 11-520 ¶¶ 30-32 (rel. Mar. 18, 2011) (concluding that French Space
       Operations law and technical regulations provide for direct and effective regulation of
       debris mitigation measures by France, resulting in a finding that Globalstar satisfied its
       orbital debris mitigation showing).
       The debris mitigation provision reflected in Section 25.283(c) requires that a space
       station licensee “ensure, unless prevented by technical failures beyond its control, that all
       stored energy sources on board the satellite are discharged, by venting excess propellant,
       discharging batteries, relieving pressure vessels, and other appropriate measures.” 47
       C.F.R. §25.283(c).

pressure at end-of-life in the helium tanks and their enclosure in the spacecraft body, the
potential for release of orbital debris is extremely unlikely.


Document Created: 2012-08-22 19:26:10
Document Modified: 2012-08-22 19:26:10

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