Inmarsat I5F2 UKSA L

NOTICE submitted by Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc.

UKSA Space Activity License Submission


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120823-00781 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                  555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
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April 9, 2015                                                     Century City    Orange County
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VIA ELECTRONIC FILING                                             Dubai           Rome
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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                             Hamburg         Shanghai
                                                                  Hong Kong       Silicon Valley
Secretary                                                         Houston         Singapore
Federal Communications Commission                                 London          Tokyo
445 12th Street, S.W.                                             Los Angeles     Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                Re:    Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc., Call Sign E120072, IBFS File Nos. SES-
                       LIC-20120426-00397, SES-AMD-20120823-00781; SES-AMD-

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On March 30, 2015, the Commission granted market access authority in the above-
referenced application proceeding for the Inmarsat-5 F2 satellite (the “Satellite”), subject to a
condition requiring Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc. (“Inmarsat”) to provide evidence
demonstrating that the United Kingdom Space Agency has granted authority for launch and
space operations under the United Kingdom Outer Space Act, within 10 business days of the
release of the granting order. 1

       In accordance with that condition, Inmarsat hereby submits a copy of the Space Activity
Licence, dated January 21, 2015, issued pursuant to the United Kingdom’s Outer Space Act of
1986, for the Satellite. Inmarsat has redacted the insurance policy identifying information in
Section 6.2 of the Space Activity Licence.

       Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc., Application to Operate a Fixed-Satellite Service
       Gateway Earth Station Facility in Lino Lakes, Minnesota with the Inmarsat-5 F2 Space
       Station, File Nos. SES-LIC-20120426-00397, SES-AMD-20120823-00781, SES-AMD-
       20150114-00008, Call Sign E120072, Order and Authorization and Declaratory Ruling,
       DA 15-392 ¶ (rel. Mar. 30, 2015).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 9, 2015
Page 2

          Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this submission.

                                               Respectfully submitted,


                                               Elizabeth R. Park


cc:       Jose Albuquerque

          Outer Space Act 1986






Grant of Licence pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Outer Space Act
1986, by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills,
whose principal office is at 1 Victoria Street, London, SWlH OET
("the Secretary of State"), to Inmarsat Global Limited, a company
incorporated in the UK under no. 3675885, whose registered office is
at 99 City Road, London, ECl Y lAX and Inmarsat Launch
Company Limited, a company incorporated in the Isle of Man under
no. 003681 V, whose registered office is at Fort Anne, Douglas, Isle of
Man, IMl 5PD ("the Licensees").

I.      Interpretation, Etc

1.1     In this Licence:

        1.1.1   "Act" means the Outer Space Act 1986;

        1.1.2   "Condition" means any term or provision whatsoever of this Licence;

        1.1.3   ''Effective Event" means the Launch;

        1.1.4 "Insurance Policy" means the insurance policy taken out by or on
        behalf of the Licensees to comply with the obligations imposed by this

        1.1.5 "Launch'' means the point in time when an electronic signal is sent to
        command the opening of any first stage propellant valves;

        1.1.6   "Licensed Activities'' means:

                a) procuring by Inmarsat Launch Company Limited from International
                Launch Service (ILS) a service comprising the launch and deployment
                into geo-stationary orbit of the Satellite and:

                b) operation by Inmarsat Global Limited ofthe Satellite.

        1.1. 7 .. Satellite'' means the satellite known as Inmarsat-5 F2:

        1.1.8 except where the context otherwise requires, words and expressions
        have the same meaning as they have in the Act: and

       1.1. 9 the Interpretation Act 1978 applies as it applies to an Act of

2.     Conditions Precedent

2.1    This Licence shall not come into effect unless:

       2.1.1 the Licensees have notified the Secretary of State of the proposed date
       and location of the Launch;

       2.1.2   the Licensees have provided the Secretary of State with full
       information at least 14 days before the Launch (or such lesser number of days
       before the Launch as the Secretary of State may agree) as to:

        calculated payload fairing impact points; and

      the    basic orbital parameters, including        nodal   period,
               inclination, apogee and perigee of the Satellite;

       2.1.3 the Secretary of State has given his prior written consent to any
       amendments to the Insurance Policy;

       2.1.4   the Licensees have taken out valid and enforceable insurance against
       all liabilities that may arise in respect of damage or loss suffered by third
       parties in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as a result of the Licensed
       Activities and, immediately before the Launch, no circumstances exist
       entitling the insurer to repudiate or disclaim liability; and

       2.1.5 the Effective Event takes place before the first anniversary of the date
       of this Licence.

3.     Licence

3.1      In exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Act, the Secretary of State
hereby GRANTS the Licensees a Licence to carry out the Licensed Activities in
relation to the Satellite subject to the Conditions.

4.     Conduct of Licensed Activities

4.1    The Licensees shall conduct the Licensed Activities in a proper manner and in
accordance with best practice in the space industry and in compliance with the laws of
the United Kingdom and any other applicable law, including the obligations of the
United Kingdom under international law, and in particular the Licensees shall not:

       4.1.1 cause or in any way be party to any actions or defaults which may give
       rise to liabilities on the part of the United Kingdom under international law; or


       4.1.2   prejudice in any way the national security ofthe United Kingdom.

4.2    The Licensees will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the
Licensed Activities and positioning of the Satellite conform with the information
provided pursuant to Condition 2.1.2.

5.     Records and Inspection Etc

5.1     The Licensees shall keep, at their registered office address (or at such other
address within the United Kingdom as is notified to the Secretary of State), all records
required by law, all proper technical records and all proper commercial records so far
as relevant to the Licensed Activities, including such written records as are necessary
to enable the Licensees' compliance with the Act and with the provisions of this
Licence to be verified.

5.2     The Licensees shall within seven business days (or such other period as may
be agreed by the Secretary of State) of any request by the Secretary of State, provide
the following:

       5.2.1 infom1ation in writing as to the nature, conduct, location and results of
       the Licensed Activities;

       5.2.2 the Licensees' current estimate in writing of the remaining working life
       of the Satellite; and

       5.2.3 such information as the Secretary of State may reasonably require to
       enable him to determine whether or not any other person is carrying on
       activities to which the Act applies.

5.3      The Secretary of State may at any time, with reasonable notice, inspect any
facilities relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities and documents or records
in the possession custody or power of the Licensees' which relate to the Satellite or
the Licensed Activities and any documents or records relating to information
requested pursuant to this Licence.

5.4     The Licensees shall. if requested so to do, use their best endeavours to obtain
access for the Secretary of State to inspect any facilities, documents or records
relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities not in the Licensees· direct
ownership, possession, custody or power as the Secretary of State may specify by
notice in writing to the Licensees.

5.5    The Secretary of State may take copies of any documents or records inspected
under this Licence

5.6     Information contained within documents or records belonging to the Licensees
shall be kept confidential and not disclosed to a third party except in connection \Vith
the discharge of the Secretary of State's duties under the Act or otherwise as required
by law.


6.      Insurance

6.1   The Licensees shall continue to insure themselves against all liabilities that
may arise in respect of damage or loss suffered by third parties in the United
Kingdom or elsewhere as a result ofthe Licensed Activities.

6.2    Condition 2.1.4 and (subject to Condition 6.3) Condition 6.1 shall be satisfied

The policies of insurance issued by
                                                                          under which
Inmarsat ple and its subsidiary companies are the Policyholders and the Licensees and
Her Majesty‘s Government in the United Kingdom are Insured Parties as evidenced
by the policies and signed copies of the original Insurance Certificates the Licensees
supplied to the UK Space Agency on 6 January 2015 and 7 July 2014.

6.3    In the event that the Satellite does not reach its planned orbit as notified to the
Secretary of State in accordance with Condition 2.1.2, the Secretary of State may
require the Licensees to make additional insurance arrangements to comply with
Condition 6.1.

6.4     The Licensees shall provide evidence ofthe policy of insurance entered into to
comply with their obligations under this Licence to the Secretary of State upon
demand together with evidence of payment of the premiumsin respect of such policy
or policy. The Licensees shall not vary termsrelating to the Licensed Activities of the
insurance effected to comply with its obligations under this Licence without the prior
written consent of the Secretary of State.

6.5     The Licensees shall immediately notify the Secretary of State of any event or
other occurrence which is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy of insurance
effected by the Licensees pursuantto the terms of this Licence.

6.6    The Licensees shall take all necessary action to ensure that the policy of
insurance effected by the Licensees pursuant to the provisions of this Licence
continue in force and are valid and enforceable, and the Licensees shall do nothing
that would enable the insurer to avoid any such policy.

7.     Additional Conditions including Indemnities

71     It is a Condition that:

       7.1.1 the Licensees have full corporate power and have taken all necessary
       corporate actionto enable it to performits obligations underthis Licence;

       7.1.2   the Licensees‘ application for a licence, their carrying on of the
       Licensed Activities and the performance of their obligations under this
       Licence and the Act will not to the best oftheir knowledge, information and
       belief constitute any breach or default under or in respect of any contractual
       governmentalor public obligation binding upon it at the date ofthis Licenc

       7.1.3 the Licensees are not engaged in any litigation or arbitration
       proceedings which might have a materially adverse effect upon their capacity
       or ability to perform their obligations under this Licence and to the best of
       their knowledge, information and belief the Licensees have no cause to
       consider that any such legal or arbitration proceedings are about to commence:

       7.1.4 that there is and continues to be in place a duly executed guarantee
       from Inmarsat pic (or, if there is a change of ownership or control of the
       Licensees and the Secretary of State so requires, from such successor or parent
       entity or person as the Secretary of state may stipulate) in favour of the
       Secretary of State and Her Majesty's Government in respect of the Licensees'
       obligations under this Licence and the Act.

7.2     The Licensees indemnify the Secretary of State on a joint and several basis in
respect of:

       7.2.1 any loss suffered by Her Majesty's Government as a result of any
       breach ofthe terms of this Licence by the Licensees; and

       7.2.2 any claims brought against Her Majesty's Government in respect of
       damage or loss arising out of the Licensed Activities or out of any activities
       which it carries on and to which the Act applies.

7.3    The granting of this Licence shall not be construed as a waiver by the
Secretary of State of any failure on the part of the Licensees to comply with any
Condition prior to date of grant.

7.4     The Licensees shall afford all reasonable assistance, co-operation and
compliance as may be requested or required by the Secretary of State in the exercise
of his functions under this Licence or the Act.

7.5     The Licensees shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of their
obligations under this Licence.

8.     Term and Revocation

8.1     The Licence hereby granted shall come into force on the occurrence of the
Effective Event and, unless revoked by the Secretary of State under the Act (inter
alia, because it appears to him that a Condition has not been complied with) shall
continue in force until expiry pursuant to Condition 8.2.

8.2    The Licence will expire when the Licensed Activities have been completed
and the Satellite positioned to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State.

8.3     The termination of this Licence for whatever reason shall not affect the
obligations of the Licensees tmder its provisions.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Licence has been executed on the date first
hereinbefore written.

Signed for and on behalf                 Signed for and on behalf
ofthe Secretary of State:                of Inmarsat Global Limited:

Signed:                                  Signed:   mah

Name:          Pewst fAmy                Name:     A’l/\j'-g   flgfig{’gc,yg

Position: CheF ofeearime AvD finmwe
              ruet .
                                         Position: _DifeerC_
Signed for and on behalf
of Inmarsat Launch Company Limited:


Name:       A/\c reu$_      ) C r (ast

Position:        ) LaAge~

Document Created: 2015-04-09 17:28:25
Document Modified: 2015-04-09 17:28:25

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