Attachment RF Hazard Study

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20120210-00165 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


MPE Analysis For Earth
  TeleBEEPER of New Mexico, Inc.

                   Site Location
       4545 McLeod, Albuquerque, NM 87109
             Latitude: 35 °08 ’15.9 "N
            Longitude: 106 °35 ’40.4 "W

                February 3, 2012

Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for TeleBEEPER 1.8m Earth Station System

This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for a 1.8-meter earth station system. The analysis
and calculations performed in this report are in compliance with the methods described in the FCC
Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997 in
Edition 01-01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with the FCC R&O
96-326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits
that are dependent on the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the
individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for
persons in a General Population/ Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table 1. The General
Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of 30
minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in
Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six
minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux
density levels of the earth station in the far-field, near-field, transition region, between the sub-reflector
or feed and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the
ground, and to compare these levels to the specified MPE's.

Table 1 - FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Limits for Occupational
(Controlled) Exposure

                                  Electric                              Power            Averaging
                 Frequency                       Magnetic Field
                                    Field                               Density            Time
      Band                        Strength
                   Range                          Strength (H)             (S)           |E|, |H| or S
                   (MHz)           (V/m)         (A/m)                 (mW/cm2)           (minutes)
         1        0.3-3.0            614          1.63                   (100)*               6
         2         3.0-30          1842/f        4.89/f                 (900/f2)*             6
         3        30-300            61.4         0.163                      1                 6
         4       300-1500             --           --                     f/300               6
         5                        --               --                      5                   6
f = frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density

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MPE Analysis                                                                          February 3, 2012

Table 2 - FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Limits for General Population
(Uncontrolled) Exposure

                                   Electric          Magnetic         Power
                 Frequency                                                           Averaging Time
                                     Field             Field         Density
                   Range         Strength (E)      Strength (H)         (S)            |E|, |H| or S
                   (MHz)             (V/m)             (A/m)        (mW/cm2)            (minutes)
         1        0.3-1.34            614               1.63          (100)*                 30
         2        1.34-30            824/f             2.19/f        (180/f2)*               30
         3         30-300             27.5             0.073            0.2                  30
         4       300-1500              --                --           f/1500                 30
         5                            --                --                  1               30
f = frequency in MHz                       *Plane-wave equivalent power density

TeleBEEPER parameters for its earth station is shown in Table 3 below

Table 3 - Earth Station Parameters

        Antenna Diameter                                             D                 1.8 meter
        Sub‐reflector Diameter                                       Ds              15.78 cm
        Frequency                                                    F               14250 MHz
        Wavelength (300/F)                                           λ            0.021053 m
        Transmit Power = 6.02 dBw                                    PFeed               4 Watts
        Antenna Gain                                                 G                46.5 dBi
        Antenna GainNumberic                                         GNumeric     44668.36
        Effective Radiated Isotropic Power (108908.05) Watts         EiRP            52.52 dBiW
        Pi                                                           Π            3.141593 n/a
        Antenna Efficiency                                           ή                 0.7 n/a

Table 4 represents the power density calculations based on FCC Bulletin 65

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MPE Analysis                                                                                                                               February 3, 2012

Table 4 - Power Density Formulas and Calculation

 I. Near Field:
             RNear = extent of the near‐field (m)
                D = diameter of the antenna main reflector (m)                                                                                                1.8 m
                λ = wavelength of the RF transmit frequency (m)                                                                                          0.021053 m
                                                                                             RNear =(D) /4λ                                    Rnear =      38.48 m

             SNear = maximum on axix power density within near field (mW/cm )
                ή = antenna aperture efficiency                                                                                                             0.7
             PFeed = maximum power into antenna feed flange (W)                                                                                               4W
                D = diameter of the antenna main reflector (m)                                                                                              1.8 m
                Π = Pi                                                                                                                                 3.141593
                                                                                                                           2                                         2
                                                                                             SNear ={(16ήPfeed)/[Π(D) ]}/10                    Snear = 0.440132 mW/cm
 II. Far Field
                 RFar = distance to beginning of far field (m)
                   D = diameter of the antenna main reflector (m)
                   λ = wavelength of the RF transmit frequency (m)
                                                                                              RFar =[0.6(D) ]/λ                                 RFar=       92.34 m
                 SFar   = maimum on‐axis power density in the far field (mW/cm )
             PFeed = maximum power into antenna feed flange (W)                                                                                                4W
           GNumeric = antenna main beam gain at RF transmit frequency (number)                                                                           44668.36
                 RFar = distance to beginning of far field (m)                                                                                              92.34 m
                                                                                                                                2                                      2
                                                                                             SFar = [(PFeed G numeric)/4Π(RFar) ]/10            SFar = 0.166752 mW/cm
 III. Antenna Transition Region Power Density Calculation
               STr = maximum on‐axis power density in transition region (mW/cm )
                 SNear = maximum on‐axis power density within near field (mW/cm )
             RNear = extent of the near‐filed (m)
                 RTra = distance within transition region between near field and far field region
                                                                                              RTra = RFar ‐ RRear                               Rtra =      53.87
                                                                                                  STr = SNearRNear/R                            Stra =    0.31438 mW/cm
                                                                                        STr < Snear then it is OK
 IV. Antenna Feed‐Flange (Or Sub reflector) Power Density Calculation
         SFeed ‐ Sub = max power density at antenna feed flange or sub‐reflector surface (mW/cm )
             PFeed = maximum power into antenna feed flange (W)                                                                                                4W
         DFeed‐ Sub = diameter of the antenna feed‐flange or sub‐reflector (cm)                                                                             15.78 cm
                                                                                                                                       2                               2
                                                                                          SFeed‐Sub = 1000{[4(PFeed)]/{[Π(DFeed‐Sub) ]/4}}               81.81183 mW/cm
 V. Antenna Main Reflector Power Density Calculation
            SAnt = maximum power density in the antenna main reflector region (mW/cm )
             PFeed = maximum power into antenna feed flange (W)                                                                                                 4W
                D = diameter of the antenna main reflector (m)                                                                                                1.8 m
                                                                                                                           2                                           2
                                                                                                  SAnt = {[4(PFeed)]/{[ΠD) /4}}/10                        0.62876 mW/cm
 VI. Power Density Calculation between the Antenna Main Reflector and the Ground
          SGround = maximum power density between the antenna main reflector and ground (mW/cm )
             PFeed = maximum power into antenna feed flange (W)                                                                                                 4W
                D = diameter of the antenna main reflector (m)                                                                                                1.8 m
                                                                                                                       2                                               2
                                                                                        SGround       ={PFeed/{[Π(D) ]/4}}/10                             0.15719 mW/cm

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MPE Analysis                                                                                             February 3, 2012

The non-ionize RF radiation summary can be found in Tables 5 and 6

Table 5 - Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment

                                   Region                                     Calculated                          Hazard Assessment
Diannce Near Field (RNear)                                                                     38.48 m
Distance to the Far Field (RFar)                                                               92.34 m
Power Density Near Field                                                                   0.440132 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Far Field                                                                    0.166752 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Transition Region
RNear < RTra < Rfar                                                RNear =38.475 < RTran =53.865 < RFar =92.34
Power Density Transition Region                                                            0.314380 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Antenna Feed Flange                                                          81.811828 mW/cm Potential Hazard
Power Density Antenna Main ReflectorReflector Surface                                      0.628760 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Between Reflector and the Ground Between Reflector                           0.157190 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE

Table 6 - Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment

                                   Region                                     Calculated                          Hazard Assessment
Diannce Near Field (RNear)                                                                     38.48 m
Distance to the Far Field (RFar)                                                               92.34 m
Power Density Near Field                                                                    0.440132 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Far Field                                                                     0.166752 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Transition Region
RNear < RTra < Rfar                                                RNear =38.475 < RTran =53.865 < RFar =92.34
Power Density Transition Region                                                             0.314380 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Antenna Feed Flange                                                          81.811828 mW/cm Potential Hazard
Power Density Antenna Main ReflectorReflector Surface                                       0.628760 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE
Power Density Between Reflector and the Ground Between Reflector                            0.157190 mW/cm Satisfies FCC MPE

The above analysis confirms the presence of potentially hazardous power flux densities at the
TeleBEEPER terminal which will require physical and operational protections to manage General
Population and Occupational exposure. The TeleBEEPER Antenna at the Albuquerque, NM facility will
be located on a roof of an existing building where for RF safety, physical safety, and security purposes
access to the antenna is controlled by TeleBEEPER.

The size of the access area on the roof will consider the RF hazards, moving antenna 'swept volume',
and the surrounding terrain. In addition to fencing, the area will contain signage which clearly states the
standard Radiation Hazard warning. TeleBEEPER will ensure antenna tracking geometry maintains
angular limits and other occupied areas where the calculated General Population MPE levels may be

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Document Created: 2012-02-06 09:00:52
Document Modified: 2012-02-06 09:00:52

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