11-11-10 Earth Stati

LETTER submitted by LightSquared Subsidiary LLC



This document pretains to SES-AMD-20100908-01149 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037-1122 | tel 202.663.8000 | fax 202.663.8007

                                                                                              Tony Lin

November 11, 2010

By Electronic Filing (IBFS)

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                 Re:     LightSquared Subsidiary LLC
                         Certification of Commencement of Operations
                         File Nos. SES-LIC-20080206-00131, SES-MOD-20081107-
                                   01456, SES-MOD-20100405-00401, SES-AMD-
                                   20100908-01148 (Call Sign E080030);
                                   SES-LIC-20080206-00132, SES-MOD-20081107-01460,
                                   SES-MOD-20100405-00400, SES-AMD-20100908-
                                   01149 (Call Sign E080031)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Pursuant to discussions with International Bureau (“Bureau”) staff,
LightSquared Subsidiary LLC (“LightSquared”) hereby files the attached certification
pursuant to Section 25.133(b)(1) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §
25.133(b)(1), regarding the commencement of operations of the above-referenced
earth stations, Call Signs E080030 and E080031. In summary, both earth stations are
fully constructed, and the authorized testing with MSAT-1 and MSAT-2 has been


completed.1 Testing and operations with SkyTerra 1 will begin shortly after launch
of that satellite, which is scheduled for November 14, 2010.2

         Please direct any questions regarding this letter to the undersigned.

                                                       Very truly yours,


                                                       Bruce D. Jacobs
                                                       Tony Lin
                                                       Counsel for LightSquared
                                                       Subsidiary LLC

cc:      (by email)
          Paul Blais
          Richard Nunno

    In an abundance of caution, LightSquared previously had not filed a certification of
    commencement of operations for the two earth stations and had requested extension
    of the deadline, because of ambiguity regarding whether the authorized testing with
    MSAT-1 and MSAT-2 met the commencement of operations requirement under 47
    C.F.R. § 25.133. The Bureau has since clarified and indicated that filing a
    certification of commencement of operations would be appropriate under the
    circumstances here. Accordingly, LightSquared is submitting this certification and
    contemporaneously withdrawing its prior requests for extension of the
    commencement of operations deadline for the two earth stations. See File Nos.
    SES-MOD-20100405-00401, SES-AMD-20100908-01148; SES-MOD-20100405-
    00400, SES-AMD-20100908-01149.
    See File No. SAT-STA-20101025-00224.

www.pillsburylaw.com                                                             402459293v1


        Pursuant to the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.133(b)(1), I, Jeffrey J.
Carlisle, hereby certify that:

        (i) The name of the licensee of the earth stations is LightSquared Subsidiary

       (ii) The initial file numbers for the earth stations are SES-LIC-20080206-
00131 and SES-LIC-20080206-00132.

        (iii) The call signs for the earth stations are E080030 and E080031.

        (iv) Both licenses were granted on 10/27/2008 and will expire on 10/27/2023.

        (v) Construction of the facilities, as authorized, has been completed, and all of
the authorized antennas have been tested and are within 2 dB of the required pattern
specified in the Commission’s rules.

         (vi) The earth stations began testing, as authorized, with MSAT-1 and MSAT-
2 after the grant of the licenses in October 2008 and will commence testing and
operations with SkyTerra 1 shortly after launch of that satellite on November 14,

        (vii) The earth stations will remain operational during the licensed period
unless the respective license is submitted for cancellation.

                                              Name: Jeffrey J. Carlisle
                                              Title: Executive Vice President,
                                                     Regulatory Affairs and Public
                                                     Policy of LightSquared LP
                                                     LightSquared Subsidiary LLC

www.pillsburylaw.com                                                           402459293v1

Document Created: 2010-11-11 16:31:45
Document Modified: 2010-11-11 16:31:45

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