Attachment Link Budget 1

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20100416-00448 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        TRANSMISSION PLAN FORM

Customer Name:
                                                                A: USA,Hawaii: Honolul
                                                                TPC FEC=0.75, RS=No)
From                                                             USA,Hawaii: Honolulu
to                                                               VANUATU: Port Vila
A. Satellite Characteristics                                         Parameter

1. Satellite name                                                      Apstar-VI
2. Orbit location (deg.E)                                               134.00
3. Transponder number                                                    C08A
4. Transponder gain step                                                   34
4.1 Transponder Attenuation (dB)                                         15.0
5. Saturation EIRPS (dBw)                                                35.99
6. SFD (dBw/m^2)                                                        -83.12
7. G/T (dB/k)                                                            -5.02
8. Output backoff (dB)                                                    2.50
9. Input backoff (dB)                                                     5.50
10. Uplink frequency (MHz)                                             6145.00
11. Downlink frequency (MHz)                                           3920.00
12. Transponder bandwidth (MHz)                                         36.00

B. Earth Station Characteristics

1. Transmit Station Information
a. Antenna diameter (m)                                                 13.00
b. Earth Station Location                                        USA,Hawaii: Honolulu
c. Longitude (deg.E)                                                   -157.86
e. Latitude (deg.N)                                                     21.31
f . Distance to satellite (km)                                        40395.59
g. Antenna elevation (deg)                                              11.80
h. Antenna azimuth (deg)                                                261.75
i . Feed loss (dB)                                                        0.20
j . HPA to Feed waveguide loss (dB)                                      0.30
k. HPA type (KHPA or TWTA)                                              TWTA
l . HPA required output power(dBw)                                      13.04
l' HPA required output power (Watts)                                    20.16
l'' HPA required output power (Watts) (Including 1dB Backoff)            25.38
m. HPA Max output power (dBw)                                           16.99
m'' Margin of HPA Output power(dB)                                        3.95

n.   Antenna efficiency (%)                  60.00
o.   Antenna Gain (dB)                       56.23
p.   Tracking capability                     Manual
q.   Antenna type                             Fixed

2. Receive
a. Antenna diameter (meter)                   4.50
b. E.S.Location                        VANUATU: Port Vila
c. Longitude (deg. E)                       168.32
d. Latitude (deg. N)                        -17.73
e. Distance to satellite (km)              37352.65
f. Antenna elevation (deg)                   45.88
g. Antenna azimuth (deg)                    293.91
h. Antenna efficiency (%)                    65.00
i. Antenna Gain (dB)                         43.46
j. Receive system noise temp. (dBK)          19.57
k. System G/T (dB/k)                         23.89
l. Tracking capability                      Manual
m. Antenna type                              Fixed

C. Misc Losses

1. Uplink rain Attn (dB)                      1.00
2. Downlink rain Attn (dB)                    0.50
3. Uplink path loss (dB)                     200.35
4. Downlink path loss (dB)                   195.76

D. Carrier Characteristics

1. Carrier type                               Digital
2. Modulation technique                      16QAM
3. Carrier info. rate (kbps)                10240.00
4. Reed Solomon                                 No
4.1 FEC Coding                                 TPC
5. FEC code rate                              0.750
6. Carrier transmission rate (kbps)         13653.33
7. Overhead(%)                                0.0%
8. Carrier noise bandwidth (kHz)            4096.00
9. Rolloff Factor (%)                          35%
10. Carrier allocated bandwidth(kHz)        4808.00
11. Threshold Eb/N0 (dB)                       8.20
12. Bit Error Rate Required                 1x10e-8

E. Link budget

1.   Uplink C/T
a.   Uplink EIRPE (dBw)                     68.78
b.   Uplink pass loss (dB)                 200.35
c.   Antenna point error (dB)                0.13
d.   Gain of 1m^2 antenna (dB/m^2)          37.22
e.   Carrier PFD at satellite (dBw/m^2)    -95.48
f.   Transponder SFD (dBw/m^2)             -83.12
g.   Carrier input backoff (dB)             12.36
h.   Satellite G/T (dB/k)                   -5.02
i.   Uplink C/T (dBw/k)                   -137.72

2.   Downlink C/T
a.   Saturation EIRPS (dBw)                35.99
b.   Carrier output backoff (dB)            9.36
d.   Carrier downlink EIRPS (dBw)          26.63
e.   Downlink path loss (dB)               195.76
f.   Receive antenna point error (dB)       0.13
g.   Receive System G/T (dB/k)             23.89
h.   Downlink C/T (dBw)                   -145.88

3. C/T co-ch. interference (dBw/k)        -136.48

4. C/T IM interference (dBw/k)            -127.48

5. C/T adj. sat. interference ( dBw/k)    -136.09

6. C/T and C/N total

a.   C/T total (dBw/k)                    -147.30
b.   Bolzmann's constant (dBw/k-Hz)       -228.60
c.   Receive noise bandwidth (dB-Hz)       66.12
d.   C/N total (dB)                        15.18
e.   Threshold Eb/N0 (dB)                   8.20
f.   Threshold C/N (dB)                    12.18
g.   Link margin (dB)                       3.00

F. Off-axis emission EIRP
   density at 30

1. Transmit antenna diameter (m)          13.00
2. Carrier EIRPE (dBw)                    68.78

3. Transmit antenna gain (dB)                           56.23
4. Power at antenna feed (dBw)                          12.74
5. Sidelobe envelope formula                         29-25*log(q)
6. Off-axis antenna gain (dB)                           17.07
7. Off-axis EIRP density(dBw/4kHz)                      -0.29
8. Off-axis EIRP criteria (dBw/4kHz)                 32-25*log(q)
9. Off-axis EIRP constraint (dBw/4kHz)                  20.07
10. Margin (dB)                                         20.36

G. Summary

1. Occupied transponder power (dBw)                     26.63
2. Percentage occupied transponder power(%)             20.60
3. Percentage occupied bandwidth(%)                     13.36
4. Power equivalent bandwidth usage (kHz)              7416.28
5. Occupied bandwidth (kHz)                            4808.00
6. Link margin (dB)                                      3.00
7. Total percentage occupied transponder power (%)
8. Total percentage occupied bandwidth (%)
9. Total power equivalent bandwidth usage (kHz)
10. Total oocupied bandwidth (kHz)

u (13m) - VANUATU: Po   A: USA,Hawaii: Honolulu (13m) - VANUATU: Po
- 5120kbps(16QAM, TP    TPC FEC=0.75, RS=No) - 5120kbps(16QAM, TP
VANUATU: Port Vila       USA,Hawaii: Honolulu VANUATU: Port Vila
USA,Hawaii: Honolulu     VANUATU: Port Vila USA,Hawaii: Honolulu
     Parameter               Parameter            Parameter

      Apstar-VI                Apstar-VI            Apstar-VI
       134.00                   134.00               134.00
        C08A                     C08A                 C08A
          34                       34                   34
        15.0                     15.0                 15.0
        38.76                    35.99                38.76
       -80.16                   -83.12               -80.16
        -7.98                    -5.02                -7.98
         2.50                     2.50                 2.50
         5.50                     5.50                 5.50
      6145.00                  6145.00              6145.00
      3920.00                  3920.00              3920.00
        36.00                    36.00                36.00

        4.50                    13.00                 4.50
VANUATU: Port Vila       USA,Hawaii: Honolulu VANUATU: Port Vila
      168.32                   -157.86              168.32
      -17.73                    21.31               -17.73
     37352.65                 40395.59             37352.65
       45.88                    11.80                45.88
      293.91                    261.75              293.91
        0.20                     0.20                 0.20
        0.30                     0.30                 0.30
      TWTA                      TWTA                TWTA
       14.71                    11.87                13.53
       29.60                    15.37                22.56
       37.26                    19.35                28.40
       16.99                    16.99                16.99
        2.28                     5.12                 3.46

       60.00                 60.00                 60.00
       47.02                 56.23                 47.02
       Manual                Manual                Manual
        Fixed                 Fixed                 Fixed

       13.00                  4.50                 13.00
USA,Hawaii: Honolulu   VANUATU: Port Vila   USA,Hawaii: Honolulu
      -157.86               168.32                -157.86
       21.31                -17.73                 21.31
     40395.59              37352.65              40395.59
       11.80                 45.88                 11.80
       261.75               293.91                 261.75
       65.00                 65.00                 65.00
       52.67                 43.46                 52.67
       20.26                 19.57                 20.26
       32.42                 23.89                 32.42
      Manual                Manual                Manual
        Fixed                Fixed                  Fixed

        1.00                  1.00                  1.00
        0.50                  0.50                  0.50
       199.67                200.35                199.67
       196.44                195.76                196.44

        Digital               Digital               Digital
       16QAM                 16QAM                 16QAM
       5120.00              10240.00               5120.00
          No                    No                    No
         TPC                   TPC                   TPC
        0.750                 0.750                 0.750
       6826.67              13653.33               6826.67
        0.0%                  0.0%                  0.0%
       2048.00              4096.00                2048.00
         35%                   35%                   35%
       2419.20              4808.00                2419.20
         8.20                  8.20                  8.20
       1x10e-8              1x10e-8                1x10e-8

  61.23     67.60     60.05
 199.67    200.35    199.67
   0.13      0.13      0.13
  37.22     37.22     37.22
-102.35    -96.66   -103.53
 -80.16    -83.12    -80.16
  22.19     13.54     23.37
  -7.98     -5.02     -7.98
-147.55   -138.90   -148.73

 38.76     35.99     38.76
 19.19     10.54     20.37
 19.57     25.45     18.39
 196.44    195.76    196.44
  0.13      0.13      0.13
 32.42     23.89     32.42
-145.08   -147.05   -146.26

-139.49   -136.48   -139.49

-139.49   -127.48   -139.49

-126.76   -136.09   -126.76

-150.31   -148.30   -151.31
-228.60   -228.60   -228.60
 63.11     66.12     63.11
 15.18     14.18     14.18
  8.20      8.20      8.20
 12.18     12.18     12.18
  3.00      2.00      2.00

 4.50     13.00      4.50
61.23     67.60     60.05

   47.02          56.23          47.02
   14.41          11.57          13.23
29-25*log(q)   29-25*log(q)   29-25*log(q)
   17.07          17.07          17.07
    4.39          -1.46           3.21
32-25*log(q)   32-25*log(q)   32-25*log(q)
   20.07          20.07          20.07
   15.68          21.54          16.86

   19.57          25.45          18.39
    2.14          15.71           1.63
    6.72          13.36           6.72
   771.87        5654.58         588.34
  2419.20        4808.00        2419.20
    3.00           2.00           2.00
   22.74                         17.34
   20.08                         20.08
  8188.15                       6242.92
  7227.20                       7227.20

Document Created: 2010-03-16 16:07:56
Document Modified: 2010-03-16 16:07:56

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