Attachment Rad Hazard Study

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20100407-00406 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          Radiation      H         i Study (1.8m       Qualinks E/S 2.5MHz BW

1) Parameters:                                                           Table 1. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for UNCONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
   Antenna Diameter                 D                    1.8 m                                                                      Calculated Maximum Rediation power
                                                                          No.                         Region                                    Density Level              Hazard Assessment
   Antenna Surface Area             Asurface           2.545 m
   Feed Flange Diameter             Dra                  9.1 cm           1_|Far Field                   Rf =     92.34 m      S#             0.213 mW/cnt!
   Area of Feed Flange              Afa               65.039 onf          2 |Near Field                  Raf = 38.475 m        Snt            0.498 mW/ent
   Frequency                        F                 14250 MHz           3 |Transition Region             Re< Rr< Rir         St             0.498 mW/nl
   Wavelength                       A                  $.021 m            4. |Between Feed Assembly and Abtenna Reflector      [Sra         307.509 mW/eni| Potential Hazard
   Antenna Flange Input Power       P                     5.0 W           5 |Main Reflector                                    Ssurface       0.786 mW/ent
   Antenna Gain (dBi)               Ges                 46.6 dBi          6 {Between Reflector and Ground                      (Sq            0.196 mW/ont
   Maximum EIRP                     EIRPmax            53.59 dBW         Power Density Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE) = 1.0mW/or
   Feed Loss                        Floss                0.8 dB          Table 2. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for:CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
   Antenna Gain (Factor)            G          45708.819                                                                             Calculated Maximum Rediation power|
                                                                          No.                         Region                                    Density Level              Hazard Assessment
   Pi                               I              3.142
   Antenna Efficiency               n              0.634                   1    _|Far Field                  Rr=      92.34 m        Sr                0.213 mW/ent
2) Far Fleld Distance Calculation                                          2 |Near Field                    Rat = 38.475 m           Snt               0.498 mW/erd
   Distance to the Far field Regioi Rrf                92.34 m             3 |Transition Region             Rf< Re< Re          St             0.498 mW/erd
   On—Axis Power density in the F Sy                   2133 W/nt           4 |Between Feed Assembly and Abtenna Refleator |Sra               307.509 mW/onf| Potential Hazard
                                                       0.213 mW/ont        5 |Main Reflector                                    Ssurface       0.786 mW/ert
3) Near Field Calculation                                                  6 |Between Reflector and Ground                      Sq             0.196 mW/cnt
   Extent of the Near Field         Rat               38.475 m            Power Density Limits for General Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE) = 5.0mW/ert
   Near field Power Density         Sat                4.979 W/nd         8) Conclusions                                    —
                                                       0.498 mW/on!             Based on this analysis it is concluded that the FCC RF Guidelines have been exceeded in the specific
4) Transition Region Calculation                                                regions of table 1 and 2. We proposes to comply with the maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) fimits
                                    Rt                38475 m                   of 1.0mW/erd for the uncontrolled areas and the MPE limits of 5.0mW/en for the contralled areas by
   Transition Region Power Densi St          0.4979 mW/ont                      one or more of followina methods:
5) Region between the Feed Assembly and the Antenna Reflector                   Means of Compliance Uncontrolled Areas
    Power Density at the Feed Fla Sra             307.500 mW/orf                The area around this antenna will be roped off. The roped off area will be sufficient to prohibit access
6) Main Reflector Region                                                        to the areas that exceed the MPE limits. The general public will not have access to areas within
    Power Density at the Reflecto Ssurface             7.860 W/rd               1/2diameter removed from the edge of the antenna.
                                                       0.786 mW/onl             Since one diameter removed from the main beam of the antenna or 1/2diameter removed from the
7) Region between the Reflector and the Ground                                  edge of the antenna the RF levels are reduced by a factor of 100 or 20dB. None of the areas
                                    S9                 1.965 W/rf               exceeding the MPE levels will be accessible by the general public.
                                                       0.196 mW/onf             Radiation hazard signs will be posted while this earth station is in operation.
                                                                                We will ensure that no buildings or other obstacles will be in the areas that exceed the MPE levels.
                                                                                Means of Compliance Controlled Areas
                                                                                The earth station‘s operational personal will not have access to the areas that exceed the MPE levels
                                                                                while the earth station is in operation.
                                                                                The transmitters will be turned off during antenna maintenance.

1) Parameters                                                    Tabl ie 7. Summary of Expected Rediation levels for UNCONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
   Antenna Diameter                D                1.2   m                                                               Calculated Maximum Rediation power\
                                                                 No.                        Region                                   Density Level              Hazard Assessment
   Antenna Surface Area            Asurface       1131    rf
   Feed Flange Diameter            Dfa              9.1   cm      1    |Far Field                  Rr =     41.04 m       S                 1.012 mW/cni}        Potential Hazard
   Area of Feed Flange             Afa          §5.039    ont     2. |Near Field             Rar = 17.100 m               Sar              2.363 mW/cri|         Potential Hazard
   Frequency                       F             14250    MHz     3 |Transition Region         Ri < Rt< Rif               St               2.363 mW/cm|          Potential Hazard
   Wavelength                      A             0.021    m       4 |Between Feed Assembly and Abtenna Reflector          |Sta           660.476 mW/cr|          Potential Hazard
   Antenna Flange Input Power      P               10.7 W         5    |Main Reflector                                    Ssurface          3.798 mW/cni|        Potential Hazard
   Antenna Gain (dBi)              Ges             43.0 dBi       6 |Between Reflector and Ground                         Sg                0.950 mW/en
   Maximum EIRP                    EIRPmax        53.31 dBw      Power Density Limits for General Population/Uncontrelied Exposure (MPE) = 1.0mW/ent
   Feed Loss                       Floss           0.48 dB       Table 2. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
   Antenna Gain (Factor)           G          19952.623
                                                                 No.                        Region                        Catculated N::r:::rym'_:::luatmn °°**"Hazard Assessment
   Pi                              T             3.142
   Antenna Efficiency              n             0.622            1    [Far Field                  Re =_    41.04 m       Sr                1.012 mW/ort
2) Far Field:Distance Calculation                                 2.   |Near Field                Rat = 17.100 m          Sat              2.363     mW/enl
   Distance to the Far field RegioRef            41.04 m          3    |Transition Region           Rr< Rt« Re            St               2.363     mW/orl
   On—Axis Power density in the F S              10.124 W/ni      4    |Between Feed Assemibly. and Abtenna Reflector     |Sta           660.476     mW/onl|     Potential Hazard
                                                  1.012 mW/orf    5    |Main Reflector                                    Ssurface         3.798     mW/ort
3) Near Field Calculation                                         6    |Between Reflector and Ground                      S4               0.950     mW/or
   Extent of the Near Field        Rnt           17.100 m        Power Density Limits for General Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE) = 5.0mW/cnt
   Near field Power Density        Snt           23.634 W/n!      8) Conclusions                                  —
                                                  2.363 mW/on          Based on this analysis it is concluded that the FCC RF Guidelines have been exceeded in the specific
4) Transition Region Calculation                                       regions of table 1 and 2. We proposes to comply with the maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)fimits
                                 Re              17.100 m              of 1.0mW/erf for the uncontrolled areas and the MPE limits of 5.0mW/onf for the controlled areas by
   Transition Region Power Densi St              2.3634 mW/ent       one or more of followina methods:
5) Region between the Feed.Assembly.and the Antenna.Reflector     4. Means of Compliance Uncontrolled Areas
    Power Density at the Feed Fla Sra       660.476 mW/em            The area around this antenna will be roped off. The roped off area will be sufficient to prohibit access
6) Main Reflector Region                                               to the areas that exceed the MPE limits. The general public will not have access to areas within
    Power Density at the Reflecto Ssurface   37.982 W/nt               1/2diameter removed from the edge of the antenna.
                                                  3.798 mW/crd         Since one diameter removed from the main beam of the antenna or 1/2diameter removed from the
7) Region between the Reflector and the Ground                         edge of the antenna the RF levels are reduced by a factor of 100 or 20dB. None of the areas
                                   So             9.495 W/nt           exceeding the MPE levels will be accessible by the general public.
                                                  0.950 mW/ont         Radiation hazard signs will be posted while this earth station is in operation.
                                                                       We will ensure that no buildings or other obstacles will be in the areas that exceed the MPE levels.
                                                                       Means of Compliance Controlled Areas
                                                                       The earth station‘s operational personal will not have access to the areas that exceed the MPE levels
                                                                       while the earth station is in operation.
                                                                       The transmitters will be turned off during antenna maintenance.

Document Created: 2010-04-07 11:57:21
Document Modified: 2010-04-07 11:57:21

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