Attachment Supplement





This document pretains to SES-AMD-20090617-00743 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


From: Moran, Janet []
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 1:30 PM
To: Karl Kensinger
Subject: Supplement to Arqiva Transfer of Control Applications
Importance: High

Dear Karl:

As we discussed yesterday, and with the understanding that the information below will be added
to the public record with respect to File Nos. SEST/C20090512-000631 and SEST/C20090512-
000585, we supplement the applications as follows:

The general partner of MEIF II is MEIF II Guernsey GP Limited. 100% of the shares of
MEIF II Guernsey GP Limited are held in trust by a trustee, the Nerine Trust Company
Limited on behalf of the MEIF II Charitable Trust. The ultimate controlling individuals of
the Nerine Trust Company Limited are Mr Neal Duquemin and Keith B. Corbin Esq., who
are both citizens of the United Kingdom.

However, MEIF II Guernsey GP Limited has delegated its investment management
responsibilities to Macquarie Capital Funds (Europe) Limited ("MCFEL"). MCFEL's
activities as manager of MEIF II are authorised and regulated under the UK Financial
Services and Markets Act 2000. MCFEL is a company incorporated in England and Wales,
whose registered office is at Citypoint, 1 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9HD, United

MCFEL, in turn, is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited
(“MGL”). The intermediate, 100% owners of MCFEL are three UK holding companies and
two Australian holding companies. MGL, MCFEL’s ultimate parent company, is listed on
the Australian Securities Exchange with registered office at 1 Martin Place, Sydney,
NSW, Australia, 2000.

Please let me know if you need any further information regarding these entities.
Best regards,
Janet Fitzpatrick Moran
Patton Boggs LLP
2550 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
(202) 457-5668
(202) 457-6482 (facsimile)

Document Created: 2009-06-19 15:57:16
Document Modified: 2009-06-19 15:57:16

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