Attachment Order

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20080819-01074 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                DA 09—1752

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of
                                                        File Nos.    SES—LIC—20080508—00570
Row 44, Inc.                                                         SES—AMD—20080619—00826
Application for Authority to Operate Up to                           SES—AMD—20080819—01074
1,000 Technically Identical Aeronautical                             SES—AMD—20080829—01117
Mobile Satellite Service Transmit/Receive                            SES—AMD—20090115—00041
Earth Stations Aboard Commercial and                                 SES—AMD—20090416—00501
Private Aircraft
                                                         Call Sign: E080100

                                   ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

Adopted: August 4, 2009                                                       Released: August 5, 2009

By the Acting Chief, International Bureau and the Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology:


         1. With this Order, we grant blanket authority to Row 44, Inc. (Row 44) for domestic operation
of up to 1,000 technically identical transmit/receive aircraft earth stations in the Aeronautical Mobile
Satellite Service (AMSS). The aircraft earth stations will operate in the conventional Ku—band,
transmitting in 14.05—14.47 GHz and receiving in 11.7—12.2 GHz. We also grant Row 44 a waiver of the
U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations (Table of Allocations) to permit its operations in the 11.7—12.2 GHz
band. These earth stations will be used to communicate via leased transponders on three geostationary
satellites: Horizon 1 at 127° W.L., operated by Intelsat LLC; and AMC—2 at 101° W.L. and AMC—9 at 83°
W.L., operated by SES Americom, Inc. Today‘s grant will allow Row 44 to provide two—way, in—flight
broadband services to passengers and flight crews aboard commercial airliners and private aircraft. We
believe that implementation of Row 44‘s AMSS system, pursuant to this authorization, will enhance
competition in an important sector of the mobile telecommunications market in the United States.


         A. Ku—Band AMSS

       2. The 2003 World Radiocommunication Conference added a worldwide secondary Earth—to—
space AMSS allocation in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band. At the same time, the International
Telecommunication Union‘s Radiocommunication Sector adopted ITU—R M.1643, which sets forth
detailed recommendations for operation of AMSS$ aircraft terminals in that band.‘ In November 2003,
the Commission amended the Table of Allocations accordingly to add a secondary Earth—to—space AMSS

‘ Rec. ITU—R M.1643, Technical and Operational Requirements for Aircraft Earth Stations of Aeronautical Mobile—
Satellite Service Including Those Using Fixed Satellite Service Network Transponders in the Band 14—14.5 GHz
(Earth—to—space) (2003).

                                     Federal Communications Commission                                DA 09—1752

the Commission amended the Table of Allocations accordingly to add a secondary Earth—to—space AMSS
allocation in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band." In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released in February 2005,
the Commission proposed to amend the Table of Allocations to recognize AMSS operations in the 11.7—
12.2 GHz band and to establish rules prescribing licensing procedures and operational requirements for
Ku—Band AMSS. This proceeding remains pending.

        3. At present, there are no service—specific rules for licensing or operation of AMSS facilities in
the 14.0—14.5 GHz band, and there is no domestic allocation for AMSS in the 11.7—12.2 GHz band.
Nevertheless, the Commission has previously granted blanket authority for AMSS systems to operate in
the conventional Ku—band on a secondary basis, for communication via leased transponders on Fixed
Satellite Service (FSS)* space stations, subject to any rules that may be adopted in the Ku—Band AMSS
proceeding." Our action here is consistent with this precedent.

          B. Row 44‘s License Application

        4. System Description.6 The basic components of Row 44‘s proposed AMSS system include
leased satellite transponders, aircraft earth stations (AESs) and a ground earth station (GES) linked with
a network operating center (NOC). The GES that Row 44 will use is an existing facility in North Las

* Amendment ofParts 2, 25, and 87 of the Commission‘s Rules to Implement Decisions from the World
Radiocommunication Conferences Concerning Frequency Bands Between 28 MHz and 36 GHz and to Otherwise
Update the Rules in this Frequency Range, Report and Order, ET Docket No. 02—305, 18 FCC Red 23426, 23454,
76 (2003). The amendment deleted a proviso that had limited the scope of the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS)
allocation in the band by specifically excluding AMSS. Stations operating pursuant to a secondary allocation may
not cause harmful interference to or claim protection from primary—service stations. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.104(d),
2.105(c). Non—conforming services may be provided only on a non—harmful—interference basis to any authorized
conforming service and may not claim interference protection from those services.

> Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use ofAeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Earth Stations in
Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 05—20, 20
FCC Red 2906 (2005) (Ku—Band AMSS NPRM).

* See 47 C.F.R. § 25.201 (definition of Fixed Satellite Service).

* See Boeing Company Applicationfor Blanket Authority to Operate Up to Eight Hundred Technically—Identical
 Transmit and Receive Mobile Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz Frequency
Bands, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 22645 (Int‘l Bur. and OET, 2001); ARINC Incorporated, Application
for Blanket Authorityfor Operation ofup to One Thousand Technically Identical Ku—Band Transmit/Receive
Airborne Mobile Stations Aboard Aircraft Operating in the United States and Adjacent Waters, Order and
Authorization, 20 FCC Red 7553 (Int‘l Bur. and OET, 2005)(4RINC AMSS Order); ViaSat Inc., Application for
Blanket Authorityfor Operation of Up to 1,000 Technically Identical Ku—Band Aircraft Earth Stations in the United
States and Over Territorial Waters, Order and Authorization, 22 FCC Red 19964 (Int‘l Bur. and OET, 2007)
(ViaSat AMSS Order).

* The following description is excerpted from an attachment to Row 44‘s application captioned "Row 44 AMSS
Network System Description and Technical Information."


                                      Federal Communications Commission                                    DA 09—1752

Vegas, Nevada, licensed to Hughes Networks Systems, LLC. The NOC will be located in Westlake
Village, California. Authorized AESs are registered at the GES for operation on the network. The Row
44 system provides a link between multiple aircraft terminals and the Internet via multiple satellite
gateways under the control of the NOC.

         5. A Row 44 AES includes the following components: a linear polarized antenna array, the
Satellite Antenna Assembly (SAA), installed on the top of an aircraft fuselage; an Antenna Control Unit
(ACU); a Server Management Unit (SMU); a Modem Data Unit (MDU); and a High Power Transceiver
(HPT). The antenna is mounted on a gimbaled, motorized platform and can move at up to 15° per second,
with acceleration of up to 15° per second—squared, in each of three axes. The ACU controls the antenna‘s
azimuth, elevation and polarization orientation relative to the aircraft motion in order to point the antenna
toward the target geostationary satellite. The ACU obtains information from the aircraft inertial
navigation system, including aircraft latitude and longitude; inertial altitude; roll and pitch angles; true
heading; roll, pitch, and yaw rates; and ground speed. The ACU uses this data, which is delivered every
20 milliseconds, to determine proper positioning of the SAA. The SMU serves as the system controller
for the AES. The SMU supplies configuration information and a preferred list of satellites and their
positions, which the ACU uses for controlling antenna pointing and satellite handoff. The MDU
provides the modulation and demodulation of an analog carrier with the digital information that it
receives from the SMU and HPT. The system uses time—division multiple access (TDMA) to
accommodate multiple users in the same spectrum. The AESs also use a "slotted Aloha" protocol for the
limited purpose of transmitting brief initial "handshake" signals to log on and request channel

         6. The Row 44 system has multiple modes for detecting and reacting to faulty operations. The
ACU computes pointing error — that is, deviation of the antenna‘s main lobe from a sightline to the target
satellite — from data delivered by the MDU. According to Row 44, the ACU is designed to limit pointing
error to 0.2° during normal operation and will shut the AES transmitter down within 100 milliseconds if
pointing error exceeds 0.5°. The pointing error is computed by the ACU from received dynamic Es/No
values emanating from the MDU. The Es/No data is delivered at a rate of ten updates per second (%.e.,
every 100 milliseconds). Row 44 asserts that the 0.2° error limit is maintained under various types of
aircraft motion, including compliance in situations where the aircraft is not on the same longitude as the
satellite it is transmitting to up to +/—25° skew angle. In summary, a combination of the aircraft position
and movement information from the onboard aircraft computer, near—continuous signal strength data
provided by the MDU as received/processed from the satellite, a closed loop, low latency and bias
adjustment is utilized by the three axis gimbaled control system to maintain accurate satellite tracking.

         7. The AES transmitter will also mute immediately if the ACU fails, loses communication with
the aircraft inertial reference system, or loses communication with the SMU. Furthermore, Row 44 can
shut down individual AES operation from the NOC if deemed appropriate due to reported interference.
The GES will automatically cease transmission if it detects internal failures that can affect the

" See Petition to Deny of ViaSat, Inc., filed June 27, 2008, at 5 (ViaSat Petition to Deny), Reply of ViaSat, Inc., filed
Aug. 7, 2008, at 7 (ViaSat Reply). A slotted Aloha protocol assigns transmission time slots to remote terminals
without precluding two or more terminals from transmitting simultaneously in the same frequencies. See 2000
Biennial Regulatory Review — Streamlining and Other Revisions ofPart 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules Governing
the Licensing of, and Spectrum Usage By, Satellite Network Earth Stations and Space Stations, Eighth Report and
Order, IB Docket No. 00—248, 23 FCC Red 15099, 15126 «[ 62 (2008) (Part 25 Eighth Report and Order).

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 09—1752

characteristics of its own signals.

        8. Procedural History. Row 44‘s blanket license application was placed on public notice as
accepted forfiling on May 28, 20088 On June 27, 2008, ViaSat, Inc. filed a petition to deny the
application.9 Row 44 filed an opposition to the petition to deny, and ViaSat filed a reply."" ViaSat also
filed a supplement to the petition to deny, which Row 44 opposed, to which ViaSat filed a second reply."
In addition to these formal pleadings, ViaSat and Row 44 filed many written ex parte communications.
Other interested parties also filed informal comments on the blanket application.‘

         9. Row 44 amended its application several times. In an amendment filed on June 19, 2008,"
Row 44 submitted a copy of a coordination agreement between Row 44 and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) pertaining to protection of the Space Research Service (SRS) in the 14.0—
14.2 GHz band. With this amendment, Row 44 also submitted letters from SES Americom and Intelsat.
In addition to operating Row 44‘s target satellites, SES Americom and Intelsat also operate a number of
satellites within six degrees of those satellites."* These letters affirmed that the proposed operation of

® Report No. SES—01036.

° viaSat Petition to Deny.

 Row 44 Inc.‘s Statement Pursuant to Section 25.154(e) of the Commission‘s Rules and Opposition to ViaSat Inc.‘s
Petition to Deny, filed July 23, 2008 (Row 44 Opposition to Petition to Deny); ViaSat Reply.

" gupplement to Petition to Deny of ViaSat, Inc. filed Oct. 10, 2008 (ViaSat Supplement to Petition to Deny);
Opposition of Row 44, Inc. to Supplement to Petition to Deny of ViaSat, Inc., filed Oct. 23, 2008 (Row 44
Opposition to Supplement); Reply to Opposition to Supplement of ViaSat, Inc., filed Nov. 4, 2008 (ViaSat Reply to
Opposition to Supplement).

* See Letter dated June 27, 2008 to Marlene H. Dortch , FCC Secretary, from Gregg Saretsky, Executive Vice
President, Alaska Airlines; Letter dated June 27, 2008 to Marlene H. Dortch from Gary Kelly, Chairman of the
Board, Southwest Airlines Co.; Letter dated Sept. 30, 2008 to Marlene H. Dortch from William Kolb, Director,
ARINC; Letters dated Oct. 15 and 20, 2008 and Feb. 19, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from Bruce A. Olcott on behalf
of The Bosing Company; Letter dated Dec. 12, 2008 to Marlene H. Dortch from Jeff Frisco, Chief Technology
Officer, LiveTV; Letter dated Jan. 20, 2009 to Helen Domenici, Chief International Bureau, from Martin Kits van
Heyningen, Chief Executive Officer, KVH Industries, Inc.; Letter dated Feb. 6, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from
Michael Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, AeroSat Corp.; Letter dated Feb. 11 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from
Regina M. Keeney, on behalf of Southwest Airlines Co.; Letter dated Apr. 16 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from
Regina M. Keeney, on behalf of Alaska Airlines Inc.; Letter dated June 26, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from Joel M.
Margolis, Senior Director, NeuStar Fiduciary Services; Letter dated July 1, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from Regina
M. Keeney. The International Bureau referred the application to the Executive Branch law enforcement and
homeland security agencies for coordination with respect to any national security, law enforcement or public safety
concerns. On July 13, 2009, the Department of Justice indicated that those agencies would have no comment on
Row 44‘s application.

} File No. SES—AMD—20080619—00826.
" Intelsat is the licensed operator of Galaxy 28, at 89° W.L., which is within six degrees of SES Americom‘s AMC—9
target satellite. Intelsat also operates Galaxy 3C at 95° W.L., Galaxy 19 at 97° W.L., and Galaxy 16 at 99° W.L.,

                                     Federal Communications Commission                             .     DA 09—1752

Row 44‘s AESs would be consistent with the terms of Intelsat‘s and SES Americom‘s existing
coordination agreements with adjacent satellite operators and that Row 44 had agreed to cease operation
immediately upon notification from affected parties of unacceptable interference from operation of Row
44‘s AMSS system. The letter from Intelsat included an endorsement by Echostar Corporation, the
licensed operator of another Ku—band satellite within six degrees of the Intelsat target satellite,"
declaring that Echostar "agrees to operation ... with the technical parameters described herein."

         10. In response to an inquiry letter from International Bureau (Bureau) staff,"" Row 44 filed a
second amendment‘‘ on August 19, 2008. In this amendment, Row 44 reduced the peak total equivalent
isotropically radiated power (EIRP) specification for an AES from 40.6 dBW to 38.6 dBW, clarified the
mispointing specification and submitted graphs depicting calculated off—axis EIRP density with zero
mispointing and with mispointing at the specified worst—case level of 0.2 degrees. Row 44 filed a third
amendment‘® on August 29, 2008 in response to another letter of inquiry from Bureau staff,"" submitting
further off—axis EIRP density data, outroute link budgets, antenna patterns taken at frequencies at the
edges of the proposed AES transmit band and other technical information. In a fourth amendment"" filed
on January 15, 2009, Row 44 submitted letters from SES Americom, Intelsat and Echostar expressing
support for a request by Row 44 for temporary authority for in—flight test operation. Row 44 filed a fifth
amendment"‘ on April 16, 2009 to correct its radiation—hazard analysis to reflect the previous reduction of
the maximum EIRP specification.

         C. Testing of Row 44 Facilities

         11. On May 9, 2008, the Bureau granted a request by Row 44 for Special Temporary Authority
(STA) for ground—based testing of a single fixed earth station with the same technical specifications as
the proposed AESs."" Similarly, on July 11, 2008, Row 44 filed a request"" for an STA for operation of

which are within six degrees of SES Americom‘s AMC—2 target satellite. SES Americom is the licensed operator of
AMC—21 at 125° W.L., which is within six degrees of Intelsat‘s Horizon 1 target satellite.

  Echostar is the licensed operator of Echostar 9 at 121° W.L., which is within six degrees of the Horizon 1 target

© Letter dated August 7, 2008 to David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44, from Scott A. Kotler, Chief, Systems Analysis
Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau (requesting information on input power, worst—case pointing error,
antenna control, error detection, and off—axis equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) density in the
geostationary orbit plane).

‘ File No. SES—AMD—20080819—01074.

© File No. SES—AMD—20080829—01117.

 Letter dated Aug. 25, 2008 to David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44, from Scott A. Kotler, Chief, Systems Analysis
Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau.

* File No. SES—STA—20090115—00041.

*‘ File No. SES—STA—20090416—00501.

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 09—1752

twelve AESs for in—flight testing for a period of sixty days, withthe same operating parameters and target
satellites specified in the underlying blanket license appllcatlon Row 44 proposed to install the test
stations on commercial aircraft operated by Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines and on a private
airplane operated by Row 44. In support of the in—flight STA request, Row 44 filed a copy of an
agreement with the licensed operators of Ku—band satelhtes within six degrees of Row 44‘s target
satellites — namely, Intelsat, SES Americom and Echostar."" Under the terms of the agreement, Row 44
promised to share test data with the other signatories and inform them of test procedures and schedules.
Row 44 also agreed to cooperate with the other signatories to measure any adjacent satellite interference
from test operation, both under normal flight conditions and when test—bed aircraft were put through
maneuvers intended to cause antenna misorientation.

         12. Because the operators of the satellites that would be primarily affected by interference from
Row 44‘s operations had consented to the in—flight STA request and participated in formulation of the
test plan, the Bureau‘s Satellite Division concluded that granting the requestwould facilitate resolution of
concerns regarding interference that might result from full—scale operation."" The Bureau granted the in—
flight STA, subject to several conditions, including requirements that Row 44 fulfill its obligations under
the letter agreement with adjacent satellite operators and submit detalled reports on the results of ground—
based and in—flight testing to those operators and to the Commission."‘ The Bureau later granted requests
for follow—on STAs allowing in—flight testing to continue for additional sixty—day periods, beginning on
May 15 and July 14, 2009.*°

         13. Row 44 filed a report on ground—based testing on April 13, 2009, and filed a report on the

* File No. SES—STA—20080508—00571. The STA for ground testing, initially granted for a period of sixty days, was
successively extended at Row 44‘s request. See File Nos. SES—STA—20080702—00877, SES—STA—20080903—01141,
SES—STA—20081110—01465, and SES—STA—20090106—00004.

* File No. SES—STA—20080711—00928.

* See Letter dated Sept. 11, 2008 from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44, Inc., to Helen Domenici, Chief,
International Bureau, referencing File Nos. SES—AMD—20080819—01074, SES—AMD—20080829—01117, and SES—

25 Letter dated Feb. 6, 2009, from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44, Inc., to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, at
Attachment A. As noted above, Intelsat is the licensed operator of Galaxy 28, at 89° W.L., which is within six
degrees of SES Americorm‘s AMC—9. Intelsat also operates Galaxy 3C at 95° W.L., Galaxy 19 at 97° W.L., and
Galaxy 16 at 99° W.L., which are within six degrees of SES Americom‘s AMC—2 satellite. SES Americom is the
licensed operator of AMC—21 at 125° W.L., which is within six degrees of Intelsat‘s Horizon 1 satellite. Echostar is
the licensed operator of Echostar 9 at 121° W.L., which is also within six degrees of Horizon 1.

* Row 44, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority for Mobility Testing ofAircraft Earth Stations, Order
and Authorization, 24 FCC Red 3042 (Int‘l Bur. 2009) (Row 44 March 13 STA Order).

2 Row 44 March 13 STA Order, 24 ECC Red at 3045 [ 7.

* Row 44, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authorityfor Operation ofAircraft Earth Stations, Order and
Authorization, 24 FCC Red 5662 (Int‘l Bur., Sat. Div., 2009); File No. SES—STA—20090709—00854 (granted July 14,

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 09—1752

results of in—flight testing on May 11, 2009, certifying that copies of each had been given to SES
Americom, Intelsat and Echostar."" Although Row 44 requested that the reports be withheld from public
inspection, copies were also provided to ViaSat under the terms of a protective order.""

         14. On June 19, 2009, Row 44 filed a document captioned "Statement of Satellite Operators,"
signed by representatives of Intelsat, SES Americom and Echostar."‘ In this document, the satellite
operators declared that they had all received copies of Row 44‘s in—flight test report and had no objection
to grant of Row 44‘s pending blanket license application.

         15. On June 23, 2009, ViaSat publicly filed a redacted critique of Row 44‘s test reports and
separately subimitted an unredacted version under seal, pursuant to the protective order."" Row 44
provided copies of the full, unredacted critique to representatives of Intelsat, SES Americom and
Echostar on June 26. Row 44 responded to ViaSat‘s critique on July 10, 2009, and ViaSat replied on
July 17, 2009."4


         A. Adjacent Satellite Interference

         16. Row 44 maintains that its AMSS system will not cause harmful interference to adjacent

* See Letters dated Apr. 13 and May 11, 2009 to Robert G. Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, from David S. Keir,
filed in SES—LIC—20080508—00570 and SES—STA—20080711—00928. The test report, "Satellite Interference Test
Plan and Report: Row 44 Satellite Broadband System," is dated May 6, 2009.

3 See Row 44, Inc., Application for Authority to Operate up to 1,000 Technically—Identical Aeronautical—Mobile
Satellite Service Earth Stations in the 14.05—14.47 GHz (Transmit) and 11.7—12.2 (Receive) Frequency Bands,
Application for Special Temporary Authorityfor Mobility Testing ofAircraft Earth Stations, Order to Disclose
Pursuant to Protective Order, 24 FCC Red 5536 (Int‘l Bur., 2009). Row 44 sent copies of both reports to ViaSat
counsel on May 14, 2009. Letter dated May 14, 2009 to Jarrett Taubman from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44,
Inc., filed in SES—STA—20090417—00507 and SES—STA—200807 1 1—00928.

* Letter dated June 19, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from David S. Keir, at Attachment (Statements
signed by Jose Albuquerque, Intelsat Senior Director for Spectrum Engineering, Krish Jonnalagadda, Spectrum
Development Manager for SES Americom, and David Blair, Senior Vice President for Space Programs & Operation,

> Letter dated June 23, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from John P. Janka and Jarrett S. Taubman,
Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

* Letter dated June 30, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44.

* Letter dated July 10, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44; Letter
dated July 17, 2009 to John Giusti, Acting Chief, International Bureau, from John P. Janka and Jarrett S. Taubman,
Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

                                       Federal Communications Commission                                      DA 09—1752

satellite opera’cors.35 Specifically, Row 44 contends that its proposed AMSS operation is consistent with
the technical requirements in Section 25.222 for operation of earth stations on vessels (ESVs) in the Ku—
band."" Hence, Row 44 maintains that its application meets ITU—R M.1643‘s essential recommendation
that off—axis EIRP density not exceed "the levels that have been published and coordinated" for FSS
networks."" Row 44also argues that its system has been coordinated with all potentially affected satellite
operators, consistent with Section 25.220."° We provide background for both of Row 44‘s arguments

          17. Background. Row 44 observes that, in the Ku—BandAMSS NPRM, the Commission
proposed rules that would provide for routine licensing of Ku—band AESs meeting certain off—axis EIRP
density limits."" The Commission also proposed to limit permissible Ku—band AES pointing error to 0.2
degrees, and to require that operators monitor and mute transmission upon detecting fault conditions that
could result in harmful interference."" Those proposed limits for routinely licensed Ku—band AESs were

35 Off—axis radiation is radiation generated in directions other than the direction of the transmitting antenna‘s main
lobe. Off—axis radiation from an earth station transmitting to a geostationary satellite can cause harmful interference
to other geostationary satellites in the vicinity of the earth station‘s target satellite operating in the same frequency

3° Row 44 License Application, Technical Exhibit at

°" Row 44 License Application, Technical Exhibit at, citing ITU—R Reec. 1643, Annex 1, Part A. See also
"Supplemental Information" filed June 19, 2008 in File Nos. SES—LIC—20080508—00570 and SES—AMD—20080619—

*° Row 44 Opposition to Petition to Deny at 2.

> Row 44 License Application, Technical Exhibit at, citing Ku—Band AMSS NPRM, 20 FCC Red at 2926—
27, 36. The proposed limits for routinely licensed Ku—band AESs using an access protocol (such as TDMA) that
precludes simultaneous operation of multiple terminals on the same carrier frequencies were largely identical to the
in—plane off—axis EIRP density limits now specified in Section 25.218 for routinely processed digital FSS earth
stations that transmit in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band with a TDMA or FDMA access protocol. See Ku—Band AMSS
NPRM, 20 FCC Red at 2926—27, §36, and 47 C.F.R. §25.218(F)(1). For systems that allow simultaneous operation
of two or more AESs in a common frequency band, the Commission invited comment on two possible methods of
regulating aggregate off—axis radiation: i) prescribe the same off—axis EIRP—density limits proposed as a routine
processing standard for single—carrier—per—frequency—channel systems as limits on aggregate off—axis EIRP density for
routine licensing of systems allowing simultaneous co—frequency AES transmissions or ii) adopt a routine licensing
standard for systems of the latter type that prescribes single—terminal off—axis radiation limits for AESs transmitting
simultaneously in a common frequency channel by reducing the permissible off—axis EIRP density by a factor of
10*log(N) dB, N being the number of simultaneously—transmitting co—frequency AESs. Ku—Band AMSS NPRM, 20
FCC Red at 2926—27, §« 36—37. These proposals are largely irrelevant here, as Row 44‘s system operates in TDMA
mode except when its AESs transmit initial log—in signals of a few milliseconds in duration using a contention access
protocol. Moreover, the Commission concluded recently that use of contention protocols is generally non—
problematic. Part 25 Eighth Report and Order, 23 FCC Red at 15132—35, «) 77—82.

* Ku—Band AMSS NPRM, 20 FCC Red at 2929, €41. The Ku—Band AMSS NPRM also asked whether Ku—band
AMSS systems not meeting prescribed off—axis EIRP density limits should be licensed based on a coordination
showing of the kind prescribed in Section 25.220. Ku—Band AMSS NPRM, 20 FCC Red at 2928—29, §40.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                              DA 09—1752

very similar to the limits on pointing error and off—axis EIRP density that the Commission had previously
adopted for Ku—band ESV s, which are set forth in Section 25.222. Thus, the Ku—band ESV off—axis EIRP
density limits may provide guidance as to reasonable off—axis criteria for Ku—band AESs. Section 25.222
also prescribes that Ku—band ESVs must cease transmitting within 100 milliseconds when pointing error
exceeds 0.5 degrees and may not resume transmitting until the error is reduced to less than 0.2 degrees."
Furthermore, Recommendation ITU—R M.1643 states that, in the interest of minimizing adjacent satellite
interference, an AMSS system that uses the 14.0—14.5 GHz band for AES transmission should be
operated in such a manner that the off—axis EIRP density produced by AES terminals in the network does
not exceed "the levels that have been published and coordinated for the specific and/or typical earth
station(s) pertaining to FSS networks ..."" Accordingly, Row 44 maintains that, by demonstrating
compliance with the pointing error and off—axis EIRP density limits for ESVs in Section 25.222, it has
also demonstrated compliance with the requirements for AESs in Recommendation ITU—R M.1643."

         18. As an alternative argument, Row 44 recommends granting its application on the basis of
coordination with the potentially affected adjacent satellite operators.""* The coordination policy on
which Row 44 relies is embodied in Section 25.220 of the Commission‘s rules."          Specifically, the
Commission‘s rules distinguish between "routine" and "non—routine" geostationary FSS earth station
applications. Part 25 sets forth technical standards for routine processing of FSS earth station
applications."" Applications for conventional Ku—band geostationary FSS earth stations that do not
qualify for routine processing based on those technical standards can be granted on the basis of
coordination with potentially affected satellite operators. In order to qualify for licensing under Section
25.220, an applicant must submit a certification from the operator of each target satellite that it has
coordinated operation of the proposed non—conforming earth stations with the operators of all
geostationary satellites within six degrees of orbital separation from the target satellite. Further, each
target satellite operator must certify that the proposed non—conforming earth station operation is
consistent with all existing coordination agreements with other satellite operators and that such operation
will be addressed in future coordinations. The earth station applicant must certify that it will operate in
compliance with all such coordination agreements.""

         19. Pleadings. In its petition to deny Row 44‘s application, V iaSat contends that Row 44 failed
to demonstrate that its proposed AMSS system can operate without causing adjacent satellite
interference. Specifically, ViaSat argues that Row 44 had failed to provide essential technical
information, and that the power density and antenna mispointing of Row 44 AESs would exceed limits in

* 47 CFBR. §25.222(a)(7).

* Row 44 License Application, Technical Exhibit at See also Rec. ITU—R M.1643, Annex 1, Part A, 1.

* Row 44 License Application, Technical Exhibit at

* Row 44 Opposition to Petition to Deny at 3.

* a7 CFER. §25.220.

45 See 47 C.FR. §§ 25.134, 25.212, 25.218.

* 47 C.F.R. § 25.220(d)(1).

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 09—1752

Commission rules pertaining to Ku—band VSAT stations and ESVs. In particular, ViaSat claims that
Row 44 has not shown that its AESs can limit pointing angle error to 0.2 degrees, or that they can mute
transmission within 100 milliseconds when pointing angle error exceeds 0.5 degrees, as specified in Row
44‘s application."* ViaSat also contends that Row 44 did not properly account for the effect of aircraft
banking on antenna misorientation."" Furthermore, ViaSat argues that Row 44 AESs will have to operate
with higher than specified amplifier output power in order to maintain an adequate signal/noise margin,
and will consequently generate off—axis EIRP density in excess of the pertinent envelope specified in
Sections 25.218 and 25.222 even if pointing error is kept within 0.2 degrees.""

         20. As noted above, Row 44 tested its proposed AMSS system to determine whether or to what
extent its system would cause harmful interference to adjacent satellite operators under normal flight
conditions. Row 44 filed reports of its test results pursuant to requests for confidentiality on April 13
and May 11, 2009. Those test results were also provided to ViaSat pursuant to a confidentiality
agreement."‘ In an ex parte statement filed on June 23, 2009, ViaSat argues that the deficiencies in Row
44‘s technical showing are not cured by the Row 44‘s April 13 and May 11, 2009 test reports. ViaSat
maintains that the test reports are inconclusive because they do not adequately describe the test
procedures and do not include data on key variables. ViaSat also contends that the test procedures are
defective in a number of respects.""

          21. In an ex parte statement dated June 18, 2009, Row 44 submitted statements from adjacent
satellite operators declaring that they had reviewed Row 44‘s test data and that they had no objections to
Row 44‘s proposed operations." On July 17, 2009, ViaSat filed an ex parte statement maintaining, in

* viaSat Petition to Deny at 6—7 and Technical Annex at 5—8. See also ViaSat Reply at 10—12; ViaSat Supplement to
Petition to Deny at 5—8 and Exhibit A at 1—3; ViaSat Reply to Opposition to Supplement, Exhibit A at 6—21; Letter
dated July 29, 2009, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from John P. Janka, Counsel for ViaSat, at 2 (ViaSat
July 29 Letter) (recommending requiring Row 44 to limit pointing error to 0.2° as a condition of any license granted
to Row 44).

* viaSat Supplement to Petition to Deny at 8—11 and Exhibit A at 4—17; Reply to Opposition of Supplement at 14—17
and Exhibit A at 21.

5 See ViaSat Reply to Opposition to Supplement, Exhibit A at 1—5. See also ViaSat July 29 Letter at 4—5
(recommending requiring Row 44 to limit off—axis EIRP to 3 dB below the limit placed on ESV operators, as a
condition of any license granted to Row 44).

* See Letters dated Apr. 13 and May 11, 2009 to Robert G. Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, from David S. Keir,
filed in SES—LIC—20080508—00570 and SES—STA—20080711—00928. The test report, "Satellite Interference Test
Plan and Report: Row 44 Satellite Broadband System," is dated May 6, 2009.

* Letter dated June 23, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC Secretary, from John P. Janka and Jarrett S. Taubman,
Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.; ViaSat July 29 Letter at 5—6. Row 44 filed a detailed rebuttal of ViaSat‘s technical
arguments on July 10, 2009. Letter dated July 10, 2009 to Malene H. Dortch, FCC Secretary, from David S. Keir,
Counsel to Row 44, Inc.

* Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC Secretary, from David S. Keir with attachment dated June 18, 2009 signed by
Jose Albuquerque, Intelsat Senior Director for Spectrum Engineering, Krish Jonnalagadda, Spectrum Development

                                     Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 09—1752

part, that the adjacent satellite operators may not have any particular expertise needed to evaluate the
potential for interference from a novel AMSS system."" In another ex parte communication filed on July
 29, 2009, ViaSat urged the Bureau, in the event it decides to grant operating authority for Row 44‘s
 proposed system, to impose conditions pertaining to pointing etror, data logging, reporting, off—axis
EIRP, and the rate of data transmission.""

         22. Discussion. We decline to address ViaSat‘s arguments concerning adjacent satellite
interference, because Row 44 has resolved these interference issues through coordination with all
potentially affected satellite operators. ViaSat contends, for several reasons, that Row 44‘s application
cannot be granted on the basis of coordination without addressing its concerns regarding interference.""
We summarize ViaSat‘s grounds for this contention and respond to them in turn.

         23. First, ViaSat maintains that the coordination procedure in Section 25.220 is inapplicable
here because it pertains only to licensing of FSS earth stations, whereas Row 44 is requesting a blanket
license for AES operation, which is a type of Mobile Satellite Service (MSS). Even if, as ViaSat
contends, the coordination procedure in Section 25.220 does not apply to Row 44‘s application, we
considerit appropriate, as a matter of policy, to use an approach analogous to the one in Section 25.220
in this case, where the operators of all Ku—band satellites within six degrees of the designated target
satellite(s) have formally consented to grant of the application. Moreover, the potentially affected
satellite operators had an opportunity to review the test reports and arguments concerning potential
uplink interference raised by third parties, as well as the technical specifications in Row 44‘s application.
In light of these circumstances, we find that grant of Row 44‘s application is appropriate. This result is
consistent with the policy embodied in Section 25.220 and with the Commission‘s general preference for
licensing procedures that do not unreasonably interfere with business negotiations and market

         24. Second, ViaSat argues against granting blanket authority for Ku—band AES operation based
solely on coordination with adjacent satellite operators, because Ku—band AMSS is a nascent service that
may rely upon unproven technology. Further, ViaSat asserts that there is little reason to assume that
adjacent satellite operators have sufficient knowledge and expertise to assess the technical issues
presented by license applications for such operation. We are not convinced by ViaSat‘s arguments that
we should place less weight on coordination when considering applications for Ku—band AMSS earth
stations than when considering applications for Ku—band FSS earth stations. While it may be true that the
technology of Ku—band AMSS is emerging, we believe that potentially affected satellite operators are

Manager for SES Americom, and David Blair, Senior Vice President for Space Programs & Operation, Echostar.

* Letter dated July 17, 2009, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from John P. Janka, Counsel for ViaSat, at 10.

* ViaSat July 29 Letter at 2.

5$ See Letter dated June 30, 2009 to Marlene H. Dortch from John P. Janka and Jarrett S. Taubman (ViaSat June 30
Letter), Letter dated July 17, 2009 to John Giusti, Acting Chief, International Bureau, from John P. Janka and Jarrett
S. Taubman, at 2.

*" See, e. g., Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order
and Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 02—34, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10766—67 7 (2003).
                                                          11                    ’

                                      Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 09—1752

nonetheless capable of assessing the potential interference impact of proposed Ku—band AES operation.
ViaSat‘s assertion that adjacent satellite operators cannot assess the risk of potential interference to their
own systems from such proposed operation is at odds with the reasoning underlying the Commission‘s
adoption of the coordination—based licensing rule in Section 25.220."° In view of their monitoring of
Row 44‘s test operation and their actual notice of ViaSat‘s technical critique, it is reasonable to assume
that Intelsat, SES Americom and Echostar were aware of the potential for interference from Row 44‘s
proposed operations and took that into account in the coordination process. In short, there is no reason to
assume that their consent is uninformed.

         25. Third, ViaSat contends that, even assuming the coordination procedure in Section 25.220 is
available in this case, that would not obviate evaluation of technical arguments pertaining to potential
uplink interference. According to ViaSat, the coordination procedure in Section 25.220 permits the
Commission to presume that proposed earth stations will not cause harmful interference, but asserts that
this is a rebuttable presumption."" ViaSat maintains that the Commission has an obligation to evaluate
the potential for harmful interference from Row 44‘s proposed operation in light of ViaSat‘s technical
arguments. ViaSat notes that Section 309(a) of the Communications Act requires the Commission to
determine, based on examination of the application "and upon consideration of such other matters as the
Commission may officially notice," whether granting the application would serve the public interest.
Nothing in Section 25.220, ViaSat asserts, absolves the Commission from that obligation. We disagree
with ViaSat‘s contention that Section 309 of the Communications Act" bars the Commission from
granting Row 44‘s application without ruling on the merits of all of ViaSat‘s arguments concerning
interference with adjacent satellite operation. This is especially the case where all of the operators of
those potentially affected adjacent satellites have consented to Row 44‘s operations. This resolves
concerns regarding interference to existing satellite operators. With regard to future satellite operators,

* See 2000 Biennial Review — Streamlining and Other Revisions ofPart 25 of the Commission‘s Rules Governing
the Licensing of, and Spectrum by, Satellite Network Earth Stations and Space Stations, Fifth Report and Order, IB
Docket No. 00—248, 20 FCC Red 5666, 5688 51 (2005) ("Satellite operators are aware of the link budgets and other
operating parameters of their satellite systems and are capable of determining whether a given non—routine earth
station operating at a given power level can be accommodated within those link budgets, transponder plans, or
business plans. In the coordination process, satellite operators use refined analysis to determine whether earth
station operations can be accommodated .... Satellite operators do not need the Commission to adopt standards for
non—routine earth station operations to make that determination.")

* viaSat June 30 Letter at 5.

® Section 309(d)(2) of the Act states that, in a case where a petition to deny has been filed against a pending license

     [i]f the Commission finds on the basis of the application, the pleadings filed, or any other matters which it
     may officially notice that there are no substantial and material questions of fact and that a grant of the
     application would be consistent with subsection (a) [i.e., that granting the application will serve "the
     public interest, convenience, and necessity"] ... it shall make the grant, deny the petition, and issue a
     concise statement of the reasons for denying the petition, which statement shall dispose of all substantial
     issues raised by the petition.

(Emphasis added.)


                                   Federal Communications Commission                           DA 09—1752

we will include a condition in Row 44‘s authorization that requires it to coordinate with operators of new
Ku—band satellites within six degrees of its target satellites. Absent a coordination agreement, Row 44
will have to cease operation when the GSO FSS system commences operation, unless Row 44
demonstrates that it will not cause interference to the new GSO FSS system.

       26. Finally, we note that ViaSat recommends imposing data—logging requirements on Row 44,
because Row 44‘s AESs will be operated in a transient and intermittent fashion, and therefore it could be
more difficult to determine whether those AESs are the source of harmful interference."" We agree with
ViaSat on this issue. Accordingly, the authorization granted herein is also subject to a condition
imposing data—logging requirements comparable to the logging requirements for ESV operators." This
will facilitate identification of Row 44‘s system as the source in the event that harmful interference
results from its operations.

          B. Other Issues in the 14.05—14.47 Uplink Band

         27. The 14.0—14.5 GHz band is allocated on a primary basis for non—governmental FSS Earth—to—
space transmission and on a secondary basis for non—governmental MSS Earth—to—space transmission."
Row 44‘s request for authority for AES operation on a secondary basis in the 14.05—14.47 GHz band is
therefore consistent with the Table of Allocations. Operators of radio stations licensed on a secondary
basis must protect or coordinate with systems licensed on a primary basis and previously—authorized
systems licensed on a secondary basis."" Other services in the band include (1) FSS networks operating
on a primary basis in the 14.0—14.5 GHz uplink band, (2) space research stations operating in the 14.0—
14.2 GHz band on a secondary basis, (3) government—operated terrestrial fixed and mobile stations
operating on a secondary basis in the 14.4—14.5 GHz segment and (4) grandfathered non—governmental
land mobile stations licensed on a secondary basis in the 14.2—14.4 GHz segment. We discuss each of
these services below.

                  1. Protection of NGSO FSS Systems in the 14.0—14.5 GHz Band

         28. In 2001, the Commission adopted rules to permit nongeostationary orbit (NGSO) FSS
systems to operate in the 14.0—14.5 GHz uplink band as a primary service."" Thus, Row 44 — as the
operator of a secondary service in that band — has an obligation to protect any authorized Ku—band NGSO
FSS operations from interference. At present, there are no authorized Ku—band NGSO FSS systems and
no applications are pending for such systems. However, if the Commission authorizes a Ku—band NGSO
FSS system in the future, Row 44 will have to cease operation when the NGSO FSS system commences

* PiaSat July 29 Letter at 3.

* See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.221(c)(1) and 25.222(c)(1).

® See 47 CFR. § 2.106.
6 See 47 CFR. § 2.105(b)(2).
6 See Amendment ofParts 2 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Permit Operation ofNGSO FSS Systems Co—
Frequency with GSO and Terrestrial Systems in the Ku—Band Frequency Range, First Report and Order and
Further Notice ofProposed Rule Making, ET Docket No. 98—206, 16 FCC Red 4096 (2000).

                                   Federal Communications Commission                               DA 09—1752

operation, unless Row 44 demonstrates that it will not cause interference to the new NGSO FSS system
or reaches a coordination agreement with the system‘s licensed operator.

                 2. Protection of Space Research Operation in the 14.0—14.2 GHz Band

         29. The 14.0—14.2 GHz portion of the Ku—Band is domestically allocated for secondary—status
Federal—government operation in the SRS." NASA currently operates SRS Tracking and Data Relay
Satellite System (TDRSS) stations in the 14.0—14.05 GHz segment of the SRS band. Row 44 has signed
a coordination agreement with NASA pertaining to protection of current and future TDRSS sites."
Under the terms of the agreement, Row 44 must specify a central point of 24/7 contact for interference
resolution and must terminate transmissions from any AES that would exceed defined interference
thresholds when the AES is within line of sight of a TDRSS earth station. We condition the authority
granted in this Order upon Row 44‘s adherence to the terms of this coordination agreement.

                 3. Protection of Non—Federal Land Mobile Stations in the 14.2—14.4 GHz Band

        30. Prior to March 2, 2005, the Table of Allocations included an allocation for non—government
terrestrial mobile radio services in the 14.2— 14.4 GHz band. Footnote NG184 to the Table of Allocations
provides that land mobile stations authorized for operation in that band prior to March 1, 2005 may
continue operating on a secondary basis until their licenses expire. Our records indicate that there are
approximately twenty—five grandfathered stations, although the records do not indicate whether the
stations are actually operating in the 14.2—14.4 GHz band. ITTU—R M.1643 recommends adoption of
certain power flux density (PFD) limits on emissions from aircraft earth stations in the 14.0—14.5 GHz
band when they are within line of sight of any territory where fixed terrestrial networks are in operation.
Row 44 states in its application that it will ensure that PFD from its AMSS operation will not exceed the
recommended limits at any locations where protection is needed."" Given the small number of
grandfathered stations and the likelihood that aircraft earth stations transmitting to geostationary target
satellites will interfere with operation of ground—based radio receivers in the United States, we believe
that Row 44‘s operation is unlikely to cause actual interference to these receivers. Moreover, we note
that Row 44‘s license is required to maintain a 24—hour point of contact as a condition on its license. This
point of contact will be able to stop Row 44‘s transmissions quickly in the unlikely event that its AESs
cause any interference to these ground—based radio receivers.

                 4. Protection of U.S. Government Fixed and Mobile Stations
                    in the 14.4—14.5 GHz Band

        31. The 14.4—14.5 GHz segment of the Ku—Band is domestically allocated on a secondary basis
for Federal—government fixed and mobile radio services."" Because the 14.4—14.5 GHz band is shared

* 47 C.F.R. §2.106.

*" Row 44 submitted a copy of the agreement with NASA as an attachment to an application amendment it filed on
June 19, 2008. IBFS File No. SES—AMD—20080619—00826.

* Row 44 AMSS Application, System Description and Technical Information at 6.1.2.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                            DA 09—1752

with the U.S. government, we have coordinated Row 44‘s application with the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), which administers authorizations for
federal radio stations. NTIA has informed the Commissionthat it has no objection to Row 44‘s proposed
AMSS operation.

         C. Protection of Radio Astronomy in the 14.47—14.5 GHz Band

       32. The National Science Foundation (NSF), an independent Federal agency, supports radio—
astronomy observation in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band at National Radio Astronomy Observatories in New
Mexico and West Virginia, and the use of the band for radio—astronomy observation at those sites is
recognized in Footnote US203 to the U.S. Table of Allocations."" The NSF also supports radio—
astronomy observation in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band at various other sites in the continental United States,
Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands." ITU—R M.1643 recommends that aircraft earth
stations cease transmission in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band and meet PFD limits in the 14.0—14.47 GHz band
when within line of sight of radio astronomy stations observing in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band."" Although
Row 44 is not proposing to operate in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band, it has signed a coordination agreement
with NSF that requires Row 44 to limit aggregate PFD in that band to within specified levels." Row 44
states in its blanket application that it will operate in compliance with those coordinated limits." We
condition its authorization accordingly.

         D. Operations in the 11.7—12.2 GHz Downlink Band
        33. The 11.7—12.2 GHz band is domestically allocated on a primary basis for FSS downlink
transmission, including downlink transmission to earth stations on vessels,"" and is allocated on a
secondary basis for operation of grandfathered terrestrial radio stations."" The Commission has proposed
to add an allocation for AMSS downlinks in the 11.7—12.2 GHz band,77 but there is no such allocation at

5 See 47 C.F.R. §2.106.
"° 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, Footnote US203.

* See, e. g., Row 44 Application, attachment entitled "A Coordination Agreement Between the National Science
Foundation ("NSF") and Row 44, Inc. ("Row 44") for Operation of the Row 44 AMSS and Radio Astronomy Sites
Jointly Sharing the 14.0—14.5 GHz Band," at Table 2.1.

"" Rec. ITU—R M.1643, Annex 1, Part B.

* Row 44 AMSS Application, Appendix 1.

"* T4 , System Description and Technical Information at 6.1.3.

"5 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, Footnotes NG145 and NG183; Procedures to Govern the Use ofSatellite Earth Stations on
Board Vessels in the 5925—6425 MHz/3700—4200 MHz Bands and 14.0—14.5 GHz/11.7—12.2 GHz Bands, Report and
Order, IB Docket No. 02—10, 20 FCC Red 674, 706—07 79 (2005).

"5 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, Footnote NG184.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 09—1752

the present time. Hence, Row 44 requests a waiver to permit operations in the 11.7—12.2 GHz band on a
non—interference, non—protected basis."" Row 44 indicates in its blanket application that the EIRP density
of downlink signals from the target satellites to its AESs will not exceed 13 dBW/4 kHz."" Row 44 has
filed copies of letters from the licensed operators of its target satellites certifying that this proposed
downlink operation is consistent with coordination agreements with adjacent satellite operators.""
The Commission has previously granted authority to Boeing, ARINC and ViaSat for use of the 11.7—12.2
GHz band for AMSS downlink transmission from existing FSS satellites, based upon either a showing
that the 10 dBW/4kHz routine—processing limit in Section 25.134(g)(2) would not be exceeded or proof
of consent by adjacent satellite operators."" Consistent with these precedents, we conclude that a waiver
is warranted to allow Row 44 to use the 11.7—12.2 GHz band for AMSS downlinks on a non—interference,
non—protected basis.


         34. We find, pursuant to Section 309 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 309, that grant of
Row 44‘s blanket license application for AMSS operation, as conditioned herein, will serve the public
interest, convenience, and necessity. Row 44‘s authorization is conditioned upon compliance with any
additional conditions or requirements concerning operation of its AMSS system adopted in the pending
Ku—band AMSS rulemaking proceeding.


      35. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that File No. SES—LIC—20080508—00570, as amended by
SES—AMD—20080619—00826, SES—AMD—20080819—01074, SES—AMD—20080829—01117, SES—AMD—
20090115—00041, SES—AMD—20090416—00501 IS GRANTED to the extent indicated herein, and Row
44, Inc. IS AUTHORIZED to operate up to 1,000 technically identical transmit/receive mobile earth
stations aboard aircraft in the continental United States and over its territorial waters, linking with the
Horizon 1 satellite at 127° West Longitude, AMC—2 at 101° W.L., and AMC—9 at 83° W.L., in the 11.7—
12.2 GHz and 14.05—14.47 GHz frequency bands, consistent with the specifications in the application and
in compliance with the Commission‘s rules, except insofar as waived herein, and subject to the following

* Ky—Band AMSS NPRM, 20 FCC Red at 2915—16, 15

"* Row 44 AMSS Application, System Description and Technical Information at 3.0.

79 Id

® See Letter agreements filed with amendment SES—AMD—20080619—00826.

81 Boeing Company Application for Blanket Authority to Operate Up to Eight Hundred Technically Identical
Transmit and Receive Mobile Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz Frequency
Bands, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 5864, 5867 {10 (Int‘l Bur. and OET 2001) (granting blanket license
conditioned on submission of proof that operators of adjacent satellites had no objection to proposed operation with
peak downlink EIRP density in excess of the 10 dBW/A4KHz routine licensing limit); ARINC AMSS Order, 20 FCC
Red at 7571 54; ViaSat AMSS Order, 22 FCC Red at 19972 26.


                               Federal Communications Commission                             DA 09—1752

     The stations authorized herein must operate in compliance with any rule requirements
     subsequently adopted by the Commission.
b)   The licensee must accept interference from lawful operation of any station in the 11.7—12.2 GHz
     band in accordance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, and shall
     immediately terminate operation upon notification that such operation is causing harmful
     interference, not permitted under the terms of a coordination agreement, with lawful operation of
     any radio system in the 11.7—12.2 GHz band in conformance with the U.S. Table of Frequency
     In the event that another co—frequency GSO FSS satellite commences operation at a location
     within six degrees of one of the Row 44 target satellites identified in this Order, the target
     satellite operator must coordinate with the operator of that satellite. Absent a coordination
     agreement, Row 44 must cease operation of its AMSS system unless it can show that it will not
     cause harmful interference to that co—frequency FSS satellite.
d)   In the event that a co—frequency NGSO satellite system commences operation, the operators of
     the Row 44 target satellites identified in this Order must coordinate with the operator of that
     satellite system. Absent such coordination agreements, Row 44 must cease operation of its
     AMSS system unless it can show that it will not cause harmful interference to that co—frequency
     NGSO satellite system.
     Operation of a station authorized herein shall immediately terminate upon notification that such
     operation is causing harmful interference, not permitted under the terms of coordination
     agreements, with (1) lawful operation of any radio system in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band authorized
     on a primary basis in conformance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations or authorized
     on a secondary basis prior to the effective date of this order, or (2) operation of any TDRSS earth
     station in the band 14—14.2 GHz, or (3) radio astronomy observations in the 14.47—14.5 GHz
     The licensee shall maintain a point of contact available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, °
     with the authority and ability to cease transmissions, for discussing interference concerns with
     other licensees and U.S. Government agencies, and shall submit a letter to be included in its
     license file with the name and telephone number of the point of contact prior to commencing
£)   Aircraft earth stations authorized herein must employ a tracking algorithm that is resistant to
     capturing and tracking adjacent satellite signals, and each station must be capable of inhibiting
     its own transmission in the event it detects unintended satellite tracking.
h)   Aircraft earth stations authorized herein must be monitored and controlled by a ground—based
     network control and monitoring center. Such stations must be able to receive "enable
     transmission" and "disable transmission" commands from the network control center and must
     cease transmission immediately after receiving any "parameter change" command until receiving
     an "enable transmission" command from the network control center. The network control center
     will monitor operation of each aircraft earth station to determine if it is malfunctioning, and each
     aircraft earth station will self—monitor and automatically cease transmission on detecting an
     operational fault that could cause harmful interference to a fixed satellite service network.
     Operation in the 11.7—12.2 GHz band shall be in accordance with the space station authorization
     for the target satellites.
D    Stations authorized herein shall not be used to provide air traffic control communications.
k)   Licensee‘s AMSS system shall operate in compliance with any limits established by the


                                 Federal Communications Commission                              DA 09—1752

        coordination agreements with NASA, NSF, and operators of Ku—band geostationary satellites
        within six angular degrees of the designated target satellites.
    m) For a period of one year from the release of this order, the licensee shall maintain records of the
        following data for each operating AES: location (latitude, longitude, altitude); aircraft attitude
        (pitch, yaw, roll); transmit frequency and occupied bandwidth; data rate; EIRP; and target
        satellite. This data shall be recorded at intervals of no more than two minutes while an AES is
        transmitting and every 30 seconds when aircraft roll angle is greater than 10 degrees. The
        licensee shall also record instances when AES pointing error exceeds 0.2 degrees. The licensee
       shall make this data available upon request to an FSS system operator or the Commission within
       24 hours after receiving the request.
    n) Row 44 shall take all reasonable and customary measures to prevent human exposure to harmful
        non—ionizing radiation exceeding the maximum permissible exposure limits in Section 1.1310 of
        the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310. The exterior surface of the antenna shall be
        prominently marked with a warning of the potential for exposure to high levels of radiofrequency

        36. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s rules IS WAIVED
with respect to operation of the Row 44 AMSS network in the 11.7—12.2 GHz downlink band, consistent
with the terms of this authorization.

        37. This Order and Authorization is issued on delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.241
and 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.241 and 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISION

                                         Acting Chief,
                                         International Bureau

                                         Julius P. Knapp
                                         Office of Engineering and Technology


Document Created: 2019-04-13 11:56:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 11:56:23

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