Attachment ARINC Ltr

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20080819-01074 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


September 30, 2008

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

   Re: Applications of Row 44, Inc. for
       Authority to Operate up to 1,000 Technically-Identical Aeronautical-Mobile Satellite Service
       Transmit/Receive Earth Stations Aboard Commercial and Private Aircraft, FCC File Nos.
       SES-LIC-20080508-00570; SES-AMD-20080619-00826; SES-AMD-20080819-01074;
       SES-AMD-20080829-01117 (Call Sign E080100);
       Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SES-STA-20080711-00928 (Call Sign
       E080100); and
       Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SES-STA-20080811-01049 (Call Sign
       Ex Parte Presentation

Dear Ms. Dortch:

    ARINC hereby urges the Commission to refrain from granting Row 44, Inc. (“Row 44”) any
testing or operational authority until the Commission has carefully reviewed and resolved the
technical issues raised by Row 44’s pending applications, referenced above.
    ARINC, a portfolio company of The Carlyle Group, provides communications, engineering and
integration solutions for commercial, defense and government customers worldwide. In 2005, the
FCC licensed ARINC’s SKYLink system, which provides broadband service to AMSS terminals on
business and private aircraft. At present, the SKYLink system serves North American airspace via
SES Americom AMC-6 and North Atlantic airspace via Loral Space & Communications Telstar-14,
both operating in the Ku-band. ARINC is also licensed to provide service in the airspace of 25
European countries via Eutelsat AB-2.
    Given its extensive experience in the AMSS industry, ARINC is well-positioned to understand
and appreciate the technical challenges faced by AMSS operators. AMSS systems must operate in a
dynamic flight environment, in which normal airplane banking maneuvers routinely result in rapid
and substantial changes in antenna orientation. In such an environment, it can be exceedingly
difficult to ensure that the antenna remains pointed at the correct satellite, without causing harmful
interference to adjacent satellites or users.

    ARINC also is well-positioned to evaluate the deficiencies in Row 44’s technical showing.
Simply put, Row 44 has not fully detailed how its proposed system would avoid or mitigate
interference. Critically, Row 44 has not demonstrated compliance with applicable antenna pattern,
power density, or pointing accuracy requirements. Row 44 has not clearly specified how, or even
whether, its system would be capable of operating during routine banking maneuvers while
complying with the Commission’s rules. Moreover, the information that Row 44 has provided is
internally inconsistent, and inconsistent from filing to filing. The Commission cannot, and should
not, accept Row 44’s promise that it would operate on a non-harmful interference basis; Row 44’s
failure to demonstrate as much on paper does not bode well for its ability to implement as much in
    In short, ARINC believes that Row 44’s system, as described in its various applications and
associated amendments, would pose an unacceptable risk of harmful interference to adjacent
operations. Such interference would not only disrupt adjacent systems, but also would undermine
public confidence in the nascent AMSS industry. Such confidence is critical to the long-term
success of the industry, and to ensuring that new AMSS technologies can be leveraged fully in the
public interest.
    For these reasons, ARINC urges the Commission to refrain from taking any action with respect
to Row 44’s applications, and instead to require Row 44 to correct the deficiencies in its
applications and demonstrate that its system would be able to operate on a non-interference basis.
Absent such a showing, the Commission must conclude that Row 44’s proposed operations would
harm the public interest, and therefore deny those applications.


                                            William Kolb

cc:    Helen Domenici
       Rod Porter
       Robert Nelson
       Fern Jarmulnek
       Steve Spaeth
       Karl Kensinger
       Andrea Kelly
       Scott Kotler
       David Keir, Counsel for Row 44, Inc.

Document Created: 2008-10-06 10:39:54
Document Modified: 2008-10-06 10:39:54

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