Attachment ViaSat Ex Parte

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20080819-01074 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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   September 24, 2008                                                   o
                                                                    Hong Kon
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   Marlene H. Dortch                                                Milan              Singapore
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   Secretary                                                        Munich             Washington, D.C.
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

          Re:     Call Sign EO80100: Applications of Row 44, Inc. for
                  Authority to Operate up to 1,000 Technically—Identical Aeronautical—Mobile
                  Satellite Service Transmit/Receive Earth Stations Aboard Commercial and Private
                  Aircraft, FCC File Nos. SES—LIC—20080508—00570; SES—AMD—20080619—00826;
                  SES—AMD—20080819—01074; SES—AMD—20080829—01117;
                  Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SES—STA—20080711—00928; and
                  Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SES—STA—20080811—01049.
                  Notice of Ex Parte Presentation

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           On September 23, 2008, representatives of ViaSat, Inc. ("ViaSat") met with Commission
   staff regarding the above—captioned applications of Row 44, Inc. ("Row 44"). Specifically, John
   P. Janka and Jarrett S. Taubman of Latham & Watkins LLP, counsel to ViaSat, met with
   members of the International Bureau listed below. Daryl T. Hunter, Director, Regulatory Affairs
   of ViaSat, participated by telephone. Also present were John Guidon, Jim Costello, and David S.
   Keir on behalf of Row 44.

           During the meeting, ViaSat urged the Commission to refrain from issuing Row 44 any
   special temporary authority ("STA") before the upcoming October 10, 2008 deadline for public
   comment in response to Row 44‘s recently—filed amendments to its underlying aeronautical
   mobile satellite service ("AMSS") system application.

            In response to a question asking why STA should not issue before the pleading cycle
   completed, ViaSat explained that any grant of STA would pose an unacceptable risk of harmful
   interference into the operations of adjacent satellite users — a risk that would be exacerbated by
   the difficulties inherent in detecting and tracking transient interference events from mobile users.
   In this respect, ViaSat emphasizes that the risks presented here are different than those typically
   presented by an STA for a single earth terminal at a fixed location.

     Marlene H. Dortch
     September 24, 2008
     Page 2


              It could be particularly difficult to identify Row 44 terminals as the source of
     interference. As an initial matter, the interference likely would manifest itself to end users of a
     victim VSAT network (such as ViaSat‘s) simply as a network failure. Customers who call the
     network operator likely would only be able to indicate that their system was experiencing
     unexpected performance problems. The network operator would then have to commence an
     investigation, and, only after ruling out issues with its own system (as required by Section 25.274
     of the Commission‘s Rules), proceed to inquire of adjacent satellite operators as to whether one
     of their many end—users was the source of the problem. However, by that point in the
     investigation (which could take a few hours), the interference event likely would be over, either
     because the flight had landed, or the brief banking maneuver that caused the problem had long
     since been completed. Unable to pinpoint the source of the problem, a network operator could
     find its customers complaining about the reliability of the VSAT network. Through no fault of
     its own, the reputation of the network operator could be damaged by the operation of non—
     compliant equipment, such as Row 44‘s, being used in a mobile environment and operating at
     relatively high power levels.

             This is one of the reasons that it is important for the Commission to make sure that the
     Row 44 system works on paper before allowing Row 44 to actually operate. Thus, throughout
     the meeting, ViaSat stressed that Row 44 has failed on multiple occasions to provide a complete,
     internally consistent technical showing in support of its AMSS system application — a fact
     recognized by the Commission on two separate occasions.‘ ViaSat explained that Row 44 must
     make such a cogent showing before the Commission may consider allowing Row 44 to take the
     next step, and operate its system under real—world conditions. In fact, the Commission‘s rules
     require just that." ViaSat further noted that that its preliminary review of Row 44‘s amendments
     to its AMSS system application reveal continued technical deficiencies, which will be fully
     described in comments to be filed by ViaSat on October 10, 2008. Accordingly, ViaSat
     requested that the Commission take no action with respect to Row 44‘s STA requests — which
     are entirely dependent on the data in the underlying AMSS system application — until such time
     as Commussion staff has had the opportunity to review ViaSat‘s forthcoming comments, and
     those of any other parties that may file.

               See Letter from Scott A. Kotler, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division,
               International Bureau to David S. Keir (Aug. 7, 2008); Letter from Scott A. Kotler, Chief,
               Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau to David S. Keir (Aug.
               25, 2008). ViaSat raised the deficient nature of Row 44‘s technical showing in support
               of its STA request in ViaSat‘s August 8, 2008 filing, and included a copy of its Petition
               to Deny Row 44‘s AMSS system application and subsequent Reply in support.
               See 47 C.F.R, § 25.120(a) (STA request must contain "the full particulars of the proposed
               operation."). This position is entirely consistent with ViaSat‘s earlier statement that the
               deficiencies in Row 44‘s AMSS application are particularly troubling given the absence
               of extensive transmit/receive flight testing of the proposed antenna. See ViaSat, Inc.
               Petition to Deny at 4 (Jun. 27, 2008). While the lack of such testing data is problematic,
               Row 44‘s failure to provide a cogent and complete written technical system description
               is the more fundamental problem.

     Marlene H. Dortch
     September 24, 2008
     Page 3


             ViaSat also indicated that the reasons Row 44 expressed during the meeting for seeking
     STA — namely, to conduct commercial trials to ascertain consumer interest in Row 44‘s service
     and to satisfy the timing expectations of airlines interested in installing Row 44 terminals — are
     not adequate bases to support grant of STA. Indeed, Section 25.120(b)(1) of the Commission‘s
     rules specifically provides that STA may be granted only in "extraordinary circumstances," and
     that "[clonvenience to the applicant, such as marketing considerations or meeting scheduled
     customer in—service dates, will not be deemed sufficient for this purpose."

              ViaSat further noted that STA apparently is not needed to enable Row 44 to gather
     technical data about the performance of its terminals, since Row 44 claimed to have conducted
     tests in Canadian airspace (although it has not submitted the resulting data for the record).
     ViaSat urged the Commission to require Row 44 to file that test data — which would be relevant
     to a full evaluation of the above—reference applications — prior to granting any STA. Any
     substantiation of the performance of Row 44‘s antenna would be relevant to the issues in this
     proceeding, and performance in Canada should be relevant to the antenna tracking/pointing
     issues that are currently at issue (particularly with respect to the planned service to and from

             Moreover, ViaSat noted that Row 44 is on record as indicating that flight routes exist
     where adequate satellite service does not exist to support Row 44‘s service, and that the
     "solution" would be "to avoid the affected flight paths, not to increase transmit power."" ViaSat
     indicated that it was impractical to expect airlines to reroute their flight paths to maintain service
     to Row 44 terminals, or to turn off Row 44 service during certain banking maneuvers,. Row 44
     claimed at the meeting that it does not intend to have airplanes with Row 44 terminals avoid
     those coverage areas with inadequate satellite service — but rather indicated that airplanes
     traversing those routes would not have Row 44 terminals installed. To ensure that such a
     commitment is honored, any grant of authority should specifically identify those areas where
     service is not possible under the specified power limits, so that airline customers clearly
     understand that there are geographic regions where Row 44 service cannot operate. Similarly,
     any grant of authority should identify the aircraft maneuvers (e.g., bank angles) during which
     Row 44 service must be constrained to avoid the risk of adjacent satellite interference because
     the effective skew angle toward the adjacent satellite could exceed the appropriate skew angle
     limit on Row 44‘s operations.

             For these reasons, ViaSat urges the Commission to allow interested parties to comment
     by October 10, 2008 on Row 44‘s recently—filed amendments to its underlying AMSS system
     application, before considering any grant of STA.

               Row 44 Inc.‘s Statement Pursuant to Section 25.154(e) of the Commission‘s Rules and
               Opposition to ViaSat, Inc.‘s Petition to Deny, Call Sign EO80100 (filed Jul. 23, 2008), at

     Mariene H. Dortch
     September 24, 2008
     Page 4


               Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions.

                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                                            [L J
                                                           P. Janka
                                                     Jarrett S. Taubman

                                                     Counselfor ViaSat, Inc.

     CC.      Helen Domenici
              Rod Porter
              Steve Spaeth
              Karl Kensinger
              Andrea Kelly
              Scott Kotler
              Steve Duall
              Kal Krautkramer
              Trang Nguyen
              Frank Peace
              David Keir, Counsel for Row 44, Inc.

Document Created: 2008-09-30 09:34:22
Document Modified: 2008-09-30 09:34:22

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