Attachment Comments


COMMENT submitted by MSTV & NAB

Comments of the Association for MSTV, Inc. and NAB


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20080219-00172 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 C O V I N G T O&
                N BURLING

WASHINGTON, D C 20004-2401               NEW YORK
TEL 2 0 2 . 6 6 2 . 6 0 0 0              SAN FRANCISCO
FAX 2 0 2 . 6 8 2 . 8 2 9 1
                                                                                 April 24,2008


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau, Satellite Division

                              Comments of Maximum Service Television, Inc.
                              In the Matter of Application of New I C 0 Satellite Services G.P.
                              for Blanket Authority for Ancillary Terrestrial Component Base Stations
                              and Mobile Terminals for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On behalf of Maximum Service Television, Inc., attached are comments for filing with
the Satellite Division of the International Bureau.

     If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned or my assistant, Sharon
McDonald at 202-662-6494.

                                                                                               / \ -
                                                                                 Brandon D. Almond

                                                                                 Counselfor the Association
                                                                                for Maximum Television, Ilnc.

DC: 2811679-1

                                            Before the
                                                                              Federal communications Commission
                                            COMMISSION                               otflce of the Secretary
                                   Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                  1
Application of New I C 0 Satellite               )       File Nos. SES-LIC-20071203-01646,
Services G.P.for Blanket Authority for           )       SES-AMD-20080118-00075, and
Ancillary Terrestrial Component Base              1      SES-AMD-200802 19-00172
Stations and Mobile Terminals for                 )
2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service                    )

To: The Commission


David L. Donovan                                            Jonathan D. Blake
Bruce Franca                                                Brandon D. Almond*
ASSOCIATION  FOR MAXIMUM                                    COVINGTON   & BURLING  LLP
SERVICE TELEVISION, INC.                                    1201 Pennslyvania Avc. ,N.W.
4100 Wisconsin Ave., N. W.                                  Washington, DC 20004-240 1
Washington, DC 2001 6

Marsha J. McBride                                           Counsel for the Associationfor
Lawrence A. Walke                                           Maximum Service Television, Inc.
1771 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

April 24, 2008

* Admitted to the Virginia Bar only.   Work supervised by principals of the firm.

                                           Before the
                                    Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                 1
Application of New I C 0 Satellite               )      File Nos. SES-LIC-20071203-01646,
Services G.P. for Blanket Authority for          1      SES-AMD-20080118-00075, and
Ancillary Terrestrial Component Base             1      SES-AMD-200802 19-00172
Stations and Mobile Terminals for                )
2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service                   )

To:    The Commission

                                MSTV and NAB COMMENTS

               The Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc. (“MSTV”)’ and the

National Association of Broadcasters            file these comments in response to Sprint Nextel

Corporation’s April 4,2008 Petition to Deny I C 0 Satellite Services G.P.’s (“ICO”) Application

for Blanket Authority for Ancillary Terrestrial Component Base Stations and Mobile Terminals

for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service, and KO’s April 17,2008 Consolidated Opposition and


I MSTV is a nonprofit trade association of local broadcast television stations committed to
achieving and maintaining the highest technical quality for the local broadcast system.
  NAB is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and
television stations and also broadcast networks.
  See Petition to Deny of Sprint Nextel Corporation, in the Matter of Application of New I C 0
Satellite Services G.P. for Blanket Authority for Ancillary Terrestrial Component Base Stations
and Mobile Terminals for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service, April 4,2008 (hereinafter “Sprint
Nextel Petition”); Consolidated Opposition and Response of New IC0 Satellite Services G.P., in
the Matter of Application of New IC0 Satellite Services G.P.for Blanket Authority for Ancillary
Terrestrial Component Base Stations and Mobile Terminals for 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service,
April 17,2008 (hereinafter “IC0 Opposition”).


                  KO’s request for Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) operations, if

implemented prior to the complete conversion of the Broadcast Auxiliary Services (BAS) band

to digital, could cause significant interference to the services provided by BAS users for the

benefit of the p ~ b l i c .Therefore,
                             ~         the Commission should deny ICO’s request until the BAS

conversion has been successfully completed. I C 0 seeks authority to begin “promptly” operating

up to one million mobile earth terminals that will transmit in the 2000 to 2020 MHz band.’

These frequencies are currently being used for important services such as electronic news

gathering and studio-to-transmitter links. To avoid causing interference with these valuable

services,6 the Commission should deny ICO’s request to begin operating ATC base stations and

mobile terminals at this time.

                  As Sprint Nextel points out, IC0 has repeatedly ignored its duty to relocate

incumbent BAS users before beginning operation in the 2 GHz banda7Despite diligent and

expedient efforts to complete the conversion, many BAS incumbents remain on the spectrum,

and I C 0 provides no indication either in its Application or in its Opposition of how it intends to

avoid interference to incumbent BAS operations. In fact, ICO’s sole mention of BAS is limited

    See Sprint Nextel Petition at i, 6-9.
   I C 0 Application for Earth Station Authorizations, File No. SES-LIC-INTR2007-02866, at 23
(filed Dec. 3,2007); IC0 Application, FCC Form 312, Response to Question 43, at 29 (filed
Dec. 3,2007).
  The Commission has recognized that the 2 GHz BAS is “a critical part of the broadcasting
system by which information and entertainment is provided to the American public.” See
Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, Report and Order, 19 FCC Rcd.
14969,1250 (2004). Broadcasters use the full seven 2 GHz BAS channels to cover live news
reports and special event coverage. Any interference caused by KO’s ATC stations would cause
these critical newsgathering operations - and the viewers who rely on them -to suffer.
    See Sprint Nextel Petition at 3.


to a very brief discussion of out-of-band interference and appears to assume that all BAS

operations will have been relocated and converted to the new BAS frequency plan.’ This will

not be the case, however.’

               MSTV, NAB and the broadcast community have worked assiduously and in good

faith to allow MSS operators to test their satellite systems and begin initial operations in some

BAS frequencies and under certain circumstances. In addition, MSTV and NAB have been

updating the Commission on a regular basis, informing it of their plan to direct the 2 GHz

conversion process as efficiently as possible. However, this plan for completing the BAS

conversion extends well beyond when I C 0 has requested to begin ATC operations. l o Although

the Commission is considering the possibility of authorizing IC0 to begin MSS operation as

early as January 2009,” there is no indication that traditional MSS operations - let alone a

million nationwide ATC mobile transmitters - can technically operate in markets that have not

  See, e.g., ICO Opposition at 4-5 (YCO expects to commence commercial satellite service as
soon as January 2009, and this commercial service will be offered using a 2 GHz MSS
[geostationary satellite orbit] system with nationwide coverage capability.”).

  See, e.g., Sprint Nextel BAS Target Relocation Plan, available at:    1723/---
/Sprint%2ORelocation%20Schedu1e.pdf (showing that, even by January of 2009, several dozen
markets will still not have been relocated). IC0 should be well aware that many BAS
incumbents will still be occupying the 2 GHz band in January 2009, as I C 0 has participated in
the Acceleration Summit with MSTV and NAB, and has been consistently apprised of the
relocation progress.

lo Although MSTV has initiated discussions with MSS providers on the protection of BAS
operations from traditional MSS use, these discussions have not been concluded and it is still
unclear how such traditional MSS operations will protect incumbent BAS users.

  See Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, in the
Matter of Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band . . ., at 7 49 (rel.
March 5,2008) (hereinafter “Further Notice”).


been cleared.I2 Operation of such a large number of mobile terminals also would create an

impossible enforcement situation should interference occur. Finally, the Commission has not

proposed to eliminate the requirement that MSS relocate all fixed nationwide BAS operations

before ICO’s operations can begin.I3 Clearly, such relocation is also required before ATC

operations can be permitted.


                  ICO’s failure to discuss or demonstrate that ATC implementation could be

undertaken at this time without causing interference to existing BAS operations makes its

proposal fatally flawed. Accordingly, the Commission should deny its application for ATC

authority at this time.

   See Further Notice at 50 (“Because these MSS facilities are licensed in the same spectrum as
existing BAS operations, the Commission has had to adopt policies, such as the top 30 market
rule, that take into account the likelihood of MSS and BAS interference.”).

l3   See id. at 7 53.


                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                            6   onathan D. Blake
                                                 randon D. Almond*
                                               COVINGTON   & BURLING LLP
                                               1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                               Washington, DC 20004-2401
                                               (202) 662-6000 (tel.)
                                               (202) 662-6291 (fax)

                                               Counselfor the Association for Maximum
                                               Service Television, Inc.

April 24,2008

* Admitted to the Bar of Virginia.  Not admitted to the Bar of the District of Columbia. Work
supervised by principals of the firm pending admission.


Document Created: 2008-04-28 13:26:36
Document Modified: 2008-04-28 13:26:36

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