Attachment Comments


COMMENT submitted by Terrestar

Comments of Terrestar Networks, Inc.


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20080219-00172 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

Application of                                   ) SES-LIC-20071203-01646
New IC0 Satellite Services G.P.                  ) SES-AMD-20080118-O0075          FILED4CCEPTED
For Authority to Operate Ancillary               ) SES-AMD-20080219-00172
Terrestrial Component Facilities                                                     APR - 4 2008
                                                 )                                W WCommuni
                                                                                     ~ J cations ~ m m r s s r o n
                                                                                       Offfce of the Secretary


         In the above-captioned application, New IC0 Satellite Services G.P. (”ICO”)

requests authority to operate ancillary terrestrial component (”ATC”)base stations and

dual mode mobile satellite service (”MSS)/ATC mobile terminals using 2 GHz MSS

frequencies it is authorized to use pursuant to a letter of intent authorization. In

connection with the application, IC0 has requested waivers of various ATC technical


         TerreStar Networks, Inc. (“TerreStar”)hereby comments on ICOs application

and waiver requests. Subject to the exceptions described below, TerreStar supports

ICO’s filing and notes that many of ICOs waiver requests are substantially similar to

waiver requests submitted by TerreStar. This is logical as most of both waiver requests

are predicated on relief from technical rules that were designed to protect an

aeronautical mobile satellite service that was abandoned. These rules therefore are

more restrictive than is necessary given present circumstances and should be waived

for both IC0 and TerreStar so that the many public interest benefits of ATC service may

be maximized through efficient deployment.

        1. Interest of TerreStar

        TerreStar holds a letter of intent (“LOI”)authorization, originally granted in

2001, to provide MSS in the United States using spectrum in the 2 GHz band via

TerreStar-1, a geostationary orbit satellite.’ The LO1 authorization permits the use of 10

MHz of this 2 GHz MSS spectrum in each direction.2 TerreStar Networks (Canada) Inc.,

which is owned by TerreStar and 4371585 Canada Inc., holds an approval in principle

issued by Industry Canada to operate TerreStar-1 in Canada.3

        TerreStar also has pending a request for ATC authority? TerreStar has requested

waivers of certain ATC technical rules5; as stated above, a number of those waivers are

similar to the waivers sought by ICO.

        2. General support for I C 0 waiver requests

        ICO’s ATC waiver requests are premised to a large extent on a change in

circumstances since the time that the ATC technical rules were adopted. IC0 relies on

the fact that many of the ATC technical limits were developed to protect sensitive

receivers on aircraft. The receivers were to be used as part of an aeronautical mobile

1 See Order, DA 07-2028 (Int’l Bur., May 10, 2007); TMl Cornrnuriicatiorzs arid Company, Limited Partnership,
Order, 16 FCC Rcd 13808 (Int’l Bur. 2001); T M I Commurzications and Company, Limited Partnership, aiid
TerreStar Networks, lnc. Application for Review and Request for Stay, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19
FCC Rcd 12603 (2004). TerreStar is filing its request for ATC authority as an amendment to its
application for a mobile earth terminal blanket license based on the procedures that the Commission has
outlined for holders of LO1 authorizations. See Flexibility for D e l i v e q of Communications by M S S Providers,
Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 1962 at 7 245 (2003).
  See Use of Returned Spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Sewice Frequency Bands, Order, 20 FCC Rcd
19696 (December 9,2005).
3 See Letter from Michael D. Connolly, Industry Canada, to Steven Nichols, TerreStar Networks (Canada)
Inc., File No. 46215-1 (113554 CL) (April 27,2007).
  See File No. SES-AMD-20070907-01253.
5 See File No. SES-AMD-20070723-00978.


satellite (route) service (”AMS(R)S”)in the 2 GHz MSS band that Boeing was planning

to provide.

        Boeing subsequently abandoned its plans and authorization, however, and

neither IC0 nor TerreStar has current plans for providing AMS(R)Sservices. As shown

in TerreStar’s request for a waiver of ATC technical rules, moreover, even if AMS(R)S

service were to be provided in the 2 GHz MSS band, today’s receivers have

performance characteristics that are vastly superior to the performance characteristics

that were assumed when the Commission adopted technical rules for ATC.6 For all of

these reasons, waiver of these ATC rules is warranted.7

        3. I C 0 waiver requests TerreStar is continuing to evaluate

        A small number of the waivers sought by IC0 raise potential interference issues.8

For example, the ATC base station out of band emission limit proposed by IC0 on a

waiver basis for Section 25.252(a)(l)of the rules may, in some circumstances, adversely

affect communications between TerreStar’s handsets and its satellite.9

        TerreStar is continuing to evaluate these issues and whether there are acceptable

alternatives to the relief requested by ICO. TerreStar is mindful that many of these

issues are related to the fact that I C 0 and TerreStar have chosen to pursue significantly

6 Waiver Request of TerreStar Networks Inc., File No. SESAMD-20070723-00978, at 10-11 (July 23,2007).
  TerreStar supports ICO’s requests for waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(2),(3), (4), (5), (6), and (8);
25.252(b)(2);and 25.252(~)(4).
* These issues are raised by ICOs requests for waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(l),25.252(b)(l),and
9 In addition, in the case of the proposed waiver of Section 25.252(b)(l), there is a potential for aggregate
interference to the receivers on TerreStar’s satellite depending upon KO’s particular implementation of
mobile terminals that IC0 proposes to have subject to an output power limit instead of an EIRP limit. In
the case of the proposed waiver of Section 25.252(~)(2),  TerreStar is exploring whether there is an
alternative attenuation standard that might provide more efficient results over the entire band.


different markets which has engendered different service suites and underlying

technology investments. TerreStar is hopeful that through further analysis and

discussions with IC0 the companies can reach creative solutions.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Douglas-I. Brandon
                                               Vice President for Regulatory Affairs
                                               TerreStar Networks Inc.
                                               12010 Sunset Hills Road, gthFloor
                                               Reston, VA 20191
                                               (703) 483-7800
 Joseph A. Godles
 1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
 Washington, DC 20036
  (202) 429-4900
  Counsel for TerreStar Networks, lnc.
April 4, 2008


                          CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Comments of
TerreStar Networks Inc. was sent by first class mail, on the 4th day of April, 2008,
to the following:

       Cheryl A. Tritt
       Morrison & Foerster, LLP
       2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
       Suite 5500
       Washington, DC 20006-1888

                                              Jennifer Tisdale

Document Created: 2008-04-16 12:28:06
Document Modified: 2008-04-16 12:28:06

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