Attachment Permit-But-Disclose





This document pretains to SES-AMD-20070620-00839 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                 202-434-7400 fax
Carlos M. Nalda    I 202 434 7333 I                                

  December 28.2007
  VIA HAND DELIVERY                     ORIGI                     DEC 2 8 2007
  Marlene H. Dortch                                            Federal Comcnunsations hrnm&)w,
  Secretary                                                           OMce of the Secretary

  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12th Street, S.W.
  Washington, DC 20554

           Re:       Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC, Application for Authority to Operate
                     400 In-Motion Mobile Satellite Antennas in the 14.0-14.5 GHz and
                     11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands, Call Sign E060101, File Nos. SES-
                     LIC-20060629-01083, SES-AMD-20070620-00839                  -
                     Notice of Ex Parte Presentation

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           On December 27,2007, David Gross and Ilan Kaplan of Raysat Antenna Systems,
   LLC, along with Carlos Nalda of Mintz Levin, met with Aaron Goldberger of Chairman
   Martin’s office to discuss issues raised in the above-captioned application proceeding.” The
   issues discussed in the meeting are reflected in the attached written presentation.

           Pursuant to section 1.1206(b) of the Commission’s rules, two copies of this
   submission are being filed with the Office of the Secretary. A copy is also being served
   electronically to Mr. Goldberger.

           Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any questions regarding
   this submission.


                                                      Carlos M. Nalda
                                                      Counsel to Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC

   cc (w/ att.):     Aaron Goldberger

         This proceeding has been designated “permit-but-disclose” for purposes of the
   Commission’s exparte rules. See Public Notice, Report No. SES-00923 (May 2 , 2007).

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Stefani Watterson, hereby certify that on this 28th day of December 2007,
served a true copy of the foregoing “Notice of Ex Parte Presentation” by first class mail,
postage pre-paid upon the following:

 Elizabeth R. Park
 Latham & Watkins LLP
 555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
 Suite 1000
 Washington, D.C. 20004

 Sonny Ellis
 Parsons Transportation Group Inc.
 1133 Fifteenth Street, N.W.
 Washington, DC 20005-2701

          Meeting with Aaron Goldberger
                Chairman Martin’s Office
                      December 27,2007

                   RAS LMSS Licensing

     0 Background
     0 RAS Licensing Issue
       Effect of VMES Rulemaking
     0 Conclusion

           The FCC may grant RAS’s LMSS blanket
            license application without regard to the
          status of the VMES rulemaking proceeding.

 n enna                                                 2

RAS has developed a low-profile, vehicle-
mounted, mobile two-way broadband earth station
    az   Transmit operations in Ku-band LMSS spectrum (14.0-14.5
         GHz) on a secondary basis
    8    Receive operations in 11.7-12.2 GHz band on an
         unprotected, non-interference basis
Main users are military and government entities
-2       U.S. Military and National Guard units
-~&      Other agencies
Other applications

1   e:   News organizations


                           Background (cont’d)
          bxperimental Licensing
               Experimental STA - March and June 2005 (WCSXCU)
               Experimental License - August 2005 (WD2XTB, expired
               August 1, 2007) (Limited Market Study authority added)
          G?   Experimental STA - August 2007 (WCSXZA) (expires
               February 2,2008)
               Experimental STA -November 2007 (WDSXCQ) (expires
               May 28,2008) (new antenna model)
          International Bureau Licensing
               LMSS blanket license application - filed June 2006,
               amended June 2007 (pending)

 n enna                                                              4

                           BAS Licensing Issue
          More than 100 organizations (mainly U S . Government
          and military) have tested RAS’s StealthRay antenna
          U S . Government and private sector customers are
          concerned about RAS’s FCC licensing status
          q~   U S . military wants RAS antennas fielded immediately
          T    U S . military must train in United States, but current
               experimental status limits deployment and use
          31   Full commercial deployment for private sector use not
               possible under experimental license
          Existing experimental status unnecessarily constrains
          the ability of U S . Government and private sector
          customers to benefit from RAS’s innovative service
 n enna

                     Effect of VMES Rulemaking
          Licensing secondary LMSS operations is consistent
          with existing FCC rules and precedent
          2   The VMES NPRM proposes rules for primary VMES
              operations only
              The VMES NPFW does not propose to alter the ability of
              the FCC to authorize secondary LMSS operations
          RAS has applied for authority to operate LMSS earth
          stations on a secondary basis (up to 400 terminals)
          Consideration of the VMES NPRM should not delay
          or otherwise affect RAS’s application

 n enna                                                            6

RAS’s LMSS application is consistent with existing;  Y

allocations and FCC precedent
e Secondary operations in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band

* Unprotected operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz band
RAS’s proposed LMSS operations have been fully
coordinated and will not cause harmful interference
The FCC may grant RAS’s LMSS blanket license
application without regard to the status of the VMES

rulemaking proceeding


           Additional Slides

RAS Protection of Adjacent Satellites

          Protection of Adjacent Satellites
RAS fully protects primary FSS operations
rn Antenna characteristics and transmit power levels carefully
   designed to prevent harmful interference to adjacent satellites
rn Automated satellite acquisition and closed-loop tracking ensure
   off-axis EIRP along the GSO remains within prescribed levels
rn Cessation of emissions within 1OOms if tracking error exceeds
   0.5' precludes any possibility of harmful interference
RAS's operations have been fully coordinated by
satellite operators
rn   Seven proposed satellite points of communication coordinated
     with twenty satellites within +/- 6" of their orbital locations
No reported instances of interference in more
than two years of demonstrations and testing

    Protection of Adjacent Satellites (cont'd)
Off-axis EIRP density levels ma not exceed the followin mask
          from maximum VSAl!input power density of ection
          into a Section 25.209(a) compliant antenna):
   15 - 2510g(8)dBW/4kHz for   1.250I 8 5 7.00
   - GdBW/4kHz           for   7.0 o e 8 5 9.20
   18 - 2510g(@dBW/4kHz for    9.20 c 8 I 4 8 0
   - 24dBW/4kHz          for   480 e 8 1 1800
                                                Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density at 50" Skew -
                                                 14.25 GHz (+/- 0.5" Pointing Error Shown)
RaySat antenna uses max.           l5    I
flange power density
of - 18.1 dBW/4kHz
Off-axis EIRP density          f
                               g -5
levels at 500 skew angle       0
confirm no possibility         z
of harmful interference            -15

                                     -10   -a    -6    4      -2     0      2      4      6    8   10

Document Created: 2008-01-10 15:27:13
Document Modified: 2008-01-10 15:27:13

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