Attachment Schedule S document

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20070508-00582 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                       Table A-1: CDMA Return Link Data Budget
Satellite and Earth Station Information
                                                                                 Las Vegas (9.3
Downlink name                                                  Las Vegas (6.3 m) m)
Satellite longitude (degrees) (- = West)                                  -111.1         -111.1
Uplink elevation angle (degrees)                                     36.1001407     36.1001407
Carrier Information
Frequency reuse pattern                                                        4             4
Beam pitch (deg)                                                            0.25          0.25
Number of CDMA carriers per beam                                               1             1
Number of traffic channels per CDMA carrier                                    1             1
CDMA carrier bandwidth (MHz)                                                1.25          1.25
Information rate (kbps) plus overhead                                        64             64
Pilot signal (dB below traffic channel)                                     3.75           3.75
Modulation                                                                QPSK           QPSK
FEC code rate                                                                0.2            0.2
Required total C/N with margin (dB)                                        -2.98          -2.98
Uplink frequency (GHz)                                                      2.01           2.01   Deleted:
Uplink EIRP (not including pilot) (dBW)                                    -7.55          -7.55   Deleted:
Uplink atmospheric loss (dB)                                                0.06           0.06   Deleted:
Fade + head loss (dB)                                                          3              3
Uplink free space pathloss (dB)                                          190.12         190.12
Transponder G/T (dBi/K)                                                   21.50          21.50
Polarization loss (dB)                                                        0              0
Uplink C/N (dB)                                                           -2.37          -2.62
C/I inband ATC (dB)                                                         100            100
C/I inter-beam (dB)                                                       14.05          14.05
C/I self Interference (Intra-beam) (dB)                                     100            100
C/I adj-channel (dB)                                                      26.91          26.91
Composite uplink C/I (dB)                                                 13.83          13.83
Satellite Transponder
C/I ATC affecting amplifier backoff(dB)                                   -42.55         -42.55
Power control tolerance (dB)                                                   1              1
Per carrier output backoff (dB)                                            48.55          48.55   Deleted:
Expected C/IM in digital carrier bandwidth at satellite (dB)                  19             19
Downlink frequency (GHz)                                                     11             11
Satellite EIRP per carrier (dBW)                                           6.95           6.95
Downlink free space pathloss (dB)                                        204.69         204.69
Downlink atmospheric loss (dB)                                             0.09           0.09
Rain availability (%)                                                     99.99          99.99

Downlink rain fade (dB)                                          2.2               2.2   Deleted:
Pointing + line losses (dB)                                        1                 1   Deleted:
Earth station on-axis G/T (dBi/K)                              31.36             34.46
Downlink C/N (dB)                                               6.89             10.00
Expected composite downlink C/I (dB)                           28.93             28.93
Overall Performance Summary
Computed uplink or system margin (dB)                            0.00             0.01
Downlink margin (dB)                                             0.04             0.18

                      Table A-2: CDMA Return Link Voice Budget
Satellite and Earth Station Information
                                                                       Las Vegas
Downlink name                                       Las Vegas (6.3 m) (9.3 m)
Satellite longitude (degrees) (- = West)                        -111.1        -111.1
Uplink elevation angle (degrees)                                 36.10         36.10
Carrier Information
Frequency reuse pattern                                             4                4
Beam pitch (deg)                                                 0.25             0.25
Number of beams                                                  280              280
Number of CDMA carriers per beam                                    2               2
Number of traffic channels per CDMA carrier                       129             135
CDMA carrier bandwidth (MHz)                                     1.25             1.25
Information rate (kbps) plus overhead                            5.64             5.64
Voice activity factor
Number of voice channels per beam
Pilot signal (dB below traffic channel)                          3.75             3.75
Modulation                                          QPSK                 QPSK
FEC code rate                                                      0.2             0.2
Required total C/N with margin    (dB)                           -2.98           -2.98
Uplink frequency (GHz)                                           2.01             2.01
Uplink EIRP (not including pilot) (dBW)                          -7.55           -7.55
Uplink atmospheric loss (dB)                                     0.06             0.06
Fade + head loss (dB)                                            9.00             9.00
Uplink free space pathloss (dB)                                190.12           190.12
Transponder G/T dBi/K                                           21.50            21.50
Polarization loss (dB)                                           0.00             0.00
Uplink C/N (dB)                                                  1.88             1.88
C/I inband ATC (dB)                                            100.00           100.00
C/I inter-beam (dB)                                              3.49             3.30
C/I self Interference (Intra-beam) (dB)                          1.38             1.19
C/I adj-channel (dB)                                            16.35            16.15

Composite uplink C/I (dB)                                       -0.78    -0.98
Satellite Transponder
C/I ATC affecting amplifier backoff(dB)                        -42.55   -42.55
Power control tolerance (dB)                                     1.00     1.00
Per carrier output backoff (dB)                                 56.82    56.99
Expected C/IM in digital carrier bandwidth at satellite (dB)       19       19
Downlink frequency (GHz)                                           11       11
Satellite EIRP per carrier (dBW)                                -1.32    -1.49
Downlink free space pathloss (dB)                              204.69   204.69
Downlink atmospheric loss (dB)                                   0.09     0.09
Rain availability (%)                                           99.99    99.99
Downlink rain fade (dB)                                          2.20     2.20
Pointing + line losses (dB)                                      1.00     1.00
Earth station on-axis G/T (dBi/K)                               31.36    34.46
Downlink C/N (dB)                                                9.17    12.11
Expected composite downlink C/I (dB)                            28.93    28.93
Overall Performance Summary
Computed uplink or system margin (dB)                            0.01     0.02
Downlink margin (dB)                                             0.18     0.57

Document Created: 2007-05-11 10:43:58
Document Modified: 2007-05-11 10:43:58

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