TerreStar Petition t

PETITION submitted by U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Petition to Adopt Conditions


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20070309-00336 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



         This AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made as of the Effective Date by and between
TerreStar Corporation, a Delaware corporation, TerreStar Networks Inc., a Delaware corporation, and
all of their Affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “TerreStar”); on the one hand, and the U.S.
Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), on the
other hand. (DOJ and DHS are referred to collectively as “the Government Parties,” and all of the
Parties to this Agreement are referred to collectively as the “Parties.”)


         WHEREAS, U.S. communications systems are essential to the ability of the U.S. government
to fulfill its responsibilities to the public to preserve the national security of the United States, to
enforce the laws, and to maintain the safety of the public;

       WHEREAS, the U.S. government has an obligation to the public to ensure that U.S.
communications and related information are secure in order to preserve the national security of the
United States, protect the privacy of U.S. persons and to enforce the laws of the United States;

         WHEREAS, it is critical to the well-being of the nation and its citizens to maintain the
viability, integrity, and security of the communication systems of the United States (see, e.g.,
Executive Order 13231, Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age, Presidential
Decision Directive 63, Critical Infrastructure Protection, and Presidential Homeland Security
Directive / HSPD-7, Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection);

        WHEREAS, protection of Classified and Sensitive Information is also critical to U.S. national

       WHEREAS, TerreStar Networks Inc. has filed applications with the Federal
Communications Commission to license Mobile Earth Terminals (METs) and to provide Ancillary
Terrestrial Component (ATC) service, and a petition seeking to permit TerreStar Networks Inc. to
have indirect foreign equity and voting interests above 25 percent;

         WHEREAS, TerreStar plans to construct and operate an integrated satellite/terrestrial
mobile communications network using one or more geostationary satellites and two redundant,
satellite gateways in Allan Park, Ontario, Canada, and North Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
It intends to use this network to provide mobile communications services to independent
distributors who will in turn distribute such service to individual customers and may also in the
future distribute such services to its own customers;

        WHEREAS, TerreStar’s proposed service will enable users to send and receive data,
voice, or other communications to and from mobile terminals from anywhere within the United
States, and elsewhere;

        WHEREAS, Domestic Communications sent and received via TerreStar’s proposed
service other than Domestic Communications carried via terrestrial facilities will be routed by

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TerreStar’s network from mobile terminals within the United States to its TerreStar-1 satellite,
which is licensed by Canada, and through one of the two gateway earth stations, one of which is in
the United States and the other of which is in Canada;

        WHEREAS, it is critical to the law enforcement, national security, and public safety
interests of the United States government that such Domestic Communications, and any related
Call-Associated Data, Transactional Data, or Subscriber Information are made available pursuant
to Lawful U.S. Process, including but not limited to the conduct of a real-time lawfully authorized
Electronic Surveillance, within the United States in a timely, secure, and reliable manner;

        WHEREAS, the cooperation and assistance of TerreStar is necessary to ensure the
above-mentioned critical interests, and to facilitate lawful access within the United States to
certain information;

         NOW THEREFORE, the Parties are entering into this Agreement to address certain U.S.
national security, law enforcement, and public safety concerns with respect to the provision or
facilitation of its proposed services in the United States.

                                ARTICLE 1: DEFINITION OF TERMS

As used in this Agreement:

1.1         “Affiliate” means any entity that TerreStar owns or Controls.

1.2      “Call-Associated Data” or “CAD” means any information relating to a communication or
relating to the sender or recipient of that communication and includes, without limitation, subscriber
identification, called party number, calling party number, start time, end time, call duration, feature
invocation and deactivation, feature interaction, registration information, user location, diverted to
number, conference party numbers, post cut-through dual-tone multifrequency (dialed digit
extraction), in-band and out-of-band signaling, party add, drop and hold, and any other
call-identifying information, as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 1001(2).

1.3    “Classified Information” shall have the meaning indicated in Executive Order 12958, as
amended by Executive Order 13292, or any successor executive order, or the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, or any statute that succeeds or amends the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

1.4     “Control” means the power, direct or indirect, whether or not exercised, and whether or not
exercised or exercisable through the ownership of a majority or a dominant minority of the total
outstanding voting securities of an entity, or by proxy voting, contractual arrangements, or other
means, to determine, direct, or decide matters affecting an entity or facility; in particular, but without
limitation, to determine, direct, take, reach or cause decisions regarding:

            (a)    the sale, lease, mortgage, pledge, or other transfer of any or all of the principal assets
                   of the entity, whether or not in the ordinary course of business;

            (b)    the dissolution of the entity;

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            (c)    the closing and/or relocation of the production or research and development facilities
                   of the entity;

            (d)    the termination or non-fulfillment of contracts of the entity;

            (e)    the amendment of the articles of incorporation or constituent agreement of the entity
                   with respect to the matters described in Section 1.4(a) through (d); or

            (f)    any obligations under this Agreement.

1.5         “Customer Proprietary Network Information” or “CPNI” is defined in 47 U.S.C. § 222(h)(1).

1.6         “De facto” and “de jure” control have the meanings provided in 47 C.F.R. § 1.2110.

1.7         “DHS” means the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

1.8         “DOJ” means the U.S. Department of Justice.

1.9     “Domestic Communications” means (a) Wire Communications or Electronic
Communications (whether stored or not) originating at one U.S. location and terminating at another
U.S. location, and (b) the U.S. portion of a Wire Communication or Electronic Communication
(whether stored or not) that originates from or terminates in the United States.

1.10 “Domestic Communications Infrastructure” means (a) transmission, switching, bridging and
routing equipment (including software and upgrades) used by or on behalf of TerreStar to provide,
process, direct, control, supervise or manage Domestic Communications; (b) facilities and
equipment used by or on behalf of TerreStar that are physically located in the United States; and
(c) facilities used by or on behalf of TerreStar to control the equipment described in (a) and (b)
above. Domestic Communications Infrastructure does not include equipment or facilities used by
service providers other than TerreStar or its Affiliates that are:

            (1)    interconnecting communications providers; or

            (2)    providers of services or content that are

                   (A)     accessible using the communications services of TerreStar or its Affiliates,

                   (B)     available in substantially similar form and on commercially reasonable
                           terms through communications services of companies other than TerreStar
                           or its Affiliates.

            The phrase “on behalf of” as used in this Section does not include entities with which
            TerreStar or any of its Affiliates has contracted for peering, interconnection, roaming, long
            distance, resale, or distribution of TerreStar Service.

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Document Created: 2009-12-22 11:17:17
Document Modified: 2009-12-22 11:17:17

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