Attachment Point of Contact

Point of Contact

LETTER submitted by Latham & Watkins LLP

Point of Contact


This document pretains to SES-AMD-20070309-00325 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                           555 Eleventh Street, NW., Suite 1000
                                                                           Washington, D.C. 20004—1304
                                                                           Tel: +1.202.637.2200 Fax: +1.202.637.2201

                                                                           FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
L AT H A M &WAT K I N S LLP                                                Barcelona       New Jersey
                                                                           Brussels        New York
                                                             ¢             Chicago         Northern Virginia
                                         F]LED/ACCEPTED                    Dubai           Orange County
                                                                           Frankfurt       Paris

      November 13, 2008                       Nov 13 2008                  Hamburg         Rome
                                                                           Hong Kong       San Diego
                                       Federal Communications Commission   London          San Francisco
      VIA HAND DELIVERY                      Office of the Secratary       Los Angeles     Shanghai
                                                                           Madrid          Silicon Valley
      Ms, Marlene H. Dortch                                                Milan           Singapore
                                                                           M               Tok         —
                                                                           MZ:;W           V\‘I)a::ington, DB E C E ! V E D
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12"" Street, S.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                                   NOVY 1 8 2008
                                                                                                               Satellite Division
      Re:     Notification of Point of Contact                                International Bureau
              File Nos. SES—LIC—20051028—01494; SES—AMD—20060314—00440; SES—AMD—
              20070309—00325; Call Sign E050318

      Dear Ms. Dortch:

                     In accordance with Paragraph 28(d) of the order authorizing the above—referenced
      aeronautical mobile earth station facility,‘ ViaSat, Inc. submits the following information
      regarding the point of contact for discussing interference concerns with otherlicensees and U.S.
      Government agencies:

                     Daryl T. Hunter
                     Director, Regulatory Affairs
                     ViaSat, Inc.
                     Telephone: (760) 476—2583

                      In addition, a contact at the ViaSat Network Operations & Control Center is
      available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (888) 272—78232 to address any active
      interference issues requiring immediate action.

              ViaSat, Inc., Application for Blanket Authority for Operation of 1,000 Technically
              Identical Ku—Band Aircraft Earth Stations in the United States and Over Territorial
              Waters, File No. SES—LIC—20051028—01494, SES—AMD—20060314—00440, SES—AMD—
              20080309—00325, Call Sign: EQ50318, Order and Authorization, DA 07—4674 «[ 28(d)
              (rel. Nov. 20, 2007).


     November 13, 2008
     Page 2


                    If you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact the
     undersigned at (202) 637—2200.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Elizabeth R. Park

     ce:      Scott Kotler
              Frank Peace

     DC\ 150705.1

Document Created: 2019-04-13 13:12:42
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 13:12:42

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