Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by Mobile Satellite Ventures LP



This document pretains to SES-AMD-20060713-01148 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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Mobile Satellite Ventures LP

                                                        September 18, 2006

                 Via Hand Delivery
                 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                 Federal Communications Commission
                 445 12th Street, S.W.
                 Washington, D.C. 20554

                 Re:       Telenor Satellite, Inc.
                           Amendment to Application
                           File No. SES—AMD—20060713—01148

                 Dear Ms. Dortch:
                         Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV*") hereby responds to the September
                 7th letter filed by Inmarsat Ventures Ltd. ("Inmarsat") in the above—referenced proceeding in
                 which Telenor Satellite Inc. ("Telenor") amends its pending application to operate earlier—
                 generation L band mobile terminals in the United States with the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite at
                 52.75°W as well as with the Inmarsat 3F2 satellite at 15.5°W and the Inmarsat 3F3 satellite at
                 178.1°E.‘ MSV previously explained that the Telenor amendment reveals that both the Inmarsat
                 3F2 and 3F3 satellites operate with +0.1° East—West station keeping, yet Telenor has not sought a
                 waiver of the rule requiring satellites to comply with £+0.05° East—West station keeping.2 In its
                 letter, Inmarsat contends that there is no rule requiring Mobile Satellite Service ("MSS")
                 satellites to comply with +0.05° East—West station keeping. Inmarsat Letter at 1. In fact,
                 however, the Bureau held the opposite when it required MSV to satisfy the standard for a waiver
                 in applying to operate an MSS satellite with +0.1° East—West station keeping." MSV has sought

                 \ See Letter from Inmarsat Ventures Ltd. to Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES—AMD—
                 20060713—01148 (September 7, 2006) ("Inmarsat Letter‘®).
                 > See Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, to Ms. Marlene
                 H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SES—AMD—20060713—01148 (August 22, 2006) ("MSY Letter").
                 3 See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Order and Authorization, DA 05—1492 (May 23,
                 2005), at 21 ("MSVY—1 Order"‘). In its letter, Inmarsat claims that the Commission in the Orbital
                 Debris Mitigation Order has "reserved discretion to impose a condition on station—keeping
                 tolerance on a case—by—case basis," and that the Bureau did so in acting on MSV‘s application.
                 Inmarsat Letter at 1 (citing Orbital Debris Mitigation Order, 19 FCC Red 11567, 11587 47
                 (2004)). The Commussion did no such thing in the Orbital Debris Mitigation Order. The
                 paragraph Inmarsat cites refers exclusively to non—geostationary satellites. Orbital Debris
                 Mitigation Order [ 47 ("We retain discretion in any specific case, based upon any concerns
                 arising in the licensing process, to include any needed conditions concerning the tolerance within
                 which an NGSO spacecraft maintains its orbit.") (emphasis added).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
September 18, 2006
Page 2

reconsideration of this decision, asking the Bureau to clarify that the rule requiring satellites to
operate with +0.05° East—West station keeping does not apply to MSS satellites." MSV‘s
concern here is only that the Bureau apply this rule consistently. Thus, to the extent the Bureau
authorizes the Inmarsat 3F2 and 3F3 satellites for service in the United States with +0.1° East—
West station keeping without requiring Telenor to seek a waiver, the Bureau must afford similar
treatment to other MSS satellites proposing to serve the U.S. market, such as MSVs satellite.
Conversely, if the Bureau on reconsideration of the MSV—I Order upholds its decision that MSS
satellites are required to comply with +0.05° East—West station keeping, the Telenor application
must be dismissed for failing to seek a waiver of this rule."

        Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                               Very truly yours,

                                                          % /z“:m(
                                                 ennifer A. Manner

Of counsel:

Bruce D. Jacobs
David S. Konczal
2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037—1128
(202) 663—8000

* See MSV, Petition for Clarification and Partial Reconsideration, File Nos. SAT—LOA—
19980702—00066 et al (June 22, 2005).
* See Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to John K. Hane, Pegasus Development Corporation,
DA 03—3665 (November 19, 2003) (dismissing application for failing to seek waiver of
Commission‘s East—West station keeping rule).

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
        I, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary with the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
LLP, hereby certify that on this 18th day of September 2006, I served a true copy of the
foregoing by first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Keith H. Fagan                                    Diane J. Cornell
Telenor Satellite, Inc.                           Vice President, Government Affairs
1101 Wootton Parkway                              Inmarsat, Inc.
10 Floor                                          1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1425
Rockville, MD 20852                               Arlington, VA 22209

John P. Janka
Jeffrey A. Marks
Latham & Watkins LLP
555 Eleventh Street, NW.
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004

                                                  &/}Aurc _[?. JLo
                                                 Sylvia A. Davis

Document Created: 2006-09-18 19:29:31
Document Modified: 2006-09-18 19:29:31

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