Attachment E060139

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20060512-00798 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        Federal Communications Commission
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                     pa oé—10ss
                                          May 17, 2006

Mr. Robert A. Huftman
Interstate Electronics Corporation
602 East Vermont Ave
Angheim, CA 92805
                                            Re: Call Sign: EO6ON39
                                                   File No:   SES—LIC—20060414—00656
                                                   File No: SES—AMD—20060512—00708
                                                   File No: SES—STA—20060414—00687
Dear Mr. Huffman:
On April 12, 2006, L3 Communications IEC (L3) filed the above—captioned application and
requestfor specialtemporary authority to operate a Fixed—Satelite Service (FSS) arth sation in
Point Mugu, CA. L3 proposes to use this eath station to communicate with ALSAT—designated
stellites in the conventionaland extended Ku—Band." This application was amended on May 11,
2006, to changs the EIRP and EIRP densities. Pursuant to Section 25.1 12@@1) ofthe
Commission‘s rles, 47 C.F.R.  §25.112(a)(1), we dismiss these applications without prejudice to
Specifically, Form 312 Schedule B ofthe lcense application indicatesthat the only Points of
Communication for the proposed earthstation are ALSAT—designated satelltes. Only those
fixed.satellteservice earthstations that are two—degree compliant and that operate in the 3700—
4200 MHz, 5925—6425 MHz,11.7—12.2 GHz, or 14.0—14.5 GHz bands can request ALSAT as a
point ofcommunication. Because the proposed operations request to use the 10.7—11.7 and 12.2«
12.75 GHz bands, the application must identify the specific satelite or satelites with which the
proposed earth station secks o communicate in these bands
In addition, L3‘s application indicates it will operate this earth station in the Fixed Satelite
Service. Use ofthe 12.2—12.7 GHe band is imited to the Broadeast Satelite Service by the U.S.
Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. §2.106. Further, however, L3 indicatesthatits arth
station will receive in the 12.7—12.75 GHz band. The Table of Frequency Allocations, however
permitsthe 12.7—12.75 GHz band to be used for Earth—to—space uplink transmnissions only. L3
does not request a waiver ofthe Table to permit the proposed non—conforming uses.

©— 107—1275 Gifeand 140—145 Gitz.
* Amendment of the Commision‘s Regultory Policesto Allow Non—S—Licensed Space Sationsto
Provide Domest and Inermational Servicen the United Sutes,Firt Order on Reconsidention, 1B
Docket No. 9—111,15 FCC Red 7207, 7214—16 (pams. 16—20)

                                  Federal Communications Commission                   pao6—108s

In addition, we cannot determine the proposed emission power ofthe earth station due to
inconsistencies among the proposed maximum EIRP density per carier listed in the application
and the average EIRP density calculated from other parameters. Specifically, for the 192KG7D
emission, L3 indicates, in response to Question E49, thatthe maximum EIRP density per carier
for the earth station is 19.7 dBWAkHz. However, we calculate an average value of +30.03
dBW/AkHz as derived from the maximum EIRP per carvier of4684 dBW listd in esponse to
Question E48 and the 192 kilohertz necessary bandiwidh liste in response to Question B47.
Similarly, fo the G4KOG7D and 192KG7D emission, L3 indicatesin response to Question E49
(hat the maximum EIRP density per carir for the earth station is 7.9 and 19.7 dBWAkltz,
respectively. However,these values areless than the average value of+30.03 dBWAkltzas
derived from the maximum EIRP per carvir of 42.07 and 46.84 dBW (Question E49) and 64 and
192 kiloherte necessary bandwidths, respectively (Question B47)
Further, fr the 768KGIE emissions, in response to question E49, L3 Tss 48.6 dBW/4 kltz asthe
Maximum EIRP density per Carrie, which corresponds to a power density athe input ofthe
antenna fange of—1 dBW/A kliz. This value exceeds the maximum input power spectral density
limifor routinely authorized earthsations in Section 25.212(c)ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47
CR §25.212(c). Therefore, ALSAT—designated satelitesare not appropriate as a point of
communication for this emission and L3 must identify specific satelites as ts point of
communication. Also, in accordance with Section 25.220(D(2) ofthe Commission‘srules, 47
CFR. §25.220(0(2),a certification described in Section 25.220(eX1) of the Commission‘s ules,
47 C.F.R. §25.220(e)(1), from each target satelite operator is required. 13‘s application, as
amended, does not inclue these certifictions.
Finally, we note that the use ofthe 10.7—11.7 GHz and 12.7—12.75 GHz band is shared on co—
primary basis with the Fixed Service. Section 25.203(c)of the Commission‘s ulesrequires
Farth station applications seeking authority to use these bands o include a Frequency
Coordination Report. However,thi application did notinclude a Coordination Report
Given the above, the application, as amended. and the STA requestare incomplete
In addition, we note thatthe use ofthe 10.7—11.7 GHz band is subjectto footnote NG1O4 othe
Table ofFrequency Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, which limits serviceto ntermational ather
than domestic use. In any refling, we request that L3 contrm thatit willbereceiving
transmissions that emanate from an international Eartho—space transmission or,alternatively, L3
should seek a waiver ofthe Table of Frequency Allocations o operate thi earth station in the
10.7—11.7 GHZ band on an unprotected basis

* arorn g252000)

                                   Federal Communications Commission                     pao6:105s

Accordingly,pursuant to Section 25.112@)(1) othe Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR.
§25.112(a)()), and Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegations ofauthority, 47
CFR. §0.261, we dismiss L3‘s applications without prejudice to efiing.*

                                                       Scott A. Kotler
                                                       Chiet, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                       Satelite Division
                                                       International Bureau

* IfL3 refilea lcense application identicalto the one dismissed, with the exceptin osupplying the
imissinginformation itneednot pay an applcationfee. See 47 CIFR.§1.1109(0)

Document Created: 2006-05-18 10:58:48
Document Modified: 2006-05-18 10:58:48

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