Attachment Direction

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20040524-00705 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau                                                                                   DA 04-1391

                                                   May 18,2004

 Bruce A. Henoch
 Assistant General Counsel
 Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.
 1101 Wootton Parkway, 10” noor
 Rockville, MD. 20852

                       Re:   Application for Modification - SES-MOD-20031119-01678
                             Request for Special Temporary Authority by Telenor Satellite, Inc.
                             For Antenna Call Sign WE336 to Communicate with AMOS-2 Satellite

 Dear Mr. Henoch:

          The Commission is in receipt of two requests filed on May 6, 2004.’ In the first request, Telenor
 Satellite Services Holdings, Inc. (“Telenor”) seeks a 60-day extension to the special temporary authority
 (STA) previously granted by Public Notice,* to July 13, 2004, or until grant by the Commission of the
 amended appli~ation.~   In the second request, Telenor seeks an extension of time for Telenor to file an
 amendment to the above-referenced modification. As explained below, we grant Telenor’s requests with

          This grant is conditioned upon Telenor correcting the deficiencies noted in the Commission’s
 April Z3“, 2004 Letter. Specifically, the pending modification does not conform to 47 CFR Part 25,
 §25.204(f) for the band 13.75-14 GHz.. Further, the pending modification is unclear regarding the power
 flux density at the shoreline, and with respect to limitations on points of communication for the antenna
 identified as Ex-Ku. Moreover, an interference analysis is required to satisfy requirements of 47 CFR
 Part 25,525.140.~

        This grant is further conditioned upon Telenor filing all of the required amendments by May 23,
 2004. If Telenor fails to file the required amendments by May 23, 2004, the current STA will expire at
 midnight on the 23rd, and will not be extended. If for any reason Telenor cannot comply with this

  ’Letter dated May 6,2004 from Bruce Henoch, Assistant General Counsel, Telenor, requesting an extension to the
 current STA an additional 60 days, or until July 13,2004 (STA Letter), and letter dated May 6,2004 from Bruce
 Henoch, Assistant General Counsel, Telenor, requesting an extension of time to file an amendment to the
 Application for License Modification (MODLetter).
 * SatelliteCommunicationsServices Information RE: Actions Taken, Public Norice, Report No. SES-00587(rel.
 March 17,2004). The STA was later rescinded by delegated authority. See letter dated April 13, 2004 from Bill
 Howden, Chief, Satellite Analysis Branch, FCC, to Bruce Henoch, Assistant General Counsel, Telenor (April 1 3‘h,
 2004 Letter).
   In response to Telenor’s STA Letter, the FCC’s Satellite Analysis Branch assigned a new file number to the most
 recent STA request: SES-STA-20040506-00652.
   See Clarification of 47 C.F.R. 0 25.140(b)(2) Space Station Application Interference Analysis, Public Notice
 NoSPB-195, DA 03-3863 (rel. Dec. 3,2003).

deadline, Telenor is ordered to follow the procedures listed in the Commission’s rules regarding service
termination, including customer notification requirements. See 47 C.F.R. 6 63.7 1?

         Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 0 309(c)(2)(g) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and 47
C.F.R. $6 25.120 and 0.261(a)(4) of the Commission’s rules, we grant your request for an extension to the
STA referenced above to July 13, 2004 or until grant by the Commission of the amended application,
subject to the conditions herein.


                                                                William Howden
                                                                Systems Analysis Branch
                                                                Satellite Division

 International carriers are required for follow the same rules for service termination as domestic carriers. See 47
C.F.R. 8 63.22(g).


Document Created: 2004-05-18 14:51:38
Document Modified: 2004-05-18 14:51:38

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