Attachment Response





This document pretains to SES-AMD-20040116-00057 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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   NEW YORK                             WHITE                 &      CASE                                                BANGKOK
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May 20,2004

                                 ..“    -- -
Federal Communications Commissiwmg ;bnej p I ~ P * V
                                                                                        MAY 2 0 2004
Office of the Secretary
Suite 100,236 Massachusetts Ave., N.E.                                         FEOERAL    COMMUNICATIONS COMMlSlON
Washington, DC 20002                                                                    OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

Re: Response of SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, Inc., to Supplemental Comments
    Filed by AvL Technologies, FCC Files Nos. SES-LIC-20030910-01236; SES-AMD-

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, Inc. (“SWE-DISH”) hereby provides this brief
response to the unauthorized Supplemental Comments filed by AvL Technologies regarding our
pending Application for authority to license a temporary fixed earth station known as the IPT

         First, we note that AvL’s Supplemental Comments were filed on May 13,2004, nearly
four months after SWE-DISH submitted a minor amendment to its pending earth station
Application on January 16,2004. AvL somewhat disingenuously ties its filing to a Public Notice
erroneously issued by the Commission on April 14,2004 (Public Notice SES-00595), ignoring a
corrected Public Notice dated May 5,2004 (Public Notice SES-00601) that removed the
Application from public notice at that time. There is absolutely no possible justification for
AvL’s submission of its Supplemental Comments at this time and, on that basis alone, we submit
it would be entirely appropriate for the Supplemental Comments to be stricken from the record
of this proceeding as an untimely and unauthorized pleading.

        Having said that, the one thing that the AvL Supplemental Comments has served to
clarify is that there in fact is no major issue of consequence at this juncture that should further
delay the expeditious grant of SWE-DISH’Sapplication by even one day. In fact, the bulk of the

WHITE              &     CASE

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Page 2

AvL submission is simply devoted to revisiting matters that have been fully addressed already or
seeking reconfirmation of matters not even in controversy.

       Indeed, what we are reduced to at this point is a single area of disagreement, if it can even
be dignified as such, concerning the totally unnecessary suggestion that the license be
conditioned so as to require that the IPT SUITCASE can only be operated by a trained
technician, of similar experience as required by the FCC for installation of fixed earth station
antennas of similar aperture size of elliptical shape, in the absence of the implementation of
“automatic safeguards” to avoid accidental adjacent satellite interference.2

       The truth of the matter is that imposition of such a condition is not warranted. SWE-
DISH has on its own developed a training program that is provided to all purchasers of its
transportable antenna product line (whether larger or smaller than 1.2M) that includes safety and
hazard training, deployment and assembly, antenna alignment, use of the spectrum analyzer,
general maintenance, emergency shutdown procedures, and procedures for coordination of
transmissions with the satellite operator. In addition, the IPT SUITCASE has been designed

’ Specifically,we note in this regard that AvL does not dispute the sufficiency of the supporting
affidavits submitted by the operators of the satellites on which we propose to provide service (or
satellites adjacent thereto). The AvL Supplemental Comments also rattle off a series of so-called
conditions, which are really unnecessary or simply reaffirm matters already clearly stated for the
record in this proceeding. To avoid any further confusion on these points, I am authorized on
behalf of my client to reconfirm that:
    0   the performance of the antenna to be licensed (or any subsequent IPT Suitcase antennas
        that may be licensed by the Commission in the future) will satisfy the 29-251oge
        standard (indeed, this standard is also required by Eutelsat, where the IPT SUITCASE
        has been type approved);
    0   the major axis will be aligned with the orbital arc (any variability here being limited to f
        20” which, per the Georgia Tech Research Institute study attached to the Amendment,
        confirms that such variability will not result in adjacent satellite interference at power
        levels up to -14dBw/ 4kHz);
    0   the link budgets will use the 38.4dE3i gain at 14.25 GHz; and
    0   the transmit power input to the antenna flange will not exceed -14dE3w/4kHz, as allowed
        by the FCC (indeed, in light of the PanAmSat pleading, we have agreed that the transmit
        power input will not exceed -1 6dBw/4kHz).

  The idea that a “point and shoot” type of control mechanism would be intrinsically superior to
operational arrangements in which the antenna operator uses a spectrum analyzer and actually
interacts with the satellite operator is counterintuitive, to say the least.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Page 3

with a number of features to facilitate ease of operation, including assuring appropriate pointing
accuracy, such as a sophisticated Graphical User Interface (“GUI”).3

        We furthermore note that virtually any dish is susceptible to mis-operation, should the
intent to do so be present, but this has not caused the Commission to impose such requirements
with respect to other dishes. Should any problems arise, the operating parameters that have been
imposed by the satellite operators with whom we have now coordinated are fblly sufficient to
address such concerns. Rather than providing meaningful protection for satellite operations,
imposition of an arbitrary restriction on who can operate the IPT SUITCASE would appear to be
a transparent attempt to constrain SWE-DISH’Sability to market the IPT SUITCASE to U.S.-
based customers.

         In summary, it should now be clearer than ever that the FCC has before it aZZ of the
technical information and details necessary to enable it to expeditiously grant the requested
license for the IPT SUITCASE. SWE-DISH has acknowledged and accepted the concerns of the
satellite operators and is fully prepared to abide by the conditions laid out in their letters of
January 8,2004 (PanAmSat, Loral, SES) and January 9, 2004 (Intelsat). Most importantly, as is
always the case in a competitive marketplace, time is of the essence. SWE-DISH has waited
patiently for several months as its Application has been subjected to intense scrutiny. This delay,
and in particular the most recent loss of an additional three weeks when the application was
mistakenly placed on public notice for a second time, has taken its greatest toll in terms of lost
business opportunities for marketing the IPT SUITCASE to potential U.S. customers.

        For all of these reasons, we submit that there is no reason whatsoever to further delay the
grant of the SWE-DISH Application and strongly urge the FCC to take immediate action to do


                                                     Maury J. Mechanick
                                                     Attorney for SWE-DISH Satellite
                                                     Communications, Inc.

  The features and characteristics of the GUI are described in more detail in the Opposition and
Response of SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, filed on November 6,2003.

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was sent by first-class mail, postage

prepaid, this 20thday of May, 2004, to the following:

William Coulter*
Counsel to AvL Technologies
Coudert Brothers, LLP
1627 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Robert Mansbach
Counsel to Intelsat
Intelsat Global Service Corporation
3400 International Drive, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

Joe Godles
Counsel to PanAmSat
Goldber ,Godles, Wiener & Wright
1229 19t Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Marvin Shoemake
Executive Vice President
TriPoint Global
4825 River Green Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096

                                                              Maury J. M d a n i c k

* via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2004-06-02 10:35:45
Document Modified: 2004-06-02 10:35:45

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