Attachment Comsat Digital

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20000821-01505 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Dow, LoOHNES & ALBERTSON, mc                                                   ORIGINAL
                                                      ATTORNEYS           AT   LAW

RAYMOND G. BENDER Jr.                                   waASsHINGTON, p.C.                                    ong ravnia prive . surre 1600
  DIRECT   DIAL   202—776—2758                                                                                ATLANTA, GeoRora   30346—2108
                                 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W. — SUTTE 800 — wasHIINGTON, D.c. 20036—6802   TELEPHONE 770—901—8800
                                          TELEPHONE 202.776—2000 » EACSIMILE 202—776—2222                     BAGCSLMILE 770—901.8874

                                                           August 21, 2000


   Federal Communications Commission
   International Bureau—Earth Stations
   P.O. Box 358160
   Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5160

             Re:        File Nos. SES—LIC—19990330—00431 and SES—LIC—20000713—01158
                        Amendment to Pending Earth Station Applications

   Ladies and Gentlemen:

             On behalf of COMSAT Digital Teleport, Inc. ("CDTI"), an indirect wholly—owned
   subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, we hereby transmit an original plus four copies of
   an amendment to the above—referenced applications. This amendment reports a previously
   authorized change in control of CDTI and does not change any technical or operational
   parameters provided in the underlying earth station applications, which are hereby incorporated
   by reference. Accordingly, pursuant to instruction from the staff, CDTI has not completed FCC
   Form 312 — Schedule B (Technical and Operational Description) for purposes of this
   amendment, and the Commission is respectfully requested to refer to the underlying applications
   for this information.

             Enclosed is an FCC Form 159 and a check in the amount of two hundred and seventy
   dollars ($270.00) in payment of the applicable FCC filing fee.

          Should any questions arise with respect to this filing, kindly communicate with the

                                                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                                                           Raymond G. Bender, Jr.
                                                                           Counsel for COMSAT Digital Telepoft, Inc.
   ce:    James Ball
             Sasha Field

Document Created: 2001-03-12 14:48:25
Document Modified: 2001-03-12 14:48:25

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