AMC-21 Coordination

SUPPLEMENT submitted by SES Americom, Inc.

AMC-21 Coordination Letters


This document pretains to SES-AFS-20090515-00589 for Amendment Foreign Satellite App on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                          A SES SATELLITES
                                                                                   (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED

                                                                                                              14 May 2009

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Subject: Engineering Certification of SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd.

To whom it may concern:

This letter certifies that SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd. ("SES Gibraltar") is aware that SES
Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") will be amending its pending application for a License to
operate a network of fixed hub stations and Earth Stations on Vessels ("ESV") in the Ku—band
frequencies, call sign E060335, to: (1) substitute KVH Industries, Inc. ("KVH") as applicant, and
(2) add the AMC—21 satellite as a point of communication. The AMC—21 satellite at 124.9° W.L.
is licensed by Gibraltar/United Kingdom and is on the FCC Permitted Space Station List to serve
the United States (ITU Designation AM—SAT 125W). KVH will be operating transmit/receive
ESV antennas with AMC—21 within the frequency range having center downlink frequency 11.72
GHz, center uplink frequency 14.020 GHz, 36 MHz bandwidth, horizontal polarization in the
downlink, and vertical polarization in the uplink.

Specifically, KVH will be deploying ESV antennas witha diameter of 60 cm that in some
respects do not comply with Section 25.222 ofthe FCC‘s rules.

The nominal pointing accuracy for this installed antenna will be less than or equal to +/— 0.6
degrees. All emissions from the ESV shall automatically cease within 100 ms ifthe angle
between the orbital location ofAMC—21 and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna
exceeds 1 degree and transmission will not resume until such angle is equal to or less than 0.6
degrees. The 1 degree and 0.6 degree values do not conform to Sections 25.222(a)(6) and (a)(7)
ofthe FCC ESV rules. Otherwise, the ESV terminals will operate in compliance with the
technical, operational and performance requirements of the FCC‘s ESV rules and any
requirements set forth in the license granted by the FCC for the above antennas.

The ESV terminals operate with a CDMA transmission scheme such that the aggregate uplink
interference into neighboring satellites results from the combined effects ofmultiple transmitting
earth station antennas. Importantly, the ESV terminals also employ a spread spectrum
modulation scheme that significantly reduces the maximum off—axis EIRP density produced by

    SES Satellites (Gibraltar (Limited) Four Research Way Princeton NJ 08540 USAtef{1) 609 987 4194
                    ‘Registered in Gibraltar under Number 57393. Registered Office at 28 Irish Town P.0. .Box 15, Gibraltar

individual terminals. Thus, even taking into account the maximum pointing error of the terminals
(0.6°), the aggregate transmissions from the ESV terminals still comply with the off—axis EIRP
density mask set forth in Section 25.222(a)(1) with N=1. Actually, pointing errors as large as 1°
may occur before emissions cease. However, calculating apgregate interference based on the
maximum pointing error of 0.6° is acceptable because, at any point in time, there will be multiple
simultaneous transmitting antennas with the different pointing errors.

The satellite EIRP density of the carriers will not exceed 10 dBW/AKHz.

Furthermore, except as described above, these antennas will be installed in compliance with the
technical, operational and performance requirements ofPart 25 of the FCC rules and any
requirements set forth in the licenses granted by the FCC for the above antennas.

SES Gibraltar and KVH acknowledge that the use ofthe above non—conforming antennas has the
potential to cause unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites in accordance with the FCC‘s
2—degree spacing policy and will not seek any additional protection compared to the case of an
earth station employing an antenna that fully conforms to the FCC rules. However, under the
conditions defined ab0ve, satellites at 2° spacing or more will not expenence unacceptable

Furthermore, KVH states that ifthe use of this antenna should cause unacceptable interference
into other systems, KVH will terminate transmissions immediately upon notice from the affected

Finally, SES Gibraltar acknowledges that it will include the subject non—conforming earth station
operations in all future satellite network coordinations.


Krish Jonnalagadda
Manager, Spectrum Development
SES Americom
4 Research Way
Princeton NJ 08540
Tel: (609) 987 4194

    SES Satelmes {Gibraltar (Limited) Four Research Way Princston NJ 08540 USAtel (1) 609 987 4194
               . Registered‘n Gibraltar under Number 57393. Registered Office at 28 Irish Town P.0. .Box 15, Gibraltar

— Acceptance by KVH Industries, Inc.

 KVH testifies that the information provided to SES and reflected in this Affidavit letter is true
 and accurate to best ofKVH ‘s knowledge.

  WW                                                                                   —_                 Mey 25,2009
 Fellise Feingol                                                                                           Date
 Vice President, General Counsel
 KVH Industries, Inc

 Acceptance by INTELSAT:

 Intelsat agrees to opération of the above antenna with the technical parameters described herein
 with respect to Galaxy—18 at 123°W, and Galaxy—27 at 129°W longitudes which have a nominal
 geocentricseparation oftwo (2) degrees and four (4) degrees, respectively, from AMC—21.

g{Abuquerqqu}"q%                                |                                              Date: 4—4 Ma.)l ,?/003
 Senior Director, Spectrum Engineering

     bES Satellites (Gibraitar (Limited) Four Research Way Princeton NJ 08540 USAtel (1) 609 987 4194
                    Registered in Gibraltar under Number 57393. Registered Office at 28 Irish Town P.0. .Box 15, Gibraltar >

                                                                                ASES   SATELLITES
                                                                                  (GIBRALTAR) ‘LIMITED .
                                                                                                                       14 May 2009

 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau
 445 12"" Street, S.W.
 Washington, DC 20554

 Subject: Engineering Certification of SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd.

 To whom it may concern:

 This letter certifies that SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd. ("SES Gibraltar") is aware that SES
 Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") will be amending its pending application for a License to
 operate a network of fixed hub stations and Earth Stations on Vessels ("ESV*") in the Ku—band
 frequencies, call sign E060335, to: (1) substitute KVH Industries, Inc. ("KVH"") as applicant, and
 (2) add the AMC—21 satellite as a point of communication. The AMC—21 satellite at 124.9° W.L.
 is licensed by Gibraltar/United Kingdom and is on the FCC Permitted Space Station List to serve
 the United States (ITU Designation AM—SAT 125W), KVH will be operating transmit/receive
 ESV antennas with AMC—21 within the frequency range having center downlink frequency 11.72 .
 GHz, center uplink frequency 14.020 GHz, 36 MHz bandwidth, horizontal polarization in the
 downlink, and vertical polarization in the uplink.

 Specifically, KVH will be deploying ESV antennas with a diameter of 60 cm that in some
 respects do not comply with Section 25.222 of the FCC‘s rules. .

  The nominal pointing accuracy for this installed antenna will be less than or equal to +/— 0.6
  degrees. All emissions from the ESV shall automatically cease within 100 ms ifthe angle
  between the orbital location of AMC—21 and the axis ofthe main lobe ofthe ESV antenna
— exceeds 1 degree and transmission will not resume until such angle is equal to or less than 0.6
_ degrees, The 1 degree and 0.6 degree values do not conform to Sections 25.222(a)(6) and (a)(7)
 ofthe FCC ESV rules. Otherwise, the ESV terminals will operate in compliance with the
 technical, operational and performance requirements ofthe FCC‘s ESV rules and any
 requirements set forth in the license granted by theFCC for the above antennas,

 The ESV lerminals operate with a CDMA transmission scheme such that the aggregate uplink
 interference into neighboring satellites results from the combined effects of multiple transmitting
 earth station antennas. Importantly, the ESV terminals also employ a spread spectrum
 modulation scheme that significantly reduces the maximum off—axis EIRP density produced by
 individual terminals. Thus, even taking into account the maximum pointing error of the terminals
                                           i                                                                                         1
     SES Satelltes (Ghraitar (Limiled) Four Research Way Princeton NJ 08540 USAtel (1) 609 987 4194
                   Registered in Gibraitar under Number 57393. Registered Office at 28 trish Town P.O. .Box 15, Gibraltar

(0.6"), the aggregate transmissions from the ESV terminals still comply with the off—axis EIRP
density mask set forth in Section 25.222(a)(1) with N=1. Actually, pointing errors as large as 1°
may occur before emissions cease. However, calculating agpregateinterferencebased on the
maximum pointing eror of 0.6° is acceptable because, at any point in time, there w111 be multiple
simultaneous transmitting antennas with the different pointing errors.

The satellite EIRP density of the carriers will not exceed 10 dBW/AKHz.

Purthermore, except as described above, these antennas will be installed in compliance with the
technical, operational and performance requirements ofPart 25 ofthe FCC rules and any
requirements set forth in the Iicenses granted by the FCC for the above antennas.

SES Gibraltar and KVH acknowledge that the use of the above non—conforming antennas has the
potential to cause unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites in accordance with the FCC‘s
2—degree spacing policy and will not seek any additional protection compared to the case of an
earth station employing an antenna that fully conforms to the FCC rules. However, under the
conditions defined above, satellites at 2° spacing or more will not experience unacceptable

Furthermore, KVH states that ifthe use of this antenna should cause unacceptable interference —
into other systems, KVH will terminate transmissions immediately upon notice from the affected

Finally, SES Gibraltar acknowledges that it will include the subject non—conforming earth station
operations in all future satellite network coordinations.


   poc       m
\< € d ow\ma(-fl"afi ~ kg—g’/
Krish Jonnalagadda
Manager, Spectrum Development
SES Americom
4 Research Way
Princeton NJ 08540
Tel: (609) 987 4194

         SES Sateliites (Gibraitar {Limiled) Four Research Way Princeton NJ 08540 USAte! (1) 609. 987 4194
                        Registered in Gibraltar under Number 57393. Registered Office at 28 Isish Town P.O. .Box 15, Glbraltar

     Acceptance by KVH Industries, Inc.

     KVH testifies that the information provided to SES and reflected in this Affidavit letter is true
         accurateftq    best of KVH ‘s knowledge.

          R. : N\QA                                                                                  Wm{ 23, 2009
     Felise Feingold                                                                                  Date
     Vice President, General Counsel
     KVH Industries, Inc                f

     Acceptance by Horizons—1 Satellite LLC:

     Horizons—1 Satellite agrees to operation of the above antenna with the technical parameters
     described herein with respect to Horizons 1 at 127°W longitude which has a nominal geocentric
     separation oftwo (2) degrees from AMC—21.

@'%/Jose Albuquerque                                                                       Date: ©5.35. 09
     for Horizons—1 Satellite LLC

          SES Satelites (Gibraltar (Limied) Four Research Way Princeton NJ 08540 USAtel(1) 609 887 4194
                          Registered in Cilbraltar under Number 57303. Registered Office at28 trish Town P.0. .Box 15, Gioraltar

Document Created: 2019-04-14 08:06:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 08:06:18

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