Attachment KKFL SCL Transfer Ap

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20160906-00016 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                    Before the
                                  Washington, D.C.

In the Matter of

OLD HARBOR NATIVE CORPORATION,                        File No. SCL-T/C-2016-____________



Application for Consent to Transfer Control of
a Private Fiber-Optic Cable System
Connecting Anchorage, Homer, Kenai,
Kodiak Island, and Seward, Alaska,



       Old Harbor Native Corporation (“Old Harbor,” FRN 0023981632) and GCI

Communication Corp. (“GCIC,” FRN 0001568880, and together with Old Harbor, the

“Applicants”), hereby apply for consent to transfer control of the cable landing license for the

Kodiak-Kenai Fiber Link submarine cable system (the “KKFL System”), for which Kodiak

Kenai Fiber Link, Inc. (“KKFL,” FRN 0018916742) is the sole licensee. The KKFL System is a

private fiber-optic undersea cable network connecting Anchorage, Homer, Kenai, Kodiak Island,

and Seward, Alaska. It entered into commercial service in January 2007, providing much-

needed connectivity within Alaska. On July 29, 2016, Old Harbor, GCIC, and Ouzinkie Native

Corporation (“Ouzinkie”) entered into an agreement in which GCIC will acquire all of the

outstanding member interests of KKFL’s parent company, Kodiak-Kenai Cable Company, LLC

(“KKCC”) and thereby acquire control of the KKFL System (the “Proposed Transaction”), as

described in further detail in part I below.

       The Applicants request streamlined processing pursuant to Section 1.767(k)(1) of the

Commission’s rules, as GCI is not affiliated with any foreign carrier, much less any foreign

carrier in a landing country (as the KKFL System is a domestic system). The application raises

no competition or public-interest concerns, and GCIC has no material direct or indirect foreign

ownership. An expeditious grant of this application will advance the public interest by ensuring

the continuing ownership, operation, and maintenance of the KKFL System by GCIC—an

experienced submarine cable operator with expert personnel and financial resources—and by

providing operational efficiencies for the KKFL System (for which GCIC already provides

outsourced operations and maintenance services) and for GCIC itself (as a significant capacity

customer of the KKFL System).


       A.      Parties to the Proposed Transaction

       Old Harbor: Old Harbor is the transferor in the Proposed Transaction. Old Harbor owns

90 percent of KKCC’s member interests and thereby controls both KKFL and the KKFL System.

Old Harbor is a Native village corporation incorporated in 1973 under the terms of the Alaska

Native Claims Settlement Act (“ANCSA”) and maintains its principal place of business in Old

Harbor. It manages its assets for the benefit of its shareholders and works to protect the culture

and traditions of the Alutiiq communities on Kodiak Island.


       Ouzinkie: Ouzinkie owns 10 percent of KKCC’s member interests. Ouzinkie is a Native

village corporation incorporated in 1973 under ANCSA and maintains its principal place of

business in Ouzinkie. It manages its assets for the benefit of its shareholders and works to

protect the culture and traditions of the Alutiiq communities on Spruce Island, Afognak Island,

and Kodiak Island.

       GCIC: GCIC is the principal operating subsidiary of General Communication, Inc.

(“GCI Parent”), the largest (by revenue) Alaska-based communications provider. GCIC

provides a full range of wireless, data, video, voice, and managed services to residential

customers, businesses, governmental entities, and educational and medical institutions primarily

in Alaska under the GCI brand. GCIC is an Alaska corporation with its principal place of

business in Anchorage. GCIC and its affiliates own and operate a number of existing submarine

cables systems, including: Alaska United East, Alaska United West, the Cook Inlet Segment of

TERRA-SW, and SEAFAST. GCIC currently holds significant capacity on the KKFL System

through indefeasible rights of use (“IRUs”) and currently provides operations and maintenance

services for the KKFL System. GCIC is a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of GCI Parent.

       KKFL: KKFL is the sole cable landing licensee for the KKFL System. It offers

wholesale capacity services on the routes served by the KKFL System. It is an Alaska

corporation with its principal place of business in Anchorage. KKFL is a wholly-owned

subsidiary of KKCC.

       KKCC: KKCC is a holding company for the KKFL System’s submarine

telecommunications business. It is an Alaska limited-liability company with its principal place

of business in Anchorage. KKCC owns 100 percent of KKFL’s shares.


         B.       Overview of the Proposed Transaction

         On July 29, 2016, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, and GCIC entered into a stock purchase

agreement whereby GCIC will acquire all of KKCC’s outstanding member interests and, upon

closing, will indirectly own and control the KKFL System. KKCC and KKFL will continue to

exist as direct and indirect subsidiaries, respectively, of GCIC following the consummation of

the Proposed Transaction. Subject to regulatory and certain other customary approvals, the

Applicants seek to consummate the Proposed Transaction no later than late-October 2016.


         In accordance with Section 1.767 of the Commission’s rules and Executive Order No.

10,530, the Applicants submit the following information in support of their application:

                  (1)      Applicants’ Names, Addresses, and Telephone Numbers1

         The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the Applicants are:

              Transferor                      Transferee                        Licensee
CORPORATION                        2550 Denali Street              2702 Denali Street
2702 Denali Street                 Suite 1000                      Suite 100
Suite 100                          Anchorage, Alaska 99503         Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Anchorage, Alaska 99503            +1 907 265 5600                 +1 907 278 6100
+1 907 278 6100

                  (2)      Applicants’ Places of Incorporation2

         Old Harbor is an Alaska Native corporation. GCI is an Alaska corporation. KKFL is an

Alaska corporation.

      See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1).
      See id., § 1.767(a)(2).


               (3)     Contact Information3

       The Commission should address correspondence regarding this application to:

            Old Harbor and KKFL                                     GCIC
        Christopher J. Slottee                      Chris Nierman
        Vice-President/General Counsel              Tim Stelzig
        2702 Denali Street, Suite 100               1900 L Street, N.W., Suite 700
        Anchorage, Alaska 99503                     Washington, D.C. 20036
        +1 907 278 6100 tel                         +1 202 457 8815            

                                                    Kent D. Bressie
                                                    HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
                                                    1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20036-3537
                                                    +1 202 730 1337 tel

               (4)     System Description4

       The KKFL System description has not changed materially since the original application

and subsequent modification application were filed with and granted by the Commission.5

               (5)     Landing Points6

       The KKFL System’s landing points have not changed materially since the original

application and subsequent modification application were filed with and granted by the


    See id., § 1.767(a)(3).
    See id., § 1.767(a)(4).
    See Cable Landing License Application of Kodiak Kenai Fiber Link, Attachment 1, at 2, File
    No. SCL-LIC-20060413-00004 (Apr. 13, 2006) (“KKFL System Application”); Actions
    Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 21 FCC Rcd. 6380, 6381 (2006)
    (“KKFL System License”).
    See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(5).


                (6)    Regulatory Status8

        The facts supporting the KKFL System’s non-common carrier status of have not changed

materially since the original application was filed with and granted by the Commission.9

                (7)    Cable Ownership Information10

        The KKFL System’s ownership has not changed materially since the original application

was filed with and granted by the Commission and a later pro forma assignment (from KKCC to

KKFL) of the KKFL System License was consummated.11

                (8)    Certification Regarding Ownership and Interlocking Directorates12

        By the signature below, GCIC certifies to the following. Upon closing, KKFL will have

the following 10-percent-or-greater direct or indirect shareholders:

        Kodiak-Kenai Cable Company, LLC (“KKCC”)
        Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
        Citizenship: Alaska
        Principal Business: telecommunications
        Relationship: KKCC holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in KKFL.

        GCI Communication Corp. (“GCIC”)
        Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
        Citizenship: Alaska
        Principal Business: telecommunications
        Relationship: Upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction, GCIC will hold a 100-
            percent voting and equity interest in KKCC.

     See KKFL System Application at 2-4; KKFL System License, 21 FCC Rcd. at 6381.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(6).
     See KKFL System Application at 5-6; KKFL System License, 21 FCC Rcd. at 6381.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(7).
     See KKFL System Application at 6; KKFL System License, 21 FCC Rcd. at 6381; Actions
     Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd. 12,423 (2009)
     (consent to pro forma assignment).
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(8)(i), 63.18(h).


GCI Holdings, Inc. (“GCI Holdings”)
Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Citizenship: Alaska
Principal Business: telecommunications
Relationship: GCI Holdings holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in GCIC’s

GCI, Inc.
Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Citizenship: Alaska
Principal Business: telecommunications
Relationship: GCI, Inc., holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in GCI Holdings’

General Communication, Inc. (“GCI Parent”)
Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Citizenship: Alaska
Principal Business: telecommunications
Relationship: GCI Parent holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in GCI, Inc.’s

John W. Stanton and Theresa E. Gillespie
Address: 155 108th Avenue NE, Suite 400, Bellevue, Washington 98004
Citizenship: USA
Principal Business: investments
Relationship: Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie are husband and wife and own, as tenants in
    common, 7.5 percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class A common shares and 45.5
    percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class B common shares. On a fully-diluted basis
    across all share classes, this gives Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie a 25.3-percent
    voting interest and a 10.6-percent equity interest in GCI Parent.

Ronald A. Duncan
Address: 2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Citizenship: USA
Principal Business: telecommunications; Mr. Duncan is CEO and a Director of GCI
Relationship: Mr. Duncan owns 5.85 percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class A
    common shares and 37.2 percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class B common
    shares. On a fully-diluted basis across all share classes, this gives Mr. Duncan a 20.8-
    percent voting interest and an 8.8-percent equity interest in GCI Parent.


         BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”)
         Address: 155 108th Avenue NE, Suite 400, Bellevue, Washington 98004
         Citizenship: Delaware
         Principal Business: investments
         Relationship: BlackRock owns 11.1 percent of GCI’s outstanding Class A common
             shares. On a fully-diluted basis across all share classes, this gives BlackRock a 5.9-
             percent voting interest and a 10.2-percent equity interest in GCI Parent.

         GCI Parent’s Class A and Class B common shares are identical in all respects, except that

(1) each share of Class B common stock has ten votes per share and (2) each share of Class B

common stock outstanding is convertible, at the option of the holder, into one share of Class A

common stock.

         GCI Parent’s shares trade publicly on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol

GNCMA and are widely held. GCI Parent has no ten-percent-or-greater director or interest

voting- or equity-interest holders other than those persons noted above. GCI Parent does not

have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

                 (9)     Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and Foreign

         By the signature below, GCIC certifies that it is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated

with any foreign carrier, including any entity that owns or controls a cable landing station in a

foreign country.

                 (10)    Certification Regarding Destination Markets14

         By the signature below, GCIC certifies to the following: (1) it is not a foreign carrier in

any foreign country, much less a foreign destination market for the KKFL System (of which

there is none, as it is a domestic system); (2) upon the consummation of the Proposed

Transaction, it will not control a foreign carrier in any foreign country, much less a foreign

     See id., §§ 1.767(a)(8)(ii).
     See id., §§ 1.767(a)(8)(iii).


destination market for the KKFL System (of which there is none); (3) no entity controlling a

foreign carrier in any foreign country, much less in a foreign destination market for the KKFL

System (of which there is none) owns more than 25 percent of GCIC or controls GCIC; and (4)

no grouping of two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) owns, in

aggregate, more than 25 percent of GCIC and are parties to, or beneficiaries of, a contractual

relation affecting the provision or marketing of arrangements for the terms of acquisition, sale,

lease, transfer, and use of capacity on the KKFL System in the United States.

                 (11)    Certification Regarding WTO Status, Market Power, and the
                         Effective Competitive Opportunities Test15

         No response is required, as no country was identified in response to 47 C.F.R. §


                 (12)    Certification Regarding the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198816

         By the signature below, GCIC certifies that no party to this application is subject to a

denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug

Abuse Act of 1988.

                 (13)    Certification Regarding Routine Conditions Set Forth in Section
                         1.767(g) of the Commission’s Rules17

         By the signature below, GCIC certifies that it accepts and will abide by the routine

conditions specified in Section 1.767(g) of the Commission’s rules.

     See id., § 1.767(a)(8).
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(8)(i), 63.18(o).
     See id., §§ 1.767(a)(9), (g).



           Pursuant to Section 1.767(j) of the Commission’s rules,18 the Applicants have sent a

complete copy of this application to the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of

Commerce, and the Defense Information Systems Agency. Counsel for GCIC has certified such

service in the certificate of service attached to this application.19


           The Applicants request streamlined processing pursuant to Section 1.767(k)(1) of the

Commission’s rules, as GCIC is not affiliated with any foreign carriers, much less a foreign

carrier in a landing country. (The KKFL System is a purely domestic system.)20 The application

raises no competition or public-interest concerns that would merit consideration outside the

Commission’s streamlined review process.

           An expeditious grant of this application will advance the public interest. First, it will

ensure the continuing ownership, operation, and maintenance of the KKFL System on a going-

forward basis by GCIC, an experienced submarine cable operator with expert personnel and

financial resources. Second, it will provide operational efficiencies for the KKFL System (for

which GCIC already provides outsourced operations and maintenance services) and for GCIC

itself (as a significant capacity customer of the KKFL System).

       See id., § 1.767(j).
       The Applicants have initiated discussions with national security and law enforcement
       agencies to address any potential concerns those agencies may have with respect to the
       Proposed Transaction.
       See id., § 1.767(k)(2).



       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should expeditiously grant this transfer-of-

control application pursuant to streamlined processing.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              OLD HARBOR NATIVE CORPORATION

                                              Christopher J. Slottee
                                              Vice-President/General Counsel
                                              Old Harbor Native Corporation
                                              2702 Denali Street, Suite 100
                                              Anchorage, Alaska 99503
                                              +1 907 278 6100

                                              KODIAK KENAI FIBER LINK, INC.

                                              Carl H. Marrs
                                              President and Director
                                              Kodiak Kenai Fiber Link, Inc.
                                              2702 Denali Street, Suite 100
                                              Anchorage, Alaska 99503
                                              +1 907 278 6100


Kent D. Bressie
1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036-3537
+ 1 202 730 1337 tel                  Anchorage, Alaska 99503
                                      + 1 907 265 5600
Counsel for GCI Communication Corp.

2 September 2016



                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Kent Bressie, hereby certify that consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j), I have served

copies of the foregoing request for consent to transfer control of the cable landing license for the

Kodiak-Kenai Fiber Link by hand delivery or electronic mail this 2nd day of September, 2016, to

the following:

                   Ambassador Daniel Sepulveda
                   U.S. Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
                   Int’l Communications & Information Policy
                   Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                   U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                   EB/CIP : Room 4634
                   2201 C Street, N.W.
                   Washington, D.C. 20520-4634

                   Kathy Smith
                   Chief Counsel
                   14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                   Room 4713
                   Washington, D.C. 20230

                    Robert Gorman
                    General Counsel
                    6910 Cooper Avenue
                    Fort Meade, Maryland 20755

                                              Kent Bressie

                         LIST OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A:   Current Ownership Structure of KKFL

Exhibit B:   Post-Consummation Ownership Structure of KKFL

                         EXHIBIT A:

            Current Ownership Structure of KKFL

   Old Harbor Native                      Ouzinkie Native
  Corporation (Alaska)                  Corporation (Alaska)

        90%                                      10%

                    Kodiak-Kenai Cable
                   Company, LLC (Alaska)


                      Kodiak Kenai Fiber
                      Link, Inc. (Alaska)

Note: Unless otherwise noted, each percentage reflects both an
equity and voting interest.

                                  EXHIBIT B:

               Post-Consummation Ownership Structure of KKFL

   John Stanton and                BlackRock, Inc.               Ronald A. Duncan
Theresa Gillespie (USA)              (Delaware)                       (USA)
25.3% voting                                5.9 % voting                 20.8% voting
10.6% equity                                10.2 % equity                8.8 % equity

                                 Communication, Inc.

                                  GCI, Inc. (Alaska)


                                 GCI Holdings, Inc.

                                 GCI Communication
                                   Corp. (Alaska)

                                Kodiak-Kenai Cable
                               Company, LLC (Alaska)


                                 Kodiak Kenai Fiber
                                 Link, Inc. (Alaska)

            Note: Unless otherwise noted, each percentage reflects both an
            equity and voting interest.

Document Created: 2019-04-12 20:04:17
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 20:04:17

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