3.19.18 Letter to M.

LETTER submitted by Liberty Latin America Ltd.

3.19.18 Letter to M. Dortch


This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20151130-00034 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


m    NELSON           MULLINS                                   NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH LLP
                                                                ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW

Robert L. Hoegle                                                101 Constitution Avenue, NW | Suite 900
(Admitted in DC & NY)                                           Washington, DC 20001
T 202.689.2816 F 202.689.2836                                   T 202.689.2800 F 202.689.2860 |
bob.hoegle@nelsonmullins.com                                    nelsonmullins.com

                                              March 19, 2018

  Via Electronic Filing

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12‘" Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:     ITC—T/C—20180227—00044 >
                 Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control

                 Prior Application File Nos.

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

       This is in response to the request for clarification of Jodi Cooper on March 14
regarding the above—referenced assignment and transfer of control applications.

        Exhibit 3 to Application File Nos. SCL—ASG—20170306—00005 and SCL—ASG—
 20170306—00006, filed on March 6, 2017; the CWC New Cayman Limited Post—
 Transaction Structure Exhibit to Application File Nos. SCL—T/C—20151130—00033 and
 SCL—T/C—20151130—00034, filed on November 30, 2015; and the Columbus Licensees
 Post—Transaction Structure Exhibit to Application File Nos. SCL—T/C—20151130—00035
 and SCL—T/C—20151130—00036, also filed on November 30, 2015, listed "Coral New

         CALIFORNIA | CoLoRraAbo | DistRict or CoLumBiA | FLoRipa | Georaia | Massackusetts | New York
                         NoRrtH CAROLINA | South CaroLina | TennessEE | West ViRGiINIA

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
March 19, 2018
Page 2

UKCo Ltd." in the post—transaction ownership structure of the respective submarine cable
landing licensees.

       The inclusion of Coral New UKCo Ltd. in the foregoing assignment and transfer of
control application exhibits was an inadvertent error. Although the inclusion of Coral New
UKCo Ltd. originally had been contemplated in the restructuring, it was not included in
the ownership structure. However, it was not removed from the post—transaction structure
charts. This error was discovered in connection with the currently—reported transaction
and corrected in the post—transaction structure charts included with the Notification of Pro
Forma Transfer of Control, filed on January 26, 2018, under the above—referenced
Application File Nos.                               |

       If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Robert L. Hoegle     0

co:    Mr. David Krech
       Ms. Jodi Cooper

Document Created: 2018-03-19 19:11:43
Document Modified: 2018-03-19 19:11:43

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