Attachment Response to Data Req

Response to Data Req




This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20141121-00014 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
2020 K Street, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20006-1806
Tel. 202.373.6000
Fax: 202.373.6001

Ulises R. Pin

                                                            July 31, 2015


Denise Coca
Chief, Policy Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:            Applications of Columbus Networks, Limited and Cable & Wireless
               Communications Plc for Consent to Transfer Control of Licensees, File Nos. ITC-
               T/C-20141121- 00304, ITC-T/C-20141121-00307, SCL-T/C-20141121-00013, SCL-
               T/C- 20141121-00014

Dear Ms. Coca:

        In response to the Commission staff’s telephonic request for additional information,
Columbus New Cayman Limited, 1 Columbus Networks USA, Inc. and ARCOS-1 USA, Inc.
(collectively, “Columbus USA”), and Cable & Wireless Plc (“C&W”), hereby submit the
following information in relation to the above-referenced applications:

1.     Please categorize the Net IRUs (in STM-1s) for the ARCOS-1, CFX-1 and Fibralink
cables as:

          a.         Total IRUs (in STM-1s) granted to each U.S. and Foreign Submarine Cable
                     Licensees and/or Common Carriers:

                     i.    U.S. Submarine Cable Licensees and/or Common Carriers:

      Columbus New Cayman Limited replaced Columbus Networks, Limited as the Transferor in the above-
      referenced applications following a pro forma transfer of control completed on March 31, 2015. See
      Notification of Pro Forma Transfer and Minor Amendment to Applications, SCL-T/C-20150421-00010, et al.
      (filed April 21, 2015) (the “Pro Forma Transfer”).

    Almaty Astana Beijing Boston Brussels Chicago Dallas Dubai Frankfurt Harrisburg Hartford Houston London Los Angeles Miami Moscow
     New York Orange County Paris Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton San Francisco Santa Monica Silicon Valley Tokyo Washington Wilmington

Denise Coca
July 31, 2015
Page 2

                Response: Please see Attachment A for a description of the total IRUs granted
                to U.S. and foreign carriers by Columbus USA as of December 31, 2014. Please
                also see Attachment B, which provides a list of customers and their designation
                as domestic or foreign. As a result of recent personnel changes, Columbus
                USA has undertaken a thorough review of its IRU arrangements in response to
                these questions. It notes that the information provided herein has been
                correlated between multiple internal Columbus USA databases (e.g., sales,
                provisioning, network administration, etc.), and is therefore, in Columbus
                USA’s view, a more fulsome summary of the various IRU capacity
                arrangements undertaken by the company as of December 31, 2014. Columbus
                USA intends to revise and amend its 2014 annual circuit status report to reflect
                this information.2

                ii.   Foreign Carriers:

                Response: Please see Attachment A for an analysis of total IRUs which have
                been granted to U.S. and foreign carriers by Columbus USA. Please also see
                Attachment B, which provides a list of customers and their designation as
                domestic or foreign.

       b.       Total IRUs (in STM-1s) granted to Digicel:

                Response: Please see Attachment C for the total IRUs granted to Digicel.
                Please also see response to Question 2 below.3

       c.       Total IRUs (in STM-1s) to Enterprise Customers:

                Response: Columbus USA has not sold any IRUs to enterprise customers.

       d.       Other (any residual IRUs not fitting into the above categories):

                Response: Columbus USA is not aware of any other categories of any IRUs
                not otherwise fitting into the above categories.

    Note that the capacity and IRUs listed in response to these questions do not reflect arrangements made by
    Columbus USA of less than STM-1 capacity. Columbus USA does not believe that those arrangements of less
    than STM-1 capacity are material with respect to this data response. Columbus USA also notes that its
    arrangements include primary paths and working paths, and it has not included protected path arrangements so
    as not to double-count IRU capacity sold. Where an IRU is for protected capacity, only the number of STM-
    1’s used on the primary route has been counted.
    Note that the information provided in Attachment C includes capacity sold to Digicel through Alpha
    Communications Network S.A., as well as Digicel’s other subsidiaries.

Denise Coca
July 31, 2015
Page 3

2.      Please reconcile the June 2, 2015 Attachment C responses totaling 21 STM-1s with the
response provided in Section D of the March 30 Ex Parte Letter (page 8), in which the parties
stated that Digicel owns 72 STM-1s of Fibralink capacity to Haiti, with the option to procure
another 72 STM-1s of additional capacity. Please clarify the numbers.

Response: In the Haiti Subsea Link Master Agreement dated September 30, 2011 between
Digicel Group Ltd. and Alpha Communications Network S.A. and Columbus Networks Ltd.
and Columbus Networks Haiti S.A. (the “HSLMA”) Digicel received IRUs for 72 STM-1s of
capacity in consideration for paying for the construction of the Fibralink spur into Kaliko
Beach, Haiti. Digicel can port the Kaliko Beach STM-1s and use them on a route on ARCOS-
1 from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to Miami, Florida. In addition, in the HSLMA
Digicel also has a right to purchase IRUs for another 72 STM-1s of capacity from Puerto
Plata, DR to Miami, FL at a discounted price. As of today, Digicel has drawn down 50 STM-1s
of the first 72 STM-1s described above, and ported 6 STM-1s for use from Puerto Plata to
Miami (having activated 56 of the 72 STM-1s in total). These are included in the STM-1s
identified in Attachment C for Columbus. For the reasons noted above in response to
Question 1.a.i., the information provided in this response is, in Columbus USA’s view, a more
fulsome summary of the various IRU capacity arrangements between Columbus USA and
Digicel as a result of a more thorough review of the arrangements between the companies.
Also, Attachment C in the June 2015 submission was incorrect because it was derived from a
sales data base that did not include all of the Digicel entities that have purchased capacity
from Columbus USA. The revised Attachment C in this filing comes from the same data
sources as the revised Attachment A, and in Columbus USA’s view, is a more accurate
accounting of these arrangements.4

3.    Please discuss whether the Fibralink cable forms a part of a “used and efficient” route for
U.S.-Haiti traffic. Similarly, does the BDSNi cable form a part of a “used and efficient” route for
U.S.-Haiti traffic?

Response: These cables can be, and in fact are, used for effective connection between the
U.S. and Haiti. For example, carriers can buy a circuit on Fibralink between Haiti and the
Dominican Republic and then interconnect to other cables in the Dominican Republic that
directly connect with the U.S. (e.g., ARCOS or AMX-1). Another alternative would be to go to
Jamaica and connect with CFX-1 or other cables coming to the U.S. The same is true for
BDSNi where the traffic can go to the Bahamas and from there back to the U.S. on the
multiple cables connecting the U.S. to the Bahamas, including ARCOS.

4.      With respect to the C&W response to Question 6 of the June 2, 2015 Response, please
clarify whether C&W sells collocation space and backhaul at cost-based or market rates.

    Note that the total figures set forth in Attachment C include non-Haiti routes. Further, Columbus USA has
    treated each Digicel circuit as a linear circuit, and where the circuits span two systems (e.g. Fibralink and
    ARCOS-1), the STM-1 equivalents have been counted on each system.

Denise Coca
July 31, 2015
Page 4

Response: C&W sells collocation space at market rates where feasible and in some
jurisdictions, like the British Virgin Islands, it sells collocation at cost-based rates. C&W sells
backhaul at market rates.

5.      Please confirm whether Columbus USA and C&W consent to allowing the FCC to
consult with the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) regarding its review of the transaction
(including the sharing of confidential information submitted by Columbus USA and C&W and
developed by DOJ during its review).

Response: Columbus USA and C&W have previously consented to the exchange of
information between the Commission and the DOJ.

6.     Please provide a status update on the regulatory approvals still outstanding.

Response: The Parties now have approval in all jurisdictions other than St. Kitts and Nevis,
Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic.
These did not affect the initial closing, i.e., the transfer of the non-U.S. business of Columbus
International Inc. to C&W on March 31, 2015. We continue to work with regulators in each
of these jurisdictions and we expect to obtain all required clearances in due course.

                                 *       *       *        *     *

       Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      /s/ Ulises R. Pin

                                      Counsel to Columbus USA


cc:    David Krech
       FCC International Bureau Policy Division
       (via e-mail)

       Jodi Cooper
       FCC International Bureau Policy Division
       (via e-mail)

Denise Coca
July 31, 2015
Page 5

       Patrick S. Campbell
       Counsel to Cable & Wireless Communications Plc
       Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
       2001 K Street, N.W.; Suite 500
       Washington, D.C. 20006
       (via e-mail)

                                                                        Attachment A

                                                              Columbus Networks, Limited
 Data Request

                  Ownership (%)                                          Cable Capacity Holdings (in STM-1s) as of 12/31/2014
                                        Capacity                                                             Net Inter-Carrier    Net Capacity      Activated         Non-Activated
                                                                        Domestic Net
                      Current        Thru Ownership Foreign Net IRU's      IRU's           Net IRUs            Leaseholds             Held          Capacity            Capacity
                                                                                                                                 (d) =(a)+(b)+(c)
                  as of 12/31/2014        (a)                                                (b)                    (c)            (d) = (e) +(f)      (e)                 (f)
U.S. Cables:
ARCOS-1                96%                      9400            -4927             -757             -5684                     0               3716            3309                  407
CFX-1                  100%                     10112           -2796             -464             -3260                     0               6852            4881                1971
Non-U.S. Cables
Fibralink              100%                        448           -209                  0              -209                   0                239               159                80

                                               Attachment B

                                                                                                        Foreign /
N                   CUSTOMER-NAME                                        FULL NAME                      Domestic
 1   ICE                                           Grupo ICE                                             Foreign
 2   LEVEL 3 Comm, LCC                             Level 3 Communications, Inc.                         Domestic
 3   RACSA                                         RACSA                                                 Foreign
 4   LAN Nautilus                                  Latin American Nautilus                              Domestic
 5   CODETEL                                       Compania Dominicana de Telefonos                      Foreign
 6   CTE                                           CTE Telecom                                           Foreign
 7   BTC                                           Bahamas Telecommunications Company                    Foreign
 8   SETAR                                         SETAR N.V.                                            Foreign
 9   SPRINT                                        Sprint Corporation                                   Domestic
10   TELMEX USA                                    Telmex USA, LLC                                      Domestic
11   ORBITEL                                       Orbitel Telecommunications                            Foreign
12   CENTENNIAL                                    Centennial Communications Corporation                Domestic
13   TSTT                                          Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago    Foreign
14   Cable & Wireless                              Cable and Wireless Communications                     Foreign
15   UTS ‐ Curacao                                 UTS Group                                             Foreign
16   AVANTEL                                       Avantel Incorporated                                  Foreign
17   ETB ‐ Empresa de Teléfonos de Bogotá          Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota               Foreign
18   Cable & Wireless Panama                       Cable and Wireless Panama                             Foreign
19   Telefonia Bonairiano N.V.                     Telefonia Bonairiano N.V. (TELBO)                     Foreign
20   INTERNEXA                                     Internexa S.A.                                        Foreign
21   Telmex Colombia                               Telmex Colombia S.A.                                  Foreign
22   COMCEL                                        Claro Colombia S.A.                                   Foreign
23   Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala SA (TELGUA)   Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala S.A.                  Foreign
24   ENITEL                                        Empresa Nicaraguense de Telecomunicaciones S.A.       Foreign
25   Puerto Rico Telephone ‐ PRT                   Puerto Rico Telephone Company Incorporated           Domestic
26   Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited               Oceanic Digital Jamacia Limited                       Foreign
27   AT&T                                          AT&T Incorporated                                    Domestic
28   LIBERTY CABLEVISION OF PUERTO RICO, LLC       Liberty Cable Vision of Puerto Rico, LLC             Domestic
29   Caribbean Crossings Ltd                       Caribbean Crossings Ltd                               Foreign
30   Telecommunicatiebedrijf Suriname (Telesur)    Telecommunications Company Suriname                   Foreign
31   GT&T                                          Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company                Foreign
32   SERCOTEL S.A. DE CV                           Sercotel, S.A. de CV                                  Foreign
33   BT Latam                                      BT LatAm                                              Foreign
34   America Movil                                 America Movil, S.A.B. de CV                           Foreign
35   Critical Hub Networks, Inc                    Critical Hub Networks Incorporated                   Domestic
36   TIWS USA                                      TIWS USA Incorporated                                Domestic
37   ONEMAX S.A.                                   Onemax, S.A.                                          Foreign
38   Digicel Turks and Caicos LTD                  Digicel Turks and Caicos Ltd                          Foreign
39   Cablenet                                      Cablenet Services                                    Domestic
40   BTL                                           Belize Telemedia Limited                              Foreign
41   Digicel                                       Digicel                                               Foreign
42   Trilogy International Enterprises             Trilogy International Enterprises                    Domestic
43   Cable and Wireless Jamaica                    Cable and Wireless Jamacia Ltd                        Foreign
44   Digicel ‐ Mossel Jamaica                      Digicel Jamacia                                       Foreign
45   CNT                                           Corporacion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones            Foreign
46   Alpha Communications Network S.A.             Alpha Communications Network S.A.                     Foreign
47   Altice Hispaniola, S.A.                       Altice Hispaniola S.A.                                Foreign
48   Millicom                                      Millicom International Services                      Domestic
49   Claro Panama S.A.                             Claro Panama S.A.                                     Foreign
50   Cable Onda Oriental                           Cable Onda Oriental                                   Foreign
51   NAVEGA.COM                           S.A.                                       Foreign
52   Cablemas Telecomunicaciones, SA de CV         Cablemas Telecomunicaciones                           Foreign

53   Fierce Capital                            Fierce Capital Inc.                                Foreign
54   Cable Onda, S.A.                          Cable Onda S.A.                                    Foreign
55   Lazus                                     Lazus de Colombia SA                               Foreign
56   CANTV                                     Compania Anonima Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela   Foreign
57   IDEAY                                     Equipos y Sistemas                                 Foreign
58   ALFANUMERIC                               Alfanumeric SA                                     Foreign
59   Smitcoms                                  Smitcoms N.V.                                      Foreign
60   IBW                                       IBW Communications SA                              Foreign
61   Caribe Wireless (FLASSH Communications)   Caribe Wireless (FLASSH Communications)            Foreign
62   SILVERADO                                 SILVERADO                                          Foreign
63   BW Telecom                                BW Telecom S.R.L                                   Foreign
64   EMCALI                                    Empresas Municipales de Cali                       Foreign
65   REDCA                                     Red Centroamericana de Telecomunicaciones          Foreign

                       Attachment C

            Capacity Sold or Leased to Digicel by CN
                          (in STM-1s)
As of December 31, 2014

U.S. Cables:
ARCOS-1                                                137
CFX-1                                                   24
Non-U.S. Cables
Fibralink                                              129


        On behalf of ARCOS-1 USA, Inc., Columbus Networks USA, Inc., and Columbus New
Cayman Limited, I hereby certify that the foregoing filing, including its corresponding
attachments, was prepared under my direction and control. I further certify under penalty of
perjury that all statements therein are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge
and are made in good faith.

Name:       reFPaddick
Title:   ief executive officer of ARCOS-1 USA, Inc. and Columbus Networks USA, Inc.
       president and chief operating officer of Columbus New Cayman Limited
Date: July If , 2015

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Document Created: 2015-08-03 09:36:39
Document Modified: 2015-08-03 09:36:39

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