CWNS 3.30.11 filing.

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Cable & Wireless Network Services Limited

supplemental information


This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20110311-00006 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                          KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Lir
                                                   A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                          WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400
  NEW     YORK,        NY                                                                           F ACSIMILE

    cuicaco, iL                                   3050 K STREET, NW                              (202) s42—8451
  $TAMFORD,            CT                   WASHINGTON, D.C.               20007-5108 

 P A R S IP P A NY ,    NJ

                                                       (202) 342—8400

                                                                                           DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8573
   MUMBAL, INDIA                                                                           EMAIL: :
                                                                                                    jgriffi  k         .

                                                    March 30, 2011


   Marlene Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445—12th Street SW
   Washington, D.C. 20554

                             Re:   Cable and Wireless Network Services Limited — File No. SCL—LIC—

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  Cable and Wireless Network Services Limited ("CWNS"), by its attorneys and in
  response to a request from Commission staff, hereby supplements its letter dated March 11, 2011
  in the above—referenced matter ("Letter"). In particular, CWNS wishes to clarify for the record
  that with respect to the Gemini Bermuda System, Cable and Wireless Bermuda Ltd., a Bermuda
  company, owns, operates and maintains the Bermuda landing station as well as that portion of
  the cable system in Bermuda territorial waters. CWNS owns and manages the Gemini Bermuda
  System outside of the territorial waters of both Bermuda and the United States. Verizon owns
  and operates that part of the cable inside U.S. territorial waters and the U.S. landing station.

                   CWNS recently became aware that the submission to the FCC in support of the
   Gemini Bermuda System landing license application inadvertently provided incorrect
   information as to the respective cable system ownership elements of the Cable and Wireless
   entities, which were both wholly—owned, indirect subsidiaries of Cable and Wireless PLC at the
   time of the application. The correct facts with respect to the parties‘ respective ownership
   elements in the system were set out in our Letter. CWNS regrets any inconvenience this error
   may have caused the Commission or Commission staff.

                   For the Commission‘s information, CWNS has attached press releases concerning
   a recent transaction whereby Cable & Wireless Communications Plc sold Cable and Wireless
   Bermuda Ltd. to Eastlink International Holdings, Inc. on March 10, 2011.


                                KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Lutr

Marlene Dortch
March 30, 2011
Page Two

                  Please contact the undersigned counsel if you have any questions regarding this


                                                   Joan M. Griffin
                                                   Their Attorneys


                                                                                 ; Cable&Wireless

23 FEBRUARY 2011


Cable & Wireless Communications Ple ("CWC") today announces an agreement to sell Cable &
Wireless Bermuda, its operating business in Bermuda, to The Bragg Group for total consideration of
US$70 million.

CWC also announces today an on—market share buyback programme of up to US$100 million in
order to return capital to our shareholders.

The Bermuda divestment is consistent with CWC‘s strategy to reshape its portfolio and develop the
business around full—service telecommunications operations in a series of core regional hubs.

The consideration of US$70 million will be paid in cash by The Bragg Group and represents a
multiple of 6.5x 2009/10 EBITDA. The transaction is subject to government and regulatory
approvals and is expected to be completed by the end of March.

Cable & Wireless Bermuda, which is part of CWC‘s Monaco & Islands unit, is an international
gateway business providing data capacity, carrier, internet and International Direct Dialling (IDD)
calling services. Cable & Wireless Bermuda also provides data centre and disaster recovery services
to the corporate community, and partially owns a Bermudian alternative local network provider.

The Bragg Group is a leading Canadian—based cable and telecommunications provider, operating
under the Eastlink brand.

CWC also owns stakes in two international cable systems which land in Bermuda that are operated
separately and not part of the transaction.

Cable & Wireless Communications Chief Executive, Tony Rice commented:

"Today‘s announcements, together with our signing of the agreement to acquire majority control of
BTC earlier this month, represent the first steps in our reshaping of the group as outlined at the time
of the demerger last year. Bermuda does not fit our business model as it is not a full—service
operation while BTC provides excellent opportunities and a strong strategic fit with our Caribbean
business. The US$70 million consideration represents an excellent return on our long—term
investment in Bermuda.

"The share repurchase programme of up to US$100 million is consistent with our policy to seek the
best opportunity for increasing shareholder value with the Group‘s available cash resources. I am
pleased that we are developing our portfolio management approach in tandem with our progress in
developing the businesses."


Cable & Wireless Communications
3rd Floor, 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ
T +44 (0)20 7315 4000

Cable & Wireless Communications will host a conference call for investors and analysts. The details are:

Date: 23 February 2011
Time: 10:00 (GMT)
Details: Cable & Wireless Communications Bermuda disposal and buyback
UK: +44 (0)20 7806 1951
US: +1 212 444 0412
Confirmation Code: 6190254

Participants will have to quote the above code when dialling into the conference.
Audio playback of the call will be available shortly after the call finishes until 2 March 2011. The details
for the playback are:

UK: +44 (0)20 7111 1244
US: +1 347 366 9565
Replay Access Code: 6190254#

About Cable & Wireless Communications

Cable & Wireless Communications is a global full—service communications business. We operate leading
communications businesses through four regional units — the Caribbean, Panama, Macau and Monaco &
Islands. Our services include mobile, broadband and domestic and international fixed line services in
most of our markets as well as pay—TV, data centre and hosting, carrier and managed service solutions.
Our operations are focused on providing our customers — consumers, businesses, governments — with
world—class service. We are the market leader in most products we offer and territories we serve. For
further information visit

About the Bragg Group

The Bragg Group owns Bragg Communications, the largest privately held communications and video
services company in Canada, operating in 9 of 10 Canadian provinces under the EastLink brand. The
Company was the first Canadian cable company to offer a "triple play" (telecom, internet and video
services) to customers, and is the leader in developing competitive telecommunications services to both
residential and business customers in the communities it serves in Canada. Bragg Communications has
been recognized as one of Canada‘s "50 Best Managed Companies" for each of the past five years, and
The Bragg Group was named Canada‘s "Family Enterprise of the Year for 2009."


 Cable & Wireless Communications

 Sheldon Bruha                                +44(0) 20 7315 4178

 Kunal Patel                                  +44(0) 20 7315 4083

 Lachlan Johnston                             +44(0) 20 7315 4006 / +44 (0) 7800 021 405
 Steve Smith                                  +44(0) 20 7315 4070
 Neil Bennett / Anthony Silverman             +44(0) 20 7379 5151

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10 MARCH 2011


Further to Cable & Wireless Communications Pic‘s ("CWC") announcement on 23 February
2011 in respect of the disposal of Cable & Wireless Bermuda, the Company now confirms that
all of the requisite approvals for the transaction have been received.

Consequently, CWC is pleased to announce that it has today completed the disposal of Cable
& Wireless Bermuda, its operating business in Bermuda, to The Bragg Group for total cash
consideration of US$7O million.



About Cable & Wireless Communications

Cable & Wireless Communications is a global full—service communications business. We
operate leading communications businesses through four regional units — the Caribbean,
Panama, Macau and Monaco & Islands. Our services include mobile, broadband and domestic
and international fixed line services in most of our markets as well as pay—TV, data centre and
hosting, carrier and managed service solutions. Our operations are focused on providing our
customers — consumers, businesses, governments — with world—class service. We are the
market leader in most products we offer and territories we serve. For further information visit


 Cable & Wireless Communications

 Sheldon Bruha                                  +44(0) 20 7315 4178

 Kunal Patel                                    +44(0) 20 7315 4083

 Lachlan Johnston                               +44(0) 20 7315 4006 / +44 (0) 7800 021 405
 Steve Smith                                    +44(0) 20 7315 4070

 Neil Bennett / Anthony Silverman               +44(0) 20 7379 5151

Cable & Wireless Communications
3rd Floor, 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ
T +44 (0)20 7315 4000

Document Created: 2019-04-08 17:18:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 17:18:11

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