Attachment RGL Attachment 1.pdf

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20100721-00017 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


Christopher C. Tai                                                            1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
202.429.6448                                                                   Washington, DC 20036-1795                                                                         Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                         Fax 202.429.3902

July 21, 2010


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:      Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Cable Landing License
                 (SCL-LIC-19990301-00005) 1

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In accordance with Section 1.767(g)(7) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §
1.767(g)(7), Reliance Globalcom Limited (“RGL”) 2 hereby notifies the Commission of a pro forma
transfer of control arising from the following two transactions that took place on June 22, 2010: (i)
Reliance Globalcom B.V. (“RGBV”), RGL’s primary direct parent, issued 1,750 new ordinary shares of
its stock to Reliance Communications Infrastructure Limited (“RCIL”), a separate wholly-owned
subsidiary of Reliance Communications Limited (“RCOM”), and (ii) RCOM converted 339,562
redeemable preferred shares of RGBV stock into 3,396 ordinary shares of RGBV stock, thereby
increasing RCOM’s holding of RGBV ordinary shares to 14,516 shares.

       Prior to the June 22, 2010, transactions, RCOM held 11,120 ordinary shares of RGBV stock,
representing 100% of RGBV’s then-issued and outstanding ordinary shares. RGBV, in turn, directly

  In April 2004 the Commission approved an application to modify this license to include the pro forma
condition in 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7) as an amendment to paragraph (5) of the license. See IBFS File
No. SCL-MOD-20040211-00005.
  RGL was formerly known as FLAG Telecom Group Limited, and notified the Commission of its
name change by a letter filed April 3, 2008.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
July 21, 2010
Page 2

held 86.50% of RGL’s issued and outstanding ordinary shares, while the remaining 13.50% was directly
held by RCOM itself and two other affiliates. See Exhibit 1 hereto.

        On June 22, 2010, RGBV issued 1,750 ordinary shares of its stock to RCIL, a separate wholly-
owned subsidiary of RCOM, thereby inserting RCIL in the ownership chain below RCOM and above
RGBV and RGL. Also on June 22, 2010, RCOM converted 339,562 redeemable preferred shares of
RGBV stock into 3,396 ordinary shares of RGBV stock, bringing RCOM’s total holding of RGBV
ordinary shares to 14,516 shares. After the June 22, 2010 transactions, RCOM directly owns 89.24% of
RGBV ordinary shares and RCIL directly owns the remaining 10.76%. 3 In contrast, the direct
shareholders of RGL remain unchanged: 86.50% continues to be held by RGBV and the remaining
13.50% continues to be held by RCOM (1.17%), Largerwood Investments Limited (9.42%), yet another
indirect and wholly-owned subsidiary of RCOM, and a RGL employees benefit trust (2.91%).
Therefore, RCOM continues to own, through direct or indirect means and via the Commission’s
attribution rules, 4 100% of RGL.

       This change in ownership interests at the intermediate level above RGBV does not change the
ultimate ownership or control of the international submarine cable landing license held by RGL. RCOM
continues to be the ultimate corporate parent of RGL, and RCOM, in turn, continues to be majority-
owned and controlled by Mr. Anil Ambani.

        As the foregoing transactions (1) resulted in no actual change in control over RGL; (2) merely
inserted a separate wholly owned subsidiary of RCOM into the ownership chain as an intermediate
minority shareholder in RGBV, the primary direct parent of RGL; and (3) allows RCOM to retain,
directly or indirectly and via the Commission’s attribution rules, 100% ownership over RGL, they were
pro forma as defined in Section 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d) (“Transfers of
control or assignments that do not result in a change in the actual controlling party are considered non-
substantial or pro forma.”); see also id., Note 2 to Paragraph (d) (stating that “[a]ssignment or transfer
from a corporation to a wholly owned direct or indirect subsidiary thereof, or vice versa” and
“[c]orporate reorganization that involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership of the
corporation” are presumptively pro forma). RGL further certifies, as required by Rule 1.767(g)(7), that
this pro forma transaction taken together with all previous pro forma transactions does not result in a
change in the licensee’s ultimate control. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7).

 See Exhibit 1 for a diagram depicting the corporate structure prior to the pro forma transactions. See
Exhibit 2 for a diagram depicting the corporate structure after the pro forma transactions.
    See 47 C.F.R. § 63.18 Note to Paragraph (h).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
July 21, 2010
Page 3

        Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Christopher C. Tai
                                             Stephanie A. Roy

                                             Counsel for Reliance Globalcom Limited

Document Created: 2010-07-21 15:29:42
Document Modified: 2010-07-21 15:29:42

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