Attachment Primus SCL Assignmen

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20090616-00019 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
Primus Telecommunications Group,               )
Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession             )
                                               )               File No. SCL-ASG_______
and                                            )
Primus Telecommunications, Inc.,               )
 (Licensee)                                    )
for Approval of Assignment of an Interest in a )
U.S. Submarine Cable Landing License Held      )



       Primus Telecommunications, Inc. (“PTI” or “Licensee”) along with its ultimate parent

company, Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession (“PTGI”;

together with PTI, “Applicants”), through undersigned counsel and pursuant to an Act Relating

to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39

(1994), Executive Order No. 10530, and Section 1.767 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 1.767, respectfully request that the Commission, to the extent that it deems that an indirect

transfer of control of Licensee will occur and such authority is necessary, grant requisite

authority in connection with a planned consensual financial restructuring (“Restructuring”) of

PTGI under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Pursuant to the Restructuring, it is

contemplated that approximately $315 million, or over 50%, of the outstanding principal debt

obligations of PTGI and affiliated non-operating holding companies, including Primus

Telecommunications Holding, Inc. (“PTHI”), will be reduced.1 In addition, interest payments

will be reduced by over 50% and certain debt maturities will be extended. The combination of

these outcomes will dramatically improve the liquidity of the affected entities.

         Currently, equity ownership of PTGI is widely dispersed so that no entity wields legal

(de jure) or actual (de facto) control of PTGI. At the completion of the Restructuring,

Applicants do not expect that any single entity or group of entities will obtain or hold a

majority interest or the ability to exercise actual working control in PTGI (or, indirectly, in the

Licensee).2 This purely financial Restructuring, in which the existing equity in PTGI will be

extinguished and certain note holders will exchange their debt for equity in the restructured

PTGI, will enable the Licensee’s current operations to continue without interruption or any

changes to the rates, terms and conditions of the services that their customers currently

receive. The Restructuring only involves non-operating holding companies and will therefore

be entirely transparent with respect to services provided to the Licensee’s customers.

         The Applicants respectfully request streamlined, expedited treatment of this

Application pursuant to Section 1.767(j) and (k) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

1.767(j) and (k). This Application qualifies for streamlined treatment because none of the

Applicants is affiliated with any foreign telecommunications carriers, and none of the

scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c)(2)-(4) of the Commission’s Rules applies.

       On April 14, 2009, Applicants notified the Commission that PTGI, the ultimate parent
of Licensee, and PTHI, the direct parent of PTI, each filed a petition with the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware to reorganize under Chapter 11. The Chapter
11 cases are being jointly administered under the caption In Re: Primus Telecommunications
Group, Incorporated, et al., Debtors Case No. 09-10867 (KG).
       The precise distribution of equity ownership of PTGI will not be known until PTGI
emerges from bankruptcy. Upon emergence, the new equity will be predominantly owned by
note holders who will exchange their debt for stock.


         Primus Telecommunications, Inc. (“PTI”) is a corporation organized pursuant to the

laws of the State of Delaware and maintains its principal offices at 7901 Jones Branch Drive,

Suite 900, McLean, Virginia 22102.              PTI is authorized to provide interexchange

telecommunications services in 49 states and the District of Columbia pursuant to

certification, registration or tariff requirements, or on a deregulated basis. In addition, PTI

holds competitive local exchange carrier authority in 8 states and the Commonwealth of

Puerto Rico. PTI is also authorized by the Commission to provide interstate and international

services as a non-dominant carrier.


         On March 16, 2009, PTGI and certain of its non-operating holding company affiliates

(not including Licensee) filed petitions with the Bankruptcy Court to reorganize under Chapter

11 (hereinafter, PTGI and the other Debtors will be referred to as the “Debtors”).3 The Debtors,

along with certain secured creditors and note holders, have agreed on a proposed Plan, which,

among other things, will materially improve the capital structure and liquidity of the company in

order to ensure that its operating subsidiaries, including the Licensee, will have access to

sufficient financial resources needed to meet their working capital, debt service and capital

expenditure needs. The financial Restructuring and consummation of the Plan will allow the

Debtors to emerge from bankruptcy and eliminate approximately $315 million of debt.

Among other things, the Plan provides that (1) the common stock now held by the equity

holders of PTGI will be extinguished as of the effective date of the Plan and (2) certain note

holders will receive substantially all the new common stock of the reorganized PTGI in

exchange for releasing their claims. Currently, the equity ownership of PTGI (and, indirectly,


of Licensee) is widely held such that no entity wields legal, majority control or exercises

actual working control over PTGI’s voting stock. Following consummation of the Plan, it is

expected that reorganized PTGI’s equity will also be held by diverse and unaffiliated entities,

such that after the Plan is consummated, no entity is expected to hold legal majority control or

actual working control of PTGI’s voting stock. Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request

authority, to the extent required, to transfer indirect control of the Licensee in connection with a

planned consensual Restructuring that will change the capital structure of PTGI.

         Given that the proposed transaction only involves non-operating holding company

entities, Licensee expects that the proposed transaction will be entirely transparent to its

customers. The proposed transaction will not result in any transfer of Licensee’s operating

authority, change Licensee’s managerial and technical capabilities to provide service, or

change the day-to-day operations of the cable systems.

III.     The Proposed Transaction Will Serve the Public Interest

          Applicants submit that the financial Restructuring serves the public interest. In

particular: (1) the Restructuring will enhance the financial strength of PTGI and therefore of

Licensee and (2) the Restructuring will benefit competition in the federal telecommunications

market by ensuring that Licensee remains a viable competitor.

         The Restructuring is primarily related to the capital structure and ultimate ownership

of PTGI and will not affect Licensee’s operations. The company that emerges from

bankruptcy will be much stronger financially with significantly reduced debt. In addition,

PTGI’s improved financial position is expected to benefit the operations of the Licensee. The

continued vitality of PTGI and its operating companies after the completion of the bankruptcy

       See Primus Telecommunications Group Incorporated, et. al., Debtors, Case Nos. 09-
10867 (KG) through 09-10970 (KG), U.S. Bankruptcy Court (DE filed Mar. 16, 2009).

will assure that the Licensee will be positioned to continue to offer competitive services to the

ultimate benefit of consumers.

         Moreover, the Restructuring will not adversely impact Licensee’s customers because

the Restructuring is not expected to adversely affect Licensee’s managerial or technical

capabilities or qualifications to provide service. Licensee’s rates, terms and conditions of

services will be unaffected by the Restructuring. Therefore, the Restructuring is expected to

be transparent to the Licensee’s customers.

IV.      Information Required by Section 1.767 of the Commission’s Rules

         In support of this Application, the Applicants submit the following information

pursuant to Section 1.767 of the Commission’s Rules:

(1)      Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:

         Primus Telecommunications, Inc.                             FRN: 0004317798
         7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
         McLean, Virginia 22102
         Tel: (703) 902-2800

         Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated               FRN: 0009832866
         7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
         McLean, Virginia 22102
         Tel: (703) 902-2800

(2)      Jurisdiction of Applicants:

                Primus Telecommunications, Inc. is organized under the laws of Delaware.
                Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated is organized under the laws
                of Delaware.

(3)      Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

                Catherine Wang
                Danielle Burt
                Katie B. Besha
                Bingham McCutchen LLP
                2020 K Street, NW
                Washington, D.C. 20006

                (202) 373-6000 (Tel)
                (202) 373-6001 (Fax)

                with copies to:

                Legal Department
                c/o John DePodesta
                Primus Telecommunications, Inc.
                7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
                McLean, Virginia 22102
                Tel: (703) 902-2800

(4)      PTI holds an interest in the Japan-U.S. Cable Network, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-
         19981117-00025. A description of this system is on file with the Commission and is
         incorporated by reference herein.

(5)      A general description of the cable landing location is already on file with the
         Commission in the original license files and is incorporated by reference herein.

(6)      The Japan-U.S. Cable Network is operated on a non-common carrier basis.

(7)      As a result of the proposed transaction, PTI’s ownership interest in the Japan-U.S.
         Cable Network will remain with PTI. The ultimate ownership of PTI, and thus
         indirectly PTI’s interest in the Japan-U.S. Cable Network will be transferred to PTGI.
         The ownership interests other entities hold in the Japan-U.S. Cable Network will not
         change as a result of the proposed transaction.

(8)      Certification and Ownership Information Required by Section 63.18(h)-(o) of the
         Commission’s Rules:

                (h) Pre-restructuring Ownership:

                The following entity currently holds ten percent (10%) or more interest in
                Primus Telecommunications, Inc.:

                       Name:                  Primus Telecommunications Holding, Inc.,
                       Address:               7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
                                              McLean, VA 22102
                       Citizenship:           Delaware, U.S.
                       Interest Held:         100%
                       Principal Business:    Telecommunications


               The following entity currently holds ten percent (10%) or more interest in
               Primus Telecommunications Holding, Inc., Debtor-in-Possession:

                      Name:                   Primus Telecommunications Group,
                                              Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession
                      Address:                7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
                                              McLean, VA 22102
                      Citizenship:            Delaware, U.S.
                      Interest Held:          100%
                      Principal Business:     Telecommunications

               The following entity currently holds ten percent (10%) or more interest in
               Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession:

                      Name:                   American International Group, Inc.
                      Address:                70 Pine Street
                                              New York, NY 10270
                      Citizenship:            U.S.
                      Interest Held:          13.12%
                      Principal Business:     Investment

               No other person or entity, directly or indirectly, currently owns or controls ten
               percent (10%) or more of the Primus Telecommunications Group,
               Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession.

               Post-restructuring Ownership:

               The following entity will hold ten percent (10%) or more interest in Primus
               Telecommunications, Inc.:

                      Name:                   Primus Telecommunications Holding, Inc.
                      Address:                7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
                                              McLean, VA 22102
                      Citizenship:            Delaware, U.S.
                      Interest Held:          100%
                      Principal Business:     Telecommunications

               The following entity will hold ten percent (10%) or more interest in Primus
               Telecommunications Holding, Inc.:

                      Name:                   Primus Telecommunications Group, Inc.
                      Address:                7901 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 900
                                              McLean, VA 22102
                      Citizenship:            Delaware, U.S.
                      Interest Held:          100%
                      Principal Business:     Telecommunications


                Following the Restructuring, no entity is expected to hold more than ten
                percent (10%) of Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated.

                Applicants will not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

         (i)    Applicants certify that they are not foreign carriers, nor are they affiliated with
                a foreign carrier, nor will Applicants be affiliated with a foreign carrier as a
                result of the Restructuring.

         (j)    Applicants certify that they do not seek to provide international
                telecommunications services to any destination country where:
                (1)    An Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (2)    An Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (3)    Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, controls a
                       foreign carrier in that country; or
                (4)    Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers)
                       own, in the aggregate more than 25 percent of the Applicants and are
                       parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the
                       provision or marketing or international basic telecommunications
                       services in the United States.

         (k)    Not applicable.

         (l)    Not applicable.

         (m)    Not applicable.

         (n)    Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions
                directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.
                international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the
                foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

         (o)    Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits
                pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C.
                § 853a. See also 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003.

         (p)    Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined
                processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47
                C.F.R. §63.12(a)-(b). In particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because
                none of the Applicants are or are affiliated with any foreign carriers and none
                of the scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47
                C.F.R. § 63.12(c), apply.

(9)      Applicants certify that they accept and will abide by the routine conditions set forth in
         Section 1.767(g) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g).


(10)     This Application qualifies for streamlined processing under Section 1.767(j) and (k) of
         the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j) and (k) because PTGI is not a foreign
         carrier or affiliated with a foreign carrier in any of the cable’s destination markets.


         Based on the foregoing, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                          By: /s/ Danielle Burt

                                              Catherine Wang
                                              Danielle Burt
                                              Katie B. Besha
                                              Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                              2020 K Street, NW
                                              Washington, D.C. 20006
                                              (202) 373-6000 (Tel)
                                              (202) 373-6001 (Fax)

                                              Counsel to Applicants

Dated: June 15, 2009





        I, John F. DePodesta, state that I am Executive Vice President of Primus

 Telecommunications         Group,   Incorporated,    the     ultimate     parent   of   Primus

 Telecommunications, Inc.; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

 supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,

 information, and belief.

        I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

15‘day ofJune, 2009.

                                                         cla F. DEdacta
                                                         hn F. DePodesta
                                                         xecutive Vice Presidenat
                                                      Primus Telecommunications Group,

Document Created: 2009-06-15 18:51:12
Document Modified: 2009-06-15 18:51:12

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