Reply to Comments.PD


Reply to Comments


This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20090506-00009 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                   Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
CARIBBEAN CROSSINGS LTD.                       )      File No. SCL—T/C—20090506
Application for Authority pursuant to          )
Cable Landing License Act                      )
for transfer of control                        )

                                          Reply to Comments

       Caribbean Crossings Ltd. ("CCL"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.45 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.45, hereby submits its response to the "Comments regarding

Transfer of Control Application" ("Comments") filed by the Television Association of

Programmers Latin America ("TAP"). For the reasons set forth herein CCL respectfully submits

that the issue raised in the TAP Comments is irrelevant to the Commission‘s consideration of the

transfer of control proposed by CCL, and should be rejected.

       By its own admission, "TAP does not raise any issue regarding the specific facts of the

transfer of control proposals contained in Caribbean Crossing‘s [sic] application. The corporate

structure and various equity arrangements of the entities responsible for this license are not of

our concern. We are not asking that the Commission revoke the current license."        Comments,

pp. 2—3.   Rather, TAP requests that the Commission consult with its interagency colleagues

"regarding the legal deficiencies in Bahamian law that adversely affect the rights and interests of

U.S. companies in the premium pay television sector to protect their copyrighted products and

signals in that market."   Id. at p. 3.    TAP also requests that the Commission review CCl‘s

transfer of control application under its normal procedures, and not through the streamlined

process CCL has requested, "so that the Commission [can] consult with its interagency

 colleagues regarding the current legal situation in The Bahamas that harms the
                                                                                ability of U.S.

 companies to distribute legitimate program—encrypted programming in that market and to review

the role that investors involved in the pending application play in this situation."

         CCL respectfully submits that the proper forum for the issues which TAP has raised is

the United States Trade Representative ("USTR"), and not the Commission; that the issues TAP

has raised, are, by its own admission irrelevant to the transfer of control approval which CCL

seeks, and that TAP‘s efforts to delay the grant of CCL‘s filing pending clarification of "the

current legal situation in The Bahamas" should be rejected.

        In its Comments, TAP correctly notes that the issues it has raised are under review by the

USTR. What TAP neglects to mention, however, is that in April of this year, in its 2009 Special

301 Report, the USTR rejected TAP‘s February 2009 request to place The Bahamas on its

Special 301 Priority Watch List.‘ Instead, the USTR announced that it would review the IPR

practices of beneficiaries "including the Bahamas" as part of its bi—annual review of the operation

of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act. TAP also neglects to mention that the USTR‘s

decision not to place The Bahamas on its Special 301 Priority Watch List reflected an

improvement in the USTR‘s treatment of The Bahamas, which had been placed on the Watch

List from 2000 through 2006.           While CCL agrees that compliance with copyright law

requirements throughout the world is a legitimate concern of the USTR, the facts in this case

adequately reflect that the USTR has considered and rejected the relief TAP has requested, and

has in fact downgraded any concern the agency previously had with respect to The Bahamas.

!         Compare February 17, 2009 letter from TAP to Stanford McCoy, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative
(attached       hereto)     with     April     30,    2009      Special    301       Report,     p.     3.
http://www .ustr. gov/sites/default/files/Full%20Version%200f%620the?202009%20SPECIAL%®20301%20REPORT.

       Again, CCL respectfully submits that the proper forum for the issues TAP has presented

is the USTR and not the Commission, and>CCL notes that, consistent with the Commission‘s

rules it has served a copy of its application on the U.S. Commerce Department, along with other

Executive Branch Agencies, and anticipates that any concerns which the USTR may have

concerning its application will be communicated to it through that process. Thus far, CCL has

received no such communication.

       In light of these considerations, CCL respectfully submits that TAP‘s Comments are

irrelevant to the Commission‘s consideration of CCL‘s proposed transfer of control, and that the

issues which TAP has raised are, in any event, beyond the control of CCL and its parent


       WHEREFORE, Caribbean Crossings Ltd. respectfully requests the Commission to reject

TAP‘s Comments.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Eric Fishman
                                    Holland & Knight LLP
                                    195 Broadway
                                    New York, New York 10007
                                    (212) 513—3268
                                    Counsel to Caribbean Crossings Ltd.

July 6, 2009

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I, Eric Fishman, hereby certify that I have served copies of the foregoing Reply, by hand—

or overnight delivery on this 6°" of July 2009, to the following:

                         Richard Beaird
                         Acting U.S. Coordinator
                         Int‘l Communications & Information Policy
                         Bureau of Economic, Energy & Business Affairs
                         U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                         EB/CIP : Room 4826
                         2201 C Street, NW.
                         Washington, D.C. 20520—5818

                         Kathy Smith
                         Chief Counsel
                         U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/NTIA
                         14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                         Room 4713
                         Washington, D.C. 20230

                         Hillary Morgan
                         Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory &
                           International Law
                         Code RGC
                         701 South Courthouse Road
                         Arlington, Virginia 22204

                        Sean Spencer
                        Television Association of Programmers — Latin
                        P.O. Box 562917
                        Miami, Florida 33156—2917

                        Eric Fishman

# 8692360_vI

Document Created: 2019-04-20 12:25:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 12:25:46

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