
COMMENT submitted by Television Association of Programmers Latin America

Exhibit 2 (TAP Filing to FCC)


This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20090506-00009 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


 WORLD TRADE                                                                 WT/ACC/BHS/1
                                                                             10 May 2001
                                                                             Original: English


                             Request for Accession Pursuant to Article XII

        The Director—General has received the following communication from the Government ofthe
Commonwealth of the Bahamas with the request that it be included on the agenda of the next General

        The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presents its compliments to the
Director of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and has the honour to advise of its decision to apply
for membership in the WTO under Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.

         As a small island economy, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas is mindful of the necessity of
full participation in the international trading system and, to that end, looks forward to becoming a
member of the WTO in accordance with the procedures established for accession. 1 should therefore
like you to place our application before the General Council at its next meeting.

        The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas remains at your disposal and at the
disposal of the governments of all WTO Members for any further information that may be required
with regard to its application for accession.

WTO | accession — Summary Table of Ongoing Accessions                                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 2

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                                                                                                                                                                                      > angoing accessions

                             ACCESSIONS: ONGOING ACCESSIONS
                             Summary Table of Ongoing Accessions
                             (Updated April 2009)

                             Application   Working Party      Memorandum   First/Latest® Working Party   Number of Working Party      Goods Offer          Services Offer          Draft Working Party
                                            Established                              Meeting                   Meetings *                                                                Report **
                                                                                                                                    initlal   latest*     initial     latest*

 Afghanistan                  Nov 2004D       ec 2004           Apr 2009
 Algeria                      Jun 1987       Jun 1987           Jul 1996       Apr 1998/Jan 2008                   10              Feb 2002 Nov 2007 Mar 2002 Nov 2007                  Jun 2006
 Aandorra                     Jul 1997       Oct 1997          Mar 1999             Oct 1999                        1              Sep 1999             Sep 1999
 Azerbalian                   Jun 1997       Jul 1997          Apr 1999        Jun 2002/Dec 2008                    6              May 2005 Feb 2008 May 2005 Mar 2007                Dec 2008 (FS)
 Bahamas                      May 2001        Jul 2001
 Belarus                      Sep 1993       Oct 1993          Jan 1996        Jun 1997 /May 2005                   7              Mar 1998 May 2006 Feb 2000 Sep 2006                Jun 2007 (FS)
 Bhutas                       Sep 1999       Oct 1999          Feb 2003        Nov 2004/Jan 2008                    4              Aug 2005 Nov 2007 Aug 2005 Nov 2007                  Dec 2007
 Bosniaand Herzegovina        May 1999       Jul 1999          Oct 2002        Nov 2003/Mars 2009                   6              Oct 2004 Feb 2007 Oct 2004 Feb 2007                  Feb 2009
 Comoros                      Feb 2007       Oct 2007
                              Feb 2007       Feb 2008
        3                     Jan 2003       Feb 2003           Jan 2007            May 2008                        1
 iran                         Jul 1996       May 2005
 iraq                         Sep 2004       Dec 2004          Sep 2005       May 2007/April 2008                   2
 Kazakhstan                   Jan 1996       Feb 1996          Sep 1996        Mar 1997/Jul 2008                   10              Jun 1997 May 2004 Sep 1997 Jun 2004                  Jun 2008
 Lao        e‘s Democratic    Jul 1997       Feb 1998          Mar 2001        Oct 2004/Jul 2008                    4              Nov 2006 Jun 2008 Oct 2007 Jun 2008                Jun 2008 (FS)

 Lebanese Republic            Jan 1999       Apr 1999           Jun 2001       Oct 2002/Feb 2009                    6              Nov 2003 Jun 2004 Nov 2003 Jun 2004                  Oct 2008
 Liberia, Republic of         Jun 2007       Dec 2007
 Libyan Arab Jamahiriva       Jun 2004        Jul 2004

 Montenegro                   Dec 2004       Feb 2005          Mar 2005        Oct 2005/Nov 2008                    7                  Draft Schedule        Draft Schedule             Jan 2009
                                                                                                                                        Dec 2008              Dec 2008
 RussianFederation            Jun 1993       Jun 1993           Mar 1994       Jul 1995/Mar 2006                   30              Feb 1998 Feb 2001 Oct 1999 Jun 2002                  Oct 2004
 Samoa                        Apr 1998        Jul 1998          Feb 2000            Mar 2002                        1              Aug 2001              Aug 2001 Feb 2006              Nov 2006
 SaoTameandPrincipe           Jan 2005       May 2005
                              Dec 2004       Feb 2005          Mar 2005        Oct 2005/Dec 2008                    6              Apr 2006 Nov 2008 Oct 2006 Nov 2008                  Nov 2008
                              May 1995        Jul 1995          Aug 1996            Feb 1997                        1              Jun 1997             May 1997                        Jun 1997

http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/ace_e/status_e.htm                                                                                                                                         6/16/2009

WTO | accession — Summary Table of Ongoing Accessions                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 2

 Sudan                                Oct 1994              Oct 1994               Jan 1999               Jul 2003/Mar 2004                             2                     Jul 2004 Oct 2006 Jun 2004 Oct 2006     Sep 2004 (FS)
 Talikistan                           May 2001              Jut 2001               Feb 2003               Mar 2004/0ct 2006                             3                     Feb 2004 Mar 2009 Feb 2004 Mar 2009     May 2006 (FS)
 Urbekistan                               Dec 1994          Dec 1994               Oct 1998                Jul 2002/0ct 2005                            3                     Sep 2005          Sep 2005
 Yanuatu                                  Jut 1995          Jul 1995               Nov 1995                Jul 1996/0ct 1999                            2                     Nov 1997 Nov 1999 Nov 1997 Nov 1999   Accession Package
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oct 2001
 Yemen                                    Apr 2000          Jul 2000               Nov 2002               Nov 2004/Oct 2008                             5                     Sep 2005 Aug 2008 Aug 2005 Aug 2008       Aug 2008

 * As of the date of this document. bas        t
 ** Most recent Factual Summary (FS), draft Working Party Report or Elements of draft Working Party Report. back

                                                                                 contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH—1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland

http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/ace_e/status_e.htm                                                                                                                                                                      6/16/2009

 WORLD TRADE                                                            WT/ACC/11/Rev.7
                                                                        18 May 2007


           Note by the Secretariat: State of Play and In formation on Current Accessions


       This paper contains summary information on the state of current applications for accession
and accession Working Parties. Summary information on completed accessions can be found in the
latest revision of document WT/ACC/10.

                This document has been prepared under the Secretariat‘s own
                responsibility and without prejudice to the positions ofMembers
                and to their rights and obligations under the WTO

                                                                                                                                       WT/ACC/1 1/Rev.7
                                                                                                                                                 Page i

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

L)}10} 116oni (o) ooo 1
—        Recently Completed Accessions ..........                                               eesssessessesssscssessscssessees                                      1
—        ONGOING ACCESSIOMS .....200000000000ssssss0e0rsssessesessessees esc es s es ces ces es ces es ces ces en ons oee ceves she eb ce c aee sc cesc ons ces s oeee 1
SUMMARY TABLE OF ONGOING A CCESSIONS 2222202222000000000000sreseesesesesesseessesesesessesescsccsecsscces 2
STATUS OF ACCESSION WORKING PARTIES....22020202002000000200008 0800080000 sseee es esc seesc esesc ces ces cssccesc cce e 4

                                                                                                    WT/IACC/I 1 /Rev.7
                                                                                                                Page 1


This document contains information on the status of ongoing WTO accessions, including a brief
description of the current state of play for each accession‘. A comprehensive technical note on the
accession process, containing information on completed accessions, is presented in the latest revision
of document WT/ACC/10.

=—        Recently Completed Accessions

The General Council approved Viet Nam‘s accession package on 7 November 2006. Viet Nam
became the WTO‘s 150th member on 11 January 2007. The accession package of the Kingdom of
Tonga was adopted at the Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference (15 December 2006). Tonga will
become a Member of the WTO 30 days after notifying the WTO of the domestic ratification of the
accession package.

—         Ongoing Accessions

As of the date of this document, the following governments are in the process of accession to the
WTO (in alphabetical order):
1.        Afghanistan                                        15.       Lebanese Republic
2.        Algeria                                            16.      Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
3.        Andotra                                            17.      Montenegro
4.        Azerbaijan                                         18.      Russian Federation
5.        Bahamas                                            19.      Samoa
6.        Belarus                                            20.       Sao Tomé and Principe
7.        Bhutan                                             21.      Serbia
8.        Bosnia and Herzegovina                             22.      Seychelles
9.        Cape Verde                                         23.      Sudan
10.       Ethiopia                                           24.      Tajikistan
11.       Iran                                               25.      Ukraine
12.       Iraq                                               26.      Uzbekistan
13.       Kazakhstan                                         27.      Vanuatu*
14.       Lao People‘s Democratic Republic                   28.      Yemen
* The final meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of Vanuatu was held on 29 October 2001.

   23 Applicants have submitted a Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime — a key
document containing the factual information needed for activating the work of the Working
      21 Working Parties have held their first meeting;
    21 Applicants have tabled their offers on goods and/or services to initiate bilateral market
access negotiations with interested Members; and
    A draft Working Party Report or Elements of a draft Report (a document that lays down
the basis for the draft Working Party Report) has been prepared for 10 Applicants.

A Working Party has not yet been established to examine a request for accession from Syria
(documents WT/ACC/SYR/1, 2 and 3), Equatorial Guinea (document WT/ACC/GNQ/1) and
the Comoros (document WT/ACC/COM/1).

          ‘ Up—to—date information on the state of play in ongoing WTO accessions is available at www.wto.org.

                                                              SUMMARY TABLE OF ONG OING ACCESSIONS

                                                                                                                                                                                                      L ASYU/TI/DOV/LM
                                                                                                                                                                                               7 o3
                                                                                                                                                                                               C 0
                                              Tork        —                  First/Latest*®    Number of        Goods Offer            Services Offer            ft       orking       Party
           Country             Application   W;;:;giiiggy       Memorandum      Working       Working Party   [~~~~              ..   TT                 .   Draft ;{i010};2% Party
                                               >                             Party Meeting      Meetings      initial   latest        initial   latest                P

Afghanistan                     Nov 2004       Dec 2004

       &                                                                      Apr 1998                         Feb       Jan           Mar       Jan
Algeria                          Jun 1987      Jun 1987           Jul 1996     Oct 2005             9         2002      2005          2002      2005                  Jun 2006

                                 Jul 1997      Oct 1997          Mar 1999      Oct 1999             1          Sep
       .. —                                                                    Jun 2002/                      May        Apr          May       Mar
Azerbaijan                       Jun 1997
                                               Jul 1997
                                                                 Apr. 1999     Mar 2006             4         2005       2007         2005      2007

Bahamas                         May 2001       Jul 2001

       .                                                                      Jun 1997/                       Mar        May           Feb        Sep              .3
Belarus                          Sep 1993      Oct 1993          Jan 1996     May 2005              7         1998       2006         2000       2006           Apr 2005 (FS)

                                  .                                           Nov 2004/                       Aug        Apr          Aug        Apr
Bhutan                           Sep 1999      Oct 1999          Feb 2003      Oct 2006             3         2005       2007         2003       2007                 Sep 2006
Bosnia and
RMeiG                                                                9        Nov 2003/                        Oct        Jun          Oct       June                              a
Herzegovina                     May 1999       dul 1999          Oct 2002      Mar 2007             3         2004       2005         2004       2005           Feb 2007 (FS)
 —          .                         ,                                       Mar 2004/                        Nov       Nov           Nov       Nov                               «
Cape Verde                      Nov 1999       Jul 2000           Jul 2003     Tul 2005             3         2004       2005         2004       2006                 Nov 2005

Ethiopia                         Jan 2003      Feb 2003           Jan 2007

Iran                             Jul 1996      May 2005

Iraq                             Sep 2004      Dec 2004          Sep 2005

                                  ,                                           Mar 1997/                        Jun       May           Sep        Jun
Kazakhstan                       Jan 1996      Feb 1996          Sep 1996     Nov 2006              9          1997      2004          1997      2004                 Sep 2006

Lao People‘s                                    R                              Oct 2004/                      Nov
Democratic Republic              Tul 1997      Feb 1998          Mar 2001      Nov 2006             2         2006
                     .                                                         Oct 2002/                      Nov         Jun         Nov         Jun
Lebanese Republic
Republic                                C
                                 —Jan 1999     Apr 1999           Jun 2001     May 2007             5         2003       2004         2003       2004                 Mar 3 2007

           * In alphabetical order.

                                                         .                         First/Latest*      Number of       Goods Offer           Services Offer            o         a
                Country      Application     W;q?;g}igsiggy      Memorandum          Working        Working Party   [~—~~              x   hns                x   Draft ;\20222% Party
                                                                                  Party Meeting        Meetings     initial   latest       initial   latest                 P

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya         Jun 2004         Jul 2004

                                                 :           c      ar 2   a        Oct 2005/                        Jun       Feb          Jul       Jun
Montenegro                    Dec 2004          Feb 2005          Mar  2005         Feb 2007                 3      2006      2007         2005      2006

     us            e                                         4                       Jul 1995/                       Feb       Feb          Oct       Jun
Russian Federation             Jun 1993         Jun 1993          Mar 1994          Mar 2006                 30     1998      2001         1999       2002                Oct 2004

                                                                                                                    Aug                    Aug        Feb
 Samoa                         Apr 1998          Jul 1998         Feb 2000          Mar 2002                 1      2001                   2001       2006                Nov 2006

 Sao Tomé and Principe         Jan 2005         May 2005

    o .
 Serbia                        Dec 2004
                                                Feb 2005              2 c
                                                                  Mar 2005
                                                                                    Oct 2005/
                                                                                    Dec 2006                 3
                                        a                                                                            Jun                   May
 Seychelles                   May 1995           Jul 1995         Aug 1996           Feb 1997                1       1997                   1997                          Jun 1997
                                                  .                                 Jul 2003/                        Jul        Oct         Jun        Oct                     o
 Sudan                         Oct 1994         Oct 1994           Jan 1999         Mar 2004                 2      2004       2006        2004       2006           Sep 2004 (FS)
  n ie
Tajikistan                    May 2001           Jul 2001
                                                                   Feb 2003
                                                                                    Mar  2004/
                                                                                     Oct 2006                3
                                                                                                                                                      2006          May 2006 (FS)

          ha                                                                        Feb 1995/                        May       May          Feb        Jun
 Ukraine                      Nov 1993          Dec 1993           Jul 1994          Jun 2006                16      1999      2002         1997      2004                Apr 2007

          uho                                        L                               Jul 2002/                       Sep                    Sep
 Uzbekistan                    Dec 1994         Dec 1994           Oct 1998          Oct 2005                3      2005                   2005

                                                             c         ,             Jul 1996/                       Nov       Nov          Nov       Nov         Accession Package
 Yanuatu                       Tul 1995          Tul 1995         Nov 1995           Oct 1999                2       1997      1999         i1997     1999                Oct 2001
                                                                       ,            Nov 2004/                        Sep        Jun        Aug         Jun                     .
 Yemen                         Apr 2000          Jul 2000         Nov 2002           Jul 2006                3      2005       2006        2003       2006           Jun 2006 (FS)

* As of the date of this document.
** Most recent Factual Summary (FS), draft Working Party Report or Elements of draft Working Party Report.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  L APY/TI1/OOV/ILMA
                                                                                                                                                                                         £ 382q

                                                                              WT/ACC/I1 1/Rev.7
                                                                                         Page 9


A Working Party to examine the application of the Bahamas was established at the General Council
meeting on 18 July 2001. The Bahamas has not yet submitted a Memorandum on the Foreign Trade
Regime. The Working Party has not yet met.

 Application Received                   10 May 2001       WT/ACC/BHS/1
 Working Party Established              18 July 2001      WT/GC/M/66
 Chairperson: to be designated
 Questions and Replies
 Meetings of the Working Party
 Other Documentation
 (a)   Additional Questions & Replies
 (b)   Agriculture (WT/AACC/4)
 (c) Services (WT/ACC/3)
 (d) SPS/TBT (WT/ACC/8)
 (e) TRIPS (WT/ACC/)
 (f)   Legislative Action Plan
 Market Access Negotiations
       Goods Offer
       Services Offer
 Factual Summary
 Draft Working Party Report

Document Created: 2009-06-18 16:01:07
Document Modified: 2009-06-18 16:01:07

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