Attachment CCL TC Narrative 050

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20090506-00009 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                  Before the
                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
CARIBBEAN CROSSINGS LTD.                             )      File No.
Application for Authority pursuant to                )
Cable Landing License Act                            )
for transfer of control                              )

                            Transfer of Control Application

       Caribbean Crossings Ltd. (“Caribbean Crossings”), by its attorneys and

pursuant to the Cable Landing License Act, hereby requests authority to effectuate

a transfer of control in its parent corporation, Cable Bahamas Ltd. ("Cable

Bahamas") from Columbus Communications Ltd. ("Columbus") to the remainder of

the shareholders of Cable Bahamas, none of whom will hold a controlling equity or

voting interest in Cable Bahamas.            For the reasons set forth below, Caribbean

Crossings respectfully submits that grant of this application will serve the public

interest and should be granted on a streamlined basis.1

       Background. Caribbean Crossings is a company duly organized and existing

under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and is a wholly owned

subsidiary of Cable Bahamas. Pursuant to authority granted by the Commission on

June 20, 2000, Caribbean Crossings operates the Bahamas Internet Cable System

(“BICS”), extending between the United States and The Bahamas.                        Caribbean

1       Concurrently with this submission, Trinity Communications Ltd. ("Trinity"), an affiliate of
Caribbean Crossings which holders Section 214 operating authority, has filed an application for
transfer of control of Cable Bahamas as it relates to Trinity's own authorization

Crossings Ltd., DA 00-1349, released June 20, 2000. By Public Notice Report No.

TEL-00607, DA 02-3357, released December 5, 2002, the Commission approved the

modification of Caribbean Crossings’ license to permit the construction of a second

fiber optic link and a self-healing fiber ring between The Bahamas and the United

States. FCC File No. SCL-MOD-20020925-00094 P.

      Cable Bahamas is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of

the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. At present, the controlling shareholder of

Cable Bahamas is Columbus, which owns a 30.2% equity interest in Cable

Bahamas, and, pursuant to Section 76 of the Memorandum and Articles of Cable

Bahamas, Columbus is authorized to elect three (3) of the five (5) directors of Cable

Bahamas, provided that Columbus holds not less than 20% of Cable Bahamas'

shares. This latter provision, which the FCC approved four years ago, effectively

gives Columbus effective working control of Cable Bahamas, notwithstanding its

less than 50% equity interest.2

      The other current owners of Cable Bahamas owning 5% or more of its capital

stock are: the National Insurance Board, an instrumentality of the Government of

The Bahamas (15.4%) and the Treasurer of the Government of The Bahamas

(5.1%).   Cable Bahamas' capital stock is publicly traded on the Bahamas

International Stock Exchange (BISX-CAB), with no other entity having a 5% or

greater interest in Cable Bahamas.

      Pursuant to the terms of a Share Purchase Agreement by and among Cable

Bahamas, Columbus and Columbus Communications Inc. ("CCI"), the indirect

2     See Public Notice, DA 05-237, released January 28, 2005.


parent of Columbus, Columbus has agreed to sell to Cable Bahamas, and Cable

Bahamas has agreed to purchase, 100% of the shares in Cable Bahamas currently

owned by Columbus.      Such services will be provided "without prejudice to the

responsibility of the Board of Cable Bahamas for the corporate governance of Cable

Bahamas," and CCI is required to perform the services "in compliance with all

applicable laws, enactments, orders, regulations, standards and other similar

instruments and all applicable provisions of this Agreement and will obtain and

maintain in force for the Term any and all licenses, permissions, authorizations,

consents and permits needed by Columbus to perform the Services in accordance

with the terms of this Agreement." The Agreement further provides that the

determination and finalization of the Cable Bahamas annual operating plan shall

be by Cable Bahamas alone. The term of the Management Plan is 5 years,

automatically renewable for successive one year terms thereafter.

      Pursuant to the terms of the Share Purchase Agreement, the parties have

also agreed to enter into a Management Agreement, pursuant to which CCI will

provide or procure certain management, advisory, and consultancy services to Cable

Bahamas, and a Reciprocal Services Agreement, pursuant to which the parties will

provide to each other certain services.

Section 1.767(a)(11) Information

      The following information is submitted, as required by Section 1.767(a)(11) of

the Commission’s Rules, in support of Caribbean Crossings’ request for



(1)   Name and Address of Applicant (Section 1.767(a)(1)):

      Caribbean Crossings Ltd.
      Robinson Road at Marathon
      P.O. Box CB-13050
      Nassau, Bahamas
      Phone: (242) 356-8960
      FAX: (242) 356-8985

      Name and address of Transferee:

      Cable Bahamas Ltd.
      Robinson Road at Marathon
      P.O. Box CB-13050
      Nassau, Bahamas
      Phone: (242) 356-8960
      FAX: (242) 356-8985

      Name and address of Transferor:

      Columbus Communications Ltd.
      6 Milton Street
      P.O. Box F-42498
      Freeport, Bahamas
      Phone: 242-350-8899
      FAX: 242-373-1336

(2)   Jurisdictions of Organization (Section 1.767(a)(2)):
      Caribbean Crossings is a corporation organized under the laws of the
Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Cable Bahamas is a corporation organized under
the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and each of its shareholders
holding a greater than 5% interest in the Company's shares is either a corporation
organized under the laws of The Bahamas, or a citizen of The Bahamas. Columbus
Communications Ltd. is a corporation organized under the laws of The Bahamas.
(3)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:
      Anthony J. Butler
      President and Chief Operating Officer
      Cable Bahamas Ltd.
      Robinson Road at Marathon
      P.O. Box 13050


       Phone: (242) 356-8960
       FAX: (242) 356-8985

       and to

       Brendan J. Paddick
       Chief Executive Officer
       Columbus Communications Ltd.
       6 Milton Street
       P.O. Box F-42498
       Freeport, Bahamas
       Phone: 242-350-8899
       FAX: 242-373-1336

       with copies to:

       Eric Fishman, Esq.
       Holland & Knight LLP
       195 Broadway
       24th Floor
       New York, NY
       Phone: (212) 513-3268
       FAX: 212-385-9010

(4)    Foreign Affiliations (Section 1.767(a)(8)):

       As a result of the proposed transaction, Caribbean Crossings will not have

affiliations with foreign carriers.3

       As noted above, the Bahamas Internet Cable System owned by Caribbean

Crossing connects Boca Raton, Florida and Hunters, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas.

In addition to its FCC submarine cable landing license, Caribbean Crossings is

licensed    by    the    Bahamas        Public    Utilities    Commission       to    provide

telecommunications service in The Bahamas on that network. The Bahamas has

observer status in the World Trade Organization, and has recently submitted its

3       In a contemporaneously filed application, Trinity Communications Ltd., a wholly owned
subsidiary of Caribbean Crossings which holds Section 214 operating authority, seeks Commission
approval for the transfer of control of Columbus Communications.


application for membership. The dominant, provider of telecommunications service

in The Bahamas is Bahamas Telecommunications Company, a Government-owned

entity, and Caribbean Crossings lacks market power in The Bahamas.

       For further information on existing foreign affiliations, see attached


(5)    Certification (Section 1.767(a)(9)):

       Caribbean Crossings hereby certifies that it accepts and will abide by the

routine conditions specified in Section 1.767(g) of the Commission’s rules.

(6)    Other Information (Section 1.767(a)(10)):

       Caribbean Crossings respectfully submits that grant of the instant

application will serve the public interest by permitting Caribbean Crossings to

continue to address the growing needs of its customers. The proposed transfer of

control will not result in any change in the policies and practices of Caribbean

Crossings, or in its long-standing commitment to provide state-of-the-art, affordable

service between the United States and The Bahamas.

Request for Streamlined Processing

       Applicant seeks streamlined processing for the instant application pursuant

to the Commission’s Report and Order in IB Docket No. 00-106, FCC 01-332,

released December 14, 2001. Caribbean Crossings respectfully submits that it is

qualified for such streamlined processing because it is not affiliated with any

dominant foreign or U.S. carrier, and does not seek authority to provide basic


switched services over private lines to a country for which the Commission has not

previously authorized the provision of switched services over private lines.


      In conclusion, Caribbean Crossings Ltd. certifies that all of the information in

this application is accurate and correct. For these reasons, Caribbean Crossings

respectfully requests that the Commission grant this application.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       CARIBBEAN CROSSINGS LTD.

                                              Anthony J. Butler
                                              President and Chief Operating Officer
                                              Caribbean Crossings Ltd.
                                              Robinson Road at Marathon
                                              P.O. Box CB-13050
                                              Nassau, Bahamas
                                              Phone: (242) 356-8960

May 6, 2009


                             CERTIFICATION OF
                         CARIBBEAN CROSSINGS LTD.

      I, Anthony J. Butler, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the

President and Chief Operating Officer of Cable Bahamas Ltd.           On its behalf, I

further certify that I have read the foregoing application and that the statements

contained therein, and in this certification, are true and correct.

      Interlocking Directorates: At present, Brendan Paddick, Maxwell

Parsons, Sandra Knowles, John Risley and Frank Watson – directors of Caribbean

Crossings – are also directors of Cable Bahamas Ltd. which holds a license issued

by the Bahamas Public Utilities Commission to provide public internet services and

by the Bahamas Television Regulatory Authority to provide cable television service.

Mr. Paddick is also a director of Trinity Communications Ltd., a wholly owned

subsidiary of Caribbean Crossings, which holds international operating authority

under Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended. See Public Notice,

Report No. TEL      00685, DA 03-2185, released July 3, 2003, File No. ITC-214-

20030515-00268 P.

Mr. Paddick is also a director of:

      Caribbean Crossings (Dominicana) Ltd., S.A.
      Fibralink Jamaica Ltd.
      Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited
      Columbus Communications (Trinidad) Ltd.
      New World Network de Colombia Limitada
      New World Network Dominicana C. por A
      New World Network de Nicaragua y Compañia Limitada
      New World Network Centroamérica, S.R.L
      Columbus Networks Netherlands Antilles, N.V.
      New World Network de Venezuela, S.A.
      New World Network Communicaciones de Panamá, S. de R.L., and


      Columbus Networks International (Trinidad) Ltd.

Mr. Parsons is also the director of:

      New World Network de Colombia Limitada
      New World Network Dominicana C. por A
      New World Network de Nicaragua y Compañia Limitada
      New World Network de Venezuela, S.A.
      New World Network Communicaciones de Panamá, S. de R.L., and
      Columbus Networks International (Trinidad) Ltd.

Messrs. Paddick, Parsons and Risley are Canadian citizens: Ms. Knowles and Mr.

Watson are Bahamian citizens.          Following the transactions set forth in this

application, Mr. Paddick and Mr. Risley will continue to serve as directors of Cable

Bahamas and its subsidiaries (Caribbean Crossings and Trinity).

      Foreign Affiliations: Caribbean Crossings hereby certifies that Columbus,

the 30.2% shareholder of Cable Bahamas, directly or indirectly controls the

following non-dominant foreign carriers:

      Affiliated Non-Dominant Foreign Carrier              Destination Country

      New World Network de Colombia Limitada               Colombia
      New World Network Dominicana C. por A                Dominican Republic
      Caribbean Crossings (Dominicana) Ltd., S.A           Dominican Republic
      New World Network de Nicaragua                       Nicaragua
            y Compañia Limitada
      New World Network Centroamérica, S.R.L               El Salvador
      New World Network Curacao, N.V.                      Curacao,      Netherland
      New World Network de Venezuela, S.A.                 Venezuela
      New World Network Communicaciones                    Panama
            de Panamá, S. de R.L.
      Fibralink Jamaica Ltd.                               Jamaica
      Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited              Jamaica
      Columbus Communications (Trinidad) Ltd.              Trinidad and Tobago
      Columbus Networks International (Trinidad) Ltd.      Trinidad and Tobago


Caribbean Crossings further states that, as a result of the transfer of control

contemplated by this filing, the aforementioned foreign affiliations will no longer

exist, and Caribbean Crossings will not acquire any new foreign affiliations as a

result of the transactions set forth in the instant application.

        Special Concessions: Caribbean Crossings certifies that it has not agreed

to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign or domestic

carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign or foreign

carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter

into such agreements in the future.

        Caribbean Crossings further certifies that it does not seek to provide

international telecommunications services to any destination country for which any

of the provisions of Section 63.18(j) is true.

        Caribbean Crossings further certifies that no party to this application has

been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of



      The undersigned respectfully certifies under penalty of perjury that he has

read the foregoing application and that the statements contained therein, and in

this certification, are true and correct.

                                            CARIBBEAN CROSSINGS LTD.

                                                  Anthony J. Butler
                                                  President and Chief Operating Officer
                                                  Caribbean Crossings Ltd.
                                                  Robinson Road at Marathon
                                                  P.O. Box CB-13050
                                                  Nassau, Bahamas
                                                  Phone: (242) 356-8960

May 6, 2009


                               CERTIFICATION OF
                              CABLE BAHAMAS LTD.

      I, Anthony J. Butler, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the

President and Chief Operating Officer of Cable Bahamas Ltd.           On its behalf, I

further certify that I have read the foregoing application and that the statements

contained therein, and in this certification, are true and correct.

                                        CABLE BAHAMAS LTD.

                                               Anthony J. Butler
                                               President and Chief Operating Officer
                                               Cable Bahamas Ltd.
                                               Robinson Road at Marathon
                                               P.O. Box CB-13050
                                               Nassau, Bahamas
                                               Phone: (242) 356-8960

May 6, 2009


                           CERTIFICATION OF
                      COLUMBUS COMMUNICATION LTD.

        I, Brendan J. Paddick, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the

Chief Executive Officer of Columbus Communications Ltd. On its behalf, I further

certify that I have read the foregoing application and that the statements contained

therein, and in this certification, are true and correct.

                                  COLUMBUS COMMUNICATIONS LTD.

                                         Brendan J. Paddick
                                         Chief Executive Officer
                                         6 Milton Street
                                         P.O. Box F-42498
                                         Freeport, Bahamas
                                         Phone: 242-350-8899
                                         FAX: 242-373-1336

May __, 2009
# 6287365_v1


Document Created: 2009-05-06 11:18:07
Document Modified: 2009-05-06 11:18:07

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